Moving files between build chain builds - teamcity

What is the set up required to move files between builds in TC? I am needing to move both modified source files and build binaries between the build configurations of a build chain.
I have 1 project with 4 builds. The builds are
Update Version Number (This build updates 15 sources files)
Compile (This build compiles a dozen objects)
Test (This build runs a regression test)
Create Package (This build creates a setup.exe file)
Information about the TC setup and chain
I am using perforce as my VCS.
All 4 builds use the same VCS root.
On all 4 builds under version control settings I have "Clean all files before build" set to "On".
"Update Version Number" build is triggered by any check in to the VCS. (This works)
I have been able to successfully chain and trigger the builds. However each build starts with a fresh copy of files from the VCS.
The chaining is set up to use snapshot dependency.
Based off of the TC documentation it looks like I should be using snapshot dependency and not artifact dependency. If I put the build steps of all the builds into the same build everything works. However we are looking to have more flexibly and expand on this build chain in the future.
I tried setting up the configuration so only the first build is attached to the VCS root and the other builds don't have any VCS root. This didn't work.
I have been unable to find the answer googling but I have been able to find someone else who is struggling with this problem. Sadly they didn't receive an answer.

After speaking with TC customer support I learned the correct technique is to use both artifact dependency with "build from the same chain" selected and snapshot dependency.


Pass/share parameter values between dependant builds in TeamCity

Setup: Build CD has has Artifact Dependency and Snapshot Dependency on Build CI. Build CI pulls from VCS root and generates artifacts for Build CD.
Problem: In Build CD I need parameter, but it's not available, because it only uses artifacts and has no VCS Roots linked.
Question: Is there a way to pass parameters between dependant builds? (search results in the googles seem of topic)
Workaround 1: I can access in Build CD if I link it to same VCS root Build CI is using, but I'd like to avoid having this link and Build CD unnecessarily pulling from VCS (build log shows it does this).
Workaround 2: I could write parameter to a file in Build CI and read from it in Build CD later. This is a hack and I would like to avoid it as well.
Absolutely. In CD, add a parameter called whatever, with value equal to TeamCity will help you figure out the exact value thanks to its auto-suggestion/auto-completion, once you type %dep..

TeamCity snapshot build configuration

I have big problem with configuring TC. It's 10.0.2 version.
I want build chain like this:
Main - Restore nuget and rebuild solution.
Code analysis - Analyse code result(do not checkout) use Main as dependency.
Publish - Publish to Azure - Use result of Main.
I set Main to:
Build numer format:%build.counter%.%build.vcs.number....%
VCS checkout dir: auto
Code analysis
Build number format:%build.counter%.%dep.<mainId>%.%build.vcs.number...%
VCS checkout dir:%dep.<mainId>.build.default.checkoutDir%
And the main dir is: 55660246e9f668c3
And Code Analysis searching in: 9ccd5731845f5aba
So it's wrong. Why?
What I set VCS checkout directory in "Code Analysis" build configuration to hardcoded directiory name of "Main" e.x. to 55660246e9f668c3 then it work.
So the problem is with %dep.<mainId>.build.default.checkoutDir%
You can set up a snapshot dependency, that builds from the same chain. This will ensure that the same branch, from the same root, with the same revision number (point in time) is checked out to the directory. If you use an artifact dependency, in addition to the snapshot dependency, you can achieve the same point in time consistency. So after your step 1 build runs, regardless of what new changes exist, your second build will be working with the same files your first had.

Build dependencies with TeamCity

I have to build: Internet & Common. I would like that when I click on "Run" for the "Internet" build that the "Common" build executes first.
Is it possible ? I saw artifact dependencies, but I don't need any data to be copied, I just want to build "Common" before "Internet" every time a build for "Internet" is requested.
If they're using the same VCS root, then configuring a snapshot dependency between the "Internet" build configuration and the "Common" build configuration will enable you to do that; this basically ensures that all the dependencies are built from the same snapshot of the VCS.
If you must have the "Common" build execute regardless of its current state, then uncheck the default 'Do not run new build if there is a suitable one' option. This will ensure "Common" is run every time you hit Run on "Internet".

Dependencies not getting updated in TFS Build Server

I have created a Smart Device CAB Deployment Project and contains dependencies eg: Test.dll.
Where Test is a seperate class library. I have created a build definition for this solution(contains Test Proj + CAB deployment Proj). When i trigger queue new build for this definition Test.dll is not getting updated in CAB deployment project in Build Agent folder of TFS Server.
PLease let me know how can i reload this dependencies on checking in / queuing new build.
Thanks in advance
Check your Workspace option on Process tab. It should be All or Outputs if you wish to have always fresh version. None option is for incremental builds. If your project is really small "All" is the best option for you.
All - erase entire workspace and download and build everything again
Outputs - like All but only output bin folders are erased and new
version is downloaded (get latest version) from source control.
(incremental get) (like Rebuild (cleen + build) in your solution)
None - sources are build incrementally. Like Get latest version +
Build command in VS

hudson for newbies: how do i run software after successful build

i'm new to world of continuous integration and software developement.
I wanted to try hudson so i installed it on my ubuntu machine and created a new job. i pointed it to an open source project's svn (keepassx) just to try.
Hudson downloaded everything from the repository and marked blue for successful build.
aren't i suppose to be able to execute the software now somehow ? i thought once it is built i can run it, but i can't find any executable in the project's home page under hudson user home dir.
A Hudson/Jenkins build breaks down into three steps:
update source code in workspace
run build
publish build artifacts
It sounds like you've got step 1 covered.
If the project you linked to has instructions for building (ant, maven, etc.), you can enter these as build steps into the "Build" section of the project configuration.
You can then take the resulting files ("artifacts"--jar, exe, so, bin, whatever) and publish these using the "Post-build Actions", or if necessary you can grab them directly from the workspace filesystem.
Assuming the build artifact was an executable, you could then run it after downloading it from Hudson, or make a build step or post-build action which moved it into the appropriate location and ran it.
It helps to run the build locally before trying to get Hudson to handle it--then you know what the build steps are, and what the final build artifacts are.
How would jenkins/hudson know how to 'execute' some arbitrary package that you told it to download and build? It's up to you to write a program or script to run what you want to run, and then make a downstream job (for example) to do so.
