GraphQL has multiple inheritance through Interface types and Realm has single inheritance. What are some scalable, general solutions to modeling Interfaces in Realm?
Additionally, here are two options I've explored for ideation. It would be helpful to know if the following two solutions seem reasonable, unreasonable, or have unlisted issues.
easy to sort by key path on Interface type
lots of merged Interfaces will lead to very sparse Realm Objects with lots not nils on most fields
confusing semantics where 1 object type really represents multiple types in which case requires an additional interface above realm object model to better manage behavior
Relationship based inheritance
E.g. psuedo-code of Realm object:
InterfaceType: RLMObject {
// Only 1 of these is not `nil`, that is the concrete type
subTypeA: SubTypeA?
subTypeB: SubTypeB?
subTypeC: SubTypeC?
SubTypeA: RLMObject { ... }
SubTypeB: RLMObject { ... }
SubTypeC: RLMObject { ... }
More readable
Less sparse nils
Sorting on a key on the Interface type is difficult
Can duplicate sort keys across Interface and subtypes, but may be challenging to keep keys that may mutate up to date across the parent and sub types
Could create a separate index on sort keys for sub types on the fly but implementation may be difficult
I need to implement CRUD operations on a data source which could be a physical table or logic (in-memory cache holds data after query multiple tables). Ideal choice for data source is table in db. But due to some reasons there is alternate implementation of having in-memory cache class mimic ideal implementation.
interface IEmp
There are 2 implementation :
Class Emp
Operates on Physical table in sqlite
Class EmpCache
Operates in-memory cache - aggregate data from multiple other tables
Based on performance or other non functional needs consumer of class may chose to switch to either of 2 options.
I am thinking to apply design pattern here so that not causing much rework.
I see 2 design patterns applicable here:
a. Strategy pattern -
There will be 2 separate implementations of an interface IEmp (as above).
Class EmpTable
IEmp table;
bool isInMemory;
based on isInMemory T/F table will switch underlying instance to 1 of above implementation {Emp or EmpCache}
b. Decorator pattern - another interface extends + encapsulate IEmp interface. And based on property change - it will act / delegate as appropriate
IEmpCache : IEmp
IEmp instance;
bool useCache;
EmpCache : IEmpCache
//cache logic
... // same for all other methods
I see approach b better, but mostly used when need to add/enhance already released functionality (class/interface), isn't it?
Which is better? Is there any other better pattern?
Definitely choice B is better.
If we first take a look at how the following patterns are classified. A decorator is a structural pattern and strategy is a behavioral pattern.
Decorator is a structural design pattern that lets you attach new behaviors to objects by placing these objects inside special wrapper objects that contain the behaviors.
Based on your question, you want to add new behavior to the existing object. Definition of the decorator is just like you describe your problem. Cache is the new behavior you want to add. I have used it in a similar problem and it usually works very well. It works well with a class that you can't change or with new features that could someday need caching.
Strategy is a behavioral design pattern that lets you define a family of algorithms, put each of them into a separate class, and make their objects interchangeable.
I haven't used strategy to cache data. According to the definition, I think it has a different purpose. It can be harder to implement with already released classes. The strategy has many use cases and for example, it can be better when you do some calculations that may change.
I have used the strategy pattern when working with the database but it was a case where I wanted to support many different complex queries. In that way, I could just implement queries with strategy pattern and pass that strategy to object that handle database connection.
While playing around with the new Java 8 Stream API I got to wondering, why not:
public interface Map<K,V> extends Function<K, V>
Or even:
public interface Map<K,V> extends Function<K, V>, Predicate<K>
It would be fairly easy to implement with default methods on the Map interface:
#Override default boolean test(K k) {
return containsKey(k);
#Override default V apply(K k) {
return get(k);
And it would allow for the use of a Map in a map method:
final MyMagicMap<String, Integer> map = new MyMagicHashMap<>();
map.put("A", 1);
map.put("B", 2);
map.put("C", 3);
map.put("D", 4);
final Stream<String> strings = String[]{"A", "B", "C", "D"});
final Stream<Integer> remapped =;
Or as a Predicate in a filter method.
I find that a significant proportion of my use cases for a Map are exactly that construct or a similar one - as a remapping/lookup Function.
So, why did the JDK designers not decide to add this functionality to the Map during the redesign for Java 8?
The JDK team was certainly aware of the mathematical relationship between java.util.Map as a data structure and java.util.function.Function as a mapping function. After all, Function was named Mapper in early JDK 8 prototype builds. And the stream operation that calls a function on each stream element is called
There was even a discussion about possibly renaming to something else like transform because of possible confusion between a transforming function and a Map data structure. (Sorry, can't find a link.) This proposal was rejected, with the rationale being the conceptual similarity (and that map for this purpose is in common usage).
The main question is, what would be gained if java.util.Map were a subtype of java.util.function.Function? There was some discussion in comments about whether subtyping implies an "is-a" relationship. Subtyping is less about "is-a" relationships of objects -- since we're talking about interfaces, not classes -- but it does imply substitutability. So if Map were a subtype of Function, one would be able to do this:
Map<K,V> m = ... ;;
Right away we're confronted with baking in the behavior of what is now Function.apply to one of the existing Map methods. Probably the only sensible one is Map.get, which returns null if the key isn't present. These semantics are, frankly, kind of lousy. Real applications are probably going to have to write their own methods that supply key-missing policy anyway, so there seems to be very little advantage of being able to write
instead of
map(x -> m.getOrDefault(x, def))
The question is “why should it extend Function?”
Your example of using doesn’t really justify the idea of changing the type inheritance (implying adding methods to the Map interface), given the little difference to And it’s not clear whether using a Map as a Function is really that common that it should get that special treatment compared to, e.g. using map::remove as a Function or using map::get of a Map<…,Integer> as ToIntFunction or map::get of a Map<T,T> as BinaryOperator.
That’s even more questionable in the case of a Predicate; should map::containsKey really get a special treatment compared to map::containsValue?
It’s also worth noting the type signature of the methods. Map.get has a functional signature of Object → V while you suggests that Map<K,V> should extend Function<K,V> which is understandable from a conceptional view of maps (or just by looking at the type), but it shows that there are two conflicting expectations, depending on whether you look at the method or at the type. The best solution is not to fix the functional type. Then you can assign map::get to either Function<Object,V> or Function<K,V> and everyone is happy…
Because a Map is not a Function. Inheritance is for A is a B relationships. Not for A can be the subject of various kinds of B relationships.
To have a function transforming a key to its value, you just need
Function<K, V> f = map::get;
To have a predicate testing if an object is contained in a map, you just need
Predicate<Object> p = map::contains;
That is both clearer and more readable than your proposal.
In many programming languages, fields and methods can be arranged freely, but the order impacts the readabilty of the code. Which ordering strategy do you apply?
Background: We (a group of researchers from the University of Trier) already looked at the code of different open source projects and tried to figure out what strategies are applied. But as you can imagine, it is hard to extract this information from the code. Now, we are interested in the concrete strategies you apply and want to share and discuss this information here. Please find further information on our project page.
private fields first
public fields (if any)
properties (if any, e.g. in C#) or simple Getter/Setter
public methods
private methods near to their appearance in public methods (in functional programming languages even inside public methods if possible)
Moreover I try to order each of these sections semantically or to their importance for the class. I really try to structure my code so that I can quickly gain an overview of everything important. However in very big classes I have my problems to follow my strategy and then I often use the outliner to get to fields or methods instead of looking for them by scrolling.
I need to store a lookup table as an instance member in one of my classes. The table will be initialized when the object is constructed. Each "row" will have 3 "columns":
StringKey (e.g., "car")
EnumKey (e.g., LookupKeys.Car)
Value (e.g, "Ths is a car.")
I want to pick the data structure that will yield the best performance for doing lookups either by the StringKey or the EnumKey.
It's kind of awkward having 2 keys for the same dictionary value. I've never encountered this before, so I'm wondering what the norm is for this type of thing.
I could make a Key/Value/Value structure instead of Key/Key/Value, but I'm wondering what type of performance impact that would have.
Am I thinking about this all wrong?
Well ... "Wrong" is a harsh way of putting it. I think that because the most common dictionary is "single key to value", and a lot of effort goes into providing efficient data structures for that (maps), it's often best to just use two of those, sharing the memory for the values if at all possible.
You have two hashmaps.
One from StringKey to value.
One from EnumKey to value.
You do not have to duplicate all the Value instances, those objects can be shared between the two hashmaps.
If it's a LOT of items, you might want to use two treemaps instead of two hashmaps. But the essential principle ("Share the Values") applies to both structures. One set of Values with two maps.
Is it really necessary to key into the same structure with both types of key? You probably don't need to rebuild a complex data structure yourself. You could do some sort of encapsulation for the lookup table so that you really have two lookup tables if memory is not an issue. You could use this encapsulating structure to simulate being able to pull out the value from the "same" structure with either type of key.
If there is some way to map between the enum value and the string key you could go that route with only having one type of lookup table.
LINQ's ILookup(TKey, TElement) interface may help. Assuming your Dictionary is something like:
Dictionary<carKey, carValue> cars;
You could use:
ILookUp<carValue, carKey> lookup = cars.ToLookup(x => x.Value, x => x.Key);
(...actually I think I might have slightly misread the question - but an ILookUp might still fit the bill, but the key/value set might need to be the key and the enum.)
If every value is guaranteed to be accessible by both types of keys, another idea would be to convert one type of key to another. For example:
public Value getValue(String key)
dictionary.get(key); // normal way
public Value getValue(Enum enumKey)
String realKey = toKey(enumKey);
getValue(realKey); // use String key
You could have your Enum implement a toKey() method that returns their String key, or maybe have another dictionary that maps Enum values to the String counterparts.
I'm building some repositories for an MVC application, and I'm trying to come up with the right way to divide responsibilities between repositories. In most cases, this is obvious. But there is one particular case where I'm not sure what the right answer is.
The users of this application need to track multiple types of time for their employees. For simplicity, let's consider only two. I'll call them "time cards" and "attendance." The exact nature of the difference between these two is not really important, but you should note that the end-users consider them entirely separate data. I think, though, that the reason they consider them entirely separate data is that they have never really had the opportunity to see them together in the past. Both types of records have almost entirely different business rules concerning editing the records, but they are also, generally speaking, both records of where an employee was at a particular time. Both types of time records have a great deal of properties in common, such as a total number of hours, and an employee for whom the time was collected. Both types also have a few properties which are completely unique to the individual type. We're keeping these "extra" properties in an instance of another type. So the general structure looks like this:
class TimeRecord
Person Employee { get; set; }
TimeSpan? Hours { get; set; }
class TimeCardData
TimeRecord Record { get; set; }
TProperty TimeCardProperty { get; set; }
class AttendanceData
TimeRecord Record { get; set; }
TProperty AttendanceProperty { get; set; }
So the question is, How many repositories are required here?
1 Repository
A design with only one repository would expose methods to return "time cards", "attendance" records, or both types in one list. This is fairly convenient for clients of the repository, but, to my mind, has a real danger of becoming a very fat class. I think that a repository for just "time cards" is already going to be one of the largest repositories in the system even without also handling "attendance" simply due to the complex business rules involved.
2 Repositories
Another design would have one repository for "time cards" and another repository for "attendance" records. This has the advantage that the business rules for, e.g., "time cards" are in a place by themselves. But I'd also like to have a way to get a list of all time records, regardless of type. It's not clear which repository to use for this case. Both?
3 Repositories
A design with one repository for "time cards", another repository for "attendance" records, and a third repository to deliver a read-only list of all time records is also a possibility. Like the 2 repository design, this has the advantage that the business rules for, e.g., "time cards" are in a place by themselves. It's now clear where to get the combined list. But I find it a bit weird that I could get the same record from two different repositories.
A hybrid approach would use a single repository, but move any business rules code (including selection of records) into separate types. In this example, a single "time record repository" would aggregate instances of business rule implementation classes for "time card" and "attendance" time. I think this is the approach I'm favoring right now.
Anything I've missed? Any compelling arguments for one design over the other?
Repositories are, at least not to my knowledge, a place for business rules. They are just a facade meant to mimic a collection; underneath they're basically pure data access (if that's they're job, you may not be persisting anything with a Repository as well). So separate repositories should not be considered for "business rules" reasons.
If your domain objects are really separate objects, then you should have separate repositories. Remember what a repository is: it's a facade. It mimics a collection to your domain. See here for a really good blog post on Repositories:
The repository is a facade; an abstraction.
That said... I do not think you have separate objects. You've got some issues here that have nothing to do with repositories and everything to do with the domain and the design of the domain. Are the two types of "timecards" actually two different things, or are they really the same?
You say, "But I find it a bit weird that I could get the same record from two different repositories."
That tells me that they are actually the same data, expressed in different ways. And there are ways to handle that.
If this is really the case, then what you have here is subclasses of a common base class (something that can be modeled in a DB pretty easy and handled elegantly with NHibernate, for instance).
I'll give you an example of a project I am working on. I have something called a "Broadcast". It's a base class; abstract. Can't be instantiated. I have two specific concrete types of this class: DeviceBroadcast and FileBroadcast. One streams audio/video from a device (like a DirectX capture card) and one streams audio/video from a file source (like an .mp3).
I have one repository that returns a Broadcast object. I can cast it to a FileBroadcast to manipulate specific information about a FileBroadcast, or I can cast to a DeviceBroadcast for the same reason - if it is of that type. A Broadcast cannot be both a FileBroadcast and DeviceBroadcast type. It has to be one or the other.
In the database I store the generic broadcast parameters in a Broadcast table, and then I store the file specific properties in a FileBroadcast table. Same goes for the DeviceBroadcast table; separate. When I query via the Repository, however, I just want Broadcasts. That's my root aggregate object and thus that's my repository.
The Broadcast base class has common methods that both subclasses use (like the GetCommand() method, which returns a specific command-line argument to launch a VLC process). Subclasses have to override and implement that method because it's abstract. In this way, the "business logic" that is unique to a FileBroadcast is contained in the FileBroadcast class. The "business logic" that is unique to a DeviceBroadcast is contained in the DeviceBroadcast class. Any logic that is common to both is contained in the superclass, Broadcast.
You seem to have a similiar situation here and that's why I am sharing my design. I think it might serve you well.
Above all, think about your domain and the data. If you are going to get duplicate data by way of separate repositories, then you need to give more thought to how you're designing the domain. Don't let the users dictate your domain design either. They know the domain from their perspective. All you have to do is be able to present the data to them in a way they understand. That doesn't mean you have to have a bad design; You can have a good design behind the scenes because your code is the thing that has to use the domain.