Single Month Digit Date Format issue in Oracle - oracle

Am getting the below issue when am using 'mon-d-yyyy' to convert date to char, as i need a single day digit for values from 1 to 9 days in a month.
When i use the 'mon-d-yyyy' format, am losing out on 5 days and getting a wrong date. Any help on this would be great.
select to_char(sysdate-22,'mon-d-yyyy') from dual;--aug-2-2017
select to_char(sysdate-22,'mon-dd-yyyy') from dual;--aug-07-2017
select sysdate-22 from dual;--07-AUG-17 11.06.43

In Oracle date formats, d gets the day of week. The 2 in your output means monday, not august the 2nd.
Try using Fill Mode as Format Model Modifier
select to_char(sysdate-22,'mon-fmdd-yyyy') from dual;

One option might be to piece together the date output you want:
TO_CHAR(sysdate-22, 'mon-') ||
TRIM(LEADING '0' FROM TO_CHAR(sysdate-22, 'dd-')) ||
TO_CHAR(sysdate-22, 'yyyy')
FROM dual;
The middle term involving TRIM strips off the leading zeroes, if present, from the date.
Demo here:

D- Gives you a numeric weekday(2nd weekday in a week) on AUG-07-2017.
DD-Gives a Numeric Month Day i.e,07th
FMDD-Gives 7th
WEEKDAY :2, AUG-7-2017


Oracle sql how to get the date of a week

I have the following query that gets the week of a date:
SELECT pdm.serie, rta.matricula_ant, TO_CHAR (fecha, 'ww') semana,
SUM (rta.kms_acumulados) kms,
WHEN v.secuencia BETWEEN rta.sec_origen AND rta.sec_destino
THEN v.cod_inc
ELSE '0'
- 1 numincidencias
FROM (SELECT ms.tren, ms.fecha_origen_tren, ms.secuencia, ri.cod_inc
FROM r_incidencias ri, mer_sitra ms
WHERE ri.cod_serv = ms.tren
AND ri.fecha_origen_tren = ms.fecha_origen_tren
AND ri.cod_tipoin IN (SELECT cod_tipo_iincidencia
FROM v_tipos_incidencias
WHERE grupo = '45')
AND ri.punto_desde = ms.cod_estacion) v,
r_trenes_asignar rta,
r_maquinas rm,
planificador.pl_dh_material pdm
WHERE rta.fecha BETWEEN TO_DATE ('21/09/2018', 'dd/mm/yyyy') AND TO_DATE ('21/09/2018',
AND rta.serie >= 4000
AND rta.matricula_ant IS NOT NULL
AND rm.matricula_maq = rta.matricula_ant
AND rm.cod_serie = pdm.id_material
AND rta.grafico BETWEEN pdm.desde AND pdm.hasta
AND v.tren(+) = rta.tren
AND v.fecha_origen_tren(+) = rta.fecha
GROUP BY pdm.serie, rta.matricula_ant, TO_CHAR (fecha, 'ww')
ORDER BY pdm.serie, rta.matricula_ant, TO_CHAR (fecha, 'ww')
For example week 1
I want to display
week 1 : 1 january - 7 january
How can I get this?
Oracle offers the TRUNC(datestamp, format) function to manipulate dates this way. You may use a variety of format strings to get the first day of a quarter, year, or even the top of the hour.
Given a particular datestamp value, Oracle returns midnight on the first day of the present week with this expression:
You can add days to a datestamp. Therefore this expression gives you midnight on the last day of the week
TRUNC(datestamp,'DY') + 6
A WHERE-clause selector for all rows in the present week might be this.
WHERE datestamp >= TRUNC(SYSDATE,'DY')
AND datestamp < TRUNC(SYSDATE,'DY') + 7
Notice that the end of the range is just before (<) midnight on the first day of the next week. You need that because you may have datestamps after midnight on the last day of the week. (Beware using BETWEEN for datestamp ranges.)
displays the first and last dates of the present week in ISO-like format.
Date arithmetic is cool. It's worth your trouble to study the date-arithmetic functions in your DBMS at least once a year.

How to add a day with a specific date using add_months function

I am trying to add a day with a specific date using add_months in oracle database.
I wrote this line:
this returns:
Why doesn't it return 02-JAN-18?? Can I add one day to the date using this function?
Why doesn't it return 02-JAN-18??
According to MONTHS_BETWEEN documentation,
The MONTHS_BETWEEN function calculates the number of months between
two dates. When the two dates have the same day component or are both
the last day of the month, then the return value is a whole number.
Otherwise, the return value includes a fraction that considers the
difference in the days based on a 31-day month
select MONTHS_BETWEEN('02-JAN-2018', '01-JAN-2018') FROM DUAL ;
ADD_MONTHS returns the date date plus integer months.
So, .0322.. is considered as integer 0 and your query is equivalent to
In order to add 1 months, simply take the difference of two dates.
SELECT ADD_MONTHS(DATE '2018-01-01', DATE '2018-01-02' - DATE '2018-01-01') FROM DUAL;
Or better, add an INTERVAL of 1 month
To answer your question, add 1 day, simply use
SELECT DATE '2018-01-01' + 1 FROM DUAL;

extract week number from date postgres

I would like to extract the week number as:
from a date formatted as:
How can I perform this in postgres?
my weeks are calculated from monday to sunday.
To get the year and the week in a single character value, use to_char()
select to_char(current_date, 'IYYY-IW');
IW returns the year and the week number as defined in the ISO standard and IYYY returns the corresponding year (which might be the previous year).
If you need the year and the week number as numbers, use extract
select extract('isoyear' from current_date) as year,
extract('week' from current_date) as week;
I have done like this
extract(week from cast(current_date as date))
extract(year from cast(current_date as date))
As same with #a_horse_with_no_name, but be careful there is a little difference between extract('isoyear' from current_date) and extract('year' from current_date) if current_date is within week0 in new year(the last week(53) of last year), especially when you extract week as well.
For example:
The follow output is 2020 not 2021
select EXTRACT('isoyear' from to_timestamp('2021-01-02 17:37:27', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mn:ss')) as year
The follow output is 2021
select EXTRACT('year' from to_timestamp('2021-01-02 17:37:27', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mn:ss')) as year

Contatenating two date values into one column

Should be a pretty simple question. I have two fields - one a year field and the other a month field. The month field is an integer and if there is only one digit such as 6 for June there is no leading zero. I want to concatenate the two fields together to get 201406 not 20146 if I concatenate them together now. I tried
year||to_char(month,'09') but the field is being displayed as 2014 06 with a space in-between the year and month. Is there a way to do this without a space?
If your output contains a space, then either your year or your month column contains a space. To get rid of these, you can use TRIM:
with v_data(year, month) as (
select '2015 ', ' 1' from dual union all
select ' 2014 ', ' 12 ' from dual union all
select '2014', '3' from dual
select trim(year) || lpad(trim(month), 2, '0')
from v_data
(this assumes that you really have two string columns - if you indeed have two date columns, please add example input to your question)
If you want to use to_char() instead, you should use the FM format modifier to get rid of the space:
select trim(year) || trim(to_char(month, 'FM09'))
from v_data
The issue is that, by default, to_char leaves a space in front of a positive formatted number, so that they line up well with negative numbers. To prevent this, use to_char(month,'fm09').

Select Month in Oracle Query

I tried the below query in oracle
select cast(TO_DATE (cal.MONTH,'MM') AS varchar2(30)) as result
FROM JOBCONTROL_USER.ods_calendar_weeks cal
WHERE cal.YEAR NOT IN (0, 9999)
it gives result in dd-mon-yy format. Now I want only mon from the result, how can I achieve this without using to_char()?
If you're avoiding Oracle functions and the month number is stored on its own as a varchar2 field, then you could brute-force it:
select case cast(month as number)
when 1 then 'Jan'
when 2 then 'Feb'
when 3 then 'Mar'
when 4 then 'Apr'
when 5 then 'May'
when 6 then 'Jun'
when 7 then 'Jul'
when 8 then 'Aug'
when 9 then 'Sep'
when 10 then 'Oct'
when 11 then 'Nov'
when 12 then 'Dec'
end as mon
from ods_calendar_weeks cal
where cal.year not in (0, 9999);
But you're having to specify the language; you don't get Oracle's conversion of the month to the NLS date language. Which might be a bonus or a problem depending on your context.
I'd be tempted to put the conversions into a look-up table instead and join to that; or to add the month name as a separate column on the table, as a virtual column in 11g.
You can try somthing like this:-
FROM JOBCONTROL_USER.ods_calendar_weeks cal
WHERE cal.YEAR NOT IN (0, 9999)
Hope this will help you.
select to_char(cal.Month,'month')
) AS result
FROM JOBCONTROL_USER.ods_calendar_weeks cal
WHERE cal.YEAR NOT IN (0, 9999);
This will gives month. the to_char() is a function which has two arguments 1. Column name ans 2. Month. Column name is of date data type so we have to convert the date into character data type and we required only the month so the second column will describes what will be extracted from the date. Finally the result is displayed as a character datatype. This query will returns the months name if year neither 0 nor 9999.
