jmeter Only send request with one number generated by __Random() - jmeter

Here are Jmeter script structure:
Test Plan
+ User Defined Variables
+ - votes_id: ${__P(votes_id,${__Random(11,14)})}
+ ...
+ Thread Group
+ + Throughput Controller1
+ + + Http Request1
+ + Throughput Controller2
+ + + Http Request2
+ + Throughput Controller3
+ + + Http Request3
+ + + Http Request4
+ + + - paramater1:${votes_id}
Issue: http request only send with the same num.
when set paramater1:${__Random(11,14)}, it works with random number from 11 to 14.
Note: I have also try components CSV Data Set Config. when I disable Throughput Controller1, Throughput Controller2, Http Request4 works with multi number.
How can I use CSV Data Set Config to send request parameter with random number?

As per Where can functions and variables be used? chapter:
Functions and variables can be written into any field of any test component
As per What can functions do
Functions are shared between threads. Each occurrence of a function call in a test plan is handled by a separate function instance.
So you basically don't need to define a variable, you can use __Random() function directly in the HTTP Request parameter section
Test Plan
+ ...
+ Thread Group
+ + Throughput Controller1
+ + + Http Request1
+ + Throughput Controller2
+ + + Http Request2
+ + Throughput Controller3
+ + + Http Request3
+ + + Http Request4
+ + + - paramater1:${__P(votes_id,${__Random(11,14)})}
This way the function will be evaluated individually by each thread hence you will get a new value each time the function will be called.
Check out Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction to learn more about JMeter Functions concept.

Don't use User Defined Variables for other then initial values:
Note that all the UDV elements in a test plan - no matter where they
are - are processed at the start.
UDVs should not be used with functions that generate different results
each time they are called. Only the result of the first function call
will be saved in the variable. However, UDVs can be used with
functions such as __P()
For defining variables during a test run, see User Parameters. UDVs
are processed in the order they appear in the Plan, from top to
UseUser Parameters and put it as Pre processor child of HTTP request. It'll be called every time.


Gatling - Dynamic Scenario, InjectionProfile, Assertion creation based on Configuration

I am attempting to write a simulation that can read from a config file for a set of apis that each have a set of properties.
I read the config for n active scenarios and create requests from a CommonRequest class
Then those requests are built into scenarios from a CommonScenario
CommonScenarios have attributes that are using to create their injection profiles
That all seems to work no issue. But when I try to use the properties / CommonScenario request to build a set of Assertions it does not work as expected.
// get active scenarios from the config
val activeApiScenarios: List[String] = Utils.getStringListProperty("my.active_scenarios")
// build all active scenarios from config
var activeScenarios: Set[CommonScenario] = Set[CommonScenario]()
activeApiScenarios.foreach { scenario =>
activeScenarios += CommonScenarioBuilder()
.withRequestName(Utils.getProperty("my." + scenario + ".request_name"))
.withRegion(Utils.getProperty("my." + scenario + ".region"))
.withConstQps(Utils.getDoubleProperty("my." + scenario + ".const_qps"))
.withStartQps(Utils.getDoubleListProperty("my." + scenario + ".toth_qps").head)
.withPeakQps(Utils.getDoubleListProperty("my." + scenario + ".toth_qps")(1))
.withEndQps(Utils.getDoubleListProperty("my." + scenario + ".toth_qps")(2))
.withFeeder(Utils.getProperty("my." + scenario + ".feeder"))
.withAssertionP99(Utils.getDoubleProperty("my." + scenario + ".p99_lte_assertion"))
// build population builder set by adding inject profile values to scenarios
var injectScenarios: Set[PopulationBuilder] = Set[PopulationBuilder]()
var assertions : Set[Assertion] = Set[Assertion]()
activeScenarios.foreach { scenario =>
// create injection profiles from CommonScenarios
injectScenarios += scenario.getCommonScenarioBuilder
.inject(nothingFor(5 seconds),
rampUsersPerSec(scenario.startQps).to(scenario.rampUpQps).during(rampOne seconds),
rampUsersPerSec(scenario.rampUpQps).to(scenario.peakQps).during(rampTwo seconds),
rampUsersPerSec(scenario.peakQps).to(scenario.rampDownQps) during (rampTwo seconds),
rampUsersPerSec(scenario.rampDownQps).to(scenario.endQps).during(rampOne seconds)).protocols(httpProtocol)
// create scenario assertions this does not work for some reason
assertions += Assertion(Details(List(scenario.requestName)), TimeTarget(ResponseTime, Percentiles(4)), Lte(scenario.assertionP99))
Note scenario.requestName is straight from the build scenario
I would expect the Assertions get built from their scenarios into an iterable and pass into setUp().
What I get:
When I print out everything the scenarios, injects all look good but then I print my "assertions" and get 4 assertions for the same scenario name with 4 different Lte() values. This is generalized but I configured 12 apis all with different names and Lte() values, etc.
Details(List(Request Name)) - TimeTarget(ResponseTime,Percentiles(4.0)) - Lte(500.0)
Details(List(Request Name)) - TimeTarget(ResponseTime,Percentiles(4.0)) - Lte(1500.0)
Details(List(Request Name)) - TimeTarget(ResponseTime,Percentiles(4.0)) - Lte(1000.0)
Details(List(Request Name)) - TimeTarget(ResponseTime,Percentiles(4.0)) - Lte(2000.0)
After the simulation the assertions all run like normal:
Request Name: 4th percentile of response time is less than or equal to 500.0 : false
Request Name: 4th percentile of response time is less than or equal to 1500.0 : false
Request Name: 4th percentile of response time is less than or equal to 1000.0 : false
Request Name: 4th percentile of response time is less than or equal to 2000.0 : false
Not sure what I am doing wrong when building my assertions. Is this even a valid approach? I wanted to ask for help before I abandon this for a different approach.
Disclaimer: Gatling creator here.
It should work.
Then, there are several things I'm super not found of.
assertions += Assertion(Details(List(scenario.requestName)), TimeTarget(ResponseTime, Percentiles(4)), Lte(scenario.assertionP99))
You shouldn't be using the internal AST here. You should use the DSL like you've done for the injection profile.
var assertions : Set[Assertion] = SetAssertion
activeScenarios.foreach { scenario =>
You should use map on activeScenarios (similar to Java's Stream API), not use a mutable accumulator.
val activeScenarios =
val injectScenarios =
val assertions =
Also, as you seem to not be familiar with Scala, you should maybe switch to Java (supported for more than 1 year).

thread Local Cached Connection

I was using JMeter properties for storing the threadLocalCachedConnection object. I made sure to use unique property names as properties.
In thread group 1, I had a JSR223 PostProcessor to scrape session per thread(VU), and then store it in a property called sessionID.
And I added another JSR223 PostProcessor as a child of the last sampler in the Thread Group1.
def connection = sampler.threadLocalCachedConnection
props.put("presenterConnection" + ctx.getThreadNum(), connection.get())
In Thread Group 2, I added a JSR223 PreProcessor as a child of the first sampler.
def presenterConnection = props.get('presenterConnection' + ctx.getThreadNum())
String sendCommand = "SEND\n" +
"content-type:application/json;charset=UTF-8\n" +
"destination:/v1/session/${__property(sessionId)}/command\n" +
"id:perftest01-presenter-${__property(sessionId)}\n" +
"\n" +
"{\"type\": \"go-to-slide\", \"data\": {\"index\": 0}}\n" +
'\0' // note: NULL char at end
vars.put("wsStompSendCommand", sendCommand);
I tested with 2 threads (VUs). Why both threads were using the last sessionId instead of using one sessionId per thread??
As per JMeter Documentation:
Properties are not the same as variables. Variables are local to a thread; properties are common to all threads
so your line
props.put('sessionId', vars.get('sessionUUID'))
creates a global sessionId propety which is:
common for all Threads no matter in which Thread Group they are
exists until you shut down JMeter/JVM
You need to play the same trick as with the presenterConnection to wit:
props.put('sessionId_'+ ctx.getThreadNum(), vars.get('sessionUUID'))
and then read it where required:
def sessionId = props.get('sessionId_'+ ctx.getThreadNum())
More information: Apache Groovy: What Is Groovy Used For?

Send realtime jmeter active threads on all slaves during remote testing to influxdb via jsr223 listner

How the send realtime jmeter active threads on all slaves during remote testing to influxdb via jsr223 listner
Any reason for not using JMeter's Backend Listener? This way you will get way more data without having to implement your custom solutions, you will have the number of active threads along with other metrics plotted:
If you still want an example Groovy code for the JSR223 Listener to add your custom metric with the custom tags to the custom database here is some sample you can use as a basis:
def influxHost = ''
def influxPort = '8086'
def database = 'mydb'
def ip = org.apache.jmeter.util.JMeterUtils.getLocalHostIP()
def hostname = org.apache.jmeter.util.JMeterUtils.getLocalHostName()
def activeThreads = ctx.getThreadGroup().numberOfActiveThreads()
def client = org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder.create().build()
def post = new org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost('http://' + influxHost + ':' + influxPort + '/write?db=' + database)
def entity = new org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity('active_threads,host=' + hostname + ',ip=' + ip + ' value=' + activeThreads + ' ' + System.nanoTime())
More information: Write data using the InfluxDB API

HTTP request based on timestamp using Jmeter

I am trying to send HTTP requests using jmeter for which I am using a HTTP sampler. The http requests have a parameter TaskID and these parameters read from a CSV file. I just wanted to make changes on how the HTTP request will be send.
The CSV file looks like this
Time TaskID
9000 42353456
9000 53463464
9000 65475787
9300 42354366
9300 23423535
9600 43545756
9600 53463467
9600 23435346
Now I want to send request based on the Time. For example in Time 9000 there are 3 TaskID. So I want to send 3 HTTP requests with those TaskIDs at a time. Similarly for the other Times as well. Any idea on how to do it?
I created a minimal working example for one possible solution.
Basically I read the csv in a JSR223 Sampler and group it with following groovy code in "read csv" sampler:
current_dir = FileServer.getFileServer().getBaseDir().replace("\\","/")
csv_lines = new File(current_dir + "/test.csv").readLines()
times = []
csv_lines.each { line ->
line = line.split(",")
time = line[0]
task_id = line[1]
if (vars.getObject(time)){
tasks = vars.getObject(time)
vars.putObject(time, tasks)
vars.putObject(time, [task_id])
times.eachWithIndex { time, i ->
vars.put("time_" + (i+1), time)
(i+1) is used because the ForEach Controller will not consider the 0th element
I used "," as csv separator and omitted the header line
the "initialize task_ids" sampler holds following code:
time = vars.get("time")
tasks = vars.getObject(time)
tasks.eachWithIndex {task, i ->
vars.put(time + "_" + (i+1), task)
I hope, this helps!

How to get an overall PASS/FAIL result for a JMeter thread group

How can I get an overall PASS/FAIL result for a JMeter thread group without using a post processor on every sampler?
I've tried using a beanshell listener, but it doesn't work for instances where there are multiple samplers inside a transaction controller with "Generate Parent Sample" enabled. In that case, the listener only gets called once per transaction controller and I'm only able to access the result of the last sampler inside the transaction controller.
I would like to be able to save a pass/fail value as Jmeter variable or property for the thread group. If one or more components of the thread group fail or return an error, then that would be an overall fail. This variable will then be used for reporting purposes.
My current beanshell listener code:
SampleResult sr = ctx.getPreviousResult();;
if (!sr.isSuccessful()){
props.put("testPlanResult", "FAIL");
testPlanResultComment = props.get("testPlanResultComment");
if(testPlanResultComment == ""){
testPlanResultComment = sr.getSampleLabel();
}else {
testPlanResultComment = testPlanResultComment + ", " + sr.getSampleLabel();
props.put("testPlanResultComment", testPlanResultComment);;
If you call prev.getParent() you will be able to fetch individual sub-samples via getSubResults() function, something like:
prev.getParent().getSubResults().each {result ->'Sampler: ' + result.getSampleLabel() + ' Elapsed time: ' + result.getTime() )
}'Total: ' + prev.getParent().getTime())
More information: Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It
