Calling call() on a function in Ruby - ruby

I have code as follows:
def sum(a, b)
a + b
puts 2, 3
I get an error like:
wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 2) (ArgumentError)
How can I call a function?
I want to have a function able to call other one with certain arguments. I've written the code like below but the same error is still displayed.
def sum(a, b)
a + b
def kall(func, *args)
send(func, *args)
puts kall(sum, 2, 3)

In order to invoke the function sum, just delete the .call call:
def sum(a, b)
a + b
sum(1, 2)
# => 3
Other way to call the method is doing:
send(:sum, 1, 2)
Which invokes the method sum on the current context/object with the list of arguments (1, 2).

One more way to call a method is:
method(:sum).call(2, 3)
#=> 5

sum is not a function, it is a method. Methods belong to objects, they aren't objects. Ruby is an object-oriented language, which means you can only store objects in variables, only pass objects as arguments (with the slightly odd exception of blocks), only return objects from methods and only send messages to objects.
You cannot send a message to the sum method, because you can only send messages to objects, and methods aren't objects.
And even if it were possible to send messages to methods, there would still be an ambiguity in your code: Ruby allows you to leave out the argument list to a message send if you don't pass any arguments, therefore
is a valid message send and is (somewhat) equivalent (modulo privacy) to
So, even if it were possible to send messages to methods, Ruby would still think that you try to send the sum message without an argument list.
So, since the problem is that we need an object, there are two things we can do. Firstly, we can use an object to begin with.
You used the term "function" in your question. Well, Ruby doesn't have functions, but it has something close to it: Procs. One solution would be to use a Proc instead of a method:
sum = -> (a, b) { a + b }
sum.(2, 3)
#=> 5
The other solution would be to obtain an object for the method. Ruby's Reflection System has a class called Method which responds to call, instances of which are reflective proxies for methods. You can obtain a Method object by sending the Object#method message to an object, e.g.:
sum = method(:sum)
sum.(2, 3)
#=> 5

You don't need to do .call or anything like that. If the function has no parameters, simply just type the name of the function. And if the function does have parameters, just do myFunction(param1, param2).
def hello
puts 'Hello, World!'
def output(string)
puts string
# Both of these do the same thing:
# Doing that with stdout won't work though. It expects one argument, string
output('You can do it with parenthesis')
output 'You can also do it without'


Forwarding/delegating 2 arguments in ruby

class MyClass
extend Forwardable
def_delegators :#broker, :add
def subscribe_in_broker
In this example #subscribers is a Hash and #broker.add takes two arguments: def broker(k,v).
This causes ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)
Is there a way to use Forwardable or a similar solution without this problem? How can I easily delegate an Array with 2 elements to a method which takes two arguments? What would be the equivalent of writing:
def subscribe_in_broker{|k,v| add(k,v) }
but using delegation?
It might seem like the block is receiving 2 arguments, but it is actually receiving only a single argument (a 2-element array). Ruby is interpreting the |x, y| as if it was |(x, y)|. The parentheses (which can be omitted here) destructure the single argument into its two pieces.
When you use a & with a method, it also only gets only 1 argument, and if you want to destructure it, you have to be explicit by using a set of parentheses around x and y:
def add((x,y))
To be clear, this is a single-argument method that expects the argument to be an array. For example, you call it like this: add([1, 2])
Note: this has nothing to do with delegation, just the fact that Ruby assumes you intend to destructure in one place, while not in another.
It is possible to yield more than one argument to a block (or a method turned into a proc with '&'), but that is not what map does.
It's not obvious to me why { |x,y| add(x, y) } is not adequate for your purposes. To work around that, you'd need to define your own map function that yields 2 arguments instead of 1, and that seems like overkill for this.

List of methods: the methods are called always

How can I make a list of methods without running it and using it latter?
For example
def somedef
a = [system("echo 'hello'"), 1, somedef]
After you type a=[system("echo 'hello'"), 1, somedef] you get hello and the result of somedef method. But I want to for example concatenate lists with methods within.
Use a proc
a = [ {system("echo 'hello'")}, {1},{somedef}]
Whenever you have to execute the methods execute the call method of the proc.
a[0].call #Output: hello
a[1].call #Output: 1
In Ruby, you can leave out the parentheses when calling a method. (I am quite surprised that you have never seen this before, as it is indeed quite common to do so.) Ergo, what you are doing is simply calling the methods.
If you want to get a reference to the method as an object, you can call the method method, which returns a Method object:
a = [system("echo 'hello'"), 1, method(:somedef)]
Using method():
def hello
system("echo 'hello'")
=> nil
a = [method(:hello), 1]
=> [#<Method: Object#hello>, 1]
=> true
Depending on what your needs are you can also just save symbols and then send them to the appropriate object when necessary. For example:
def some_def
a = [:some_def]
It's just an alternative to the other good answers on this page. It's a weak contract (you have to know that the object you are sending this messages to will respond to them) but it may be enough for some scenarios.

Why does this block not run when it is stored in a proc?

I'm learning ruby and trying to get a better understanding of Blocks, Yield, Procs and Methods and I stumbled upon this example on using yield.
def calculation(a, b)
yield(a, b)
x = calculation(5,6) do|a,b|
a + b
puts "#{x}"
From what I understand Procs are object that holds a pointer to Blocks. And Blocks need a method to work in the first place. Also, from the way yield is used, I assume yield jumps to the block immediately after the method call.
I assume the code runs this way: calculation(5,6) calls the method calculation(). when the yield instruction executes, a and b are passed to the block after calculation(5,6). To experement and get a better understand I tried doing this.
def calculation(a, b)
yield(a, b)
ankh = do |a,b|
a + b
x = calculation(5,6) *ankh
The error says that no block is given to calculation(). But aren't we giving calculation(5,6) the block ankh? Hopefully my question isn't too confusing.
You have a syntax error in the line x = calculation(5,6) *ankh. To pass a method as a block, you use the &-operator.
x = calculation(5,6,&ankh)
First off: what you wrote doesn't make any sense. Think about it: what does
calculation(5, 6) * ankh
mean? Or, more abstractly, what does
foo * bar
mean? Does 2 * 3 really mean "call 2 and pass 3 as a block"?
The error says that no block is given to calculation(). But aren't we giving calculation(5,6) the block ankh?
No, ankh is not a block, it's a Proc. A block is a purely syntactic construct. Most importantly, a block is not an object, so you simply cannot store it in a variable at all. You also cannot pass it as a normal argument to a method, you have to pass it as a separate "special" block argument. Blocks do not exist independent from method calls.
There is, however, a way of "converting" a Proc into a block: the & ampersand unary prefix operator:
x = calculation(5, 6, &ankh)
# => 11
This tells Ruby to take the Proc ankh and turn it into a block. In fact, this mechanism is much more general than that, because you can even pass an object which is not a Proc and Ruby will first call to_proc on that object to allow it to convert itself to a Proc.
For example, Method implements to_proc, so you can pass Methods as blocks:
def ankh(a, b) a + b end
x = calculation(5, 6, &method(:ankh))
# => 11
Also, Symbol implements to_proc:
x = calculation(5, 6, &:+)
# => 11
Lastly, Hash implements to_proc as well.
And, of course, you can write your own objects that implement to_proc:
def (ankh =
-> *args { "I was called with arguments #{args.inspect}!" }
x = calculation(5, 6, &ankh)
# => 'I was called with arguments [5, 6]!'

Ruby - writing a method without a "parameter"

For example, the array class has a method named ".sort" that you call on an array with the following syntax:
[2, 3, 4, 1].sort
From my limited knowledge, I only know how to write methods that take an actual parameter:
def sort(array)
and are called as such:
sort([2, 3, 4, 1])
How would you go about setting up a method that can be called with the dot notation (please correct me if I'm wrong) syntax?
*To clarify, I'm trying to add a method into the existing class Array that can remove duplicate objects. I know the ".uniq" method already does that, but I'm re-writing it for the purpose of learning how its done. I only know how to write the method as such:
def my_uniq(array)
where the array is the parameter that I can work with inside my method.
You should start thinking in terms of sending messages to object. i.e. Instead of seeing them as calling methods, see them as sending message to object(s). When you do send messages, the object would check if it can fulfill the request (ie. check if there is a method by that name exists in here or in its parent) if so it does. So in essence, the sort is a message (method) to array object.
class Array
def sort
# do sorting
# example taken from #codycaughlan
# allows you to send message `hi` to your array object
def hi
"Hi, #{length}"
# so instead of calling method hi([2,9,0])
# send hi message to an array object
# instead of calling method sort([2,9,0])
# send sort message to an array object
Let us say you want to write a method that works on an array that prints * multiplied by the number you pass.
class Array
def print_stars
self.each { |i| puts "*" * i}
# now let us send a message / call
[1,2,3].print_stars #=> this should produce
As you may already know, these messages can be chained. For e.g.
[1,2,3].reverse.print_stars #=> produces
It depends on what the "argument" is. In your example of:
[2, 3, 4, 1].sort
The argument is an instance of Array. You could monkey-patch Array to add a method of your choosing:
class Array
def hi
"Hi, #{length}"
puts [1,2,3].hi
=> Hi, 3

What exactly are anonymous functions?

In my journey of a thousand lines of Ruby, I'm having a really hard time with the concept of anonymous functions. Wikipedia says something about there being some nameless soul in the code and it submitting to a higher order, but my understanding ends there.
Or in other words, how would I (when I understand it) explain anonymous functions to my mom?
An anonymous function has these characteristics:
It has no name (hence anonymous)
Is defined inline
Used when you don't want the overhead/formality of a normal function
Is not explicitly referenced more than once, unless passed as an argument to another function
Here's one example of an anonymous function in Ruby (called a block in this case):
my_array.each{ |item| puts item }
Where's the anonymous function in the above? Why, it's the one that receives a single parameter, names it 'item', and then prints it. In JavaScript, the above might be written as...
Array.prototype.each = function(anon){
for (var i=0,len=this.length;i<len;++i) anon(this[i]);
myArray.each(function(item){ console.log(item); });
...which both makes it a little bit more clear that a function is being passed as an argument, and also helps one appreciate Ruby's syntax. :)
Here's another anonymous function (back in Ruby):
def count_to(n)
puts "I'm going to count to #{n}"
count = lambda do |i|
if (i>0)
puts i
puts "I'm done counting!"
#=> I'm going to count to 3
#=> 1
#=> 2
#=> 3
#=> I'm done counting!
Although the example is obviously contrived, it shows how you can create a new function (in this case named count) and assign it to a variable, and use that for recursive calls inside a master method. (Some feel that this is better than creating a second method just for the recursion, or re-using the master method for recursion with very different parameters.)
The function doesn't have a name, the variable does. You could assign it to any number of variables, all with different names.
Returning to the first example, there's even a syntax in Ruby for passing a lambda as the single, blessed block:
print_it = lambda{ |item| puts item }
%w[a b c].each(&print_it)
#=> a
#=> b
#=> c
...but you can also pass a lambda as a normal parameter and call it later, as illustrated here:
module Enumerable
def do_both_to_each( f1, f2 )
each do |item|
print_prefix = lambda{ |i| print "#{i}*#{i} -> " }
print_squared = lambda{ |i| puts i*i }
#=> 1*1 -> 1
#=> 2*2 -> 4
#=> 3*3 -> 9
#=> 4*4 -> 16
In addiction to previous answers, the anonymous functions are very usefull when you working with closures:
def make_adder n
lambda { |x|
x + n
t = make_adder 100
puts 1
Or (in Ruby 1.9):
def make_adder_1_9 n
->(x) {
x + n
t_1_9 = make_adder_1_9 100
puts 1
Just as Wikipedia says: a function with no name.
It means that you cannot invoke the function in the typical way, by using its name and parameters. Rather the function itself is usually a parameter to another function. A function that operates on functions is called a "higher order function".
Consider this JavaScript(I know you tagged this ruby but...):
//some code here
The function will execute when the page loads, but you cannot invoke it by name, because it does not have a name.
What is the point of an anonymous method?
Explanation by Analogy:
When I order my favourite burger (a greasy Big Nac), I don't want to spend 5 minutes filling out a formal order application: name, address, phone number etc. I ain't got time for that. I want to use my mouth: "give me a burger", nice and quick and easy.
Anonymous methods are kinda like the same thing, except when coding:
It's kinda like throwaway method allowing you to code faster
It's the same when coding. If you have to define a function, you have to put it somewhere (else), you have to call it something, and that's a pain, especially if you know you'll never, ever need it again. And when you read the code, you might have to use a complicated IDE to find that method again, and a reference to it. What a pain! You need a throwaway method that you can write directly in your code, where you need it, and just get it done, and move one. Anonymous methods solve this particular problem.
Anonymous functions have the following characteristics:
No name
Inline declaration
Executed directly when declared
