Need info on oracle driver compatibility - oracle

I am a newbie to oracle database, could anyone please help me here.
I can not find drivers for oracle 9.2 so i used oracle 10g instead. i am also able to connect to database but when i am querying; i am not getting any results. (I am using Powerbuilder 12.6 for development)
Apparently i would like to know compatibility of oracle drivers. Does Oracle 10g drivers supports oracle 9i ?
I tried oracle website and documentations but nothing helped me.

The PowerBuilder drivers communicate with Oracle Client, not the server. Your choices for PowerBuilder drivers are O90 (Oracle 9i), O10 (Oracle 10g), and ORA (Oracle 11g).
The Oracle Client and the Oracle database server wouldn't have to match but your application will be restricted to use features supported by the client and server.


Oracle client compatibility

I have been looking at the Oracle documentation but I only fount it for Oracle Client 11.
Are the newer versions of Oracle backward compatibility?
I want to install the Oracle Client 21 to retrieve data from a 11g Oracle Server but also for other versions.

Oracle InProc server 5.0 Type Library in oracle 12c

I have a .net application which uses Oracle InProc server 5.0 Type Library(OracleInProcServer.dll) to connect with oracle database. Until now we were using Oracle 11g client but now we have to upgrade to Oracle 12c. I am not getting the OracleInProcServer.dll in COM components. Is it deprecated? If yes then what is the best alternative of this with minimum code changes in application. Please advice.
OO4O has been deprecated in 12c so we longer ship it. But it will still work fine - you just need to download the components, which are in ODAC.
Download that here

Oracle 11g Backward compatibility with older oracle releases

Our organization is planning to upgrade its most of the oracle servers & clients to 11g Release 2.
But one of our client system is still using oracle 8i installation.
Can we able to access the objects of Oracle 8i from oracle 11g client?
Some blogs says that it should work and other say it won't.
Can anybody faced any issue with such configuration.
One of the senior dba told us that oracle only supports backward compatibility of 2 versions earlier to current version. Assuming this fact we shouldn't been able to access database objects running on oracle version 8.
Kindly help.
Thanks in advance.
We had to revert to Oracle 10 client (10.1, I believe) in order to connect to an Oracle 8 database. If there is a way to do it using 11.2, I'd like to be schooled.
EDIT: 10.2 will work. Here's the official word:
"Access to an Oracle Database Server (Oracle8i Release 3 or later)"
And as of 11.1, you're out of luck:
"Access to an Oracle Database Server (Oracle9i Release 2 or later)"
Oracle doesn't even list version 8 in any compatibility tables on their web site. We verified that current (11g R2) JDBC drivers from Oracle do not work with Oracle 8 database sources. It means that it is not possible to access Oracle 8 databases from the latest version of Oracle SQL Developer because it is using JDBC driver.
While there is a slim chance to be able to access Oracle 8 from some other Oracle 11g client, I would not bet my business on that.
Check out MyOracleSupport
Subject: Client / Server / Interoperability Support Between Different Oracle Versions
Doc ID: 207303.1
It won't go directly.

Can Oracle forms 11g connect to DB2 or SQL Server?

I just want to know whether Oracle forms 11g supports other databases like DB2, SQL Server etc.
Also does Oracle forms 11g supports Oracle database 9i or 10g apart from 11g?
According to the Oracle middleware certification spreadsheet (once you have opened the spreadsheet, click "Current System (Server and Client) Certification" and then search for Oracle Forms) you will see that Oracle Forms is certified against the following database versions:
Oracle Forms may work with earlier versions than what have been listed but if you run into problems you won't be able to get support from Oracle.
Oracle Forms 11g can be used against non-oracle datasources. To get started look in the Forms help, Google, and the Oracle Forms forum on OTN for transactional triggers.
However my personal opinion is whilst Oracle Forms is a great tool with Oracle Database you should seriously think about whether it is the right tool for working with other datasources.

SQL*Plus 8.0600 crashes at the trial of connect to Oracle 10g (10.2040)

Background: Oracle Forms - DB migration; 6i to 10g
Hi everyone!
Customer situation:
We want to attemp a DB connection with SQLPlus 8 to a Oracle 10g DB (standard installation). Unfortunately SQLPlus always crashes without any error message.
We tried the same scenario with our systems - there was no problem.
Now we are confused. Where should we look first to solve the problem? I have no idea.
Perhaps someone of you..
Thanks in advance,
Don't use SQL*Plus 8.0.6.
There's a limit on the compatibility and 10g doesn't accept connections from clients that old.
There's a metalink note (207303.1) and 8.0.6 was only supported for connections up to 9iR2
If you can get an 8.1.7 client, that was supported for connecting to servers from Oracle8 to 10gR2. If you just need to connect to a 10gR2 database, go with an instant client
People have got Forms 6i working against Oracle 10g.
It does need the latest patchset (17 or 18, I believe) for Forms 6i
There are also restrictions regarding the character set for the 10g database (can't be AL32UTF8 - metalink note 236231.1).
