Is this design of a Spring JPA DAO bad or improper? - spring

I have been working to generalize the methods of the DAO for a project using Spring, JPA and Hibernate. However, I am still very much learning Spring, Java, and coding in general.
Is the below design bad or perfectly fine? Is there a better way to accomplish the same thing? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I have simplified the class:
public class TestRepository
private EntityManager entityManager;
public List<?> getListResults(Class<?> dtoClass, String sqlString)
List<?> returnList = null;
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sqlString, dtoClass);
returnList = (List<?>) query.getResultList();
catch (Exception e)
return returnList;

Spring Data JPA is the must convenient way in order to interact with your databases because it helps you to avoid the common mistakes that occurs when you try to configure your ORM mapping, entityManager, transacctionManager and all the rest of necessary components in order to establish a communication between your entity domains and your database.
For example you have a pojo like this:
public class Item {
private Long id;
You can create an interface in order to get or put information to the item repository like this:
public interface ItemRepository extends from JpaRepository<Item,Long>{}
When you need to save the Item just #Autowired the ItemRepository, this is the must important part because the previous interface that is created without methods now exposes ready-to-work methods that will interact with your database, this is the abstraction level that makes Spring Data JPA very useful:
ItemRepository itemRepo
public void createItem(){
Item item = new Item();;
//or you can get information
List<Item> itemList = itemRepo.findAll();
More information in Spring Data JPA Documentation

How about using Spring Data Repositories?
public interface SomethingRepository extends JpaRepository<Something, Long> {
That way you get lots of methods without having to manually write your SQL query as a string, you retain type safety and you can leverage the power of JPA queries and dynamic proxies that do this whole SQL business for you.


Using Querydsl and JPAQuery within a Spring repository for large or complex queries?

In a Spring Boot application using a #Repository with derived queries is somewhat easy.
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
Optional<User> findByEmail(String email);
If, however, the queries are getting more complex (joins, subqueries, etc.) then we're using Querydsl like in the following pseudo-code example.
JPAQuery<User> query = new JPAQuery<>(entityManager);
List<User> deletableUsers = query
private JPQLQuery<User> createSubquery(Date compareDate) {
return JPAExpressions
Currently, we're using this query from within a #Service class but I wonder if it might make sense to move that to the Spring repository, so that all "query related" methods are located in the repository.
Is such an approach feasible, i.e. do you see any impediments like injecting the EntityManager into the repository?
Would you rather recommend to use the #Query annotation despite the query string getting long and complex?

Trying to get related entities from H2 database in Java Spring Boot

I've just started learning Spring Boot and am using a H2 database, I've got mostly everything working but I'm running into trouble trying to make a slightly more complex request. I've got 2 tables 'User' and 'Purchase', and I want to create and end point that returns all purchases that contain a given users ID. This seems simple if I used an SQL join or some similar query but I have no idea how to implement one.
I have a repository (CrudRepository) for both user and purchases, and then a service for each that gets the relevant data from database. This works perfect for the basic needs such as get, getById, etc. But I have no idea how to specify queries such as join and what not.
public interface UserRepo extends CrudRepository<User, Integer> {}
public interface ReceiptRepo extends CrudRepository<Receipt, Integer> {}
public class UserService {
UserRepo userRepo;
public User getUser(int id) { return userRepo.findById(id).get(); }
public class UserController {
UserService userService;
private User getUser(#PathVariable("id") int id) {
return userService.getUser(id);
That's basically the set up for both entities, and I'm not sure where and how I'd write more specific queries. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Yoy can use #Query() annotation in order to write query.
You need to declare a method in your repo and on that method you can put this annotation.
#Query("SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.status = 1")
Collection<User> findAllActiveUsers();
You can take some more idea about this from here

Spring Data JPA - findBy mapped object

In my legacy application, I have a country table, state table and a mapping table for country and state with few additional columns.
I have created an entity class like this.
class CountryStateMapping {
private long id;
private Long countryId;
private State state;
//getters seters
My repository.
public interface CountryStateMapping extends JpaRepository<CountryStateMapping, Long>{
Optional<CountryStateMapping> findByStateId(long stateId);
Optional<CountryStateMapping> findByState(State state);
I would like to check if the state exists in the mapping table. Both of the below approaches do not work.
countryStateMapping.findByStateId(long stateId)
countryStateMapping.findByState(State state)
What is the right way?
Its not the correct way i feel.The correct way for doing this will be
public interface CountryStateMappingRepository extends JpaRepository<CountryStateMapping, Long> {
Optional<CountryStateMapping> findByStateId(long stateId);
#Query("select s.something from State s" )
Optional<CountryStateMapping> findByState(State state);
This implies two things
By extending JpaRepository we get a bunch of generic CRUD methods to create, update, delete, and find
2.It allows Spring to scan the classpath for this interface and create a Spring bean for it.
Also you need some configuration.For that you need to create a configuration class to be used with your data source.You can find many examples to do the same and one such is
You can also use custom queries and simple queries using the #Query annotation.
Try with an underscore for id like below;
public interface CountryStateMapping<CountryStateMapping, Long>{
Optional<CountryStateMapping> findByState_Id(long stateId);
Optional<CountryStateMapping> findByState(State state);

Spring Data JPA repository methods overloading

For example, I have a book JpaRepository. Book has a field called Name, the book repository has a method findOneByName (as the jpa repository method naming convention). But I need two different versions of findOneByName to use in different use cases. One version is lock annotated, the other is lock-free. Like this:
public interface BookRepository extends JpaRepository<BookDAO, Long> {
BookDAO findOneByName( String name );
BookDAO findOneByName( String name );
Is it possible to achieve this in Spring? If so, how to distinguish the two methods when calling them. If not, is there another way to do it while still using the Spring JPA repository interfaces (like findOneBy***).
According to reference we can name query methods with these prefixes: find…By, read…By, query…By, count…By, and get…By.
So methods BookDAO findByName(String name) and BookDAO getByName(String name) will do the same thing.
I dont know if it can be done your way. But i would create different methods
public interface BookRepository extends JpaRepository<BookDAO, Long> {
#Query("select b from Book b where = :name")
BookDAO findOneByNameForRead( String name );
BookDAO findOneByName( String name );
or you can create methods in your service layer instead of using spring jparepository to handle locking. and use it across where it is needed to be updated, and all read methods marked as #Transactional(readOnly = true)
private EntityManager em;
public Book findOneBookForUpdate(String id) {
Book book = em.find(Book.class, id);
if (book != null) {
em.lock(book, LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE);
return book;

How to explictly state that an Entity is new (transient) in JPA?

I am using a Spring Data JpaRepository, with Hibernate as JPA provider.
Normally when working directly with Hibernate, the decision between EntityManager#persist() and EntityManager#save() is up to the programmer. With Spring Data repositories, there is only save(). I do not want to discuss the pros and cons here. Let us consider the following, simple base class:
public abstract class PersistableObject {
private String id;
public PersistableObject(){ = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// hashCode() and equals() are implemented based on equality of 'id'
Using this base class, the Spring Data repository cannot tell which Entities are "new" (have not been saved to DB yet), as the regular check for id == null clearly does not work in this case, because the UUIDs are eagerly assigned to ensure the correctness of equals() and hashCode(). So what the repository seems to do is to always invoke EntityManager#merge() - which is clearly inefficient for transient entities.
The question is: how do I tell JPA (or Spring Data) that an Entity is new, such that it uses EntityManager#persist() instead of #merge() if possible?
I was thinking about something along these lines (using JPA lifecycle callbacks):
public abstract class PersistableObject {
private boolean isNew = true; // by default, treat entity as new
private void loaded(){
// a loaded entity is never new
this.isNew = false;
private void saved(){
// a saved entity is not new anymore
this.isNew = false;
// how do I get JPA (or Spring Data) to use this method?
public boolean isNew(){
return this.isNew;
// all other properties, constructor, hashCode() and equals same as above
I'd like to add one more remark here. Even though it only works for Spring Data and not for general JPA, I think it's worth mentioning that Spring provides the Persistable<T> interface which has two methods:
T getId();
boolean isNew();
By implementing this interface (e.g. as in the opening question post), the Spring Data JpaRepositories will ask the entity itself if it is new or not, which can be pretty handy in certain cases.
Maybe you should add #Version column:
private Long version
in the case of new entity it will be null
