How to install Hive For Windows? - hadoop

I have installed hadoop. I used hadoop-2.7.0-src.tar.gz and hadoop-2.7.0.tar.gz files. And uses apache-maven-3.1.1 to collect the hadoop tar file for windows.
After so many tries I made it run. It was difficult to install hadoop without knowing what I am doing.
Now I want to install Hive. Do I have to collect Hive files with Maven?
If yes what folders should I use to collect them?
And then I want to install sqoop.
Any information is appreciated.

I have not tried on windows but I did on Linux - Ubuntu, and I have detailed these step by step in my blog over here - Hive Install
Have a look, I think most of the steps will be necessary in the same sequence as described but nature of command may be different for windows.


Installing spark on hadoop

I installed hadoop 2.7 on my mac. Then i want to install spark on it. But there is no any document for this.can anybody explain step by step how to install spark on hadoop?
Steps to Install Apache Spark
1) Open Apache Spark Website
2) Click on Downloads Tab a new Page will get open
3) Choose Pre-built for Hadoop 2.7 and later
4) Choose Direct Download
5) Click on Download Spark: spark-2.0.2-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz and save it on your desired location.
6) Go to the Downloaded Tar file and Extract it.
7) Again Extract the spark-2.0.2-bin-hadoop2.7.tar [File name will differ as version changes] to generate spark-2.0.2-bin-hadoop2.7 folder
8) Now open Shell Prompt and go to the bin directory of spark-2.0.2-bin-hadoop2.7 folder [Folder name will differ as version changes ]
9) Execute command
You will be in Spark Shell you can execute the spark commands <-- Quick start Guide from spark
Hope this Helps!!!
For running spark on yarn cluster there is lot of steps to install hadoop and spark and all so i write one blog on it step by step you can install it and run spark shell on yarn see the below link
Here are the steps I took to install Apache Spark to a Linux Centos system with hadoop:
Install a default Java system (ex: sudo yum install java-11-openjdk)
Download latest release of Apache Spark from
Extract the Spark tarball (tar xvf spark-2.4.5-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz)
Move Spark folder created after extraction to the /opt/ directory (sudo mv spark-2.4.5-bin-hadoop2.7/ /opt/spark)
Execute with command /opt/spark/bin/spark-shell if you wish to work with Scala or /opt/spark/bin/pyspark if you want to work with Python

Installing HDFS interface package for julia

I am new to Julia language and found it very interesting. As it says it is hadoop ready I wanted to test this using my local hadoop cluster. I installed latest version of julia in my debian 32 bit machine and wrote few simple scripts, sort of Hello world stuffs. Now, I have pulled HDFS and YARN interface package from the below site
Do not know How to install these in my machine and use these package for querying HDFS cluster and run few map-reduce tasks.
Any pointers will be very much helpful here.
Thanks in advance
Thanks Gnimuc Key, I took a nightly build version (0.4) and I could install Elly package

how to install Spark and Hadoop from tarball separately [Cloudera]

I want to install Cloudera distribution of Hadoop and Spark using tarball.
I have already set up Hadoop in Pseudo-Distributed mode in my local machine and successfully ran a Yarn example.
I have downloaded latest tarballs CDH 5.3.x from here
But the folder structure of Spark downloaded from Cloudera is differrent from Apache website. This may be because Cloudera provides it's own version maintained separately.
So, as there are no documentation I have found yet to install Spark from this Cloudera's tarball separately.
Could someone help me to understand how to do it?
Spark could be extracted to any directory. You just need to run the ./bin/spark-submit command (available in extracted spark directory) with required parameters to submit the job. To start spark interactive shell, please use command ./bin/spark-shell.

Install hadoop on ubuntu

Hi i am new to Big Data concept. I have installed Hbase0.98-hadoop2. Does it mean that hadoop 2 has also been installed on my machine along with HBase? If yes then how can I run hadoop?
I have no idea about Ubuntu packages. After the installation, you can do one quick experiment. In the shell, just type (incomplete command):
$ hadoop
If it tells you command not found: hadoop, then no, you don't have Hadoop installed.
Follow the link for hadoop installation -

Hadoop - install process for /usr/libexec etc

I'm trying to compile/install/run Hadoop as a single node cluster on a Mac OS X 10.7.5.
I've downloaded the hadoop-2.2.0-src, and am able to compile all modules with
mvn install
The install is successful, and the tests check out too.
When trying to run hadoop (specifically, hdfs -namenode format to start off with), I see a requirement for hadoop components to exist in directories like:
/usr/lib/conf etc.
What is the install step required to get the files into this directory? Can it be done from Maven, or is there a manual install step required?
One option, and I'm not sure if it's correct, is to set my HADOOP_HOME - is this where hadoop finds its /libexecs?
Thanks guys
