ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED on heroku app - heroku

I'm trying to integrate Algolia Search onto my heroku node app. Everything seems to be working fine on my localhost, but after deploying to heroku, all my algolia endpoints seem to return ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED.
Is there anything I can do?


The springbootApp I put on vps is not working

Basically, I purchased a server that has to host a React WebApp and Sprinboot API as a backend server. the react is turning fine on the server but I cannot seem to be able to make the springboot work.
In order to make the React work I had to use nginx , do I need to do the same thing for the Springboot app ? And since the nginx configuration is already devised for the React app how should i modify it to allow it to run both the React and the Springboot.
Here's my nginx configuration:
nginx config file
I tried following several videos but I can't seem to piece together the elements of the solution I'm searching for.

React frontend on netlify can't connect to database

I have deployed the Node, Express backend API part of my MERN app to Heroku and my MongoDB is running on MongoDB Atlas.
The React frontend when run on localhost connects to the backend on Heroku fine and can retrieve/edit data from MongoDB Atlas.
But when I tried to deploy the same React frontend app on Netlify, the React app works but it can't retrieve data from the database.
I think it is probably because of the IP restrictions on Atlas. You have to allow any IP to connect to your database.

How to deploy a React app with Strapi (from localhost to an external server e.g. AWS)?

I am developing a website, where posts are published through Strapi. My website is a React app. For Hosting, I use (Amazon's) AWS.
My question is simple. I want to deploy my localhost application, and make visible to the WWW. I was searching for tutorials but could not find any that helps me in this.
Thank you!
ok deploy process is simple:
You get a server like digital ocean.
you push your projecto into a github repo.
Configure mongo, node, ngnix and clone your project into www folder
enter in your folder app and make npm install --production
latter insall PM2 and make it run
this is a little explaination the real explanaition you can see here:
how to deploy strapi app on ubuntu server
The www you can modified adding Cname at your server and vinculing your dns with you domain in you name domain proveedor

Subdomain with Rails and herokuapp

I have followed Ryan Bates railscast on subdomains ( and have my app working perfectly locally.
I have deployed to heroku but am unable to get my subdomains to work. I have read about custom domains, DNS and CNAME records but I don't think this is relevant because all I am trying to do is test straight on heroku what I was testing locally. So instead of accessing I would like to be able to access Currently when I try this I get the error: There is no app configured at that hostname.
Can anyone offer a solution?
Whoops, I think this is a duplicate: How to create a subsubdomain for an app on heroku: (e.g.
Sub-sub domains aren't possible - you need to be using your own DNS records I'm afraid.

heroku subdomain wildcard on

I am running a PHP application on Heroku and am wondering if I can have wildcard subdomains on top of the hosted subdomain. For example I have my application running on through Heroku, however can I make it so * points still to my server?
I am simply uploading my PHP application to the heroku instance by using 'git push heroku master'
unfortunately what you are trying to achieve is not feasible
