Cygwin: Git stash -> Cannot save the current index state - windows

I'm using cygwin under Windows to do some command line stuff. One of the commands I use sometimes is git stash. Since few weeks I always get this error when I use it: Cannot save the current index state
I also tried it in other projects, so it is no project related issue. The history is not broken or something like that. I don't use it often so I don't know when the issue started.
The error is thrown on line 110 of the git-stash file. That's why I debugged the two lines before.
$(printf 'index on %s\n' "$msg" |
git commit-tree $i_tree -p $b_commit)
When I echo the first command it outputs my last commit. This seems ok. When I output both commands piped it is empty, so maybe something is wrong with "git commit-tree $i_tree -p $b_commit". I google a long time but was not able to find a solution to this issue.
Cygwin Git version: 2.14.1
Cygwin x64 version: 2.8.2(0.313/5/3)

First, check if the issue persists with bash (the bash packaged with Git). Make sure to set your PATH in order to:
no include cygwin
include git/bin, git/usr/bin, git/mingw64/bin: see this example.
Working with a simplified path (for testing purposes) is important to make sure there is no side-effect from any other software.
Second, try and add a git status in the git stash critical lines, to see if the Git repo status reveal anything suspicious.


Using git rebase --interactive on a repo cloned from subversion

I have several repos that have been converted from SVN. Each time I attempt to run git rebase -i master, the message defaults to noop. When saving, I get Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master which seems suggest it has done something, but all commits are still present.
I did find this question but the solution doesn't appear to apply to OsX.
I also tried git rebase -i HEAD~3 on a project with 3 commits, but I get:
fatal: Needed a single revision
Using rebase -i HEAD~2 will and rebases correctly, but I need to squash these to a single commit with the init commit date.
Interestingly, the rebase consistently misses the earliest commit on each project. In each it it the only commit not assigned to my user (it is a system commit), so I wonder if that is related.
The question cited has a possible answer: Setting the shell variable IFS (what characters are interpreted as separating "words" in shell lines, in this case separating arguments) makes two arguments interpreted as one (obviously unknown), and the (internal) command fails with the cited result.
See to what (if anything) IFS is set (echo $IFS). Try (unset IFS; git rebase -i HEAD~3) (the parentesis are required here in bash(1), OS X shell could be different, but I doubt it).

Git for windows paging

Whenever I execute git log command it cannot be terminated. If I do Ctrl + C it exits paging environment but if I start to type anything it starts git log command again.
as mentioned already, git log -X will limit your output to the last X commits.
Git log and other git commands invoke the less command. This is the pager. To get help with the pager, type ? or h when looking at the output. You will now see the help for the less command. Quitting less is easy, just type q.
If you don't want log to use a pager utility, you can instruct git not to use it with:
git --no-pager log
Git log has a lot of options. To get a quick overview of what has happened, I use
git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all
Decorate can be set to be enabled by default through config so you don't have to issue it.
If you think that's a lot to write on the command line, you're right! Bash has a quick remedy for that: CTRL-R. Press that and start typing 'graph'. You should get the last time that you typed that long command. This is one reason I don't bother with git aliases; it's easy to search your command history which persists from session to session.
Further, you can limit the output of git log to a particular author or particular date range, etc.
Have fun exploring and stick to the command line. It's what git was meant to be used on. You will also be introduced to a lot of excellent bash techniques that will help you a ton as you get going further with git.
You can limit the number of commits to be shown with:
git log -n 10
To limit only to the last 10 commits.
You can use also some kind of graphic interface for git, like gitk or tig or git-cola.
Check for other gui clients here.

is there a way to add current working directory/current git repo/branch in terminal prompt for Mac

first time poster.
This came up in conversation at work this week...
Is there a way, when you connect to git remotely that you can get display current working directory/current git repo/branch in your terminal prompt?
Apparently, there are linux/vim scripts that exist for linux users, and I'd like to add this sort of shell script to my profile.
Currently I'm using some info from this page to address some of this info locally.
Thanks in advance.
Get a copy of the git completion script. You can get this from git itself, or if you have a Linux box handy you could even just copy it from there (it'll probably be /etc/bash_completion.d/git). Then, arrange for this to get "sourced" by bash. You can do this by adding something like this to your .bashrc:
. /usr/local/git-completion
(assuming you named the file /usr/local/git-completion on your Mac).
Finally, you'll want to adjust your prompt. Also in your .bashrc, add something like:
export PS1='[\w$(__git_ps1 "|%s")]\$ '
Here's a blog post (not by me) that talks about this (and some other related stuff) in more detail:
OK, I experimented with this after you pointed me in the right direction, my google searches got more refined results.
A lot of people point to the post you shared with me, like here: but I found some other jewels like these, which I didn't use but were informative: , .
I needed some different guidance on installing git.completion because I use homebrew which I found here: which covers several ways to install it.
Finally, my bash/terminal has been a bit pokey so I upgraded to the latest bash with these instructions before I meshed with any of this: and got some great speed improvement.
I ended up having to rebuild my profile script very carefully but with trail and error (because of differences between Bash 3 and 4, and some syntax errors)- now it looks great, and does the job.
Thanks again.
Sorry about above the security restraints of the site, restrict me (since I'm a newb) to 2 links to combat spam.
You just need 2 steps to do it.
Open ~/.bash_profile in your favorite editor and add the following content to the bottom.
For me it is like
emacs ~/.bash_profile
Add the following content to the bottom.
function git_branch {
git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/(\1)/'}
export PS1='\h:\w$(git_branch) \u\$'
If you want your terminal colorful, try the following content.
export PS1 = '\[\e[1;39m\]\h:\w\[\e[01;39m\]$(git_branch) \[\e[01;39m\]$ \[\e[0m\]'
Another option to get git branch/status info in your shell prompt is to use powerline-shell.
You can see what this looks like in this screenshot:
The magenta/green bar is the current branch name. Its color indicates whether the working directory is clean. There are also markers that appear when there are untracked files, or when there are commits to be pulled-from/pushed-to the upstream remote.
Powerline-shell is compatible with bash, zsh, and fish.

Git Windows Command Prompt gets stuck during Git commands with (END)

I've got Git for Windows setup (msysgit) and it was working fine for the last few days and today I've encountered an odd error.
When issuing a Git command in the Windows Command Prompt or in the Git Bash that comes bundled with msysgit, I get a strange '(END)' line appear and then I cannot issue any other comamnds.
At this point all I get are system beeps.
Any ideas?
Thanks, P.
Git want to show more than one screen of information to you, to do so it call the standard unix pager program less. Just type q to return to the prompt when you no longer want to navigate in the output.
j move one line down
k move one line up
<space> move one page down
b move one page up
h show the help
If you want to use git efficiently you should learn the basic unix tools. Even if git build and run on windows it's pretty much an alien software on the platform.
If you don't want less just replace it with another pager in the configuration. If you don't want a pager at all just use cat :
git config --global --add core.pager cat
Press q to exit the pager (which is less in git by default).
I first came across this question when I was looking for the same thing; to not have to exit out of the log command. I have since found the answer I like, so even though it is well after the original asking I will add this answer to provide an additional solution that I didn't find quickly in my own search.
Others have stated why the (END) is present -- the results are being piped thru a pager, one that can be configured for a different pager.
However, I sometimes don't want it to stop at all; because I've specified other options that do the limiting. I found that for this git has a global option --no-pager to turn off the whatever pager is defined in the config file.
This global option is on the git command itself, is available for all subcommands and is placed before the subcommand like this:
git --no-pager log
Git is using the "pager" called less, which allows you to scroll through large amount of program output easily. However, the default settings on Git for Windows seem to be to keep the pager running even when there is less than one screen of output.
Here is the default setting I had before, which would always show the (END) and wait for you to hit q before returning you to your prompt:
$ git config --get core.pager
less -+F
You can change the behavior so that less will only keep running (and take control of the keyboard) when there is more than a screenful of output by changing the option to -F instead of -+F.
Fix the pesky pager with
$ git config --global core.pager "less -F"
(The -+X option syntax for less is documented to reset the -X option to its "default", although that is not the behavior I observed with -+F since removing the option altogether was equivalent to -F, not -+F.)

Git hook output - where to see/find

I'm trying to get a git commit email hook running using Git on Windows. I'm sure I've got my copy of contrib/hooks/post-receive-email (placed in the project's .git/hooks/post-commit) script messed up, or I'm missing an important node in my config, but I don't know where I would see any error messages.
Would they be echoed to stdout when I commit using a shell? Is there some flag I would need to set or pass to git commit to see them (I tried -v with no apparent effect)?
Here are the repo-specific config vals I've added:
The overall problem is that git's built-in mail doesn't work on windows (which makes perfect sense, of course), but at least now I know where to look for output from my hacking attempts.
Are you sure the hook is actually being executed? (Make sure it's executable!) The post-commit hook is run in the same way as git-commit, so if you commit from a shell, you should see the output of all the commit-related hooks along with the output of git-commit itself in that terminal.
