Free Flex Drag and Drop IDE - user-interface

Does anyone know if there are any free IDE's for Flex Development that allow you to drag and drop components from a toolbox?
I have tried to download Tofino created by Ensemble but this product does not feature on their product list anymore.
I have also tried to download Amethyst 2 by Saffire Software from their website but all links for any of the three different visual studio versions don't seem to work.
Can someone please provide an alternative download link for these products or suggest some different products.

You should try posting this on StackExchange Software Recommendations.


How to use PowerPoint templates as theme in Data Studio?

I want to create a dashboard on Google Data Studio using a template provided by my organization but I can't find any helpful resource to do that so I'm tempted to think that's not even possible. I tried to use "Extract theme for image" option in GDS but didn't work properly since it just tries to emulate the colors from the image and not the template itself.
Any advice or suggestion will be much appreciated.
Unfortunately, there is no way to achieve this.
Although last versions of Google Data Studio contains resources to allow it to present dashboards as it were a presentation software, I don't think it is intended to offer advanced resources for this task, neighter make it compatible with other presentation softwares (especially if you're talking about third party software, as Microsoft PowerPoint).
The best you can do is to create your own dashboard, and try to mimic your company's provided template.
you could also use an image as theme, it will at least uses the colors of you company as you can see in the image below.
And that's unfortunally what you can do with it, and for powerpoint themes, you could also use Microsoft Power bi which is way more advanced that Google Data studio

How to use Dynamics 365 Developer Toolkit

I installed Latest Version of Developer Toolkit for vs2015 and after that when i use toolkit to connect to CRM, after click on connect button it does not do anything. no error, no success action,
i delete every Cache data and every Temp data and Clear my solution but nothing change,
do you have any idea? help me please because i want to develop custom workflow step and develop plugins with this toolkit.
As far as I know, Microsoft's Developer's Toolkit has been dormant for quite some time.
Current options are:
Jason Lattimer's Developer Extensions
Which is also on GitHub.
Or the commercial add-on XrmToolkit, which has a 30-day free trial.
If you go with Jason's solution and you're looking to do early bound development you might want to also look into XrmToolbox's Early Bound Generator by Daryl LaBar.
The XrmToolkit includes its own proprietary proxy class generator.

Visio 2016 - Creating a Site Map

I've used Visio for many years now and having just installed Visio 2016 Professional, I tried to create a sitemap in the normal way but couldn't find the option to specify a URL/address to use - the wizard isn't automatically invoked, etc. It's definitely the "Professional" edition so the option should be available unless Microsoft have "streamlined" the product still further.
Does anyone know how to access/enable this feature or if it's even included any more?
The online help is utterly useless and I can only find one relevant article via Google which, unfortunately, doesn't provide a solution.
Thanks for looking :)
For anyone with the same issue, downloading and installing the Visio 2016 SDK was the solution. Now, when I select "Web Site Map", under "Software", the wizard automatically runs and I'm able to enter a URL and generate a sitemap.

Am I able to use foundation without knowing much about Magento? Website is currently running magento version2.0

I have a programming background Microsoft. I have been asked to take over the website at work (multi million dollar business using Magento2 Enterprise). I know php and JavaScript and I am familiar with JQuery and various plug-ins. However I know nothing about Magneto. Am I able to edit the visual layout of the website (that is currently using foundation framework) without knowing much about Magneto? OR do I need to learn to use/program Magneto before I can edit the visual look of our webs-site?
Yes - you can change colours and various CSS styles without knowing much about Magento, but if you want to start changing the templates (HTML) or the way the framework functions, you'll need to learn.

What Software Do You Use To Create Sitemaps / Site Structure For Large Sites?

Just wondering what software you use to create a visual sitemap / site structure representation before you start big sites?
I am looking to map out a large site, but cannot find any good software to help me map the site visually (And in pages/categories)..
Maybe SketchFlow ? which is included in the Expression Blend Trial
I strongly suggest taking a look at this tool:
The Balsamiq tool is the best for doing mockups (i assume this is what you are referring too when talking about sitemaps before you start...). With this software you can quickly generate a working wireframe of what ever you are creating. So much functionality that you can actually share it with your client to get some good sign offs prior to typing the first bit of code.
Very powerful!
And the other one...just shown at the last MIX09 is SketchFlow. Couldn't remember it to save my life. This is a WAY COOL tool for site maps and UI mock up. I was trying to find you the actual MIX presentation as it is super cool to watch. But here are some YouTube videos of that presentation from a user perspective I guess.
Check it out!
update...found the SketchFlow video!!!
Great keynote from there too:
I know this is an old question, but for others who find this via search, I personally love mocking my websites up with mind mapping tools. I've tried several but my favorite was MindNode for Mac and Xmind for Windows.
XMind free download:
MindNode free download:
I've also tried MindMeister which works just as well as other mind mapping tools and is hosted for you so you can access your mind maps anywhere. However, MindMeister only allows you three maps (currently) without upgrading to a paid subscription.
Another that I've worked with is which is great for mocking up websites with all their features and buttons and even making clickable navigation. They have a free version, but again it's very limited without upgrading to a paid version.
I'm using Slickplan. This cloud based app allows me to have access to my projects from different machines regardless of their operating systems. All I need is one of the leading web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
With Slickplan you can create visual sitemaps from scratch or you can use Site Crawler to import your existing website to visualize and reorganize its structure.
Of course you can always export your projects to the XML format, and use the exported file to create pages and menu systems inside some popular content management system - Slickplan provides plugins for WordPress, Joomla, concrete5 and a few more.
