How to generate multiple executable files in one Makefile? - makefile

My directory contains 2 source files: a.c and b.c. I want to generate executable file a from a.c and b from b.c. Now I can only figure out one method to write Makefile:
gcc -o a a.c
gcc -o b b.c
It seems a little awkward, is it better method?

The answers are fine, still I think you need some insight in how make works:
The basic functionality of make is to create output files from input files if necessary. make decides what is necessary by comparing timestamps: If any input file is newer than an output file created from it, the recipe for this output file is executed.
This means with just a rule named all, this rule is always executed (except when you happen to have a recent file actually called all -- to prevent this behavior, you have to list all as a .PHONY target, that is one that doesn't actually create a file). Your original Makefile is equivalent to a simple shell script, so it doesn't use make properly.
The minimal "correct" version of your Makefile should look like this:
all: a b
a: a.c
gcc -o a a.c
b: b.c
gcc -o b b.c
.PHONY: all
So, all is "phony" and depends on a and b. a is only rebuilt when a.c changed, b is only rebuilt when b.c changed.
In a real project, your programs are probably made from more than just one source file and in this case, you can really take advantage of make: Have it build object files of your translation units, so only the parts that changed are actually rebuilt. It's overkill for your tiny example, but could e.g. look like this:
a_OBJS:= a.o
b_OBJS:= b.o
all: a b
a: $(a_OBJS)
gcc -o$# $^
b: $(b_OBJS)
gcc -o$# $^
%.o: %.c
gcc -c -o$# $<
rm -f *.o
.PHONY: all clean
You would just have to add more object files to a_OBJS and b_OBJS to include new translation units in your build. The pattern rule %.o: %.c will match them. There's a lot more to discover, I suggest starting with the GNU make manual.

I think the follow method is better:
all: a b
a: a.c
gcc -o a a.c
b: b.c
gcc -o b b.c
In your version, make all will always run gcc twice, whether or not a.c and b.c are modified. In this version gcc will be run only when necessary.
Of course you can use some magic (for-loop or similar) to create the rules but I think the difference between my and your method is clear.

To me
gcc -o a a.c
gcc -o b b.c
looks fine.
Or may be the following for better control
all: a b
a: a.c
gcc -o a a.c
b: b.c
gcc -o b b.c
-rm a b
A lesser known trick to compile without makefile
make a #run cc -o a a.c by make or
make b #run cc -o b b.c by make
Or to generate both a and b
make a b
make uses implicit rule here, just like magic. But prefer a makefile with rule specified


Make uses same source file for different object files

Make chooses the same source file for different object files. Both are a list of files, only with different filenames. Make switches between the object files but not the source files.
I've already tried some of the answers on StackOverflow with related problems, though those solutions either seem too complicated for what's needed, some don't work and others need the files to be in one directory.
I've also tried compiling the files together in one go (with gcc), but this gives some problems with the linking of the rest of the file.
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
$(OBJFILES) contains the following files:
src/kernel.o src/screen/screen_basic.o
And $(SRCFILES) contains these files:
src/kernel.c src/screen/screen_basic.c
Basically, src/kernel.c gets compiled to both src/kernel.o and src/screen/screen_basic.o, while src/screen/screen_basic.c never gets compiled.
What's run by make (I replaced the options for gcc with the variable names to keep it short):
i686-elf-gcc $(CFLAGS) $(WARNINGS) -c src/kernel.c -o src/kernel.o
i686-elf-gcc $(CFLAGS) $(WARNINGS) -c src/kernel.c -o src/screen/screen_basic.o
I don't really know what you need to see what's going wrong. So, the source files (all of them) are at
It may be nice to know that this is a rewrite of the project. In the previous 'version' I manually added the file names to the makefile, which worked perfectly, but isn't nice when you have to add new files or when you're moving them around. That makefile is on the master branch (which ISN'T the default branch anymore).
The make version is the newest:
GNU Make 4.2.1
Built for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
So, I expected this to work absolutely great. I thought it would just compile all files in the list. Unfortunately, it didn't. I don't really know what's going wrong here.
It compiles kernel.c to both kernel.o and screen_basic.o. I, of course, had hoped it would compile kernel.c to kernel.o and screen_basic.c to screen_basic.o.
Later on, the two files get linked. However, because they are the same, the linker throws errors because everything is defined twice, which isn't ideal.
I've tried to solve it by compiling every C file in one go, but this gave some issues with linking the Assembly files with the C files (sometimes making it non GRUB multibootable, which is necessarry to have, in my case).
I do not know what's wrong with the makefile for it to behave like this.
All the solutions from stack overflow I've tried:
Some solutions involve throwing all files in the root directory and just using:
%.o: %.c
However, this project will have a lot of files. This makes having everything in the same directory very annoying, very fast. I think this didn't work as well, but I don't know if that's true or just my brain lying to me. Sorry.
I've heard something about 'static rules':
$(OBJFILES): %.o: %.c
This didn't work, however I may have used it wrong. I don't know.
I like the makefile to stay the same as much as possible, because it's a very convenient one (it just detects all files automatically).
I really hope I've provided enough information, and that this question wasn't already asked. If it has been, I'm sorry in advance.
If you need more information, please ask! :)
I'm quite new to make in this way, although I've used it for five years. I've always used it wrong. It is possible that my makefile is very ugly or bad. And I did use an example to write the makefile.
Consider the rule...
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that we have...
SRCFILES := a.c b.c
OBJFILES := a.o b.o
If you expand the rule manually it becomes...
a.o b.o: a.c b.c
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
I think (correct me if I'm wrong) you are under the impression that this will be interpreted by make as a.o depends on a.c and, separately, b.o depends on b.c. That's not the case. What it actually states is that both of a.o and b.o depend on both of a.c and b.c.
So, when make tries to update the target a.o it sees the full prerequisite list of a.c and b.c and assigns the first of these, a.c, to the builtin variable $<. That's why you always see the first source file in $(SRCFILES) being compiled.
The best way to solve this probably depends on how you intend to structure your source file hierarchy and object files but you might want to take a look at using one or more vpath directives.
The pattern rule does not put all objects in root directory, consider
CFILES := path/to/a.c b.c
OBJFILES := $(foreach f,$(CFILES),$(f:%.c=%.o))
all: $(OBJFILES)
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
Here is what you get:
cc -c path/to/a.c -o path/to/a.o
cc -c b.c -o b.o
The following is not a recommendation, but kind of an exercise in makefile programming.
If you have $(SRCFILES) and want to compile them one at a time, you can use:
define compile
$1.o: $1.c
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $$< -o $$#
$(foreach src,$(SRCFILES),$(eval $(call compile, $(src:%.c=%))))
If the correspondence of lists of sources and objects is not by name, but only by placement in list, you can destroy the CFILES list
define compile
src := $(CFILES)
CFILES := $(wordlist 2, $(words $(CFILES)), $(CFILES))
$1: $(src)
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $$< -o $$#
$(foreach obj,$(OBJFILES),$(eval $(call compile, $(obj))))
Or you may use a helper list, to keep CFILES unchanged:
helperlist := $(CFILES)
define compile
src := $(firstword $(helperlist))
helperlist := $(wordlist 2, $(words $(helperlist)), $(helperlist))
$1: $(src)
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $$< -o $$#
$(foreach obj,$(OBJFILES),$(eval $(call compile, $(obj))))

Given a target's name, get all of its prerequisites

If I have a makefile with e.g.:
foo.o: foo.c a.h b.h c.h
cc -c foo.c -o foo.o
Now, in some other part of the makefile, I want to get all the prerequsites of foo.o, like I'd do with $^ in the recipe. Something like:
$(info $(call GET_TARGET_PREREQS(foo.o))) # prints "foo.c a.h b.h c.h"
Basically, I have dependency files (generated by -M) for all my object files, and from there I want a list of all the header files that are included by a given object.
I'm hoping for a more or less pure make solution, and not a sed script that parses the *.d files and outputs makefile fragments.
If you want to print all prerequsites, you can always use $^
.PONY: all
all: a b c
#echo $^

Makefile is always not up to date even without any changes

I have a directory with two folders, src and bin with the makefile at root directory. This makefile keeps compiling (not up to date) even without changes. Am I missing something with this makefile?
make a b
a: ./src/a.cpp
g++ -o ./bin/a ./src/a.cpp
b: ./src/b.cpp
g++ -o ./bin/b ./src/b.cpp
Your rules claim to create the files a and b, but they don't: They create bin/a and bin/b.
So when make checks your rules, it always finds that a and b don't exist and tries to create them by executing their associated commands.
Possible fix:
.PHONY: all
all: bin/a bin/b
bin/a: src/a.cpp
g++ -o bin/a src/a.cpp
bin/b: src/b.cpp
g++ -o bin/b src/b.cpp

Makefile: get prerequisites of target prerequisites

Is there any native makefile (GNU make, etc.) way to get prerequisites of target prerequisites? These question is not about dependency check from source files by compiler (g++ -MM, for example).
Can't find anything on subject. And as I can see, there is no special variables for this case.
To illustrate problem, here is my definition of compilation recipe from C++ source to object, pretty standard though:
%.o: %.cpp %.hpp
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c $< -o $#
And then I need to build really big chains of dependencies:
a: a.o
b: b.o a.o
c: c.o b.o a.o
d: d.o c.o b.o a.o
etc, up to N times...
It is necessary because of this linking recipe:
##### UNIVERSAL LINK #####
%: %.o
${LN} ${LNFLAGS} $^ -o $#
As you can see, recipe takes all of supplied dependencies, but need to get all dependencies of all supplied dependencies.
There is no problem with overall program linking, as it is in recipe:
##### PROGRAM LINK ######
${BIN}: ${OBJ}
${LN} ${LNFLAGS} ${OBJ} -o ${BINDIR}/$#
But I need to do unit-testing, and units depends one on each others dependencies and hierarchy of testing for subsystems is very tiring to write as dependency chains that hard-coded.
Maybe I'm doing it in wrong way? Maybe there is alternatives to this link recipe? Thanks!
You're doing it in the wrong way. Why would you want to declare that b.o must be recompiled every time a.o changes (that's (one of) the things it means when you specify a prerequisite pf b.o : a.o)? That's not what needs to happen and it doesn't make sense.
You need to list all the object files as prerequisites of the single executable file, for example:
exe: a.o b.o c.o d.o ...
That's it.

makefile compile multiple source files in one call

Imagine that I have 2 source files that both include one header file.
#include "ab.h"
int a() {
return RETURN_VAL;
#include "ab.h"
int b() {
return !RETURN_VAL;
#define RETURN_VAL (0)
I want a makefile that can compile in one call a.c and b.c. If ab.h is new or a.c and b.c are both new, then I want:
gcc -c a.c b.c
touch ab.timestamp
Otherwise I want to recompile only the out of date files.
This is a tiny example, I need something that scales. I have attempted to resolve this, but I can't figure out how.
This is an example using C, but my actual use is for compiling large-scale HDL projects. As the invocation of the HDL compilers has a high overhead, it is much better to call the tool once for many files instead of separately for each.
What I have tried are things like:
a.c: ab.h ;
b.c: ab.h ;
ab.timestamp: a.c b.c
gcc -c $?
touch ab.timestamp
This won't work, and instead I need something like this:
ab.timestamp: a.c b.c ab.h
gcc -c a.c b.c
touch ab.timestamp
This is what I don't want. I would like $? to indicate the correct files that I need to recompile. I know that I can use $(if and $(filter functions to figure this out, but I was hoping for something more seamless.
I am using GNU Make.
This is a trick, but it might work:
all: ab.timestamp
SOURCES = a.c b.c ab.h
a.o: a.c ab.h
b.o: b.c ab.h
%.o: %.c ; $(eval CHANGED += $<)
ab.timestamp: $(SOURCES) $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(filter %.c,$(SOURCES)))
gcc -c $(CHANGED)
touch $#
This is a kludge, but it seems to work. Touch the source files to bring them up to date with the header:
a.c b.c: ab.h
#touch $#
ab.timestamp: a.c b.c
gcc -c $?
touch ab.timestamp
