masstransit deferred respond in sagas - masstransit

I am investigating using sagas in mass transit to orchestrate activities across several services. The lifetime of the saga is short - less than 2 seconds if all goes well.
For my use case, i would like to use the request/respond approach, whereby the client requests a command, the saga handles that command, goes through some state changes as messages are received and eventually responds to the first command that initiated the saga, at which point the client receives the response and can display the result of the saga.
From what i can see, by this point, the context is no longer aware of the initial request. How can I reply to a message that was received in this way? Is there something i can persist to the saga data when handling the first event, and use that to reply later on?

Thanks Alexey. I have realised that I can store the ResponseAddress and RequestId from the original message on the saga, and then construct a Send() later on.
Getting the response details from the original request
SagaConsumeContext<TSagaData, TMessage> payload;
if (ctx.TryGetPayload(out payload))
ResponseAddress = payload.ResponseAddress;
RequestId = payload.RequestId ;
Sending the response
var responseEndpoint = await ctx.GetSendEndpoint(responseAddress);
await responseEndpoint.Send(message, c => c.RequestId = requestId);
UPDATE: The documentation has been updated to include a more complete example.

Currently, the saga state machine can only do immediate response like this:
// client
var response = await client.Request(requestMessage);
// saga
.Respond(c => MakeResponseMessage(c))
So you can respond when handling a request.
If you want to respond to something you received before, you will have to craft the request/response conversation yourself. I mean that you will have to have decoupled response, so you need to send a message and have a full-blown consumer for the reply message. This will be completely asynchronous business.


Perform action on seen/unseen messages with

What is the best practice to handle seen/unseen messages in a chat room application based on Nodejs/SocketIO/React.
Consider User1 sends a message to a room. If another user has seen that message, notify all users that the state of message has been seen.
In my opinion using message brokers can be the better solution instead socket. I actually think that socket should only handle chat messages that are synchronously. but for seen/unseen status I prefer message brokers that are asynchronous. Are there any solutions or best practice in large scale applications?
It's unclear what you have currently tried, meaning that I can only advise solutions in order to achieve your aim.
To firstly identify that a message was seen, IntersectionObserver is an inbuilt API that detects when an element has entered the viewport, meaning that it is visible, therefore; obviously seen. I have added comments in the code below where you should add a function to call to the server that the message was seen, however, that's up to you to implement.
const observer = new window.IntersectionObserver(([entry]) => {
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
// Send a message to the server that the user has viewed the message.
// Eg. socket.emit('read-message',
}, {
root: null,
threshold: 0.1,
Additionally, there's no need to use message broker, as can handle simple interactions such as this.
You then need to send a message to the server that denotes the specified message ID was seen, then broadcast to every other client that the state was changed, and update it to read - if that's needed.

MassTransit RequestClient timeout handling

I have tried several scenario to handle timeouts in request, but they dont seem to work.
I have passed the timeout TimeSpan when both creating the request client and/or creating the request. The request does not recive a response during the time span configured, but the task continue executing and seems hanging and no RequestTimeoutException is thrown.
What is the exact solution for handling clients timeout.
The use case leading to the timeout is when the whole consumer service is down, so the initial request is not consumed at all. Folowing the code exemple of the request. As mentioned, i tried to pass the RequestTimeout also in the client creation. Other than this, it works perfectly when all parts are running.
var client = _busControl.CreateRequestClient<CheckRequest>(new Uri($"{rabbitHostUri}/CheckQueue"));
var response = await client.GetResponse<CheckResponse>(checkRequest, timeout: RequestTimeout.After(s: 60)).ConfigureAwait(false);
var checkResponse = response.Message;

How to correctly implement security on a websocket session?

I want to implement an asynchronous mechanism using websockets.
Here's the idea:
The client performs a REST call
The server returns a "subscribingID" and starts a background process
The client registers as subscriber on this topic (suppose 12232442 is the id):
this.stompClient.subscribe('/callback/12232442', (messageOutput) => {
let mess = JSON.parse(messageOutput.body);
Once done the server simply sends the message and closes the connection:
stompSession.send("callback/12232442", new MessageOutput());
It should work but here's the catch: how can I be sure that another client can't simply subscribe to an ID that exists but does not belong to them?
Also, is there any built-in mechanism to achieve this?
When the server receives a REST request for a subscription ID, you can store the newly generated ID in a Subscription HashMap.
In order to do processing when a new subscription request comes you can implement a custom StompEventHandler, like so
public class StompEventHandler{
public void handleSubscription(SessionSubscribeEvent event) {
//Get incoming sessionDetails from event.
//get the destination.
// Validate that the destination is present in Subscription HashMap
// and also that no client maps to the topic id.
// Based on the result either send the message or send Unauth message to
Note that you have to store details about session ID of the client as well for this. Instead of broadcasting the message to /topic/callback/<your_id>, you would need to send the message to destination like so: /user/queue/callback/<your_id>. For sending to a destination as such you would need to use simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(username, destination, payload, Headers)
Good Read for this
So since you are sending messages to only a particular session of a particular user, your messages are confidential.
If you want to ensure that you do not even have the subscription from the client you can send an UNSUBSCRIBE message to the client in the StompEventHandler class. This would force unsubscribe the client.
Good Read for this

Configure JMS for multiple clients feeding off same queue

So I have request/response queues that I am putting messages on and reading messages off from.
The problem is that I have multiple local instances that are reading/feeding off the same queues, and what happens sometimes is that one instance can read some other instance's reply message.
So is there a way I can configure my JMS, using spring that actually makes the instances read the messages that are only requested by them and not read other instance's messages.
I have very little knowledge about JMS and related stuff. So if the above question needs more info then I can dig around and provide it.
It's easy!
A JMS message have two properties you can use - JMSMessageID and JMSCorrelationID.
A JMSMessageId is supposed to be unique for each message, so you could do something like this:
Let the client send a request, then start to listen for responses where the correlation id = the sent message id. The server side is then responsible for copying the message id of the request to the correlation id of the response. Something like: responseMsg.setJMSCorrelationID(requestMsg.getJMSMessageID());
Example client side code:
Session session = getSession();
Message msg = createRequest();
MessageProducer mp = session.createProducer(session.createQueue("REQUEST.QUEUE"));
// If session is transactional - commit now.
String msgID = msg.getJMSMessageID();
MessageConsumer mc = session.createConsumer(session.createQueue("REPLY.QUEUE"),
"JMSCorrelationID='" + msgId + "'");
Message response = mc.receive(TIMEOUT);
A more performant solution would be to use dedicated reply queues per destination. Simply set message.setJMSReplyTo(session.createQueue("REPLY.QUEUE."+getInstanceId())); and make sure the server side sends response to requestMsg.getJMSReplyTo() and not to a hard coded value.

Implementing bulk-messaging from Salesforce to/from Twilio, hitting Salesforce API limits

I am building an integration between Salesforce and Twilio that sends/receives SMS using TwilioForce REST API. The main issue is getting around the 10-call API limit from Salesforce, as well as the prohibition on HTTP call outs from a trigger.
I am basing the design on Dan Appleman's Asynchronous Request processes, but in either Batch mode or RequestAsync(), ASync(), Sync(), repeat... I'm still hitting the limits.
I'd like to know how other developers have done this successfully; the integrations have been there for a while, but the examples are few and far between.
Are you sending unique messages for each record that has been updated? If not, then why not send one message to multiple recipients to save on your API limits?
Unfortunately, if you do actually need to send more than 10 unique messages there is no way to send messages in bulk with the Twilio API, you could instead write a simple application that runs on Heroku or some other application platform that you can call out to that will handle the SMS functionality for you.
I have it working now using the following structure (I apologize for the formatting - it's mostly pseudocode):
ASyncRequest object:
AsyncType (picklist: 'SMS to Twilio' is it for now),
Params (long text area: comma-separated list of Ids)
Message object:
To (phone), From (phone), Message (text), Sent (boolean), smsId (string), Error (text)
Message trigger: passes trigger details to CreateAsyncRequests() method.
CreateAsyncRequests: evaluate each new/updated Message__c; if Sent == false for any messages, we create an AsyncRequest, type=SMS to Twilio, Params += ',' + message.Id.
// Create a list to be inserted after all the Messages have been processed
List requests = new List();
Once we reach 5 message.Ids in a single AsyncRequest.Params list, add it to requests.
If all the messages have been processed and there's a request with < 5 Ids in Params, add it to requests as well.
If requests.size() > 0 {
insert requests;
AsyncProcessor implements .Batchable and .AllowsCallouts, and queries ASyncRequest__c for any requests that need to be processed, which in this case will be our Messages list.
The execute() method takes the list of ASyncRequests, splits each Params value into its component Message Ids, and then queries the Message object for those particular Messages.
StartBatch() calls execute() with 1 record at a time, so that each execute() process will still contain fewer than the maximum 10 callouts.
Each Message is processed in a try/catch block that calls SendMessage(), sets Message.smsId = Twilio.smsId and sets Message.Sent = true.
If no smsId is returned, then the message was not sent, and I set a boolean bSidIsNull = true indicating that (at least) one message was not sent.
** If any message failed, no smsIds are returned EVEN FOR MESSAGES THAT WERE SUCCESSFUL **
After each batch of messages is processed, I check bSidIsNull; if true, then I go back over the list of messages and put any that do not have an smsId into a map indexed by the Twilio number I'm trying to send them From.
Since I limited each ASyncRequest to 5 messages, I still have the use of a callout to retrieve all of the messages sent from that Twilio.From number for the current date, using
client.getAccount().getMessages('From' => fromNumber, 'DateSent' => currentDate)
Then I can update the Message.smsIds for all of the messages that were successful, and add an error message to Message.Error_on_Send__c for any that failed.
