Return defaul value of hash ruby - ruby

I am making a hash like this:
enum_gender={:male=>1,:female=>2, :default_when_fail=>3}
but I need that when I access
It return 3 by default or some value specified
:some_key could be any other :assd, :asf, :asdf
how do I do this ?

You can use fetch:
enum_gender.fetch(key, 3)
enum_gender.fetch('a_non_key', 3) #=> 3

You can do this
enum_gender ={:male=>1,:female=>2})
=> {:male=>1, :female=>2}
=> 3

I suggest writing some kind of conditional. You could write it as its own function, an if/else/end block, or a ternary as you like.
if enum_gender.has_key?(key)
return enum_gender[key]
return <default value>


How to set default value for Dry::Validation.Params scheme?

I have next scheme
Dry::Validation.Params do
optional(:per_page).filled(:int?, lteq?: 1000)
If I pass empty hash for validation I get empty output but I want to set default values for my data.
I tried Dry::Types.default but it does not add default values in output. That's what I tried.
Dry::Validation.Params do
optional(:per_page).filled(Dry::Types['strict.integer'].default(10), lteq?: 1000)
Is it possible to do what I want?
The Dry::Validation has not this purpose.
I recommend you to use dry-initializer on your params before pass it to the validation.
You can do something like this:
optional(:per_page).filled(Types::Integer.constructor { _1 || 10 })
Or define your own fallback strategy as here
optional(:per_page).filled(Types::Integer.constructor { |input, type| type.(input) { 10 } })

remove `\"` from string rails 4

I have params like:
params[:id]= "\"ebfd11a9-3aa4-415a-ba72-1b6796ea1bf6\""
And i want to get expected result as below:
How can I do this?
You can use gsub:
"\"ebfd11a9-3aa4-415a-ba72-1b6796ea1bf6\"".gsub("\"", "")
=> "ebfd11a9-3aa4-415a-ba72-1b6796ea1bf6"
Or, as #Stefan mentioned, delete:
=> "ebfd11a9-3aa4-415a-ba72-1b6796ea1bf6"
If this is JSON data, which it could very well be in that format:
This handles things where there's somehow escaped strings in there, or the parameters are an array.
Just Use tr!
tr! will also change the main string
In case you do not want to change main string just use :
Thanks Ilya

More concise way of writing this array inclusion / default fallback code?

I find that I've been doing this a fair enough number of times in my Rails controllers that I'm interested in finding a better way of writing it out (if possible). Essentially, I'm validating the input to a few options, and falling back on a default value if the input doesn't match any of the options.
valid_options = %w(most_active most_recent most_popular)
#my_param = valid_options.include?(params[:my_param]) ? params[:my_param] : 'most_recent'
If you use a hash instead of an array, it would be faster and cleaner. And, since your default is "most_recent", having "most_recent" in valid_options is redundant. You better remove it.
filter_options ="most_recent")
.merge("most_popular" => "most_popular", "most_active" => "most_active")
#my_param = filter_options[params[:my_param]]
I too would go the Hash route.
This could be imaginable:
Hash[ valid_options].fetch(params[:my_param], "most_recent")
A bit farfetched.
valid_options = %w(most_active most_recent most_popular)
(valid_options & [params[:my_param]]).first || 'most_recent'
How is the below:
valid_options = %w(most_active most_recent most_popular)
valid_options.detect(proc{'default_value'}){|i| i == params[:my_param] }
Another one:
valid_options = %w(most_active most_recent most_popular)
valid_options.dup.delete(params[:my_param]) { "default" }

How to encode the text into string in rails?

unit = "Nm³/hr Air"
# => "Nm³/hr Air"
# => false
I want the result of unit.html_safe? as true for to display in the view.
Thanks in advance
Just do unit.html_safe in your view.
Calling html_safe on a String returns a new object that looks and acts like a String.
In your case, it's not returning string that why html_safe returns false.
Have a close look, i hope it will help you.

ruby one-liner for this possible?

Any chance the 2nd and 3rd lines can be combined in an one-liner and hopefully save one valuable?
def self.date_format
record = find_by_key('strftime')
record ? record.value : "%Y-%b-%d'
the above function in a Config model try to fetch a database record by a key, return a default if not found in database.
Even better if can be written in named scope. Thanks
As requested.
Nobody yet has mentioned try, which is perfect for this situation:
value = find_by_key('strftime').try(:value) || "%Y-%b-%d"
You could use:
(find_by_key('strftime').value rescue nil) || "%Y-%b-%d"
though using exceptions is not very efficient.
value = find_by_key('strftime') || "%Y-%b-%d"
work for you?
Do you need to assign a "value" variable at all? If not...
def self.date_format
find_by_key('strftime') || "%Y-%b-%d"
