Speed up Pyspark mllib job - performance

I am running a Pyspark MLLib job on EMR.
The RDD has 98000 rows.
When I am executing Kmeans on it, it takes hours and still shows 0%.
I tried enabling maximizeresourceAllocation and increasing memory of the executors and the driver, but it is still the same.
How can I speed it up?
following is the code I am executing:
from numpy import array
from math import sqrt
import time
from pyspark.mllib.clustering import KMeans, KMeansModel
clusters = KMeans.train(parsedata,88000, maxIterations=5, initializationMode="random")
def error(point):
center = clusters.centers[clusters.predict(point)]
return sqrt(sum([x**2 for x in (point - center)]))
WSSSE = parsedata.map(lambda point: error(point)).reduce(lambda x, y: x + y)
print("Within Set Sum of Squared Error = " + str(WSSSE))
print time.time()-start
Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated.


Hyperparameter tuning in KNN

I am trying to find the best k for my model and tries gridsearch cv and ended up having K=1,
but k=1 is not a best k most of the times as it wont perform well on test data.
Find the code below.
from sklearn import neighbors
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn import model_selection
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
knn_parameters = {'n_neighbors': \[1, 3, 5, 7, 11\],'weights':\['uniform','distance'\],'metric':\['euclidean','manhattan'\]}
knn = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier()
features = df2.iloc\[:,:-1\]
labels = df2.target
# Train - Test Split
train_features, test_features, train_labels, test_labels = model_selection.train_test_split(features, labels, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
knn_best_k = model_selection.GridSearchCV(knn, knn_parameters)
knn_best_k.fit( train_features, train_labels)
print("The best classifier for kNN is:", knn_best_k.best_estimator\_)
print("kNN accuracy is:",knn_best_k.best_score\_)
print("kNN parameters are:",knn_best_k.best_params\_)`
Was expecting optimal k but found k = 1.

Python Gekko - How to use built-in maximum function with sequential solvers?

When solving models sequentially in Python GEKKO (i.e. with IMODE >= 4) fails when using the max2 and max3 functions that come with GEKKO.
This is for use cases, where np.maximum or the standard max function treat a GEKKO parameter like an array, which is not always the intended usage or can create errors when comparing against integers for example.
minimal code example:
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
m = GEKKO()
m.time = np.arange(0,20)
y = m.Var(value=5)
forcing = m.Param(value=np.arange(-5,15))
m.Equation(y.dt()== m.max2(forcing,0) * y)
Exception: #error: Degrees of Freedom
* Error: DOF must be zero for this mode
I know from looking at the code that both max2 and max3 use inequality expressions in the equations, which understandably introduces the degrees of freedoms, so was this functionality never intended? Could there be some workaround to fix this?
Any help would be much appreciated!
I hope this is not a duplicate of How to define maximum of Intermediate and another value in Python Gekko, when using sequential solver?, but instead asking a more concise & different question, about essentially the same issue.
You can get a successful solution by switching to IMODE=6. IMODE=4 (simultaneous simulation) or IMODE=7 sequential simulation requires zero degrees of freedom. Both m.max2() and m.max3() require degrees of freedom and an optimizer to solve.
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
m.time = np.arange(0,20)
y = m.Var(value=5)
forcing = m.Param(value=np.arange(-5,15))
m.Equation(y.dt()== -m.max2(forcing,0) * y)
The equation y.dt()== -m.max2(forcing,0) * y exponentially increases beyond machine precision so I switched the equation to something that can solve.

A very quick method to approximate np.random.dirichlet with large dimension

I'd like to evaluate np.random.dirichlet with large dimension as quickly as possible. More precisely, I'd like a function approximating the below by at least 10 times faster. Empirically, I observed that small-dimension-version of this function outputs one or two entries that have the order of 0.1, and every other entries are so small that they are immaterial. But this observation isn't based on any rigorous assessment. The approximation doesn't need to be so accurate, but I want something not too crude, as I'm using this noise for MCTS.
def g():
>>> timeit.timeit(g,number=1000)
Assuming your alpha is fixed over components and used for many iterations you could tabulate the ppf of the corresponding gamma distribution. This is probably available as scipy.stats.gamma.ppf but we can also use scipy.special.gammaincinv. This function seems rather slow, so this is a siginificant upfront investment.
Here is a crude implementation of the general idea:
import numpy as np
from scipy import special
class symm_dirichlet:
def __init__(self, alpha, resolution=2**16):
self.alpha = alpha
self.resolution = resolution
self.range, delta = np.linspace(0, 1, resolution,
endpoint=False, retstep=True)
self.range += delta / 2
self.table = special.gammaincinv(self.alpha, self.range)
def draw(self, n_sampl, n_comp, interp='nearest'):
if interp != 'nearest':
raise NotImplementedError
gamma = self.table[np.random.randint(0, self.resolution,
(n_sampl, n_comp))]
return gamma / gamma.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
import time, timeit
t0 = time.perf_counter()
X = symm_dirichlet(0.03)
t1 = time.perf_counter()
print(f'Upfront cost {t1-t0:.3f} sec')
print('Running cost per 1000 samples of width 4840')
print('tabulated {:3f} sec'.format(timeit.timeit(
'X.draw(1, 4840)', number=1000, globals=globals())))
print('np.random.dirichlet {:3f} sec'.format(timeit.timeit(
'np.random.dirichlet([0.03]*4840)', number=1000, globals=globals())))
Sample output:
Upfront cost 13.067 sec
Running cost per 1000 samples of width 4840
tabulated 0.059365 sec
np.random.dirichlet 0.980067 sec
Better check whether it is roughly correct:

Spark scalability

I use currently one master (local machine) and two workers (2*32 cores, Memory 2*61.9 GB) for standard ALS algorithm of Spark and produce the next code for the time evaluation:
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
import random
import time
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
from pyspark.mllib.recommendation import ALS, MatrixFactorizationModel, Rating
import hashlib
#Spark configuration settings
conf = SparkConf().setAppName("Temp").setMaster("spark://<myip>:7077").set("spark.cores.max","64").set("spark.executor.memory", "61g")
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
#first time
t1 = time.time()
#load the DataFrame and transform it into RDD<Rating>
rddob = sqlContext.read.json("file.json").rdd
rdd1 = rddob.map(lambda line:(line.ColOne, line.ColTwo))
rdd2 = rdd1.map(lambda line: (line, 1))
rdd3 = rdd2.reduceByKey(lambda a,b: a+b)
ratings = rdd3.map(lambda (line, rating): Rating(int(hash(line[0]) % (10 ** 8)), int(line[1]), float(rating)))
# Build the recommendation model using Alternating Least Squares
rank = 10
numIterations = 5
model = ALS.train(ratings, rank, numIterations)
# Evaluate the model on training data
testdata = ratings.map(lambda p: (p[0], p[1]))
predictions = model.predictAll(testdata).map(lambda r: ((r[0], r[1]), r[2]))
ratesAndPreds = ratings.map(lambda r: ((r[0], r[1]), r[2])).join(predictions)
MSE = ratesAndPreds.map(lambda r: (r[1][0] - r[1][1])**2).mean()
print("Mean Squared Error = " + str(MSE))
#second time
t2 = time.time()
#print results
print "Time of ALS",t2-t1
In this code I hold all parameters constant excepted parameter set("spark.cores.max","x") for which I use the next values for x: 1,2,4,8,16,32,64. I got the next time evaluation:
#cores time [s]
1 20722
2 11803
4 5596
8 3131
16 2125
32 2000
64 2051
The results of evaluation are a little bit strange for me. I see a good linear scalability by the small number of cores. But in the range of 16, 32 and 64 possible cores I don't see either any scalability, or improvement of time performance anymore. How is it possible? My input file is approximately 70 GB big and has 200 000 000 lines.
Linear scalability in distributed system like Spark is only in a small part a result of increasing number of cores. The most important part is opportunity to distribute disk / network IO. If you have constant number of workers and don't scale storage at the same time you'll quickly get to the point where throughput is limited by IO.

Spark example program runs very slow

I tried to use Spark to work on simple graph problem. I found an example program in Spark source folder: transitive_closure.py, which computes the transitive closure in a graph with no more than 200 edges and vertices. But in my own laptop, it runs more than 10 minutes and doesn't terminate. The command line I use is: spark-submit transitive_closure.py.
I wonder why spark is so slow even when computing just such small transitive closure result? Is it a common case? Is there any configuration I miss?
The program is shown below, and can be found in spark install folder at their website.
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
from random import Random
from pyspark import SparkContext
numEdges = 200
numVertices = 100
rand = Random(42)
def generateGraph():
edges = set()
while len(edges) < numEdges:
src = rand.randrange(0, numEdges)
dst = rand.randrange(0, numEdges)
if src != dst:
edges.add((src, dst))
return edges
if __name__ == "__main__":
Usage: transitive_closure [partitions]
sc = SparkContext(appName="PythonTransitiveClosure")
partitions = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 2
tc = sc.parallelize(generateGraph(), partitions).cache()
# Linear transitive closure: each round grows paths by one edge,
# by joining the graph's edges with the already-discovered paths.
# e.g. join the path (y, z) from the TC with the edge (x, y) from
# the graph to obtain the path (x, z).
# Because join() joins on keys, the edges are stored in reversed order.
edges = tc.map(lambda x_y: (x_y[1], x_y[0]))
oldCount = 0
nextCount = tc.count()
while True:
oldCount = nextCount
# Perform the join, obtaining an RDD of (y, (z, x)) pairs,
# then project the result to obtain the new (x, z) paths.
new_edges = tc.join(edges).map(lambda __a_b: (__a_b[1][1], __a_b[1][0]))
tc = tc.union(new_edges).distinct().cache()
nextCount = tc.count()
if nextCount == oldCount:
print("TC has %i edges" % tc.count())
There can many reasons why this code doesn't perform particularly well on your machine but most likely this is just another variant of the problem described in Spark iteration time increasing exponentially when using join. The simplest way to check if it is indeed the case is to provide spark.default.parallelism parameter on submit:
bin/spark-submit --conf spark.default.parallelism=2 \
If not limited otherwise, SparkContext.union, RDD.join and RDD.union set a number of partitions of the child to the total number of partitions in the parents. Usually it is a desired behavior but can become extremely inefficient if applied iteratively.
The useage says the command line is
transitive_closure [partitions]
Setting default parallelism will only help with the joins in each partition, not the inital distribution of work.
Im going to argue that that MORE partitions should be used. Setting the default parallelism may still help, but the code you posted sets the number explicitly (the argument passed or 2, whichever is greater). The absolute minimum should be the cores available to Spark, otherwise you're always working at less than 100%.
