Can a file have localization on MacOS from a Xcode project - macos

What I mean is this: I am developing a course. I have 10 files that I want to provide to the user as free. Files that the user may use to follow the course. The problem is that the course is multi-language, so, suppose the files are musics.
So, when the user clicks a button, all these musics are copied from the bundle to a directory on the user's computer. That folder will open automatically and the user will see the files there but they will have the name I have assigned originally to them in one language. I want a file called "music1.mp3", for example, be seen by portuguese-speakers like "música1.mp3", for example.
OK, I know. I can copy the files to the directory them rename them on-the-fly to the correspondent language, getting their names from Localizable.strings but I wonder if there is a way to add localization internally to the files, so if the user drags them between computers with different languages they will show with a different name, according to the computer's default language, provided that I have localized for that language. My idea is, always appear in english, unless I have localized for that specific language.
I know apple does that for specific directories of MacOS, like Pictures, Movies, etc., that appear with another names if I change MacOS language.
Is there a way to do that? or will I have to use of renaming the whole thing after copying?

No, I don't think this is possible.
The localization of directory names like Library happens at the system level -- those directories are flagged as having localized names (by putting a hidden file named .localized in them!), and the system looks up the appropriate name in a system strings file.
As far as I'm aware, there is no supported way to add extra directory names to this localization table, nor is there any way to localize the name of a plain file.


Difference between Program Files and ProgramData?

How do I decide which of my application's files go in Program Files (FOLDERID_ProgramFilesX64) and which go in ProgramData? (FOLDERID_ProgramData)? I don't understand what the reason is for splitting up my application's fixed files into these two categories or how I should decide which file goes in what.
For example - image files which my application displays, are they "program" or "data"?
Is there any problem with just putting everything under one or the other?
The application is installed for All Users and has no user-specific configuration files or data.
Program Files is for executables and other static files that came as part of the installation. ProgramData is for user-agnostic data generated during execution such as shared cache, shared databases, shared settings, shared preferences, etc. User-specific data goes in the AppData folder. Note that these are for non-user-visible data. User-visible data belongs in the documents folder (or music, video, custom sibling folder, etc.).
Please see Special Folders and Custom Folders for a detailed explanation. Note that the terminology used varies slightly between the name used in the documentation here, the name of the folder, and the name used by various enumerations used to get these paths from the system.

Where do I store reports created by my application on OSX

My application stores logs in /Users/username/Library/Logs/appname and preferences in /Users/username/Library/Preferences/appname but where I should store the reports it creates.
Originally they were in Logs, but they are not really logs. I then thought about putting them in /Users/username/Library/Reports/appname but the Reports folder does not exist under Library and it seems bad practise to create additional folders at this level.
What is the correct mac-friendly way to do things ?
A good candidate would be your app's folder in ~/Library/Application Support/
You may need to create it, and you should really use the bundle identifier for your app as the folder name.
~/Library/Application Support/com.bundleIdentifier.something/
In there you can create whatever you need to to support your app.
File System Programming Guide
Important: The files in the user’s Documents and Desktop directories
should reflect only the documents that the user created and works with
directly. Similarly, the media directories should contain only the
user’s media files. Those directories must never be used to store data
files that your app creates and manages automatically. If you need a
place to store automatically generated files, use the Library
directory, which is designated specifically for that purpose. For
information on where to put files in the Library directory, see “The
Library Directory Stores App-Specific Files.”
Application Support Use this directory to store all app data files except those associated with the user’s documents. For example, you
might use this directory to store app-created data files,
configuration files, templates, or other fixed or modifiable resources
that are managed by the app. An app might use this directory to store
a modifiable copy of resources contained initially in the app’s
bundle. A game might use this directory to store new levels purchased
by the user and downloaded from a server. All content in this
directory should be placed in a custom subdirectory whose name is that
of your app’s bundle identifier or your company. In iOS, the contents
of this directory are backed up by iTunes.
As far as I figured, those are reports that are the end result of the app itself and are something the user needs to have access to.
Even more so, the reports are HTML (so a valid recognizable format)?
I think that constitutes them as documents.
I would put a folder in documents named after the app and put the reports there.
A lot of apps do that (Office comes to mind at the moment).

wxWidgets: Preferred way to name .po/.mo files: en/ or

My application is to be written using wxWidgets, but the question may be related to using gettext in general.
For the application named app, some sources suggest I sould create <lang>/ subdirectory, create the app.po file inside with the translation, and convert it to the distributed file in the subdir.
Another approach is to create app.pot (i.e. the template from the sources via xgettext), and to msginit and msgmerge it to the <lang>.po for the language.
For the first approach, more .mo files can be put inside the <lang>/ subdirectory. Also the wxLocale::AddCatalog() gets the domain name (where the domain can naturally be app, wxstd, etc.). On the other hand, the <lang>.po file name is descriptive on itself -- wherever it is located.
What are the pros and cons of the two approaches? Is there any text that explains the path to be chosen?
Thanks for your time and experience,
The Unix convention is to use for binary catalogs, see the contents of /usr/share/locale directory. Sometimes lang.po is however used for the source ones, as done in wxWidgets itself (see its locale subdirectory), but they're still installed into language-specific subdirectory using the app-dependent name.

Visual Studio Solution -- Any way to create a "special" folder?

Basically, I want one of my folders to appear above the other folders as a type of "special folder", similar to how Properties has it's own special place even though it's a folder, same with App_Data, etc.
Is this possible?
By default, Visual Studio doesn't support adding special project folders. The Properties folder is hard-coded to behave the way that it does.
However, anything is possible with code. You could build an extension to do this, but it wouldn't be simple. You'd probably need to mess around with the IVsHierarchy or even implement a project subtype.
Basically, I want one of my folders to
appear above the other folders as a
type of "special folder", similar to
how Properties has it's own special
place even though it's a folder, same
with App_Data, etc.
Is this possible?
Do it manually through the IDE
Write your own script to
generate/modify your *.sln/*.vcproj
For (1) "manual" on solutions in the IDE: Solution Explorer, right-click on Solution node==>Add==>New Solution Folder.
While typically the folders are sorted alphabetically (I'd insert a leading underscore to force your special folder to the top), solution folders inserted manually on my MSVS2008 leave the new folder "at the top", even though it should have bumped down when alphabetically sorted. However, folders under a Project (which are called "Filters") are always sorted alphabetically, and added similarly from the right-click, and then you can modify their "filter properties" with file name globs for what you want in there (e.g., add a filter glob for "*.MY_EXTENSION1;*.MY_EXTENSION2").
We chose (2), and we generate our own *.sln and *.vcproj, adding our own folders/filters. I've not seen any utilities on the web to help with that (so we had to write our own). The formats are not too hard to reverse engineer, but it's largely undocumented XML, so you have to experiment. There are only a couple good web articles explaining what's in the file, like this one:
On the "bright side", the files are only XML, so in developing our scripts we merely made changes through the IDE, saved, and compared the "diffs" for what change we want. Those changes are what our scripts insert when we modify our files. So, if you modify the file manually, you can similarly just "diff" the file to see what changed, and make your own script. (IMHO, this is the fastest and easiest route, since tools generally do not exist to manipulate these files.)
Tools like CMake and QMake generate *.vcproj/*.sln, but don't really do the folder customization thing like you're talking. However, we look at their output too, because, "there's more than one way to do things" in these files, and the files seem to have many undocumented features for doing different clever things that somehow these tools have "discovered" (so you can try to copy their generated output).
We found the .NET APIs to work with these files as too much work, and not really designed for that type of manipulation, but YMMV.
VS 2012 has a feature that I just found, and it solved this problem for me. It may not be new to VS.
Create a folder under the project with a leading "_" (to get it sorted first).
On the folder's properties set "Namespace Provider" to false.
VS (or ReSharper?) code analysis then does not complain that "the namespace does not match file location", which was the source of irritation for me that would otherwise have kept me from going this route.
Although there is no easy way to add Custom Folder, there is an easy way to "steal" Properties custom folder.
Add a regular folder to the project. For example MyCustomerFolder.
Open proj file xml. Find line
replace with
Reload the project.
Now you've got a custom folder, that will always stick to the top.

Is there a counterpart of Mac OS-X filesystem bundles on Windows?

What I need is a directory which the user can handle as a single file in the Windows explorer. Does something like this exist? If not, what comes closest?
The closest thing is probably Alternate Data Streams, although those are more akin to MacOS Named Forks than Bundles.
There are also some special cases, for example if you save a website with Internet Explorer you get an HTML file and a folder which are linked together.
Depends on your particular needs. As mentioned above, named streams are possible (on NTFS), however you should notice that not all applications copy files with named streams correctly. In some scenarios regular ZIP archives can work (Explorer shows them as folders). If you are doing software development, there exist libraries that let you store many files in one container file (eg. SolFS).
I think you can create a folder with an extension, e.g. Myfolder.bundle, then you can associate that extension with a custom icon. So it looks like a bundle as far as the end user is concerned.
