Why do I get compilation error when doing flatmap() call? - java-8

Let's say I have the following object:
public class DaylyData {
private Date date;
private List<Integer> numersList;
// standard getters/setters
public Map<Integer, Date> getIntToDate() {
Map<Integer, Date> resultMap = new HashMap<>();
for(Integer number : getNumersList()) {
resultMap.put(number, getDate());
return resultMap;
Now, let say I have a list of DaylyData: List<DaylyData> resultList.
What will be the result of the following:
resultList.stream().flatMap(entity -> entity.getIntToDate());
If I assign the result of that to Stream<Map<Integer, Date>>, I am getting Type mismatch: cannot convert from Map<Integer,Date> to Stream<? extends Map<Integer,Date>>.
Thanks in advance.

The flatMap method is a special case of a map and is used for flattening nested Stream, Optional, and other monadic tools.
In your case, you are not providing a function that returns a Stream so it can't be used as flatMap param.
Your function will work fine with the standard map(), though:
.map(entity -> entity.getIntToDate()); // no compilation errors
You could make your example work by wrapping the result in a Stream instance but this does not give you any advantage over the example above - it makes sense to do that only for educational purposes:
.flatMap(entity -> Stream.of(entity.getIntToDate())); // no compilation error
It's "daily" not "dayly".


Use Method that returns an Int inside a Stream

I have a simple method :
public int getPrice(String bookingName)
//return the price of a booking
I also have the class :
public class Booking
String name;
I want to group the bookings in a map(key = name of the booking, value = getPrice(bookingName)) so I did :
public TreeMap<String, Integer> bookingForName() {
return bookings.stream().
This doesnt' work it says :
Multiple markers at this line:
- The target type of this expression must be a functional interface
- The method getPrice(String) in the type Manager is not applicable for the arguments `(Booking::getName)`
How can I do?
Your getPrice() method takes a String, not a functional interface, so you can't call getPrice(Booking::getName), and even if you could, summingInt doesn't accept an int.
Collectors.summingInt(b -> getPrice(b.getName()))
Also note that Collectors.groupingBy returns a Map, not a TreeMap. If you must have a TreeMap, you should call a different variant of groupingBy.
public TreeMap<String, Integer> bookingForName() {
return bookings.stream()
Collectors.summingInt(b -> getPrice(b.getName()))));

Is there a way to print out the chain of all operations in a Flux?

Given a Flux or a Mono from project reactor is a there a way to get the Flux or Mono to print out what the operator chain looks like. For example given the code below.
Fulx flux = Flux.just("a","b","c")
.map( v -> v.toUpperCase())
Is there some way to get the flux to print out a list of all the operators that are chained inside in the processing pipeline? Some nice ascii formatted text or a marble diagram?
printTheFlux(flux) should make a nice printout that show the structure of all the operators from the example above. I am not expecting to produce the code in the lambda's just a way to see what operators are chained together.
There is partial building blocks for doing this with the Scannable interface:
public String textRepresentation(Flux<?> flux) {
Scannable sc = Scannable.from(flux);
//scan the last operator in the chain and ask if it knows its parents
List<String> names = sc.parents().map(Scannable::operatorName)
//as it traverses the chain from bottom to top, we need to reverse the order
//need to also add the last operator
return names.toString();
public void textRepresentationTest() {
Flux flux = Flux.just("a","b","c")
.map( v -> v.toUpperCase())
[map, log]
Not all operators fully support it though (as you can see, the just source doesn't for instance).
Nice suggestion!
However, waiting for it, we can just have something like :
Disposable flux = Flux.just("a", "b", "c")
Where FluxUtil::print is just a static method that you can write with different ways.
Here is the complete code works for me:
public class FluxUtil {
private static String s = "";
public static void main(String[] args) {
Disposable flux = Flux.just("a", "b", "c")
private static Object print(Object o) {
s = !s.isEmpty() ? s.concat("->") : s;
s = s.concat(o.toString());
return o;

Supplier <Stream> yields empty stream, but as a list, it's not empty

In my code, I have to iterate through a bunch of objectsof type T more than once. Since some objects may be quite large, I resorted to using a Supplier of Stream<T> instead of collecting them all in a list or set. The method is as follows:
private static Supplier<Stream<T>> streamSupplier(...) {
Iterator<T> iterator = ...;
Iterable<T> iterable = () -> iterator;
return () -> StreamSupport.stream(iterable.spliterator(), false);
and elsewhere in the code
Supplier<Stream<T>> supplier = streamSupplier(...);
List<T> ts = supplier.get().collect(Collectors.toList());
return ts.isEmpty(); // <-- true
The problem is that when I call the Supplier#get() method on the supplier returned by the above method, it is always empty. But when I changed my code to return a list, everything is working fine:
private static List<T> listSupplier(...) {
Iterator<T> iterator = ...;
Iterable<T> iterable = () -> iterator;
List<T> ts = Lists.newArrayList(iterable);
return ts; // <-- is populated correctly, NOT empty
I thought using a Supplier is the correct way to go if I want to use a stream repeatedly (so that I don't end up with a closed `Stream). What am I doing wrong?
You probably want to do something like this:
private static Supplier<Stream<T>> streamSupplier(...) {
return () -> {
Iterator<T> iterator = ...;
return StreamSupport.stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(iterator, 0), false);
This assumes that the line
Iterator<T> iterator = ...;
creates a fresh iterator each time, independently of any existing iterator.
Also note that you should adjust the way the Spliterator is created, for example, if the size is known, or if there are characteristics such as ordering that are important.
Finally, be very careful with doing
Iterable<T> iterable = () -> iterator;
This is close to being an anti-pattern. While it works in the type system -- calling the resulting Iterable's iterator() method will return an instance of Iterator -- it often won't work. The reason is that most code that uses Iterable instances assumes that it can call iterator() multiple times and get independent iterators. This doesn't do that; it captures the Iterator and returns the same Iterator instance each time. This will cause weird breakage similar to what you're seeing.
It looks like you are trying to create many streams from the same iterator.
Try this:
Iterable<Document> docIterable = () -> ...;
Where the ... is from Iterator<Document> docIterator = ...;
Also, why are you returning a Supplier<Stream<Document>> instead of just Stream<Document>?

String cannot be cast to an Iterable error?

So I'm attempting to go through a groovyObject's fields and obtain the property of that field. So this is what I got(sorry its a little rough so cleaning would be appreciated but not necessary, I'm also doing a little debugging and other stuff with the Log and what not.):
public void traverse(final GroovyObject groovy) throws RepositoryException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
Field[] theFields = groovy.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
final ArrayList<Field> fields = new ArrayList<Field>();
int count =0;
for(Field field : theFields)
LOG.error("{} = {}",field.getName(), groovy.getProperty(field.getName()));
//this is the guava tree traverser
TreeTraverser<GroovyObject> traverser = new TreeTraverser<GroovyObject>()
public Iterable<GroovyObject> children(GroovyObject root)
return (Iterable<GroovyObject>)root.getProperty(fields.get(0).getName());
//|-->Here I get the String cannot be cast to Iterable. Which I find odd since it is still an object just getProperty takes a string. right?
Thoughts on this? Thanks for the help!
GroovyObject.getProperty(String) retrieves the value of the given property. And if that value happens to be a String you cannot cast it to Iterable.
If you adjust your log statement, you can inspect the types of the fields:
LOG.error("{} of type {} = {}", field.getName(), field.getType(), groovy.getProperty(field.getName()));
So I figured it outl. Essentially what needs to happen is I need to make two iterators: one for the groovy objects and one for the property strings so the end goal looks like
Or something like that, I will update this when I figure it out.!
Once I make that I can go back in and think about making it more efficient

Dropwizard deserializing generic list from JerseyClient

I wanted to implement a generic class to use for caching results from a REST API in a local MongoDB-instance. For this to work, I need to deserialize a collection I get from JerseyClient:
Response response = this.source.request().get();
List<T> list = response.readEntity( new GenericType<List<T>>() {} );
// ... do stuff with the list
Let's say I'm using this piece of code in a context of T relating to a class Foo. The really weird thing is, after the readEntity call, list is not a List<Foo>, instead is a List<LinkedHashMap>. How is that even possible, when I've clearly declared the Generic T to be Foo?
What do I have to do to get a proper List<T>, i.e. List<Foo> instead?
Note: If I remove the generic, and use
List<Foo> list = response.readEntity( new GenericType<List<Foo>>() {} );
directly instead, it works fine, but I really need that generic to be there!
Java's most popular excuse for Generics: Type Erasure
If you can pass your class type as Class<T> clazz, then you can use this:
GenericType<List<T>> genericType = new GenericType<>(new ParameterizedType() {
public Type[] getActualTypeArguments() {
return new Type[]{clazz};
public Type getRawType() {
return List.class;
public Type getOwnerType() {
return null;
You can use
import sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects.ParameterizedTypeImpl;
import javax.ws.rs.core.GenericType;
GenericType<List<T>> genericType = new GenericType<>(
ParameterizedTypeImpl.make( List.class, new Type[]{classType}, null));
