How to upload webpage on FTP server - ftp

I want to use ftp server hosting for my webpage.I need to download ftp server or
else is there any other way like default ftp server so i can use, suggest me.

Here is a service you can use:


Can you use FTP with Google Compute?

Hey I'm just wondering if there is a way to setup a regular FTP server on Google Compute. SFTP works, but I'm migrating from a physical server to google, and already have 100's of regular FTP users. I would rather not have to get them all to switch to SFTP if I don't have to. (I would like to do that long-term, but I don't want to break all of their connections when I migrate.)
Yes, you can use FTP. You must
Install an FTP server
Open port 21 & a range of higher ports, eg 49152-65534.
Configure the FTP server to use the port range from (2) for Passive FTP
Configure the FTP server for your users/destinations.
That said FTP is a very insecure protocol. Migrating to SFTP is very important for your users' security.

How to performant connect a FTP Server to a Webdav Server?

I have implemented a webdav directory in PHP using Sabre DAV, for my website (Application Server Webinterface).
For this Website I am writing now an TCP Socket using C#, which is running on another server (actualy it is in the same datacenter, but for theoretical sake, it is on the other hemisphere).
The Socket actualy is a service, which can start and stop applications (gameserver in this case). I also have implemented a FTP Service in this socket too (for data transfer).
My Goal:
I want to connect my Web Dav to the FTP-Server of my socket, which means File Listening, Download, Upload. The usecase should be, that a user only connect to a single service. Imagine, my socket is running on more then one server.
If i would implement this with my current know how, i would do it this way:
User Request Web Dav Directory
Server make a file listening of the FTP Server
The file listening is added dynamicly to the Web Dav Directory
Now the user open the directory, and want to download the file:
Web Dav Server request the file from the Ftp server
Web Dav Server provide the downloaded file
Web Dav Server delete the provided file
On the other direction, the WebDav Server will accept a file, and upload it then to the FTP Server.
If the servers are not in the same datacenter, this cost traffic. Anyway, i think it takes some time, if the data are binrary instead of textbased configs. Also, the client side progress bar will not notice, if the download to the webdav server / upload to the ftp server is processed (the user possible think nothing happens).
I hope i have successful communicated, where my problem is.
So how can I implement this, without delegate an upload/download from one server to another? Is this even possible?
Bonus: Would a solution like WebDav to Webdav or FTP to FTP provide a better way of implementing it?
Easy way to achieve this is to have a third party software like webdrive to map the ftp server contents to a drive letter. Then point the webdav server to this drive. Windows also provides option to map a webdav/ftp URL as a drive letter so that the application can access it as if its a local drive.

Transfer Files To VPS Using FTP

I Just Got A Free VPS From
It has VNC Preinstalled, 2 GB Ram, 1 Core Cpu.
I Just Installed PHP and mySQL.
My Vps Ip
How do I upload with ftp files to:
Don't use that protocol left over from the 70th! It is a nightmare for all firewall administrators.
Use the ssh server instead which you undoubtedly already used for other purposes:
the ssh server offers sub protocols, namely scp and sftp.
You can use sftp from the command line, many modern ftp clients also support this more advanced protocol too. And you don't have to install and configure an additional ftp server which can be painful. And you get strong encryption of your credentials as well.
There are many manuals out there in the internet.
Create yourself a key (much more safe and convenient than using passwords) and go!
upload your files through ftp client called 'Filezilla' or if you have upload facility through control panel itself then well upload from their itself. Create FTP from your control panel and Download filezilla and install it locally on your system and upload by connecting to your server using following details like Host, Username, Password and Port.
But i suggest not to go with free hosting services where they are used one and would have changes to spam access more. Anyhow if your looking for some best and cheap vps hosting services than will suggest for my datacenter provider, which is TRIJIT.

FTP: Unable to connect to the remote server

I have a website that I use to upload images to the server and it eventually uploads them to an FTP site from the server. The problem is that it gets part of the way through the transfer - it transfers some of the files and then stops and gives the error
Unable to connect to the remote server
This only happens with 1 ftp server. I have a second ftp server on which this process works fine, so I doubt it's a code issue. What could the issue be?
Some FTP servers block flood requests, interrupting the connection. You should try using another FTP client and / or compress all the files, send to server and unzip them from the server using SSH or other method available.
Note: Recommend FileZilla client.

Accessing FTP Server using a specific IP Address

I want to access a FTP Server, that is firewall protected meaning only IP addresses that have been added to the safe list may access the FTP file.
And The IP address of my website has been added to the safe list of the firewall.
I am using Filezilla to connect to it, but it is not allowing me to connect to the FTP server since my PC has a different IP.
Please suggest me a way to connect to the FTP server.
Thanks In advance....
If you can ssh/telnet into your host, then you could use the command line ftp.
Another option is to use a web-based ftp client that is installed on your web server (such as if you have PHP).
Run an ftp client on the allowed server; or, persuade the ftp admin to add your PC's IP address to the whitelist, and ensure and/or pray that it doesn't change (maybe pay your ISP extra for a static IP); or, use a proxy on an authorized server. The first option is definitely the most painless, assuming you have shell access to your web server (and if not, what sense does it make to have it on the authorized list?)
Some popular command-line clients you might find installed on the server include ftp (sic), ncftp, curl, wget, lynx, and w3m. The last two are actually terminal-based text-only web browsers.
If you have shell access to your server, you could create a SSH-tunnel like this:
ssh -L 21:
then you can connect to the FTP-server using localhost:21 from your pc.
