PowerBI Web app Dashboard Sample error AADSTS50011 - visual-studio

I download the integrate-dashboard-web-app and enter the ClientSecret and the ClientID values in the cloud.config file. But when I run the project I am getting this error "AADSTS50011: The reply address 'http://localhost:13526/Redirect' does not match the reply addresses". Is there some additaional setting I need to add to the Azure Active Directory? I dont see anything that related to the application for power BI in Azure

I got the same error. Below is how I fixed it:
Ensure that the Redirect URL set on the Power BI App (registered) is http://localhost:13526/Redirect
In the sample app, ensure the Cloud.config RedirectUrl setting has the value http://localhost:13526/Redirect
In the sample app, in the Page_Load method in redirect.aspx.cs, change the line:
string redirectUri = String.Format("{0}Redirect", Properties.Settings.Default.RedirectUrl);
string redirectUri = String.Format("{0}", Properties.Settings.Default.RedirectUrl);


Problem with Adafruit IO/Adafruit_MQTT_Subscribe/Arduino

I have problem with Adafruit_MQTT_Subscribe.
This is some of my code:
mqtt = Adafruit_MQTT_Client(&client, AIO_SERVER2, AIO_SERVERPORT2, aioUsername.getValue(), aioKey.getValue()); trigger = Adafruit_MQTT_Subscribe(&mqtt, feed);
When my feed = "username/feeds/trigger"
aioKey.getValue()); trigger = Adafruit_MQTT_Subscribe(&mqtt, "username/feeds/trigger");
everything is fine, but i want to change the username dynamically. I want to get it from wifiManager parameter.
String topic = String(aioUsername.getValue()) + "/feeds/trigger"; const char* feed = topic.c_str();
If i do that I see "MQTT ERROR: rejected, not a valid topic format" on AdafruitIO dashboard.
Please help.
You can try and use the example ConfigOnDRD_FS_MQTT_Ptr of my ESP_WiFiManager
This example will open a Config Portal when there is no stored WiFi Credentials or when a DRD is detected.
You can reconfigure to use another pin, such as the convenience FLASH / BOOT button # PIN_D0;.
A password is required to connect to the Config Portal so that only who know the password can access the Config Portal.
The Credentials, being input via Config Portal, will then be saved into LittleFS / SPIFFS file, and be used to connect to
Adafruit MQTT Server at "io.adafruit.com" and publish a Temperature Topic
Based on original sketch posted by "Marko"(https://github.com/wackoo-arduino) on https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=692108

Forgot password workflow in Xamarin forms [duplicate]

Guys, I need to implement Applink (Universal Link) step by step both android and iOS, please any to help achieve this. I tried the following code in my android project
I followed this URL to write this https://devblogs.microsoft.com/xamarin/connect-with-your-users-with-google-search-and-app-indexing/
Note I no need to indexing concept just want to open the app from Clicking of any URL
First I Installed Xamarin.Forms.AppLinks NuGet
Below code MainActivity
[IntentFilter(new[] { Android.Content.Intent.ActionView },
Categories = new[]
DataScheme = "http",
DataPathPrefix = "/",
DataHost = "test.com")]
Then write bellow code in OnCreate Method
Then I try to call deeplink URL "test://DeeplinkingSample" from Deep Link Tester
Its saying No Activity found to handle the intent
4.Then I try to call deeplink url "test://DeeplinkingSample" from Deep Link Tester
Its saying No Activity found to handle intent
You are trying to call the URL test://DeeplinkSample, which has the following parts
Scheme is test
Host is DeeplinkSample
No data path
However, you did not register your activity for that URL, but for the scheme http, with the host test.com and the data path prefix / (i.e. presumably all data paths that start with /). Hence the app should open when you are trying to open

Parse iOS SDK not sending application Id

I'm testing out deploying my own parse server following the steps in the Parse Server Guide. I've got the server up and running and have been able to create and fetch objects via curl. I built a simple iOS app using the Parse SDK (1.14.2). I've initialized the SDK with the app id and server url as described in the Parse Server Guide. When I try to make requests, I get back unauthorized from the server. Digging further, I noticed that the SDK is not sending the application id header to the server. I modified the SDK to send the application id header and everything works. Am I missing a configuration step somewhere?
This is because you are not passing the ClientKey. In swift 3 you would pass it like this in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions.
// Init Parse
let configuration = ParseClientConfiguration {
$0.applicationId = PARSE_APP_KEY
$0.clientKey = PARSE_CLIENT_KEY
$0.server = PARSE_SERVER_URL
$0.isLocalDatastoreEnabled = true
Parse.initialize(with: configuration)
If you are falling when trying to test CloudCode, then its because your parse-server is not passing the Javascript key. So just make sure you initialize the server to do so if this issue is related to Parse.Cloud function.

Google Drive SDK 1.8.1 RedirectURL

Is there any way to provide RedirectURL then using GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker?
Here is the sample code in C#:
Task<UserCredential> credential = GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(secrets, scopes, GoogleDataStore.User, cancellationToken, dataStore);
Or we have to use different approach?
I have an "installed application" that runs on a user's desktop, not a website. By default, when I create an "installed application" project in the API console, the redirect URI seems to be set to local host by default.
What ends up happening is that after the authentication sequence the user gets redirected to localhost and receives a browser error. I would like to prevent this from happening by providing my own redirect URI: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob:auto
This seems to be possible using Python version of the Google Client API, but I find it difficult to find any reference to this with .NET.
Take a look in the implementation of PromptCodeReceiver, as you can see it contains the redirect uri.
You can implement your own ICodeReceiver with your prefer redirect uri, and call it from a WebBroker which should be similar to GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.
I think it would be great to understand why can't you just use PrompotCodeReceiver or LocalServerCodeReceiver.
And be aware that we just released a new library last week, so you should update it to 1.9.0.
UPDATE (more details, Nov 25th 2014):
You can create your own ICodeReceiver. You will have to do the following:
* The code was never tested... sorry.
public class MyNewCodeReceiver : ICodeReceiver
public string RedirectUri
get { return YOU_REDIRECT_URI; }
public Task<AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ReceiveCodeAsync(
AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url,
CancellationToken taskCancellationToken)
// PromptCodeReceiver AND LocalServerCodeReceiver
and LocalServerCodeReceiver.
Then you will have to do the following
(instead of using the GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync method):
var initializer = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer
ClientSecrets = secrets,
Scopes = scopes,
DataStore = new FileDataStore("Google.Apis.Auth");
await new AuthorizationCodeInstalledApp(
new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(initializer),
new MyNewCodeReceiver())
.AuthorizeAsync(user, taskCancellationToken);
In addition:
I'll be happy to understand further why you need to set a different redirect uri, so we will be able to improve the library accordingly.
When I create an installed application the current PromptCodeReceiver and LocalServerCodeReceiver work for me, so I'm not sure what's the problem with your code.

Getting a response uri

I'm new to Windows phone 7 application development. I'm currently developing an app in which I wish to do a HTML request and display the result obtained in Web browser. For example, Suppose I give the below URI
"http://m.imdb.com/find?q="+search_string (where search_string is a variable)
I want to take the result obtained from this and display it on the web browser. I've been searching regarding this for past 1 day... Didn't get any fruitful results. So please redirect me either to a suitable tutorial page or please give a sample code?
WebBrowserTask wbt = new WebBrowserTask();
wbt.URL = "http://m.imdb.com/find?q="+search_string
this will allow you to launch the url in the browser.
