Feature Vector Partitioning - image

I'm reading about image search and I've gotten to the point where I have a basic understanding of feature vectors and have a very basic (definitely incomplete) understanding of rotation invariant and scale invariant features. How you can look at multi-sampled images for scale invariance and corners for rotational invariance.
To search a billion images though there is no way you could do a linear search. Most of my reading seems to imply a K-d tree is used as a partitioning data structure to improve the lookup times.
What metric is the K-d tree split on? If you use descriptors like SIFT,SURF, or ORB there is no guarantee your similar keypoints line up in the feature vectors so I'm confused how you determine 'left' or 'right' since with features like this you need the split to be based on similarity. My guess is in euclidean distance from a 'standard' then you do a robust nearest neighbor search, but would like some input on how the inital query into the KD tree is handled before the nearest neighbor search. I would think a KD tree needs to be comparing similar features in each dimension, but I don't see how that happens with many key points.
I can find a lot of papers on the nearest neighbor search, but most seem to assume you know how this is handled so I'm missing something here.

It's quite simple. All that feature descriptors present image as a point in multidimensional space. Just for the sake of simplicity, let's assume that your descriptor dimension is 2. Than all your images would be mapped onto two dimesional plane. Then, kd-tree will split this plane into rectangular areas. Any images that fall within same area would be considered as similar.
That means, btw, two images that lie really close to each other, but in different areas (leafs of the kd-tree) will not be considered as similar.
To overcome this issue, cosine similarity can be used instead of euclidian distance. You can read more about the subject in wiki.


Finding vertices in a mesh that are within certain proximity of each other

I have a 3D mesh that is comprised of a certain amount of vertices.
I know that there are some vertices that are really close to one another. I want to find groups of these, so that I can normalize them.
I could make a KD and do basic NNS, but that doesn't scale so well if I don't have a reference point.
I want to find these groups in relation to all points.
In my searches I also found k-means but I cannot seem to wrap my head around it's scientific descriptions to find out if that's really what I need.
I'm not well versed in spatial algorithms in general. I know where one can apply them, for instance, for this case, but I lack the actual know-how, to even have the correct keywords.
So, yeah, what algorithms are meant for such task?
Simple idea that might work:
Compue a slightly big bounding volume for each vertex in the mesh. For instance is you use a Sphere, use a small radius for it e.g., the radius can be equal to the length of the smallest edge of the mesh.
Compute the intersection of bounding volumes for each vertex. Use a collision detection algorithm for that such as the I-Collide. Use a disjoint-set datastrcture for grouping the points in collision.
Merge all the points residing in the same set.
You can fine-tune the algorithm by changing the size of the bounding volumes. Also you can use this algorithm as a starting point for a k-means algoritm or other sound clustering technique.

Different Searching Methods In Spatial Data Structures

I am trying to write a spatial data structure (such as a K-D tree or a QuadTree) which, given a point, will find the x closest points to it.
The issue with the data structures I mentioned above is that they support mostly a radial/region search. So they will obtain the points that are within a radius of y of a given point/node.
Altering those structures search for what I want would be inefficient. I am assuming I will need to repeat the radial search several times, starting from a short radial distance, and keep increasing it until I have the wanted x amount of points close to the given point. Of course, this defeats the whole purpose behind the data structure.
Almost all spatial data structures operate on radial search. What are other efficient search methods I could apply to a QuadTree, or any other spatial data structures I need to consider to achieve what I mean? Any suggestions?
I'm not sure that you are right in your assumptions. The Wikipedia article on kd-trees indicates how the structure can be used to support finding the x nearest neighbours to a search point. Yes, it is essentially a repetition of finding the nearest neighbour x times, but I'm not sure that you have a right to expect a more efficient performance from an algorithm over a kd-tree.
If that is not good enough for you perhaps you need to store your points in a different data structure. If x is small and bounded you could store your points in a weighted graph where the edge weights are, of course, the distances between points.
If x is neither small nor bounded you might employ a simple subdivision of space into k*m uniform cells (2D here, inflate to 3+D if necessary). For each search point go straight to the cell which contains it, find the other points in the same cell. If x of them are closer to the search point than the boundary of the cell, those are what you are looking for. If not, search in the cells on the other side of the near boundaries too.
If you find yourself needing to support both radial/region searches and x-nearest neighbour searches it's not the end of the world if you have to maintain 2 data structures, one to support each type of query. For many search problems the first step to an efficient solution is to put the data into the right structure for efficient searching. Making this decision depends on numbers you simply haven't provided us.
If you do call the search method several times over on a quadtree (which is what I've done a few times), then if you double the search radius on each call until you have correct number of points, the search is not that inefficient.
Assuming a 2d space, if the correct minimum radius to contain the X points is R1, and you keep on doubling until you find a radius R2 which contains them, then (a) R2 must be less than 2xR1 and (b) the area searched becomes 4 times bigger on each search, which (I think) gives you a worst case scenario of only half the area you've searched through actually being unnecessary (or thereabouts).

Sparse (Pseudo) Infinite Grid Data Structure for Web Game

I'm considering trying to make a game that takes place on an essentially infinite grid.
The grid is very sparse. Certain small regions of relatively high density. Relatively few isolated nonempty cells.
The amount of the grid in use is too large to implement naively but probably smallish by "big data" standards (I'm not trying to map the Internet or anything like that)
This needs to be easy to persist.
Here are the operations I may want to perform (reasonably efficiently) on this grid:
Ask for some small rectangular region of cells and all their contents (a player's current neighborhood)
Set individual cells or blit small regions (the player is making a move)
Ask for the rough shape or outline/silhouette of some larger rectangular regions (a world map or region preview)
Find some regions with approximately a given density (player spawning location)
Approximate shortest path through gaps of at most some small constant empty spaces per hop (it's OK to be a bad approximation often, but not OK to keep heading the wrong direction searching)
Approximate convex hull for a region
Here's the catch: I want to do this in a web app. That is, I would prefer to use existing data storage (perhaps in the form of a relational database) and relatively little external dependency (preferably avoiding the need for a persistent process).
Guys, what advice can you give me on actually implementing this? How would you do this if the web-app restrictions weren't in place? How would you modify that if they were?
Thanks a lot, everyone!
I think you can do everything using quadtrees, as others have suggested, and maybe a few additional data structures. Here's a bit more detail:
Asking for cell contents, setting cell contents: these are the basic quadtree operations.
Rough shape/outline: Given a rectangle, go down sufficiently many steps within the quadtree that most cells are empty, and make the nonempty subcells at that level black, the others white.
Region with approximately given density: if the density you're looking for is high, then I would maintain a separate index of all objects in your map. Take a random object and check the density around that object in the quadtree. Most objects will be near high density areas, simply because high-density areas have many objects. If the density near the object you picked is not the one you were looking for, pick another one.
If you're looking for low-density, then just pick random locations on the map - given that it's a sparse map, that should typically give you low density spots. Again, if it doesn't work right try again.
Approximate shortest path: if this is a not-too-frequent operation, then create a rough graph of the area "between" the starting point A and end point B, for some suitable definition of between (maybe the square containing the circle with the midpoint of AB as center and 1.5*AB as diameter, except if that diameter is less than a certain minimum, in which case... experiment). Make the same type of grid that you would use for the rough shape / outline, then create (say) a Delaunay triangulation of the black points. Do a shortest path on this graph, then overlay that on the actual map and refine the path to one that makes sense given the actual map. You may have to redo this at a few different levels of refinement - start with a very rough graph, then "zoom in" taking two points that you got from the higher level as start and end point, and iterate.
If you need to do this very frequently, you'll want to maintain this type of graph for the entire map instead of reconstructing it every time. This could be expensive, though.
Approx convex hull: again start from something like the rough shape, then take the convex hull of the black points in that.
I'm not sure if this would be easy to put into a relational database; a file-based storage could work but it would be impractical to have a write operation be concurrent with anything else, which you would probably want if you want to allow this to grow to a reasonable number of players (per world / map, if there are multiple worlds / maps). I think in that case you are probably best off keeping a separate process alive... and even then making this properly respect multithreading is going to be a headache.
A kd tree or a quadtree is a good data structure to solve your problem. Especially the latter it's a clever way to address the grid and to reduce the 2d complexity to a 1d complexity. Quadtrees is also used in many maps application like bing and google maps. Here is a good start: Nick quadtree spatial index hilbert curve blog.

Spatial index for geo coordinates?

What kind of data structure could be used for an efficient nearest neighbor search in a large set of geo coordinates? With "regular" spatial index structures like R-Trees that assume planar coordinates, I see two problems (Are there others I have overlooked?):
Wraparound at the poles and the International Date Line
Distortion of distances near the poles
How can these factors be allowed for? I guess the second one could compensated by transforming the coordinates. Can an R-Tree be modified to take wraparound into account? Or are there specialized geo-spatial index structures?
Could you use a locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) algorithm in 3 dimensions? That would quickly give you an approximate neighboring group which you could then sanity-check by calculating great-circle distances.
Here's a paper describing an algorithm for efficient LSH on the surface of a unit d-dimensional hypersphere. Presumably it works for d=3.
Take a look at Geohash.
Also, to compensate for wraparound, simply use not one but three orthogonal R-trees, so that there does not exist a point on the earth surface such that all three trees have a wraparound at that point. Then, two points are close if they are close according to at least one of these trees.

Can I use arbitrary metrics to search KD-Trees?

I just finished implementing a kd-tree for doing fast nearest neighbor searches. I'm interested in playing around with different distance metrics other than the Euclidean distance. My understanding of the kd-tree is that the speedy kd-tree search is not guaranteed to give exact searches if the metric is non-Euclidean, which means that I might need to implement a new data structure and search algorithm if I want to try out new metrics for my search.
I have two questions:
Does using a kd-tree permanently tie me to the Euclidean distance?
If so, what other sorts of algorithms should I try that work for arbitrary metrics? I don't have a ton of time to implement lots of different data structures, but other structures I'm thinking about include cover trees and vp-trees.
The nearest-neighbour search procedure described on the Wikipedia page you linked to can certainly be generalised to other distance metrics, provided you replace "hypersphere" with the equivalent geometrical object for the given metric, and test each hyperplane for crossings with this object.
Example: if you are using the Manhattan distance instead (i.e. the sum of the absolute values of all differences in vector components), your hypersphere would become a (multidimensional) diamond. (This is easiest to visualise in 2D -- if your current nearest neighbour is at distance x from the query point p, then any closer neighbour behind a different hyperplane must intersect a diamond shape that has width and height 2x and is centred on p). This might make the hyperplane-crossing test more difficult to code or slower to run, however the general principle still applies.
I don't think you're tied to euclidean distance - as j_random_hacker says, you can probably use Manhattan distance - but I'm pretty sure you're tied to geometries that can be represented in cartesian coordinates. So you couldn't use a kd-tree to index a metric space, for example.
