jenkins_configure_proxy role missing in Ansible - ansible

I have Ansible 2.4.0. I am trying to configure Jenkins proxy based on Ansible Jenkins DevOps Roles documentation:
- hosts: master
- jenkins_configure_proxy:
jenkins_home: "{{ jenkins_home }}"
proxy_host: "{{ proxy_host }}"
proxy_port: "{{ proxy_port }}"
become: true
environment: "{{proxy_env}}"
When trying to execute ansible_playbook I get:
ERROR! role definitions must contain a role name
The error appears to have been in '/Users/me/projects/jenkins/jenkins.yml': line 10, column 7, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- jenkins_configure_proxy:
^ here
That pretty strange, because other roles like jenkins_plugin work fine.
What am I doing wrong?

You use role syntax without parameters to apply role with parameters, see example:
- roles:
# without or with default parameters
- jenkins_configure_proxy
# with custom parameters
- role: jenkins_configure_proxy
jenkins_home: "{{ jenkins_home }}"
proxy_host: "{{ proxy_host }}"


Ansible import role run conditionally

I am writing a parent ansible role that runs another role though import_role. The idea that this sibling role (staticdev.pyenv) only runs when an argument pyenv_python_versions is passed, otherwise this is skipped.
According to the official documentation, I tried the following approach:
- name: Install pyenv
name: staticdev.pyenv
pyenv_owner: "{{ ansible_env.USER }}"
pyenv_path: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/pyenv"
pyenv_global: "{{ pyenv_global }}"
pyenv_python_versions: "{{ pyenv_python_versions }}"
pyenv_virtualenvs: []
when: pyenv_python_versions
I am using currently ansible 4.1.0 (core 2.11.1), and when I test it on Debian 11 (image: cisagov/docker-debian11-ansible:latest) it executes the role anyway, even without any value for pyenv_python_versions. when is not being considered and I also tried with include_role. Complete logs can be found here.
Any idea?
UPDATE: changed condition when from to pyenv_python_versions as suggested by #lonetwin.
The problem was role import was replicating variables from the imported role (pyenv_global, pyenv_python_versions and pyenv_virtualenvs), in this case you solve it just by omitting imported role params (they will be overwritten if you create new defaults for them).
- name: Install pyenv
name: staticdev.pyenv
pyenv_owner: "{{ ansible_env.USER }}"
pyenv_path: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/pyenv"
when: pyenv_python_versions

Using Ansible environment and assume a role with boto3

I've run into an issue assuming a role when using the environment setting to set proxies on a task.
For example, if I use a custom module with proxy_env set:
- name: compare values from api
module_data: "{{ some_var }}"
register: cpmared_vals
environment: "{{ proxy_env }}"
I get this error:
botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError: Unable to locate credentials
however if I remove 'environment: "{{ proxy_env }}"' it works.
This is what proxy_env looks like:
https_proxy: ""
http_proxy: ""
no_proxy: ""

How can I more easily delegate all tasks in a role in Ansible?

I'm still somewhat new to Ansible so I'm sure this isn't the proper way of doing this, but it's what I've come up with considering the requirements I was given.
I have to perform tasks on a server, which I do not have credentials to access since they are locked in a vault. My way of working around this is to get the credentials from the vault, then delegate tasks to that server. I've accomplished this, but I'm wondering if there is a cleaner or more adequate way of doing it. So, here's my setup:
I have a playbook that just has:
- hosts: localhost
- role: get_credentials <-- Not the real role names
- role: use_credentials
Basically, get_credentials gets some credentials from a vault and then use_credentials performs tasks, but each task has
delegate_to: protected_server
ansible_ssh_user: "{{ user }}"
ansible_ssh_pass: "{{ password }}"
at the end of it
Is there a way I can delegate all the tasks in use_credentials without having to delegate each task individually?
I'ld move both your role from the roles: section to the tasks:, using include_role. Something like this:
- name: Get credentials
name: get_credentials # I expect this one to set_fact user_from_get_credential and password_from_get_credential
delegate_to: protected_server
- name: Use credentials
name: use_credentials
ansible_ssh_user: "{{ user_from_get_credential }}"
ansible_ssh_pass: "{{ password_from_get_credential }}"

Read a file locally and use the vars remote in Ansible

I read a YAML file locally with the following playbook:
- name: Ensure the deploy_manifest var is defined and read deploy manifest
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: False
- assert:
that: deploy_manifest is defined
msg: |
Error: Must provide providers config path. Fix: Add '-e deploy_manifest=/path/to/manifest' to the ansible-playbook command
- name: Read deploy manifest
file: "{{ deploy_manifest }}"
name: manifest
register: manifest
- debug:
msg: "[{{ manifest.key }}]: {{ manifest.value }}"
with_dict: "{{ manifest.ansible_facts }}"
and then in the same playbook YAML file I run:
- name: Deploy Backend services
hosts: backend
remote_user: ubuntu
gather_facts: False
env: "{{ env }}"
services: "{{ manifest.ansible_facts }}"
- include_role:
name: services_backend
when: backend | default(true) | bool
However it doesn't work because debug fails. It says that manifest is empty.
Which is the best way to read a YAML file or generally a configuration in a playbook and then have the variables passed in another playbook?
Your debug module doesn't say "that manifest is empty", it says the key manifest.key does not exist because it does not.
You registered a fact named manifest with:
register: manifest
You try to refer to a key of the above manifest named key and another key (!) named value:
msg: "[{{ manifest.key }}]: {{ manifest.value }}"
Please read Looping over Hashes chapter and acknowledge that (without using loop control) you refer to the iterated variable using item.
Please note that with name: manifest and register: manifest you read your vars file into manifest.ansible_facts.manifest.

Parametrized ansible task include - 'paramater is undefined'

I have problem using parametrized ansible include.
I have created following file, named tasks/haproxy.xml
- name: "change node state to {{state}} in haproxy"
- "haproxy-{{state}}"
become: yes
become_user: root
state: "{{ state }}"
wait: yes
host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
backend: app
socket: /var/container_data/haproxy/run/haproxy.sock
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ groups.haproxy }}"
I am including this file in my playbook.yml, passing value of state parameter
- include: tasks/haproxy.yml state=enabled
I am getting following error
TASK [include] *****************************************************************
included: /home/bb/tasks/haproxy.yml for,
ERROR! 'state' is undefined
state is my parameter, passed when doing include (as described in
Whats wrong?
I am using Ansible
using alternative syntax for passing paramteres
- include: tasks/haproxy.yml
state: enabled
gives exactly same error message.
Resolved by removing single leading space (!!) when using alternative syntax (vars).
So correct parametrized include is
- include: tasks/haproxy.yml
state: enabled
vars keyword must be at the same level as include keyword.
Otherwise it does not work, with message ERROR! 'state' is undefined.
Shortened syntax (- include: tasks/haproxy.yml state=enabled) still does not work.
