Oracle - cumulative counts within chain of records - oracle
I have an oracle table DM_TEMP_SUMMING_DVC_BY_FW with below columns and sample data. Data below shows
-dmc_id ='408' there are 2109 devices which are having firmware_version='RT1' and it is the first firmware_version because image_prerequisite is null for this firmware_image.
-dmc_id ='408' there are 40 devices which are having firmware_version='RT2' moved from "RT1" and so on.
The requirement is to create the chain of firmware_versions and the count of devices moving through the chain. For example:
Firmware_version movement is RT1-->RT2-->RT3-->RT4
so the count of devices moved from RT1 to RT4 is (RT1+RT2+RT3+RT4)
count of devices moved from RT2 to RT4 is (RT2+RT3+RT4)
count of devices moved from RT3 to RT4 is (RT3+RT4)
count of devices at last firmware_version is RT4
Below is the input data in table DM_TEMP_SUMMING_DVC_BY_FW
device_count| dmc_id| firmware_version| cg_id |image_prerequisite| count_within_dmcid|
| 40 | 408 |RT2 |0 |RT1 | 24028 |
| 24 | 408 |RT3 |0 |RT2 | 24028 |
| 18 | 408 |RT4 |0 |RT3 | 24028 |
| 2109 | 408 |RT1 |0 |null | 24028 |
| 1 | 1422 |RT1 |0 |null | 7 |
| 1 | 1422 |RT2 |0 |RT1 | 7 |
| 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA-0000000041 |null | 1 |
| 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA-0000000334 |null | 2 |
| 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA-0000000359 |null | 1 |
| 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA-0000000441 |null | 1 |
| 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA-0000001885 |null | 2 |
| 4 | 408 |SVP01 |0 |null | 24028 |
| 11 | 408 |Sanity01 |0 |null | 24028 |
| 1 | 408 |Sanity1 |0 |null | 24028 |
| 6 | 408 |TB_HT01 |0 |null | 24028 |
| 1 | 408 |TEST_1 |0 |null | 24028 |
| 5 | 408 |TK_ST001 |0 |null | 24028 |
Query that I have executed:
firmware_version as fw,
device_count as cnt,
sum( device_count ) over ( partition by dmc_id, cg_id order by lev desc ) as cumm
select t.* , level lev,
sys_connect_by_path( firmware_version, '/' ) as chain
START WITH image_prerequisite IS null
CONNECT BY nocycle PRIOR firmware_version=image_prerequisite
AND PRIOR dmc_id = dmc_id
AND PRIOR cg_id = cg_id
) x
order by dmc_id, cg_id, lev desc
Results Query is returning:
chain |fw |cnt |dmc_id| cg_id |count_within_dmcid|cumm|
|/RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 | RT4 | 18| 408 | 0 | 24028 | 18|
|/RT1/RT2/RT3 | RT3 | 24| 408 | 0 | 24028 | 42|
|/RT1/RT2 | RT2 | 40| 408 | 0 | 24028 | 82|
|/Sanity1 |Sanity1 | 1 | 408 | 0 | 24028 |2219|
|/TB_HT01 |TB_HT01 | 6 | 408 | 0 | 24028 |2219|
|/Sanity01 |Sanity01 | 11| 408 | 0 | 24028 |2219|
|/SVP01 |SVP01 | 4 | 408 | 0 | 24028 |2219|
|/RT1 | RT1 |2109 | 408 | 0 | 24028 |2219|
|/TEST_1 |TEST_1 | 1 | 408 | 0 | 24028 |2219|
|/TK_ST001 |TK_ST001 | 5 | 408 | 0 | 24028 |2219|
|/RT1 |RT1 | 1 | 408 |HFOTA-0000000041| 1 | 1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |1 | 408 |HFOTA-0000000334| 2 | 1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |1 | 408 |HFOTA-0000000359| 1 | 1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |1 | 408 |HFOTA-0000000441| 1 | 1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |1 | 408 |HFOTA-0000001885| 2 | 1 |
|/RT1/RT2 |RT2 |1 |1422 | 0 | 7 | 1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |1 |1422 | 0 | 7 | 2 |
Expected Results:
chain |fw |cnt |dmc_id| cg_id |count_within_dmcid|cumm|
|/RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 | RT4 | 18| 408 | 0 | 24028 | 18|
|/RT1/RT2/RT3 | RT3 | 24| 408 | 0 | 24028 | 42|
|/RT1/RT2 | RT2 | 40| 408 | 0 | 24028 | 82|
|/Sanity1 |Sanity1 | 1 | 408 | 0 | 24028 | 1 |
|/TB_HT01 |TB_HT01 | 6 | 408 | 0 | 24028 | 6 |
|/Sanity01 |Sanity01 | 11| 408 | 0 | 24028 | 11 |
|/SVP01 |SVP01 | 4 | 408 | 0 | 24028 | 4 |
|/RT1 | RT1 |2109 | 408 | 0 | 24028 |2191|
|/TEST_1 |TEST_1 | 1 | 408 | 0 | 24028 | 1 |
|/TK_ST001 |TK_ST001 | 5 | 408 | 0 | 24028 | 5 |
|/RT1 |RT1 | 1 | 408 |HFOTA-0000000041| 1 | 1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |1 | 408 |HFOTA-0000000334| 2 | 1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |1 | 408 |HFOTA-0000000359| 1 | 1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |1 | 408 |HFOTA-0000000441| 1 | 1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |1 | 408 |HFOTA-0000001885| 2 | 1 |
|/RT1/RT2 |RT2 |1 |1422 | 0 | 7 | 1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |1 |1422 | 0 | 7 | 2 |
Please suggest any solution for this problem.
Thanks in advance!
Another scenario with the split chains -
Input data in DM_TEMP_SUMMING_DVC_BY_FW table.
device_count| dmc_id| firmware_version| cg_id |image_prerequisite| count_within_dmcid|
| 5 | 3345 |SU.B |0000000000000000 |SU.A | 93 |
| 6 | 3345 |SU.C |0000000000000000 |SU.B | 93 |
| 8 | 3345 |SU.D |0000000000000000 |SU.C | 93 |
| 8 | 3345 |SU.E |0000000000000000 |SU.C | 93 |
| 20 | 3345 |SU.F |0000000000000000 |SU.D | 93 |
| 20 | 3345 |SU.F |0000000000000000 |SU.E | 93 |
| 10 | 3345 |SU.G |0000000000000000 |SU.F | 93 |
| 11 | 3345 |SU.H |0000000000000000 |SU.F | 93 |
| 20 | 3345 |SU.I |0000000000000000 |SU.G | 93 |
| 20 | 3345 |SU.I |0000000000000000 |SU.H | 93 |
| 5 | 3345 |SU.A |0000000000000000 |null | 93 |
| 40 | 408 |RT2 |0000000000000000 |RT1 | 24028 |
| 24 | 408 |RT3 |0000000000000000 |RT2 | 24028 |
| 18 | 408 |RT4 |0000000000000000 |RT3 | 24028 |
| 2109 | 408 |RT1 |0000000000000000 |null | 24028 |
| 1 | 142 |RT1 |0000000000000000 |null | 7 |
| 1 | 142 |RT2 |0000000000000000 |RT1 | 7 |
| 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA-0000000041 |null | 1 |
| 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA-0000000334 |null | 2 |
| 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA-0000000359 |null | 1 |
| 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA-0000000441 |null | 1 |
| 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA-0000001885 |null | 2 |
| 4 | 408 |SVP01 |0000000000000000 |null | 24028 |
| 11 | 408 |Sanity01 |0000000000000000 |null | 24028 |
| 1 | 408 |Sanity1 |0000000000000000 |null | 24028 |
| 6 | 408 |TB_HT01 |0000000000000000 |null | 24028 |
| 1 | 408 |TEST_1 |0000000000000000 |null | 24028 |
| 5 | 408 |TK_ST001 |0000000000000000 |null | 24028 |
This query is breaking in the path split scenario data.
SU.A (5) -- Level 1
SU.B (5) -- Level 2
SU.C (6) -- Level 3
/ \
(8) SU.D SU.E (8) -- Level 4
\ /
SU.F (20) -- Level 5
/ \
(10) SU.G SU.H (11) -- Level 6
\ /
SU.I (20) -- Level 7
Query used:
SELECT chain,
SUM(device_count) over(PARTITION BY dmc_id, cg_id, root_fw ORDER BY lev DESC),
LEVEL lev,
sys_connect_by_path(firmware_version, '/') AS chain,
connect_by_root(firmware_version) root_fw
FROM dm_temp_summing_dvc_by_fw t
START WITH image_prerequisite IS NULL
CONNECT BY nocycle PRIOR firmware_version = image_prerequisite
AND PRIOR dmc_id = dmc_id
AND PRIOR cg_id = cg_id) x
ORDER BY dmc_id,
lev DESC;
Ouput query is returning:
chain |root_fw |fw |device_count |dmc_id| cg_id |count_within_dmcid|cumm|lev|
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D/SU.F/SU.G/SU.I|SU.A |SU.I | 20 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |80 |7 |
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.E/SU.F/SU.H/SU.I|SU.A |SU.I | 20 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |80 |7 |
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.E/SU.F/SU.G/SU.I|SU.A |SU.I | 20 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |80 |7 |
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D/SU.F/SU.H/SU.I|SU.A |SU.I | 20 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |80 |7 |
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.E/SU.F/SU.G |SU.A |SU.G | 10 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |122 |6 |
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D/SU.F/SU.G |SU.A |SU.G | 10 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |122 |6 |
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D/SU.F/SU.H |SU.A |SU.H | 11 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |122 |6 |
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.E/SU.F/SU.H |SU.A |SU.H | 11 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |122 |6 |
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.E/SU.F |SU.A |SU.F | 20 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |162 |5 |
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D/SU.F |SU.A |SU.F | 20 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |162 |5 |
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.E |SU.A |SU.E | 8 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |178 |4 |
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D |SU.A |SU.D | 8 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |178 |4 |
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C |SU.A |SU.C | 6 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |184 |3 |
|/SU.A/SU.B |SU.A |SU.B | 5 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |189 |2 |
|/SU.A |SU.A |SU.A | 5 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |194 |1 |
|/RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 |RT1 |RT4 | 18 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |18 |4 |
|/RT1/RT2/RT3 |RT1 |RT3 | 24 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |42 |3 |
|/RT1/RT2 |RT1 |RT2 | 40 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |82 |2 |
|/Sanity1 |Sanity1 |Sanity1 | 1 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |1 |1 |
|/TB_HT01 |TB_HT01 |TB_HT01 | 6 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |6 |1 |
|/Sanity01 |Sanity01|Sanity01| 11 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |11 |1 |
|/SVP01 |SVP01 |SVP01 | 4 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |4 |1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |RT1 | 2109 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |2191|1 |
|/TEST_1 |TEST_1 |TEST_1 | 1 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |1 |1 |
|/TK_ST001 |TK_ST001|TK_ST001| 5 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |5 |1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |RT1 | 1 |408 |HFOTA-0000000041|1 |1 |1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |RT1 | 1 |408 |HFOTA-0000000334|2 |1 |1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |RT1 | 1 |408 |HFOTA-0000000359|1 |1 |1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |RT1 | 1 |408 |HFOTA-0000000441|1 |1 |1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |RT1 | 1 |408 |HFOTA-0000001885|2 |1 |1 |
|/RT1/RT2 |RT1 |RT2 | 1 |1422 |0000000000000000|7 |1 |2 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |RT1 | 1 |1422 |0000000000000000|7 |2 |1 |
Chain and cumulative counts are coming correct for regural chains A - B- C- D, but if we have split chains then it is doing summary of all the chain generated.
SU.A - 93 A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I
SU.B - 88 B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I
SU.C - 83 C+D+E+F+G+H+I
SU.D - 0 (Cummulative count will be zero if we have two or more FW at same level)
SU.E - 0 (Cummulative count will be zero if we have two or more FW at same level)
SU.F - 61 F+G+H+I
SU.G - 0 Cummulative count will be zero if we have two or more FW at same level)
SU.H - 0 Cummulative count will be zero if we have two or more FW at same level)
SU.I - 20 I
Expected output in this split scenario:
chain |root_fw |fw |device_count |dmc_id| cg_id |count_within_dmcid|cumm|lev|
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D/SU.E/SU.F/SU.G/SU.H/SU.I|SU.A |SU.I | 20 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |20 |7 |
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D/SU.E/SU.F/SU.G/SU.H/ |SU.A |SU.H | 11 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |0 |6 |
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D/SU.E/SU.F/SU.G |SU.A |SU.G | 10 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |0 |6 |
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D/SU.E/SU.F |SU.A |SU.F | 20 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |61 |5 |
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D/SU.E |SU.A |SU.E | 8 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |0 |4 |
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D |SU.A |SU.D | 8 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |0 |4 |
|/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C |SU.A |SU.C | 6 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |83 |3 |
|/SU.A/SU.B |SU.A |SU.B | 5 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |88 |2 |
|/SU.A |SU.A |SU.A | 5 |3345 |0000000000000000|93 |93 |1 |
|/RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 |RT1 |RT4 | 18 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |18 |4 |
|/RT1/RT2/RT3 |RT1 |RT3 | 24 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |42 |3 |
|/RT1/RT2 |RT1 |RT2 | 40 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |82 |2 |
|/Sanity1 |Sanity1 |Sanity1 | 1 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |1 |1 |
|/TB_HT01 |TB_HT01 |TB_HT01 | 6 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |6 |1 |
|/Sanity01 |Sanity01|Sanity01| 11 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |11 |1 |
|/SVP01 |SVP01 |SVP01 | 4 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |4 |1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |RT1 | 2109 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |2191|1 |
|/TEST_1 |TEST_1 |TEST_1 | 1 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |1 |1 |
|/TK_ST001 |TK_ST001|TK_ST001| 5 |408 |0000000000000000|24028 |5 |1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |RT1 | 1 |408 |HFOTA-0000000041|1 |1 |1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |RT1 | 1 |408 |HFOTA-0000000334|2 |1 |1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |RT1 | 1 |408 |HFOTA-0000000359|1 |1 |1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |RT1 | 1 |408 |HFOTA-0000000441|1 |1 |1 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |RT1 | 1 |408 |HFOTA-0000001885|2 |1 |1 |
|/RT1/RT2 |RT1 |RT2 | 1 |1422 |0000000000000000|7 |1 |2 |
|/RT1 |RT1 |RT1 | 1 |1422 |0000000000000000|7 |2 |1 |
It looks like what you're missing is partitioning on the root firmware_version, which you can get by using connect_by_root(), like so:
WITH dm_temp_summing_dvc_by_fw AS (SELECT 40 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'RT2' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, 'RT1' image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 24 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'RT3' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, 'RT2' image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 18 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'RT4' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, 'RT3' image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 2109 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'RT1' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 1 device_count, 1422 dmc_id, 'RT1' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 7 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 1 device_count, 1422 dmc_id, 'RT2' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, 'RT1' image_prerequisite, 7 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 1 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'RT1' firmware_version, 'HFOTA1' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 1 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 1 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'RT1' firmware_version, 'HFOTA2' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 2 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 1 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'RT1' firmware_version, 'HFOTA3' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 1 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 1 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'RT1' firmware_version, 'HFOTA4' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 1 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 1 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'RT1' firmware_version, 'HFOTA5' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 2 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 4 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'SVP01' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 11 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'Sanity01' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 1 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'Sanity1' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 6 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'TB_HT01' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 1 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'TEST_1' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 5 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'TK_ST001' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual)
SELECT chain,
firmware_version AS fw,
device_count AS cnt,
SUM(device_count) over(PARTITION BY dmc_id, cg_id, root_fw ORDER BY lev DESC) AS cumm
LEVEL lev,
sys_connect_by_path(firmware_version, '/') AS chain,
connect_by_root(firmware_version) root_fw
FROM dm_temp_summing_dvc_by_fw t
START WITH image_prerequisite IS NULL
CONNECT BY nocycle PRIOR firmware_version = image_prerequisite
AND PRIOR dmc_id = dmc_id
AND PRIOR cg_id = cg_id) x
ORDER BY dmc_id,
lev DESC;
Which gives the results:
----------------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ------------------ ----------
/RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 RT1 RT4 18 408 0000 4 24028 18
/RT1/RT2/RT3 RT1 RT3 24 408 0000 3 24028 42
/RT1/RT2 RT1 RT2 40 408 0000 2 24028 82
/Sanity1 Sanity1 Sanity1 1 408 0000 1 24028 1
/TB_HT01 TB_HT01 TB_HT01 6 408 0000 1 24028 6
/Sanity01 Sanity01 Sanity01 11 408 0000 1 24028 11
/SVP01 SVP01 SVP01 4 408 0000 1 24028 4
/RT1 RT1 RT1 2109 408 0000 1 24028 2191
/TEST_1 TEST_1 TEST_1 1 408 0000 1 24028 1
/TK_ST001 TK_ST001 TK_ST001 5 408 0000 1 24028 5
/RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA1 1 1 1
/RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA2 1 2 1
/RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA3 1 1 1
/RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA4 1 1 1
/RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA5 1 2 1
/RT1/RT2 RT1 RT2 1 1422 0000 2 7 1
/RT1 RT1 RT1 1 1422 0000 1 7 2
With the additional requirement to handle cases where firmewares are at the same level as each other, I *think* this does what you're after:
WITH dm_temp_summing_dvc_by_fw AS (SELECT 40 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'RT2' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, 'RT1' image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 24 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'RT3' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, 'RT2' image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 18 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'RT4' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, 'RT3' image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 2109 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'RT1' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 1 device_count, 1422 dmc_id, 'RT1' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 7 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 1 device_count, 1422 dmc_id, 'RT2' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, 'RT1' image_prerequisite, 7 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 1 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'RT1' firmware_version, 'HFOTA1' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 1 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 1 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'RT1' firmware_version, 'HFOTA2' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 2 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 1 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'RT1' firmware_version, 'HFOTA3' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 1 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 1 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'RT1' firmware_version, 'HFOTA4' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 1 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 1 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'RT1' firmware_version, 'HFOTA5' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 2 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 4 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'SVP01' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 11 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'Sanity01' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 1 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'Sanity1' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 6 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'TB_HT01' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 1 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'TEST_1' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 5 device_count, 408 dmc_id, 'TK_ST001' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 24028 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 5 device_count, 3345 dmc_id, 'SU.B' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, 'SU.A' image_prerequisite, 93 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 6 device_count, 3345 dmc_id, 'SU.C' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, 'SU.B' image_prerequisite, 93 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 8 device_count, 3345 dmc_id, 'SU.D' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, 'SU.C' image_prerequisite, 93 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 8 device_count, 3345 dmc_id, 'SU.E' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, 'SU.C' image_prerequisite, 93 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 20 device_count, 3345 dmc_id, 'SU.F' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, 'SU.D' image_prerequisite, 93 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 20 device_count, 3345 dmc_id, 'SU.F' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, 'SU.E' image_prerequisite, 93 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 10 device_count, 3345 dmc_id, 'SU.G' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, 'SU.F' image_prerequisite, 93 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 11 device_count, 3345 dmc_id, 'SU.H' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, 'SU.F' image_prerequisite, 93 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 20 device_count, 3345 dmc_id, 'SU.I' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, 'SU.G' image_prerequisite, 93 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 20 device_count, 3345 dmc_id, 'SU.I' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, 'SU.H' image_prerequisite, 93 count_within_dmcid FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 5 device_count, 3345 dmc_id, 'SU.A' firmware_version, '0000' cg_id, NULL image_prerequisite, 93 count_within_dmcid FROM dual),
t1 AS (SELECT device_count,
CASE WHEN COUNT(image_prerequisite) OVER (PARTITION BY dmc_id, cg_id, image_prerequisite) > 1
THEN listagg(firmware_version, '~') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY firmware_version) OVER (PARTITION BY dmc_id, cg_id, image_prerequisite)
ELSE firmware_version
END firmware_version,
FROM dm_temp_summing_dvc_by_fw),
t2 AS (SELECT sum(device_count) device_count,
GROUP BY dmc_id,
t3 AS (SELECT t.*,
LEVEL lev,
sys_connect_by_path(firmware_version, '/') AS chain,
connect_by_root(firmware_version) root_fw,
row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY dmc_id, cg_id, firmware_version, connect_by_root(firmware_version) ORDER BY LEVEL DESC, sys_connect_by_path(firmware_version, '/')) rn
FROM t2 t
START WITH image_prerequisite IS NULL
CONNECT BY nocycle PRIOR regexp_substr(firmware_version, '[^~]*') = image_prerequisite
AND PRIOR dmc_id = dmc_id
AND PRIOR cg_id = cg_id)
SELECT chain,
firmware_version AS fw,
device_count AS cnt,
SUM(device_count) over(PARTITION BY dmc_id, cg_id, root_fw ORDER BY lev DESC) AS cumm
ORDER BY dmc_id,
lev DESC;
which gives us:
--------------------------------------------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ------------------ ---------- ----------
/RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 RT1 RT4 18 408 0000 4 24028 1 18
/RT1/RT2/RT3 RT1 RT3 24 408 0000 3 24028 1 42
/RT1/RT2 RT1 RT2 40 408 0000 2 24028 1 82
/SVP01 SVP01 SVP01 4 408 0000 1 24028 1 4
/RT1 RT1 RT1 2109 408 0000 1 24028 1 2191
/Sanity01 Sanity01 Sanity01 11 408 0000 1 24028 1 11
/Sanity1 Sanity1 Sanity1 1 408 0000 1 24028 1 1
/TB_HT01 TB_HT01 TB_HT01 6 408 0000 1 24028 1 6
/TEST_1 TEST_1 TEST_1 1 408 0000 1 24028 1 1
/TK_ST001 TK_ST001 TK_ST001 5 408 0000 1 24028 1 5
/RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA1 1 1 1 1
/RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA2 1 2 1 1
/RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA3 1 1 1 1
/RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA4 1 1 1 1
/RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA5 1 2 1 1
/RT1/RT2 RT1 RT2 1 1422 0000 2 7 1 1
/RT1 RT1 RT1 1 1422 0000 1 7 1 2
/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D~SU.E/SU.F/SU.G~SU.H/SU.I SU.A SU.I 20 3345 0000 7 93 1 20
/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D~SU.E/SU.F/SU.G~SU.H SU.A SU.G~SU.H 21 3345 0000 6 93 1 41
/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D~SU.E/SU.F SU.A SU.F 20 3345 0000 5 93 1 61
/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D~SU.E SU.A SU.D~SU.E 16 3345 0000 4 93 1 77
/SU.A/SU.B/SU.C SU.A SU.C 6 3345 0000 3 93 1 83
/SU.A/SU.B SU.A SU.B 5 3345 0000 2 93 1 88
/SU.A SU.A SU.A 5 3345 0000 1 93 1 93
What this latest query does is first find out if there are firmwares that are at the same level as each other, and if so, we listagg them together (here, I've used ~ as a separator for clarity in the results - there's nothing to stop you from using the same separator as you use in the sys_connect_by_path).
Once we have that, we can do the connect by, but we need to look at just the first entry in the newly calculated firmware column (otherwise we won't find a match in the image_prerequisite column). Then it's just calculating the results in the same way the previous query did.
Oracle - sys_connect_by_path functionality
I have below input data in table +-----------+-------+-----------------+-----------------+------------------+-------------------+ device_count| dmc_id| firmware_version| charging_group_id|image_prerequisite| count_within_dmcid| +-----------+-------+-----------------+-----------------+------------------+-------------------+ | 5 | 3345 |SU.B |0000000000000000 |SU.A | 93 | | 6 | 3345 |SU.C |0000000000000000 |SU.B | 93 | | 8 | 3345 |SU.D |0000000000000000 |SU.C | 93 | | 8 | 3345 |SU.E |0000000000000000 |SU.C | 93 | | 20 | 3345 |SU.F |0000000000000000 |SU.D | 93 | | 20 | 3345 |SU.F |0000000000000000 |SU.E | 93 | | 10 | 3345 |SU.G |0000000000000000 |SU.F | 93 | | 11 | 3345 |SU.H |0000000000000000 |SU.F | 93 | | 20 | 3345 |SU.I |0000000000000000 |SU.G | 93 | | 20 | 3345 |SU.I |0000000000000000 |SU.H | 93 | | 5 | 3345 |SU.A |0000000000000000 |null | 93 | | 40 | 408 |RT2 |0000000000000000 |RT1 | 24028 | | 24 | 408 |RT3 |0000000000000000 |RT2 | 24028 | | 18 | 408 |RT4 |0000000000000000 |RT3 | 24028 | | 2109 | 408 |RT1 |0000000000000000 |null | 24028 | | 1 | 1422 |RT1 |0000000000000000 |null | 7 | | 1 | 1422 |RT2 |0000000000000000 |RT1 | 7 | | 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA-0000000041 |null | 1 | | 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA-0000000334 |null | 2 | | 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA-0000000359 |null | 1 | | 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA-0000000441 |null | 1 | | 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA-0000001885 |null | 2 | | 4 | 408 |SVP01 |0000000000000000 |null | 24028 | | 11 | 408 |Sanity01 |0000000000000000 |null | 24028 | | 1 | 408 |Sanity1 |0000000000000000 |null | 24028 | | 6 | 408 |TB_HT01 |0000000000000000 |null | 24028 | | 1 | 408 |TEST_1 |0000000000000000 |null | 24028 | | 5 | 408 |TK_ST001 |0000000000000000 |null | 24028 | | 2 | 3345 |FW.D |0000000000000000 |FW.C | 24028 | | 8 | 3345 |FW.E |0000000000000000 |FW.D | 24028 | | 4 | 3345 |FW.F |0000000000000000 |FW.E | 24028 | +-----------+-------+-----------------+-----------------+------------------+-------------------+ I am using below query to create chain of firmware_version and finding cumulative count. WITH t1 AS (SELECT device_count, dmc_id, CASE WHEN COUNT(image_prerequisite) OVER (PARTITION BY dmc_id, charging_group_id, image_prerequisite) > 1 THEN MIN(firmware_version) --WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY firmware_version) OVER (PARTITION BY dmc_id, charging_group_id, image_prerequisite) || '+N' ELSE firmware_version END firmware_version, charging_group_id, image_prerequisite, count_within_dmcid FROM dm_temp_summing_dvc_by_fw ), t2 AS (SELECT SUM(device_count) device_count, dmc_id, firmware_version, charging_group_id, image_prerequisite, count_within_dmcid FROM t1 GROUP BY dmc_id, firmware_version, charging_group_id, image_prerequisite, count_within_dmcid ), t3 AS (SELECT t.*, LEVEL lev, sys_connect_by_path(firmware_version, '/') AS chain, connect_by_root(firmware_version) root_fw, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY dmc_id, charging_group_id, firmware_version, connect_by_root(firmware_version) ORDER BY LEVEL DESC, sys_connect_by_path(firmware_version, '/')) rn FROM t2 t START WITH image_prerequisite IS NULL CONNECT BY nocycle PRIOR regexp_substr(firmware_version, '[^+]*') = image_prerequisite AND PRIOR dmc_id = dmc_id AND PRIOR charging_group_id = charging_group_id ) SELECT chain, root_fw, firmware_version AS fw, device_count AS cnt, dmc_id, charging_group_id, count_within_dmcid, SUM(device_count) over(PARTITION BY dmc_id, charging_group_id, root_fw ORDER BY lev DESC) AS cumm, lev, rn FROM t3 ORDER BY dmc_id, charging_group_id, lev DESC; Results Query is returning: It is not returning the chain for firmware_versions FW.D, FW.E, FW.F because we are using START WITH image_prerequisite IS NULL. Please suggest a way we can address the chain of firmware which does not have the starting point (Image Prerequisite) as NULL. CHAIN ROOT_FW FW CNT DMC_ID CG_ID LEV COUNT_WITHIN_DMCID RN CUMM --------------------------------------------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------- ------------------ ---------- ---------- /RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 RT1 RT4 18 408 0000000000000000 4 24028 1 18 /RT1/RT2/RT3 RT1 RT3 24 408 0000000000000000 3 24028 1 42 /RT1/RT2 RT1 RT2 40 408 0000000000000000 2 24028 1 82 /SVP01 SVP01 SVP01 4 408 0000000000000000 1 24028 1 4 /RT1 RT1 RT1 2109 408 0000000000000000 1 24028 1 2191 /Sanity01 Sanity01 Sanity01 11 408 0000000000000000 1 24028 1 11 /Sanity1 Sanity1 Sanity1 1 408 0000000000000000 1 24028 1 1 /TB_HT01 TB_HT01 TB_HT01 6 408 0000000000000000 1 24028 1 6 /TEST_1 TEST_1 TEST_1 1 408 0000000000000000 1 24028 1 1 /TK_ST001 TK_ST001 TK_ST001 5 408 0000000000000000 1 24028 1 5 /RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA-0000000041 1 1 1 1 /RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA-0000000334 1 2 1 1 /RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA-0000000359 1 1 1 1 /RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA-0000000441 1 1 1 1 /RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA-0000001885 1 2 1 1 /RT1/RT2 RT1 RT2 1 1422 0000000000000000 2 7 1 1 /RT1 RT1 RT1 1 1422 0000000000000000 1 7 1 2 /SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D+N/SU.F/SU.G+N/SU.I SU.A SU.I 20 3345 0000000000000000 7 93 1 20 /SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D+N/SU.F/SU.G+N SU.A SU.G+N 21 3345 0000000000000000 6 93 1 41 /SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D+N/SU.F SU.A SU.F 20 3345 0000000000000000 5 93 1 61 /SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D+N SU.A SU.D+N 16 3345 0000000000000000 4 93 1 77 /SU.A/SU.B/SU.C SU.A SU.C 6 3345 0000000000000000 3 93 1 83 /SU.A/SU.B SU.A SU.B 5 3345 0000000000000000 2 93 1 88 /SU.A SU.A SU.A 5 3345 0000000000000000 1 93 1 93 Expected output: CHAIN ROOT_FW FW CNT DMC_ID CG_ID LEV COUNT_WITHIN_DMCID RN CUMM --------------------------------------------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------- ------------------ ---------- ---------- /RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 RT1 RT4 18 408 0000000000000000 4 24028 1 18 /RT1/RT2/RT3 RT1 RT3 24 408 0000000000000000 3 24028 1 42 /RT1/RT2 RT1 RT2 40 408 0000000000000000 2 24028 1 82 /SVP01 SVP01 SVP01 4 408 0000000000000000 1 24028 1 4 /RT1 RT1 RT1 2109 408 0000000000000000 1 24028 1 2191 /Sanity01 Sanity01 Sanity01 11 408 0000000000000000 1 24028 1 11 /Sanity1 Sanity1 Sanity1 1 408 0000000000000000 1 24028 1 1 /TB_HT01 TB_HT01 TB_HT01 6 408 0000000000000000 1 24028 1 6 /TEST_1 TEST_1 TEST_1 1 408 0000000000000000 1 24028 1 1 /TK_ST001 TK_ST001 TK_ST001 5 408 0000000000000000 1 24028 1 5 /RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA-0000000041 1 1 1 1 /RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA-0000000334 1 2 1 1 /RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA-0000000359 1 1 1 1 /RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA-0000000441 1 1 1 1 /RT1 RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA-0000001885 1 2 1 1 /RT1/RT2 RT1 RT2 1 1422 0000000000000000 2 7 1 1 /RT1 RT1 RT1 1 1422 0000000000000000 1 7 1 2 /SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D+N/SU.F/SU.G+N/SU.I SU.A SU.I 20 3345 0000000000000000 7 93 1 20 /SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D+N/SU.F/SU.G+N SU.A SU.G+N 21 3345 0000000000000000 6 93 1 41 /SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D+N/SU.F SU.A SU.F 20 3345 0000000000000000 5 93 1 61 /SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D+N SU.A SU.D+N 16 3345 0000000000000000 4 93 1 77 /SU.A/SU.B/SU.C SU.A SU.C 6 3345 0000000000000000 3 93 1 83 /SU.A/SU.B SU.A SU.B 5 3345 0000000000000000 2 93 1 88 /SU.A SU.A SU.A 5 3345 0000000000000000 1 93 1 93 /FW.D/FW.E/FW.F FW.D FW.F 4 3345 0000000000000000 3 93 1 4 /FW.D/FW.E FW.D FW.E 8 3345 0000000000000000 2 93 1 12 /FW.D FW.D FW.D 2 3345 0000000000000000 1 93 1 14
As I wrote in the comment, if you modify the START WITH clause in this way: START WITH image_prerequisite IS NULL OR image_prerequisite NOT IN ( SELECT firmware_version FROM dm_temp_summing_dvc_by_fw ) then FWD will be included as a beginning of the chain. This query:!4/e4e13/3 gives the following results: WITH t1 AS (SELECT device_count, dmc_id, CASE WHEN COUNT(image_prerequisite) OVER (PARTITION BY dmc_id, charging_group_id, image_prerequisite) > 1 THEN MIN(firmware_version) --WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY firmware_version) OVER (PARTITION BY dmc_id, charging_group_id, image_prerequisite) || '+N' ELSE firmware_version END firmware_version, charging_group_id, image_prerequisite, count_within_dmcid FROM dm_temp_summing_dvc_by_fw ), t2 AS (SELECT SUM(device_count) device_count, dmc_id, firmware_version, charging_group_id, image_prerequisite, count_within_dmcid FROM t1 GROUP BY dmc_id, firmware_version, charging_group_id, image_prerequisite, count_within_dmcid ), t3 AS (SELECT t.*, LEVEL lev, sys_connect_by_path(firmware_version, '/') AS chain, connect_by_root(firmware_version) root_fw, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY dmc_id, charging_group_id, firmware_version, connect_by_root(firmware_version) ORDER BY LEVEL DESC, sys_connect_by_path(firmware_version, '/')) rn FROM t2 t START WITH image_prerequisite IS NULL OR image_prerequisite NOT IN ( SELECT firmware_version FROM dm_temp_summing_dvc_by_fw ) CONNECT BY nocycle PRIOR regexp_substr(firmware_version, '[^+]*') = image_prerequisite AND PRIOR dmc_id = dmc_id AND PRIOR charging_group_id = charging_group_id ) SELECT chain, root_fw, firmware_version AS fw, device_count AS cnt, dmc_id, charging_group_id, count_within_dmcid, SUM(device_count) over(PARTITION BY dmc_id, charging_group_id, root_fw ORDER BY lev DESC) AS cumm, lev, rn FROM t3 ORDER BY 1; | CHAIN | ROOT_FW | FW | CNT | DMC_ID | CHARGING_GROUP_ID | COUNT_WITHIN_DMCID | CUMM | LEV | RN | |-----------------------------------------|----------|----------|------|--------|-------------------|--------------------|------|-----|----| | /FW.D | FW.D | FW.D | 2 | 3345 | 0000000000000000 | 24028 | 14 | 1 | 1 | | /FW.D/FW.E | FW.D | FW.E | 8 | 3345 | 0000000000000000 | 24028 | 12 | 2 | 1 | | /FW.D/FW.E/FW.F | FW.D | FW.F | 4 | 3345 | 0000000000000000 | 24028 | 4 | 3 | 1 | | /RT1 | RT1 | RT1 | 2109 | 408 | 0000000000000000 | 24028 | 2191 | 1 | 1 | | /RT1 | RT1 | RT1 | 1 | 1422 | 0000000000000000 | 7 | 2 | 1 | 1 | | /RT1 | RT1 | RT1 | 1 | 408 | HFOTA-0000000041 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | /RT1 | RT1 | RT1 | 1 | 408 | HFOTA-0000000334 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | /RT1 | RT1 | RT1 | 1 | 408 | HFOTA-0000001885 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | /RT1 | RT1 | RT1 | 1 | 408 | HFOTA-0000000441 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | /RT1 | RT1 | RT1 | 1 | 408 | HFOTA-0000000359 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | /RT1/RT2 | RT1 | RT2 | 1 | 1422 | 0000000000000000 | 7 | 1 | 2 | 1 | | /RT1/RT2 | RT1 | RT2 | 40 | 408 | 0000000000000000 | 24028 | 82 | 2 | 1 | | /RT1/RT2/RT3 | RT1 | RT3 | 24 | 408 | 0000000000000000 | 24028 | 42 | 3 | 1 | | /RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 | RT1 | RT4 | 18 | 408 | 0000000000000000 | 24028 | 18 | 4 | 1 | | /SU.A | SU.A | SU.A | 5 | 3345 | 0000000000000000 | 93 | 93 | 1 | 1 | | /SU.A/SU.B | SU.A | SU.B | 5 | 3345 | 0000000000000000 | 93 | 88 | 2 | 1 | | /SU.A/SU.B/SU.C | SU.A | SU.C | 6 | 3345 | 0000000000000000 | 93 | 83 | 3 | 1 | | /SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D+N | SU.A | SU.D+N | 16 | 3345 | 0000000000000000 | 93 | 77 | 4 | 1 | | /SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D+N/SU.F | SU.A | SU.F | 20 | 3345 | 0000000000000000 | 93 | 61 | 5 | 1 | | /SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D+N/SU.F/SU.G+N | SU.A | SU.G+N | 21 | 3345 | 0000000000000000 | 93 | 41 | 6 | 1 | | /SU.A/SU.B/SU.C/SU.D+N/SU.F/SU.G+N/SU.I | SU.A | SU.I | 20 | 3345 | 0000000000000000 | 93 | 20 | 7 | 1 | | /SVP01 | SVP01 | SVP01 | 4 | 408 | 0000000000000000 | 24028 | 4 | 1 | 1 | | /Sanity01 | Sanity01 | Sanity01 | 11 | 408 | 0000000000000000 | 24028 | 11 | 1 | 1 | | /Sanity1 | Sanity1 | Sanity1 | 1 | 408 | 0000000000000000 | 24028 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | /TB_HT01 | TB_HT01 | TB_HT01 | 6 | 408 | 0000000000000000 | 24028 | 6 | 1 | 1 | | /TEST_1 | TEST_1 | TEST_1 | 1 | 408 | 0000000000000000 | 24028 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | /TK_ST001 | TK_ST001 | TK_ST001 | 5 | 408 | 0000000000000000 | 24028 | 5 | 1 | 1 | The only differences from your expected output are values in COUNT_WITHIN_DMCID column, I really don't get how they are calculated.
Oracle cumulative count using SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH
When i have tried the below query on actual data it returned more number of records. Please help to resolve this issue. Below is the actual data in table DM_TEMP_SUMMING_DVC_BY_FW +-----------+-------+-----------------+------------+------------------+ device_count| dmc_id| firmware_version| cg_id |image_prerequisite| +-----------+-------+-----------------+------------+------------------+ | 40 | 408 |RT2 |0000 |RT1 | | 24 | 408 |RT3 |0000 |RT2 | | 18 | 408 |RT4 |0000 |RT3 | | 2109 | 408 |RT1 |0000 |null | | 1 | 142 |RT1 |0000 |null | | 1 | 142 |RT2 |0000 |RT1 | | 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA1 |null | | 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA2 |null | | 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA3 |null | | 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA4 |null | | 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA5 |null | +-----------+-------+-----------------+------------+------------------+ Query that i have executed: SELECT SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(firmware_version, '/') path_, firmware_version, device_count, dmc_id, charging_group_id , IMAGE_PREREQUISITE, (SELECT SUM(device_count) FROM DM_TEMP_SUMMING_DVC_BY_FW t2 START WITH t1.firmware_version =t2.firmware_version CONNECT BY nocycle PRIOR firmware_version=image_prerequisite ) sum_device FROM DM_TEMP_SUMMING_DVC_BY_FW t1 START WITH image_prerequisite IS NULL CONNECT BY nocycle PRIOR firmware_version =image_prerequisite Expected Result: +--------------------+-------+-----------------+-------+--------------------+ cumm_device_count | dmc_id| firmware_version| cg_id |chain | +--------------------+-------+-----------------+-------+--------------------+ | 82 | 408 |RT2 |0000 |null/RT1/RT2 | | 42 | 408 |RT3 |0000 |null/RT1/RT2/RT3 | | 18 | 408 |RT4 |0000 |null/RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4| | 2191 | 408 |RT1 |0000 |null/RT1 | | 2 | 142 |RT1 |0000 |null/RT1 | | 1 | 142 |RT2 |0000 |null/RT1/RT2 | | 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA1 |null/RT1 | | 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA2 |null/RT1 | | 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA3 |null/RT1 | | 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA4 |null/RT1 | | 1 | 408 |RT1 |HFOTA5 |null/RT1 | +--------------------+-------+-----------------+-------+--------------------+ Actual returned results from query: I have tried to use query to generate the chain based on firmware_version and image_prerequisite but it is not returning the results as expected. This query is returning more number of records. /RT1 RT1 2109 408 0000000000000000 2990 /RT1/RT2 RT2 40 408 0000000000000000 RT1 125 /RT1/RT2/RT3 RT3 24 408 0000000000000000 RT2 42 /RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 RT4 18 408 0000000000000000 RT3 18 /RT1/RT2 RT2 1 1422 0000000000000000 RT1 125 /RT1/RT2/RT3 RT3 24 408 0000000000000000 RT2 42 /RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 RT4 18 408 0000000000000000 RT3 18 /RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA-0000001885 2990 /RT1/RT2 RT2 40 408 0000000000000000 RT1 125 /RT1/RT2/RT3 RT3 24 408 0000000000000000 RT2 42 /RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 RT4 18 408 0000000000000000 RT3 18 /RT1/RT2 RT2 1 1422 0000000000000000 RT1 125 /RT1/RT2/RT3 RT3 24 408 0000000000000000 RT2 42 /RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 RT4 18 408 0000000000000000 RT3 18 /RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA-0000000041 2990 /RT1/RT2 RT2 40 408 0000000000000000 RT1 125 /RT1/RT2/RT3 RT3 24 408 0000000000000000 RT2 42 /RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 RT4 18 408 0000000000000000 RT3 18 /RT1/RT2 RT2 1 1422 0000000000000000 RT1 125 /RT1/RT2/RT3 RT3 24 408 0000000000000000 RT2 42 /RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 RT4 18 408 0000000000000000 RT3 18 /RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA-0000000441 2990 /RT1/RT2 RT2 40 408 0000000000000000 RT1 125 /RT1/RT2/RT3 RT3 24 408 0000000000000000 RT2 42 /RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 RT4 18 408 0000000000000000 RT3 18 /RT1/RT2 RT2 1 1422 0000000000000000 RT1 125 /RT1/RT2/RT3 RT3 24 408 0000000000000000 RT2 42 /RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 RT4 18 408 0000000000000000 RT3 18 /RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA-0000000359 2990 /RT1/RT2 RT2 40 408 0000000000000000 RT1 125 /RT1/RT2/RT3 RT3 24 408 0000000000000000 RT2 42 /RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 RT4 18 408 0000000000000000 RT3 18 /RT1/RT2 RT2 1 1422 0000000000000000 RT1 125 /RT1/RT2/RT3 RT3 24 408 0000000000000000 RT2 42 /RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 RT4 18 408 0000000000000000 RT3 18 /RT1 RT1 1 408 HFOTA-0000000334 2990 /RT1/RT2 RT2 40 408 0000000000000000 RT1 125 /RT1/RT2/RT3 RT3 24 408 0000000000000000 RT2 42 /RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 RT4 18 408 0000000000000000 RT3 18 /RT1/RT2 RT2 1 1422 0000000000000000 RT1 125 /RT1/RT2/RT3 RT3 24 408 0000000000000000 RT2 42 /RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 RT4 18 408 0000000000000000 RT3 18 /RT1 RT1 1 1422 0000000000000000 2990 /RT1/RT2 RT2 40 408 0000000000000000 RT1 125 /RT1/RT2/RT3 RT3 24 408 0000000000000000 RT2 42 /RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 RT4 18 408 0000000000000000 RT3 18 /RT1/RT2 RT2 1 1422 0000000000000000 RT1 125 /RT1/RT2/RT3 RT3 24 408 0000000000000000 RT2 42 /RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4 RT4 18 408 0000000000000000 RT3 18 Expected results from the data stored in sqlfiddle:!4/3cd9b/1 |/RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4| RT4 | 18 | 408| 0000000000000000| 24028| 18| |/RT1/RT2/RT3 | RT3 | 24 | 408| 0000000000000000| 24028| 42| |/AP1/AP2/AP3 | AP3 | 1 | 408| 0000000000000000| 24028| 1 | |/RT1/RT2 | RT2 | 40 | 408| 0000000000000000| 24028| 82| |/AP1/AP2 | AP2 | 2 | 408| 0000000000000000| 2 | 3 | |/AP1 | AP1 | 1 | 408| 0000000000000000| 1 | 4 | |/RT1 | RT1 |2109| 408| 0000000000000000| 24028|2191| |/AS1 | AS1 | 1 | 408| 0000000000000000| 24028| 1 | |/LRA1.NOV9.01 |LRA1.NOV9.01| 2 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 2 | |/LRA001 | LRA001 | 9 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 9 | |/LR1R_01 | LR1R_01 |15 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 15| |/APK29.2013 |APK29.2013 | 4 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 4 | |/APK2013.29 |APK2013.29 | 2 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 2 | |/ADR_TLRA1 |ADR_TLRA1 | 2 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 2 | |/ADR37 |ADR37 | 1 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 1 | |/A0 |A0 | 5 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 5 | |/36 |36 | 2 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 2 | |/LRA1_K01 |LRA1_K01 | 2 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 2 | |/abc |abc | 5 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 5 | |/VZW_U01 |VZW_U01 | 1 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 1 | |/VZW.NOV9.01 |VZW.NOV9.01 | 1 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 1 | |/TOSS_01 |TOSS_01 | 1 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 1 | |/TK_ST001 |TK_ST001 | 1 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 1 | |/SVP01 |SVP01 | 1 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 1 | |/LRA1v1 |LRA1v1 | 1 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 1 | |/LRA2_R01 |LRA2_R01 | 2 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 2 | |/MMY02-2013 |MMY02-2013 | 3 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 3 | |/PP0_MR1 |PP0_MR1 | 1 | 408| 0000000000000002| 106 | 1 | |/RT1 |RT1 | 1 | 408| HFOTA-0000000041| 1 | 1 | |/RT1 |RT1 | 1 | 408| HFOTA-0000000334| 2 | 1 | |/RT1 |RT1 | 1 | 408| HFOTA-0000000359| 1 | 1 | |/RT1 |RT1 | 1 | 408| HFOTA-0000000441| 1 | 1 | |/RT1 |RT1 | 1 | 408| HFOTA-0000001885| 2 | 1 | |/RT1/RT2 |RT2 | 1 | 1422| 0000000000000000| 7 | 1 | |/RT1 |RT1 | 1 | 1422| 0000000000000000| 7 | 2 |
Solely with a trial and error over your SQL Fiddle sample data, this is the query returning your expected data: SELECT SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(firmware_version, '/') path_, firmware_version, device_count, dmc_id, charging_group_id, IMAGE_PREREQUISITE, (SELECT SUM(device_count) FROM DM_TEMP_SUMMING_DVC_BY_FW t2 START WITH t1.firmware_version = t2.firmware_version and T1.dmc_id = T2.dmc_id and T1.charging_group_id = T2.charging_group_id CONNECT BY nocycle PRIOR firmware_version=image_prerequisite and prior dmc_id = dmc_id and prior charging_group_id = charging_group_id ) sum_device FROM DM_TEMP_SUMMING_DVC_BY_FW t1 START WITH image_prerequisite IS NULL CONNECT BY nocycle PRIOR firmware_version = image_prerequisite and prior dmc_id = dmc_id and prior charging_group_id = charging_group_id Note: Yes, the charging_group_id and dmc_id are very important for your expected result, as krokodilko correctly mentioned in his above comment.
Oracle - Creating chain of values and calculate cumulative count [duplicate]
This question already has an answer here: Oracle cumulative count using SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH (1 answer) Closed 5 years ago. I have an oracle table DM_TEMP_SUMMING_DVC_BY_FW with below columns and sample data. Data below shows -dmc_id ='408' there are 2109 devices which are having firmware_version='RT1' and it is the first firmware_version because image_prerequisite is null for this firmware_image. -dmc_id ='408' there are 40 devices which are having firmware_version='RT2' moved from "RT1" and so on. +-----------+-------+-----------------+------------+------------------+ device_count| dmc_id| firmware_version| cg_id |image_prerequisite| +-----------+-------+-----------------+------------+------------------+ | 40 | 408 |RT2 |0000 |RT1 | | 24 | 408 |RT3 |0000 |RT2 | | 18 | 408 |RT4 |0000 |RT3 | | 2109 | 408 |RT1 |0000 |null | +-----------+-------+-----------------+------------+------------------+ The requirement is to create the chain of firmware_versions and the count of devices moving through the chain. For example: Firmware_version movement is RT1-->RT2-->RT3-->RT4 so the count of devices moved from RT1 to RT4 is (RT1+RT2+RT3+RT4) count of devices moved from RT2 to RT4 is (RT2+RT3+RT4) count of devices moved from RT3 to RT4 is (RT3+RT4) count of devices at last firmware_version is RT4 +--------------------+-------+-----------------+-------+--------------------+ cumm_device_count | dmc_id| firmware_version| cg_id |chain | +--------------------+-------+-----------------+-------+--------------------+ | 82(40+24+18) | 408 |RT2 |0000 |null/RT1/RT2 | | 42(24+18) | 408 |RT3 |0000 |null/RT1/RT2/RT3 | | 18 | 408 |RT4 |0000 |null/RT1/RT2/RT3/RT4| | 2191(2109+40+24+18)| 408 |RT1 |0000 |null/RT1 | +--------------------+-------+-----------------+-------+--------------------+ I have tried to use below query to generate the chain based on firmware_version and image_prerequisite but it is not returning the results as expected. This query is returning 28 records. SELECT dmc_id, firmware_version, charging_group_id, image_prerequisite, SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(firmware_version,'/') TrackingFW from DM_TEMP_SUMMING_DVC_BY_FW where FIRMWARE_VERSION in ('RT1','RT2','RT3','RT4') and dmc_id='408' and charging_group_id='0000' CONNECT BY NOCYCLE PRIOR firmware_version=image_prerequisite; Please suggest query or procedure to solve this requirement. Thanks in advance!
Try this one; select SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(firmware_version, '/') path_, firmware_version, device_count, dmc_id, cg_id , ( select sum(device_count) from DM_TEMP_SUMMING_DVC_BY_FW t2 start with t1.firmware_version=t2.firmware_version CONNECT BY nocycle PRIOR firmware_version=image_prerequisite ) sum_device from DM_TEMP_SUMMING_DVC_BY_FW t1 start with image_prerequisite is null CONNECT BY nocycle PRIOR firmware_version =image_prerequisite
oracle 12c query is slow
below code works well in 11g BUT only in 12c works so slow (over 10 sec). SELECT * FROM DMProgValue_00001 WHERE 1=1 AND ProgressOID IN ( SELECT P.OID FROM ( SELECT OID FROM ( SELECT A.OID, ROWNUM as seqNum FROM ( SELECT OID FROM DMProgress_00001 WHERE 1=1 AND Project = 'Q539' ORDER BY actCode ) A WHERE ROWNUM <= 40 ) WHERE seqNum > 20 ) P ); Plan hash value: 763232015 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 189 | 171 (1)| 00:00:01 | |* 1 | FILTER | | | | | | | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | DMPROGVALUE_00001 | 1 | 189 | 68 (0)| 00:00:01 | |* 3 | VIEW | | 20 | 800 | 103 (1)| 00:00:01 | |* 4 | COUNT STOPKEY | | | | | | | 5 | VIEW | | 2916 | 78732 | 103 (1)| 00:00:01 | |* 6 | SORT ORDER BY STOPKEY| | 2916 | 130K| 103 (1)| 00:00:01 | |* 7 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | DMPROGRESS_00001 | 2916 | 130K| 102 (0)| 00:00:01 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Predicate Information (identified by operation id): --------------------------------------------------- 1 - filter( EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM (SELECT "A"."OID" "OID",ROWNUM "SEQNUM" FROM (SELECT "OID" "OID" FROM "DMPROGRESS_00001" "DMPROGRESS_00001" WHERE "PHASE"='Construction' AND "PROJECT"='Q539' ORDER BY "ACTCODE") "A" WHERE ROWNUM<=40) "from$_subquery$_003" WHERE "SEQNUM">20 AND "OID"=:B1)) 3 - filter("SEQNUM">20 AND "OID"=:B1) 4 - filter(ROWNUM<=40) 6 - filter(ROWNUM<=40) 7 - filter("PHASE"='Construction' AND "PROJECT"='Q539') DMProgress_0001 stats NUM_ROW : 10385 BLOCKS : 370 AVG_ROW_LEN : 176 SMAPLE_SIZE : 8263 DMProgvalue_0001 stats NUM_ROW : 15703 BLOCKS : 244 AVG_ROW_LEN : 49 SMAPLE_SIZE : 5033 It's only 10k rows and Indexs are well made ( I can tell because of 11g experience). I know some detour way to make fast ( below code - 0.001 sec) BUT I want to know real problem and fix it. I cannot understand it only has one sub query and 10k rows for each table. Not just compared to 11g, There is no way that this query takes over 10 sec. SELECT * FROM DMProgValue_00001 V, (SELECT OID FROM ( SELECT A.OID, ROWNUM as seqNum FROM ( SELECT OID FROM DMProgress_00001 WHERE 1=1 AND Project = 'Q539' ORDER BY actCode ) A WHERE ROWNUM <= 40 ) WHERE seqNum > 20 ) P WHERE 1=1 AND V.ProgressOID = P.OID; added 11g similar query plan Plan hash value: 3049049852 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 9 | 684 | 49 (5)| 00:00:01 | |* 1 | HASH JOIN RIGHT SEMI | | 9 | 684 | 49 (5)| 00:00:01 | | 2 | VIEW | VW_NSO_1 | 3 | 81 | 35 (3)| 00:00:01 | |* 3 | VIEW | | 3 | 75 | 35 (3)| 00:00:01 | |* 4 | COUNT STOPKEY | | | | | | | 5 | VIEW | | 3 | 36 | 35 (3)| 00:00:01 | |* 6 | SORT ORDER BY STOPKEY| | 3 | 144 | 35 (3)| 00:00:01 | |* 7 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | DMPROGRESS_00037 | 3 | 144 | 34 (0)| 00:00:01 | | 8 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | DMPROGVALUE_00037 | 5106 | 244K| 13 (0)| 00:00:01 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Predicate Information (identified by operation id): --------------------------------------------------- 1 - access("PROGRESSOID"="OID") 3 - filter("SEQNUM">20) 4 - filter(ROWNUM<=40) 6 - filter(ROWNUM<=40) 7 - filter("DISPLINE"='Q340' AND "PHASE"='Procurement' AND "PROJECT"='Moho') oracle 11g automatically change the query as Hash join BUT 12c does not. I think this is point. They are same structure.
Optimize Oracle Query
I asked this question before but from comments I realized that the question was not enough information in the question to get help so here I am providing the whole query + explain plan: Query: WITH gtt_1 AS (SELECT r.user_id, r.role_id, r.participant_code, MAX(status_id) FROM user_role r, cmp_role c WHERE r.role_id = c.role_id AND r.participant_code IS NOT NULL AND c.group_id = 3 GROUP BY r.user_id, r.role_id, r.participant_code HAVING MAX(status_id) IN (SELECT b.status_id FROM USER_ROLE b WHERE (b.ACTIVE = 1 OR ( b.ACTIVE IN ( 0,3 ) AND SYSDATE BETWEEN b.effective_from_date AND b.effective_to_date )) ) ) SELECT c.role_id, c.subgroup, c.subgroup_description, COUNT(a.USER_ID) user_count FROM (SELECT b.user_id, b.role_id FROM gtt_1 b, user e WHERE e.user_id = RTRIM(b.user_id) ) a RIGHT OUTER JOIN CMP_ROLE c ON a.role_id = c.role_id WHERE c.group_id = 3 GROUP BY c.role_id,c.subgroup,c.subgroup_description ORDER BY c.subgroup; Tables used: SQL> select count(*) from user_role; COUNT(*) ---------- 803513 SQL> select count(*) from cmp_role; COUNT(*) ---------- 27 SQL> select count(*) from user; COUNT(*) ---------- 73893 Explain plan: SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display); PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plan hash value: 269840545 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | Inst |IN-OUT| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 256 | 18944 | 1683 (4)| 00:00:21 | | | | 1 | SORT GROUP BY | | 256 | 18944 | 1683 (4)| 00:00:21 | | | |* 2 | HASH JOIN OUTER | | 2776 | 200K| 1682 (4)| 00:00:21 | | | | 3 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | ROLE | 8 | 504 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | | | |* 4 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | N_ROLE_IDX2 | 8 | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 | | | | 5 | VIEW | | 9370 | 100K| 1683 (5)| 00:00:21 | | | PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 6 | NESTED LOOPS | | 9370 | 164K| 1683 (5)| 00:00:21 | | | | 7 | VIEW | | 9370 | 100K| 1677 (4)| 00:00:21 | | | |* 8 | FILTER | | | | | | | | | 9 | HASH GROUP BY | | 9370 | 283K| 1677 (4)| 00:00:21 | | | |* 10 | HASH JOIN | | 232K| 7051K| 1654 (3)| 00:00:20 | | | | 11 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| ROLE | 8 | 56 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | | | |* 12 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | N_ROLE_IDX2 | 8 | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 | | | |* 13 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | USER_ROLE | 786K| 17M| 1643 (2)| 00:00:20 | | | |* 14 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | USER_ROLE | 1 | 30 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 | | | |* 15 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | U_USER_ROLE_IDX1 | 1 | | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | | | | 16 | REMOTE | MV_P113PT_USER_HUB | 1 | 7 | 0 (0)| 00:00:01 | HWVAU~ | R->S | Predicate Information (identified by operation id): --------------------------------------------------- 2 - access("A"."ROLE_ID"(+)="ROLE"."ROLE_ID") 4 - access("ROLE"."GRP_ID"=3) 8 - filter( EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM "P181"."USER_ROLE" "USER_ROLE" WHERE "USER_ROLE"."STTS_ID"=:B1 AND (TO_NUMBER("USER_ROLE"."ACTV_CD")=1 OR (TO_NUMBER("USER_ROLE"."ACTV_CD")=0 OR TO_NUMBER("USER_ROLE"."ACTV_CD")=3) AND "USER_ROLE"."EFCTV_TO_DTTM">=SYSDATE#! AND "USER_ROLE"."EFCTV_FROM_DTTM"<=SYSDATE#!))) 10 - access("USER_ROLE"."ROLE_ID"="ROLE"."ROLE_ID") PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 - access("ROLE"."GRP_ID"=3) 13 - filter("USER_ROLE"."PRTPT_CD" IS NOT NULL) 14 - filter(TO_NUMBER("USER_ROLE"."ACTV_CD")=1 OR (TO_NUMBER("USER_ROLE"."ACTV_CD")=0 OR TO_NUMBER("USER_ROLE"."ACTV_CD")=3) AND "USER_ROLE"."EFCTV_TO_DTTM">=SYSDATE#! AND "USER_ROLE"."EFCTV_FROM_DTTM"<=SYSDATE#!) 15 - access("USER_ROLE"."STTS_ID"=:B1) I do not have enough priveleges for tkprof
Does following query produce the same results? SELECT c.role_id , c.subgroup , c.subgroup_description , COUNT(a.USER_ID) user_count FROM cmp_role c LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT r.user_id , r.role_id FROM ( SELECT r.user_id , r.role_id , r.participant_code , MAX(r.status_id) FROM user_role r INNER JOIN cmp_role c ON c.role_id = r.role_id WHERE r.participant_code IS NOT NULL AND c.group_id = 3 GROUP BY r.user_id , r.role_id , r.participant_code HAVING MAX(r.status_id) IN ( SELECT status_id FROM user_role WHERE (Active = 1 OR (Active IN ( 0,3 ) AND SYSDATE BETWEEN effective_from_date AND effective_to_date) ) ) ) r INNER JOIN user e ON e.user_id = RTRIM(r.user_id) ) a ON a.role_id = c.role_id WHERE c.group_id = 3 GROUP BY c.role_id , c.subgroup , c.subgroup_description ORDER BY c.subgroup It is easier to read (for me). If it produces the same results, you can already start with dropping r.participant_codeand MAX(r.status_id)from the inner select.