How do symbols solve walking the stack with FPO in x86 debugging? - windows

In this answer: , it is explained that when debugging x86 code, symbols allow the debugger to display the callstack even when FPO (Frame Pointer Omission) is used.
The given explanation is:
On the x86 PDBs contain FPO information, which allows the debugger to reliably unwind a call stack.
My question is what's this information? As far as I understand, just knowing whether a function has FPO or not does not help you finding the original value of the stack pointer, since that depends on runtime information.
What am I missing here?

Fundamentally, it is always possible to walk the stack with enough information1, except in cases where the stack or execution context has been irrecoverably corrupted.
For example, even if rbp isn't used as the frame pointer, the return address is still on the stack somewhere, and you just need to know where. For a function that doesn't modify rsp (indirectly or directly) in the body of the function it would be at a simple fixed offset from rsp. For functions that modify rsp in the body of the function (i.e., that have a variable stack size), the offset from rsp might depend on the exact location in the function.
The PDB file simply contains this "side band" information which allows someone to determine the return address for any instruction in the function. Hans linked a relevant in-memory structure above - you can see that since it knows the size of the local variables and so on it can calculate the offset between rsp and the base of the frame, and hence get at the return address. It also knows how many instruction bytes are part of the "prolog" which is important because if the IP is still in that region, different rules apply (i.e., the stack hasn't been adjusted to reflect the locals in this function yet).
In 64-bit Windows, the exact function call ABI has been made a bit more concrete, and all functions generally have to provide unwind information: not in a .pdb but directly in a section included in the binary. So even without .pdb files you should be able to unwind a properly structured 64-bit Windows program. It allows any register to be used as the frame pointer, and still allows frame-pointer omission (with some restrictions). For details, start here.
1 If this weren't true, ask yourself how the currently running function could ever return? Now, technically you could design a program which clobbers or forgets the stack in a way that it cannot return, and either never exits or uses a method like exit() or abort() to terminate. This is highly unusual and not possibly outside of assembly.


Why do we need the DWARF eh_frame emitted by compilers?

I have red that eh_frame is needed for stack unwinding during debugging or when our code hits an exception.
Now my questions is, can't the debugger just walk the stack and figure out the boundaries between frames by looking for rbp being pushed or poped? Why do we need extra debugging information emitted?
Not all functions have a frame pointer. In such functions, rbp can be used for something else, and DWARF data is used to describe how to obtain the canonical frame address and the return address. To some degree, DWARF also allows to describe non-standard calling conventions which some compilers use for local functions (which are not externally visible, so that the ABI does not matter).
Probably you right, and this section is not so necessary for stack unwinding, please refer to this research. But eh_frame also used by some languages to handle exceptions, and I think that it is a real necessity to include it ewerywhere.

How did debuggers for 16-bit real mode programs produce stack traces?

I'm messing around with running old DOS programs in an emulator, and I've gotten to the point where I'd like to trace the program's stack. However, I'm running into a problem, specifically how to detect near calls and far calls. Some pretext:
A near call pushes only the IP onto the stack, and is expected to be paired with a ret which pops only the IP to return to.
A far call pushes both the CS and IP onto the stack, and is expected to be paired with a retf which pops both the CS and IP to return to.
There is no way to know whether a call is a near call or a far call, except by knowing which kind of instruction called it, or which return it uses.
Luckily, for the period this program was developed in, BP-based stack frames were very common, so walking the stack doesn't seem to be a problem: I just follow the BP-chain. Unfortunately, getting the CS and/or IP is difficult, because there doesn't seem to be any way for me to determine whether a call is a near call or a far call by looking at the stack alone.
I have metadata about functions available, so I can tell whether a function is a near or far call if I already know the actual CS and IP, but I can't figure out the IP and CS unless I already know if it's a far call or near call.
I'm having a little success by just guessing and seeing if my guess results in a valid function lookup, but I think this method will produce a lot of false positives.
So my question is this: How did debuggers of the DOS era deal with this problem and produce stack traces? Is there some algorithm for this I'm missing, or did they just encode debug information in the stack? (If this is the case, then I'll have to come up with something else.)
Just a guess, I've never actually used 16-bit x86 development tools (modern or back in the day):
You know the CS:IP value of the current function (or one that triggered a fault or whatever from an exception frame).
You might have metadata that tells you whether this is a "far" function that's called with a far call or not. Or you could attempt decoding until you get to a retn or retf, and use that to decide whether the return address is a near IP or a far CS:IP.
(Assuming this is a normal function that returns with some kind of ret. Or if it ends with a jmp tailcall to another function, then the return address probably matches that, but that's another level of assumptions. And figuring out that a near jmp is the end of a function instead of just a jump within a large function is am ambiguous problem without any symbol metadata.)
But anyway, apply the same thing to the parent function: after one level of successful backtracing, you now have the CS:IP of the instruction after the call in your parent function, and the SS:BP value of the BP linked list.
And BTW, yes there's a very good reason for legacy BP stack frames being widely used: [SP] isn't a valid 16-bit addressing mode, and only [BP] as a base implies SS as a segment, so yes, using BP for access to the stack was the only good option for random access (not just push/pop for temporaries). No reason not to save/restore it first (before any other registers or reserving stack space) to make a conventional stack-frame.

Why does GCC use frame pointer when I call Win32 functions with arguments?

When I compile 32-bit C code with GCC and the -fomit-frame-pointer option, the frame pointer (ebp) is not used unless my function calls Windows API functions with stdcall and atleast one parameter.
For example, if I only use GetCommandLine() from the Windows API, which has no parameters/arguments, GCC will omit the frame pointer and use ebp for other things, speeding up the code and not having that useless prologue.
But the moment I call a stdcall Win32 function that accepts at least one argument, GCC completely ignores the -fomit-frame-pointer and uses the frame pointer anyway, and the code is worse in inspection as it can't use ebp for general purpose things. Not to mention I find the frame pointer quite pointless. I mean, I want to compile for release and distribution, why should I care about debugging? (if I want to debug I'll just use a debug build instead after reproducing the bug)
My stack most certainly does NOT contain dynamic allocation like alloca. So, the stack has a defined structure yet GCC chooses the dumb method despite my options? Is there something I'm missing to force it to not use frame pointer?
My second grip I have with it is that it refuses to use "push" instructions for Win32 functions. Every other compiler I tried, they used push instructions to push on the stack, resulting in much better more compact code, not to mention it is the most natural way to push arguments for stdcall. Yet GCC stubbornly uses "mov" instructions to move in each spot, manually, at offsets relative to esp because it needs to keep the stack pointer completely static. stdcall is made to be easy on the caller, and yet GCC completely misses the point of stdcall since it generates this crappy code when interfacing with it. What's worse, since the stack pointer is static, it still uses a frame pointer? Just why?
I tried -mpush-args, it doesn't do anything.
I also noticed that if I make my stack big enough for it to exceed a page (4096 bytes), GCC will add a prologue with a function that does nothing but "bitwise or" the stack every 4096 bytes with zero (which does nothing). I assume it's for touching the stack and automatically commiting memory with page faults if the stack was reserved? Unfortunately, it does this even if I set the initial commit of the stack (not reserve) to high enough to hold my stack, not to mention this shouldn't even be needed in the first place. Redundant code at its best.
Are these bugs in GCC? Or something I'm missing in options? Should I use something else? Please tell me if I'm missing some options.
I seriously hope I won't have to make an inline asm macro just to call stdcall functions and use push instructions (and this will avoid frame pointer too I guess). That sounds really overkill for something so basic that should be in compilers of today. And yes I use GCC 4.8.1 so not an ancient version.
As extra question, is it possible to force GCC to not save registers on the stack at function prologue? I use my own direct entry point with -nostartfiles argument, because it is a pure Windows application and it works just fine without standard lib startup. If I use attribute((noreturn)), it will discard the epilogue restoring the registers but it will still push them on the stack at prologue, I don't know if there's a way to force it to not save registers for this entry point function. Either way not a big deal in the least, it would just feel more complete I guess. Thanks!
See the answer Force GCC to push arguments on the stack before calling function (using PUSH instruction)
I.e. try -mpush-args -mno-accumulate-outgoing-args. It may also require -mno-stack-arg-probe if gcc complains.
It looks like supplying the -mpush-args -mno-accumulate-outgoing-args -mno-stack-arg-probe works, specifically the last one. Now the code is cleaner and more normal like other compilers, and it uses PUSH for arguments, even makes it easier to track in OllyDbg this way.
Unfortunately, this FORCES the stupid frame pointer to be used, even in small functions that absolutely do not need it at all. Seriously is there a way to absolutely force GCC to disable the frame pointer?!

How to debug stack-overwriting errors with Valgrind?

I just spent some time chasing down a bug that boiled down to the following. Code was erroneously overwriting the stack, and I think it wrote over the return address of the function call. Following the return, the program would crash and stack would be corrupted. Running the program in valgrind would return an error such as:
vex x86->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0xEA 0x3 0x0 0x0
==9222== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x4e925a8.
I figure this is because the return jumped to a random location, containing stuff that were not valid x86 opcodes. (Though I am somehow suspicious that this address 0x4e925a8 happened to be in an executable page. I imagine valgrind would throw a different error if this wasn't the case.)
I am certain that the problem was of the stack-overwriting type, and I've since fixed it. Now I am trying to think how I could catch errors like this more effectively. Obviously, valgrind can't warn me if I rewrite data on the stack, but maybe it can catch when someone writes over a return address on the stack. In principle, it can detect when something like 'push EIP' happens (so it can flag where the return addresses are on the stack).
I was wondering if anyone knows if Valgrind, or anything else can do that? If not, can you comment on other suggestions regarding debugging errors of this type efficiently.
If the problem happens deterministically enough that you can point out particular function that has it's stack smashed (in one repeatable test case), you could, in gdb:
Break at entry to that function
Find where the return address is stored (it's relative to %ebp (on x86) (which keeps the value of %esp at the function entry), I am not sure whether there is any offset).
Add watchpoint to that address. You have to issue the watch command with calculated number, not an expression, because with an expression gdb would try to re-evaluate it after each instruction instead of setting up a trap and that would be extremely slow.
Let the function run to completion.
I have not yet worked with the python support available in gdb7, but it should allow automating this.
In general, Valgrind detection of overflows in stack and global variables is weak to non-existant. Arguably, Valgrind is the wrong tool for that job.
If you are on one of supported platforms, building with -fmudflap and linking with -lmudflap will give you much better results for these kinds of errors. Additional docs here.
Much has changed in the 6 years since this answer. On Linux, the tool to find stack (and heap) overflows is AddressSanitizer, supported by recent versions of GCC and Clang.

Viewing registers in a crash dump

Is there a way to view the register contents in each stack frame in a crash dump?
The registers window seems to contain the registers when the exception occurred but it would be useful to be able to see their contents in each stack frame.
Depending on the calling convention, you can get some of the registers which are saved on the stack. For example, in the cdecl calling convention, all of the registers except for EAX, ECX, and EDX are required to be saved, either by the caller or the callee. Those three registers are clobberable, so you generally won't be able to get their values from higher up in the call stack. If a function doesn't use a register that must be saved, then it won't save it, but since it doesn't use it, that register has the same value in the next higher stack frame.
After doing some research and thinking about this a bit, I realized that it is probably not possible. A crash minidump saves certain areas of process memory (depending on the flags passed to the MiniDumpWriteDump() function) and enough state information to re-create the environment where the crash happened in a debugger. It does not have the processor state at each instruction or even at each stack frame, it only knows about the processor state when the exception occurred.
In optimized builds, it's true that some information down the stack may get tossed, however, you can ask the debugger to try and show you the information for a given stack frame. First do "kn" to see the stack with frame numbers, then try ".frame /c [frame]" or ".frame /r [frame]".
Check out the help (".hh") for more information.
I don't think you can get it either when debugging. The only value you can get from registers is their value at the current instruction.
