I have this command which will output 0, 1 or 2.
This line of code is part of a config file (zabbix), only reason for one-liner code.
mysql -u root -e "show slave status\G" | \
grep -E 'Slave_IO_Running:|Slave_SQL_Running:' | cut -f2 -d':' | \
sed "s/No/0/;s/Yes/1/" | awk '{ SUM += $1} END { print SUM }'
But I want it to output values to be like this so I can setup alert with correct status:
If only Slave_IO_Running is No then output 1.
If only Slave_SQL_Running is No then output 2.
If both are Yes then output 3.
If both are No then output 0.
If no lines/output from show slave status command then output 4.
So something like modify first entry of No with a unique value using sed or awk. And second entry with unique value and so on.
Output of show slave status\G
mysql> show slave status\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
Master_User: replicationslave
Master_Port: 3306
Connect_Retry: 60
Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.009081
Read_Master_Log_Pos: 856648307
Relay_Log_File: mysqld-relay-bin.002513
Relay_Log_Pos: 1431694
Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.009081
Slave_IO_Running: Yes
Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
You can do all the string processing here in awk:
mysql -u root -e "show slave status\G" | awk 'BEGIN {output=0} /Slave_IO_Running.*No/ {output+=1} /Slave_SQL_Running.*No/ {output +=2} END {if(output==3}{print 0} else {if(output==0} {print 3} else {print output}}'
This will start the output counter at 0, if we match Slave_IO_Running with No we'll add 1. If we match Slave_SQL_Running with No we'll add 2, then at the end we'll print the total, which will be 0 if neither are matched, 1 if only IO is No, 2 if only SQL is No and 3 if both are No. Since you want to print 0 if both are Yes we reverse our count at the end, if we got a 3 then both were "No" so print 0, otherwise if it was 0 print 3, else print its own value.
The following awk code could be compacted into a single line if you feel the urge to do that:
awk -F: -v ret=0 '
/Slave_IO_Running:.*No/ { ret=1 }
/Slave_IO_Running:.*Yes/ { yes++ }
/Slave_SQL_Running:.*No/ { ret=(ret==1) ? 0 : 2 }
/Slave_SQL_Running:.*Yes/ { yes++ }
END { print (yes==2) ? 3 : ret }
No grep or cut or sed is required, this takes the output of your mysql command directly. It also assumes that Slave_IO_Running will always appear before Slave_SQL_Running in the output of your command.
The notation in the third line and last line functions as an in-line "if" statement -- if the value of ret equals 1, set ret to 0; otherwise set ret to 2.
Whenever you have name to value pairs in your data it's usually clearest, simplest and easiest to enhance later to first create an array mapping the names to the values and then access the values by their names, e.g.:
awk '
{ f[$1]=$2 }
if (f["Slave_10_Running:"] == "Yes")
rslt = (f["Slave_SQL_Running:"] == "Yes" ? 3 : 2)
rslt = (f["Slave_SQL_Running:"] == "Yes" ? 1 : 0)
print rslt
' file
I have around 65000 products codes in a text file.I wanted to split those number in group of 999 each .Then-after want each 999 number with single quotes separated by comma.
Could you please suggest how I can achieve above scenario through Unix script.
Till 65000 productscodes
Need to arrange in below pattern:
With awk:
awk '
++c == 1 { out = "\047" $0 "\047"; next }
{ out = out ",\047" $0 "\047" }
c == 999 { print out; c = 0 }
END { if (c) print out }
' file
Or, with GNU sed:
sed "
ba" file
With Perl:
perl -ne '
sub pq { chomp; print "\x27$_\x27" } pq;
for (1 .. 998) {
if (defined($_ = <>)) {
print ",";
print "\n"
' < file
Credit for Mauke perl#libera.chat
65000 isn't that many lines for awk - just do it all in one shot :
mawk 'BEGIN { FS = RS; RS = "^$"; OFS = (_="\47")(",")_
} gsub(/^|[^0-9]*$/,_, $!(NF = NF))'
That's for grouping them all in one line. To make 999 ones, try
jot -r 50 10000000 99999999 |
# change "5" to "999" here
rs -C= 0 5 |
mawk 'sub(".*", "\47&\47", $!(NF -= _==$NF ))' FS== OFS='\47,\47'
_==$NF checks whether right most column is empty or not,
—- i.e. whether there's a trailing edge sep that needds to be trimmed
If your input file only contains short codes as shown in your example, you could use the following hack:
xargs -L 999 bash -c "printf \'%s\', \"\$#\"; echo" . <inputFile >outputFile
Alternatively, you can use this sed command:
sed -Ene"s/(.*)/'\1',/;H" -e{'0~999','$'}'{z;x;s/\n//g;p}' <inputFile >outputFile
s/(.*)/'\1',/ wraps each line in '...',
but does not print it (-n)
instead, H appends the modified line to the so called hold space; basically a helper variable storing a single string.
(This also adds a line break as a separator, but we remove that later).
Every 999 lines (0~999) and at the end of the input file ($) ...
... the hold space is then printed and cleared (z;x;...;p)
while deleting all delimiter-linebreaks (s/\n//g) mentioned earlier.
The following works well and captures all 2nd column values for S_nn. The goal is to add numbers in the 2nd column.
awk -F "," '/s_/ {cons = cons + $2} END {print cons}' G.csv
How can I change this to add only when nnn is between N1 and N2 e.g. s_23 and s_24?
Also is it possible to consider 1 if a line has junk instead of numbers in the 2nd column?
S_22, 1
S_23, 0
S_24, 1
S_25, 1
S_26, ?
Sample input: sum s_24 to s_26
Sample output: 1+1+1=3 (the last one is for error)
The solution is rather simple, all you need to do is perform a simple numeric test.
awk -v start=24 -v stop=26 '
BEGIN { FS="[_,]" }
(start <= $2 ) && ($2 <= stop) { s = s + (($3==$3+0)?$3:1) }
END{ print s+0 }' <file>
which outputs
How does it work:
line 1 : defines the start and stop fields
BEGIN statement redefines the field separator as a _ or a ,, so now we have 3 fields.
the second line checks if field 2 (the number) is between start and stop, if so perform the sum.
the field 3 is checked if it is a number by testing the condition $3==$3+0, if this fails, it is assumed to be 1
If you want to see the numbers printed, you can do :
awk -v start=24 -v stop=26 '
BEGIN{ FS="[_,]" }
(start <= $2 ) && ($2 <= stop) {
v = ($3==$3+0)?$3:1
s = s + v
printf "%s%d", (c++?"+":""), v
END{ printf "=%d\n", s }' <file>
output :
The printf statement always prints "+"$3 except on the first time. This is checked by keeping track of a counter c. By default the value of c is set to zero. The entry (c++?"+":"") determines if we are printing the first entry or not. c++ will return the value of c and afterwards sets c to the value c+1, This is called a post increment operator. Thus, the first time, c=0 and (c++?"+":"") returns "" and sets c to 1. The second time, (c++?"+":"") returns "+" and sets c to 2.
ok so i have some code that need help
Using AWK scan file and extract the lines that have activity for the IP address
Print out 3 lines of output
a) date/time first activity on the IP address was detected
b) date/time last activity on the IP address was detected
c) Total number of events detected on the IP address
Based on what you've said so far, something like this might work for you:
# find all lines containing the IP
grep -F FILE > tmp
head -n1 tmp # print first such line
tail -n1 tmp # print last such line
wc -l tmp # count the number of such lines
If you must use awk, here is one way:
# invoke as:
# awk -f this_file.awk FILE
count = 0
/192\.168\.122\.1/ {
if (count == 0) {
print $0 # print the first line containing the IP
last = $0 # in case the first line also happends to be the last
count = 1
} else {
count += 1 # record that another line contained the IP
last = $0 # remember this line in case it ends up being the last
if (count > 0) {
print last # print the last line containing the IP
print count
I am trying to use bc in an awk script. In the code below, I am trying to convert hexadecimal number to binary and store it in a variable.
#!/bin/awk -f
binary_vector = $(bc <<< "ibase=16;obase=2;FF")
Where do I go wrong?
Not saying it's a good idea but:
$ awk 'BEGIN {
cmd = "bc <<< \"ibase=16;obase=2;FF\""
rslt = ((cmd | getline line) > 0 ? line : -1)
print rslt
Also see http://gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/gawk.html#Bitwise-Functions and http://gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/gawk.html#Nondecimal-Data
The following one-liner Awk script should do what you want:
awk -vVAR=$(read -p "Enter number: " -u 0 num; echo $num) \
'BEGIN{system("echo \"ibase=16;obase=2;"VAR"\"|bc");}'
-vVAR Passes the variable VAR into Awk
-vVAR=$(read -p ... ) Sets the variable VAR from the
shell to the user input.
system("echo ... |bc") Uses the Awk system built in command to execute the shell commands. Notice how the quoting stops at the variable VAR and then continues just after it, thats so that Awk interprets VAR as an Awk variable and not as part of the string put into the system call.
Update - to use it in an Awk variable:
awk -vVAR=$(read -p "Enter number: " -u 0 num; echo $num) \
'BEGIN{s="echo \"ibase=16;obase=2;"VAR"\"|bc"; s | getline awk_var;\
close(s); print awk_var}'
s | getline awk_var will put the output of the command s into the Awk variable awk_var. Note the string is built before sending it to getline - if not (unless you parenthesize the string concatenation) Awk will try to send it to getline in separate pieces %s VAR %s.
The close(s) closes the pipe - although for bc it doesn't matter and Awk automatically closes pipes upon exit - if you put this into a more elaborate Awk script it is best to explicitly close the pipe. According to the Awk documentation some commands such as mail will wait on the pipe to close prior to completion.
By the way you wrote your example, it looks like you want to convert an awk record ( line ) into an associative array. Here's an awk executable script that allows that by running the bc command over values in a split type array:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# initialize the a array
cnt = split($0, a, FS)
if( convertArrayBase(10, 2, a, cnt) > -1 ) {
# use the array here
for(i=1; i<=cnt; i++) {
print a[i]
# Destructively updates input array, converting numbers from ibase to obase
# #ibase: ibase value for bc
# #obase: obase value for bc
# #a: a split() type associative array where keys are numeric
# #cnt: size of a ( number of fields )
# #return: -1 if there's a getline error, else cnt
function convertArrayBase(ibase, obase, a, cnt, i, b, cmd) {
cmd = sprintf("echo \"ibase=%d;obase=%d", ibase, obase)
for(i=1; i<=cnt; i++ ) {
cmd = cmd ";" a[i]
cmd = cmd "\" | bc"
i = 0 # reset i
while( (cmd | getline b) > 0 ) {
a[++i] = b
close( cmd )
return i==cnt ? cnt : -1
When used with an input of:
1 2 3
4 s 1234567
this script outputs the following:
The convertArrayBase function operates on split type arrays. So you have to initialize the input array (a here) with the full row (as shown) or a field's subflds(not shown) before calling the it. It destructively updates the array.
You could instead call bc directly with some helper files to get similar output. I didn't find that bc supported - ( stdin as a file name ) so
it's a little more than I'd like.
Making a start_cmds file like this:
and a quit_cmd like:
Given an input file (called data.semi) where the data is separated by a ;, like this:
you can run bc like:
$ bc -q start_cmds data.semi quit_cmd
which is the same data that the awk script is outputting, but only calling bc a single time with all of the inputs. Now, while that data isn't in an awk associative array in a script, the bc output could be written as stdin input to awk and reassembed into an array like:
bc -q start_cmds data.semi quit_cmd | awk 'FNR==NR {a[FNR]=$1; next} END { for( k in a ) print k, a[k] }' -
1 1
2 10
3 11
4 100
5 0
6 100101101011010000111
where the final dash is telling awk to treat stdin as an input file and lets you add other files later for processing.
Okay, I have two files: one is baseline and the other is a generated report. I have to validate a specific string in both the files match, it is not just a single word see example below:
name os ksd
some text..................
some text..................
My search criteria here is to find unique number such as "56633223223" and retrieve above 1 line and below 3 lines, i can do that on both the basefile and the report, and then compare if they match. In whole i need shell script for this.
Since the strings above and below are unique but the line count varies, I had put it in a file called "actlist":
56633223223 1 5
56633223224 1 6
56633223225 1 3
Now from below "Rcount" I get how many iterations to be performed, and in each iteration i have to get ith row and see if the word count is 3, if it is then take those values into variable form and use something like this
I'm stuck at the below, which command to be used. I'm thinking of using AWK but if there is anything better please advise. Here's some pseudo-code showing what I'm trying to do:
Rcount=`wc -l $xxxxx | awk -F " " '{print $1}'`
while ((i <= Rcount))
record=_________________'(Awk command to retrieve ith(1st) record (of $xxxx),
wcount=_________________'(Awk command to count the number of words in $record)
(( i=i+1 ))
Note: record, wcount values are later printed to a log file.
Sounds like you're looking for something like this:
while read -r word1 word2 word3 junk; do
if [[ -n "$word1" && -n "$word2" && -n "$word3" && -z "$junk" ]]; then
echo "all good"
echo "error"
done < /root/shravan/actlist
This will go through each line of your input file, assigning the three columns to word1, word2 and word3. The -n tests that read hasn't assigned an empty value to each variable. The -z checks that there are only three columns, so $junk is empty.
I PROMISE you you are going about this all wrong. To find words in file1 and search for those words in file2 and file3 is just:
awk '
NR==FNR{ for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) words[$i]; next }
{ for (word in words) if ($0 ~ word) print FILENAME, word }
' file1 file2 file3
or similar (assuming a simple grep -f file1 file2 file3 isn't adequate). It DOES NOT involve shell loops to call awk to pull out strings to save in shell variables to pass to other shell commands, etc, etc.
So far all you're doing is asking us to help you implement part of what you think is the solution to your problem, but we're struggling to do that because what you're asking for doesn't make sense as part of any kind of reasonable solution to what it sounds like your problem is so it's hard to suggest anything sensible.
If you tells us what you are trying to do AS A WHOLE with sample input and expected output for your whole process then we can help you.
We don't seem to be getting anywhere so let's try a stab at the kind of solution I think you might want and then take it from there.
Look at these 2 files "old" and "new" side by side (line numbers added by the cat -n):
$ paste old new | cat -n
1 a b
2 b 56633223223
3 56633223223 c
4 c d
5 d h
6 e 56633223225
7 f i
8 g Z
9 h k
10 56633223225 l
11 i
12 j
13 k
14 l
Now lets take this "actlist":
$ cat actlist
56633223223 1 2
56633223225 1 3
and run this awk command on all 3 of the above files (yes, I know it could be briefer, more efficient, etc. but favoring simplicity and clarity for now):
$ cat tst.awk
numPre[$1] = $2
numSuc[$1] = $3
oldLine[FNR] = $0
if ($0 in numPre) {
oldHitFnr[$0] = FNR
newLine[FNR] = $0
if ($0 in numPre) {
newHitFnr[$0] = FNR
for (str in numPre) {
if ( str in oldHitFnr ) {
if ( str in newHitFnr ) {
for (i=-numPre[str]; i<=numSuc[str]; i++) {
oldFnr = oldHitFnr[str] + i
newFnr = newHitFnr[str] + i
if (oldLine[oldFnr] != newLine[newFnr]) {
print str, "mismatch at old line", oldFnr, "new line", newFnr
print "\t" oldLine[oldFnr], "vs", newLine[newFnr]
else {
print str, "is present in old file but not new file"
else if (str in newHitFnr) {
print str, "is present in new file but not old file"
$ awk -f tst.awk actlist old new
56633223225 mismatch at old line 12 new line 8
j vs Z
It's outputing that result because the 2nd line after 56633223225 is j in file "old" but Z in file "new" and the file "actlist" said the 2 files had to be common from one line before until 3 lines after that pattern.
Is that what you're trying to do? The above uses GNU awk for ARGIND but the workaround is trivial for other awks.
Use the below code:
awk '{if (NF == 3) { word1=$1; word2=$2; word3=$3; print "Words are:" word1, word2, word3} else {print "Line", NR, "is having", NF, "Words" }}' filename.txt
I have given the solution as per the requirement.
awk '{ # awk starts from here and read a file line by line
if (NF == 3) # It will check if current line is having 3 fields. NF represents number of fields in current line
{ word1=$1; # If current line is having exact 3 fields then 1st field will be assigned to word1 variable
word2=$2; # 2nd field will be assigned to word2 variable
word3=$3; # 3rd field will be assigned to word3 variable
print word1, word2, word3} # It will print all 3 fields
}' filename.txt >> output.txt # THese 3 fields will be redirected to a file which can be used for further processing.
This is as per the requirement, but there are many other ways of doing this but it was asked using awk.