Laravel Database migration procedure - laravel

I am currently using Laravel 5.4. I have a separate database per client. I would like to run database migrations in all my client databases. The database names are in the format of clientdb_{clientid}. I have tried using
Config::set("database.connections.mysql", ["database" =>
"username" => "root","password" => ""]);
[ '--path' => 'database/migrations/clients','--database'=>'clientdb_'.$client['id']]);
but I am getting exception called
[InvalidArgumentException] Database [clientdb_1] not configured.

The code you show is configuring the connection labelled mysql. I think what you are really trying to do is configure a new database connection called clientdb_1:
Config::set("database.connections.clientdb_" . $client['id'], [
"database" => "clientdb_" . $client['id'],
"username" => "root",
"password" => ""

Looks like the database is not configured in your config/database.php file


Specify elasticsearch username/password with Elasticsearch-PHP ClientBuilder

I have activated default "elastic" user and set a password for that user. I am using elasticsearch-php to connect and query my elasticsearch. It was working good, but after activating the password I cannot connect using my previous code.
While looking for providing authentication information with the ClientBuilder, I only get configurations regarding ssh connection. Did not find anything how can I use my elasticsearch username and password with the connection.
$hosts = [''];
$es_user = 'elastic';
$es_pass = 'MY_PASS';
$elasticsearch = Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder::create()->setHosts($hosts)->build();
I am wondering how can I use my username/password in the connection above.
You can do it with an extended host configuration like this:
$hosts = [
'host' => '',
'port' => '9200',
'user' => 'elastic',
'pass' => 'MY_PASS'
$elasticsearch = Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder::create()

Laravel forge Redis setup Undefined index: queue on RedisConnector

I am running Laravel 5.7 on Forge. Things are working well. I have two simple jobs that run. One when a user logs in and one when users want to download a large file.
In my local they both work great. Once deployed on forge they both fail with the same exception:
ErrorException: Undefined index: queue in /home/forge/SITE/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Queue/Connectors/RedisConnector.php:46
The stack trace points right back to the two lines where I call dispatch();
My setup is default for Redis. I have not changed my env or anything else related to a normal redis setup.
Both my local and my prod forge site have:
I have no idea why this would happen only in my Forge setup. TIA
After continueing to look into this, when I run it locally I have run php artisan queue:work
I tested running this after ssh'ing into my forge server and got this:
ErrorException : Undefined index: queue
at /home/forge/
42| */
43| public function connect(array $config)
44| {
45| return new RedisQueue(
46| $this->redis, $config['queue'],
47| $config['connection'] ?? $this->connection,
48| $config['retry_after'] ?? 60,
49| $config['block_for'] ?? null
50| );
Exception trace:
1 Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions::handleError("Undefined index: queue", "/home/forge/", [])
2 Illuminate\Queue\Connectors\RedisConnector::connect(["redis"])
Please use the argument -v to see more details.
my config/queue.php setting:
'redis' => [
'driver' => 'redis',
'connection' => 'default',
'queue' => 'default',
'retry_after' => 90,
'block_for' => null,
I feel like this is something missing between my config and how forge enables Redis
Well, it seems like your .env file is missing:

CakePHP 3.x ORM doesn't use cache data when key exists

CakePHP 3.5.13 with Redis configured as the cache engine:
// config/app.php
'Cache' => [
'default' => [
'className' => 'Redis',
'duration' => '+1 hours',
'prefix' => 'cake_redis_',
'host' => '',
'port' => 6379,
I have a table with ~260,000 rows in it and a corresponding Table class called SubstancesTable.php. I'm attempting to get the first 5000 rows and then cache the results, so that on subsequent queries, the cached results are used rather than executing the same query:
// Controller method
public function test()
$this->autoRender = false;
$Substances = TableRegistry::get('Substances');
// Get 5000 rows from table
$query = $Substances->find('list')->limit(5000);
// Write to cache
// Output the results
When I login to Redis (running redis-cli through ssh on my webserver), I can see a key has been generated with the name "test_cache_key":> KEYS *
1) "cake_redis_test_cache_key"
I can also see the serialized data in there using GET cake_redis_test_cache_key.
When I execute the above in a browser, there is virtually no difference in the time taken between the cache not existing, and after the cache has been created. I have deleted the cached key in Redis using DEL cake_redis_test_cache_key and confirmed it has gone by listing the keys in Redis (KEYS *)
Clearly Cake isn't reading from the cache in this situation, even though it's writing to it without problems. Why is this happening?
The documentation ( is not clear. Do I need to do something else to get it to read the results from the cache? I've also read CakePHP 3: find() with cache but can't see what's being done differently to what I'm doing above.

Hybridauth + composer: how to add custom providers

I'm converting a php project to use composer as dependency manager.
The dependencies are loaded via this line in my main script.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
One of these dependencies is hybridauth (version 2.9). Since using Composer, it throws 'file not found' errors when looking for custom providers files.
For instance, my main controller calls Hybrid like this:
$config_file_path = dirname(__FILE__) .'/hybridauth/config.php';
$hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth( $config_file_path );
Now, here is the config file. The provider i'm using is "Facebooktest".
Note that I had to specify the path via the [wrapper][path]; array key to get to the next error message.
"base_url" => WWWROOT."/auth",
"providers" => array(
"Facebook" => array(
"enabled" => true,
"keys" => array("id" => "xxxxxxx", "secret" => "xxxxxxxx"),
"scope" => "email",
"trustForwarded" => false
"Facebooktest" => array(
"enabled" => true,
"keys" => array("id" => "xxxxxxx", "secret" => "xxxxxx"),
"scope" => "email",
"trustForwarded" => false,
"wrapper"=> array(
"path"=> './controllers/hybridauth/Hybrid/Providers/Facebooktest.php'
"debug_mode" => false,
"debug_file" => "",
The error message (with trace):
require_once(/path/to/composer-project/vendor/hybridauth/hybridauth/hybridauth/Hybrid/thirdparty/Facebook/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
[vendor/bcosca/fatfree/lib/base.php:2174] Base->error()
[controllers/hybridauth/Hybrid/Providers/Facebooktest.php:61] Base->{closure}()
[controllers/hybridauth/Hybrid/Providers/Facebooktest.php:61] require_once()
[vendor/hybridauth/hybridauth/hybridauth/Hybrid/Provider_Model.php:99] Hybrid_Providers_Facebooktest->initialize()
[vendor/hybridauth/hybridauth/hybridauth/Hybrid/Provider_Adapter.php:101] Hybrid_Provider_Model->__construct()
[vendor/hybridauth/hybridauth/hybridauth/Hybrid/Auth.php:278] Hybrid_Provider_Adapter->factory()
[vendor/hybridauth/hybridauth/hybridauth/Hybrid/Auth.php:230] Hybrid_Auth::setup()
[controllers/auth-action.get.php:19] Hybrid_Auth::authenticate()
I find it strange that I now need to modify paths inside the "vendor/hybridauth/" project. It defeats the purpose of using a dependency manager. Surely, I must be doing it wrong.
Can you advise?
Check my answer to another question here
If you have recently installed Hybridauth through composer you probably have downloaded v2.9.2, which contain a bug in their Facebook class that replace the vendor path from yours to hybridauth/vendor, causing such issue.
I suspect you created that Facebooktest class by copying their Facebook class and therefore sustained that error. Either update to their dev branch and copy that Facebook class, or simply use other provider class as template for your custom provider class.

spatie/laravel-backup notifications not posting

Using Laravel 5.3 and v4 from spatie/laravel-backup package.
I am using this package from Spatie which allows me to take backups using a simple terminal command. It is pretty straight forward to set up and when I run the command the backup runs as intended.
But there is also an option in the config file to set notifications (send mail, post to slack, ...) after a backup. This does not seem to do anything for me. I neither receive mails (and I have set my mailaddress) or see posts to my dedicated slack channel (and i have added the webhook).
I have already included the following composer packages since researching this problem:
This is the simple notifications section in the config file:
'notifications' => [
'notifications' => [
\Spatie\Backup\Notifications\Notifications\BackupHasFailed::class => ['mail'],
\Spatie\Backup\Notifications\Notifications\UnhealthyBackupWasFound::class => ['mail'],
\Spatie\Backup\Notifications\Notifications\CleanupHasFailed::class => ['mail'],
\Spatie\Backup\Notifications\Notifications\BackupWasSuccessful::class => ['mail'],
\Spatie\Backup\Notifications\Notifications\HealthyBackupWasFound::class => ['mail'],
\Spatie\Backup\Notifications\Notifications\CleanupWasSuccessful::class => ['mail'],
* Here you can specify the notifiable to which the notifications should be sent. The default
* notifiable will use the variables specified in this config file.
'notifiable' => \Spatie\Backup\Notifications\Notifiable::class,
'mail' => [
'to' => 'nicolas#******.***',
'slack' => [
'webhook_url' => '*****/*****/*************',
Not really sure if I am forgetting something? Thanks for the help
The output I get in terminal after running the commands: gist.github
This is a talk at Laracon EU 2016, where the creator (Freek) shows off his package.
