Clustering nodes on a graph - algorithm

Say I have a weighted, undirected graph with X vertices. I'm looking separate these nodes into clusters, based on the weight of an edge between each connected vertex (lower weight = closer together).
I was hoping I could use an algorithm like K means clustering to achieve this, but it seems that K means requires data in at least a 2D space, while I only have the weights of each edge to go from.
Is there a way to cluster nodes of a weighted graph together? I don't have a preference as to whether I need to specify the number of clusters or not.
I suspect I'm missing something relatively simple here, but it is rather late.
I've considered whether I just need to traverse the graph, and for each node find its Y closest immediate neighbours, but that seems too simple.
Edit: Apologies: to be more specific: the graph isn't too large (around 150 vertices, maximum), and is not complete. I'm using Python.


How to build a Minimum Spanning Tree given a list of 200 000 nodes?

I have a list of approximatly 200000 nodes that represent lat/lon position in a city and I have to compute the Minimum Spanning Tree. I know that I need to use Prim algorithm but first of all I need a connected graph. (We can assume that those nodes are in a Euclidian plan)
To build this connected graph I thought firstly to compute the complete graph but (205000*(205000-1)/2 is around 19 billions edges and I can't handle that.
Then I came across to Delaunay triangulation: with the fact that if I build this "Delauney graph", it contains a sub graph that is the Minimum Spanning Tree according and I have a total of around 600000 edges according to Wikipedia [..]it has at most 3n-6 edges. So it may be a good starting point for a Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm.
Another options is to build an approximately connected graph but with that I will maybe miss important edges that will influence my Minimum Spanning Tree.
My question
Is Delaunay a reliable solution in this case? If so, is there any other reliable solution than delaunay triangulation to this problem ?
Further information: this problem has to be solved in C.
The Delaunay triangulation of a point set is always a superset of the EMST of these points. So it is absolutely "reliable"*. And recommended, as it has a size linear in the number of points and can be efficiently built.
*When there are cocircular point quadruples, neither the triangulation nor the EMST are uniquely defined, but this is usually harmless.
There's a big question here of what libraries you have access to and how much you trust yourself as a coder. (I'm assuming the fact that you're new on SO should not be taken as a measure of your overall experience as a programmer - if it is, well, RIP.)
If we assume you don't have access to Delaunay and can't implement it yourself, minimum spanning trees algorithms that pre-suppose a graph aren't necessarily off limits to you. You can have the complete graph conceptually but not actually. Kruskal's algorithm, for instance, assumes you have a sorted list of all edges in your graph; most of your edges will not be near the minimum, and you do not have to compare all n^2 to find the minimum.
You can find minimum edges quickly by estimations that give you a reduced set, then refinement. For instance, if you divide your graph into a 100*100 grid, for any point p in the graph, points in the same grid square as p are guaranteed to be closer than points three or more squares away. This gives a much smaller set of points you have to compare to safely know you've found the closest.
It still won't be easy, but that might be easier than Delaunay.

Maximal number of vertex pairs in undirected not weighted graph

Given undirected not weighted graph with any type of connectivity, i.e. it can contain from 1 to several components with or without single nodes, each node can have 0 to many connections, cycles are allowed (but no loops from node to itself).
I need to find the maximal amount of vertex pairs assuming that each vertex can be used only once, ex. if graph has nodes 1,2,3 and node 3 is connected to nodes 1 and 2, the answer is one (1-3 or 2-3).
I am thinking about the following approach:
Remove all single nodes.
Find the edge connected a node with minimal number of edges to node with maximal number of edges (if there are several - take any of them), count and remove this pair of nodes from graph.
Repeat step 2 while graph has connected nodes.
My questions are:
Does it provide maximal number of pairs for any case? I am
worrying about some extremes, like cycles connected with some
single or several paths, etc.
Is there any faster and correct algorithm?
I can use java or python, but pseudocode or just algo description is perfectly fine.
Your approach is not guaranteed to provide the maximum number of vertex pairs even in the case of a cycle-free graph. For example, in the following graph your approach is going to select the edge (B,C). After that unfortunate choice, there are no more vertex pairs to choose from, and therefore you'll end up with a solution of size 1. Clearly, the optimal solution contains two vertex pairs, and hence your approach is not optimal.
The problem you're trying to solve is the Maximum Matching Problem (not to be confused with the Maximal Matching Problem which is trivial to solve):
Find the largest subset of edges S such that no vertex is incident to more than one edge in S.
The Blossom Algorithm solves this problem in O(EV^2).
The way the algorithm works is not straightforward and it introduces nontrivial notions (like a contracted matching, forest expansions and blossoms) to establish the optimal matching. If you just want to use the algorithm without fully understanding its intricacies you can find ready-to-use implementations of it online (such as this Python implementation).

Tricky algorithm for finding alternative route in graph with few added edges

Okay, so I found this a bit tricky.
Basically, you have a directed graph (let's call it the base graph), that has some leaves and a node with 0 indegree that is called root. It may contain cycles.
From that base graph, a tree has been made, that contains the root and all leaves, and some connection between them. The nodes and edges that are not needed to connect the root to the leaves are left out.
Now imagine one or more edges in the tree "break", and can no longer be used. The problem now is to
a) If possible, find an alternative route(s) to the disconnected node(s), introducing as few previously unused edges from the base graph as possible.
b) If not possible, select which edges to "repair", repairing as few edges as possible to get all leaves connected again.
This is supposed to represent an electrical grid, and the breaks are power outages.
If just one edge is broken, it is easy enough. But say you have a graph with 100 leaves, 500 edges, and 50 edges break. Now to find which combination of adding previously unused edges from the base graph, and if necessary repairing some edges, to connect all leaves, seems like a very hard problem.
I imagined one could do some sort of brute force, where ALL combinations of unused edges, from using 1 to all of them, are tested. Or if repairs are needed, testing ALL combinations of repairs with all combinations of new edges. When the amount of edges get high, this seems to me very very inefficient.
My question is, does anyone have any smart ideas to how this could be done in a more efficient way? I hope I explained it well enough.
This is an NP-hard problem, and I'll explain why. Imagine that you have three layers of nodes: the root node, a layer of intermediate connecting nodes, and then a layer of leaf nodes. Edges go from root to intermediate nodes, and from an intermediate node to some subset of leaf nodes. Suppose you have some choice of intermediate nodes and edges to leaf nodes that gives you a connected tree graph, where each intermediate node has an edge to only one leaf node. Now imagine all edges in the reduced graph are removed. Then to find the minimum number of edges needed to add to repair the graph, this is equivalent to finding the minimum number of remaining intermediate nodes whose edges cover all of the leaf nodes. This is equivalent to the set cover problem for the leaf nodes and is NP-hard. Thus there is almost certainly no fast algorithm for your problem in the worst case (unless P = NP). Maybe if you bound the number of edges that are removed, you can come up with a polynomial time algorithm where the exponent in the polynomial depends (hopefully weakly) on how many edges were removed.
Seems like the start to a good efficient heuristic/solution would be to weight the edges. A couple simple approaches (not the most space efficient) as to how you could weight the edges based on the total number of edges are listed below.
If using any number of undamaged edges is better than using a single alternative edge and using any number of alternative edges is better than a single damaged edge.
Undamaged edge: 1
Alternative edge: E
Damaged edge: E^2
In the case of 100 vertices and 500 edges, alternative edges would be weighted as 500, while damaged edges would be weighted as 250000.
If using any number of undamaged edges is better than using a single alternative edge or a single damaged edge.
Undamaged edge: 1
Alternative/damaged edge: E
In the case of 100 vertices and 500 edges, alternative/damaged edges would be weighted as 500.
It seems like you then try a number of approaches to find either the exact solution or a heuristic result. The main suggestion I have for an algorithm is below.
Find the directed minimium spanning tree. If you use the weighting listed above, then I believe the result is optimum if I'm understanding things correctly.
Although, if you have intermediate nodes (nodes that are neither the root or a leaf), then this is likely to result in an overestimating heuristic. In which case, you might be able to get around it by running all pairs all shortest paths first and use the path costs for that as input for the directed minimium spanning tree algorithm, but that's probably a heuristic as well.

Making a fully connected graph using a distance metric

Say I have a series of several thousand nodes. For each pair of nodes I have a distance metric. This distance metric could be a physical distance ( say x,y coordinates for every node ) or other things that make nodes similar.
Each node can connect to up to N other nodes, where N is small - say 6.
How can I construct a graph that is fully connected ( e.g. I can travel between any two nodes following graph edges ) while minimizing the total distance between all graph nodes.
That is I don't want a graph where the total distance for any traversal is minimized, but where for any node the total distance of all the links from that node is minimized.
I don't need an absolute minimum - as I think that is likely NP complete - but a relatively efficient method of getting a graph that is close to the true absolute minimum.
I'd suggest a greedy heuristic where you select edges until all vertices have 6 neighbors. For example, start with a minimum spanning tree. Then, for some random pairs of vertices, find a shortest path between them that uses at most one of the unselected edges (using Dijkstra's algorithm on two copies of the graph with the selected edges, connected by the unselected edges). Then select the edge that yielded in total the largest decrease of distance.
You can use a kernel to create edges only for nodes under a certain cutoff distance.
If you want non-weighted edges You could simply use a basic cutoff to start with. You add an edge between 2 points if d(v1,v2) < R
You can tweak your cutoff R to get the right average number of edges between nodes.
If you want a weighted graph, the preferred kernel is often the gaussian one, with
K(x,y) = e^(-d(x,y)^2/d_0)
with a cutoff to keep away nodes with too low values. d_0 is the parameter to tweak to get the weights that suits you best.
While looking for references, I found this blog post that I didn't about, but that seems very explanatory, with many more details :
This method is used in graph-based semi-supervised machine learning tasks, for instance in image recognition, where you tag a small part of an object, and have an efficient label propagation to identify the whole object.
You can search on google for : semi supervised learning with graph

Graph Algorithm To Find All Paths Between N Arbitrary Vertices

I have an graph with the following attributes:
Not weighted
Each vertex has a minimum of 2 and maximum of 6 edges connected to it.
Vertex count will be < 100
Graph is static and no vertices/edges can be added/removed or edited.
I'm looking for paths between a random subset of the vertices (at least 2). The paths should simple paths that only go through any vertex once.
My end goal is to have a set of routes so that you can start at one of the subset vertices and reach any of the other subset vertices. Its not necessary to pass through all the subset nodes when following a route.
All of the algorithms I've found (Dijkstra,Depth first search etc.) seem to be dealing with paths between two vertices and shortest paths.
Is there a known algorithm that will give me all the paths (I suppose these are subgraphs) that connect these subset of vertices?
I've created a (warning! programmer art) animated gif to illustrate what i'm trying to achieve:
There are two stages pre-process and runtime.
I have a graph and a subset of the vertices (blue nodes)
I generate all the possible routes that connect all the blue nodes
I can start at any blue node select any of the generated routes and travel along it to reach my destination blue node.
So my task is more about creating all of the subgraphs (routes) that connect all blue nodes, rather than creating a path from A->B.
There are so many ways to approach this and in order not confuse things, here's a separate answer that's addressing the description of your core problem:
Finding ALL possible subgraphs that connect your blue vertices is probably overkill if you're only going to use one at a time anyway. I would rather use an algorithm that finds a single one, but randomly (so not any shortest path algorithm or such, since it will always be the same).
If you want to save one of these subgraphs, you simply have to save the seed you used for the random number generator and you'll be able to produce the same subgraph again.
Also, if you really want to find a bunch of subgraphs, a randomized algorithm is still a good choice since you can run it several times with different seeds.
The only real downside is that you will never know if you've found every single one of the possible subgraphs, but it doesn't really sound like that's a requirement for your application.
So, on to the algorithm: Depending on the properties of your graph(s), the optimal algorithm might vary, but you could always start of with a simple random walk, starting from one blue node, walking to another blue one (while making sure you're not walking in your own old footsteps). Then choose a random node on that path and start walking to the next blue from there, and so on.
For certain graphs, this has very bad worst-case complexity but might suffice for your case. There are of course more intelligent ways to find random paths, but I'd start out easy and see if it's good enough. As they say, premature optimization is evil ;)
A simple breadth-first search will give you the shortest paths from one source vertex to all other vertices. So you can perform a BFS starting from each vertex in the subset you're interested in, to get the distances to all other vertices.
Note that in some places, BFS will be described as giving the path between a pair of vertices, but this is not necessary: You can keep running it until it has visited all nodes in the graph.
This algorithm is similar to Johnson's algorithm, but greatly simplified thanks to the fact that your graph is unweighted.
Time complexity: Since there is a constant number of edges per vertex, each BFS will take O(n), and the total will take O(kn), where n is the number of vertices and k is the size of the subset. As a comparison, the Floyd-Warshall algorithm will take O(n^3).
What you're searching for is (if I understand it correctly) not really all paths, but rather all spanning trees. Read the wikipedia article about spanning trees here to determine if those are what you're looking for. If it is, there is a paper you would probably want to read:
Gabow, Harold N.; Myers, Eugene W. (1978). "Finding All Spanning Trees of Directed and Undirected Graphs". SIAM J. Comput. 7 (280).
