Arkit - Rotate object with camera rotation - rotation

How can I rotate a sphere accordingly to the camera rotation?
Example: if i walk around my sphere, the sphere rotates with me, that I always see the same side.

Use a constraint, for example a SCNLookAtConstraint to your view's pointOfView.


Rotate mesh about another element?

I want to have the camera move with a mesh. Foward/backward motion was easy:
if (Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_W)):
self.translation.z -= movement_speed; # relies on camera script to move camera
if (Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_S)):
self.translation.z += movement_speed;
I just put those short blocks on both the camera and the mesh. But I can't figure out how to rotate the mesh about the camera while rotating the camera. If I just rotated the mesh, it would rotate about it's center point and end up unaligned with the camera. In photoshop, you can set anchor points to rotate a layer about a point other than the center. How can I set an anchor point to another element/node in godot?
The solution to rotation was pretty simple. All I had to do was make the camera a child of the mesh I wanted it to follow. But then the camera did not move with the mesh... How do I get the motion to work?

three.js rotate planes so they are always perpendicular to the camera axis without changing z rotation

I'm trying to add clouds to my scene using the approach in, which is to make a large number of plane objects at random positions that each rotate continuously around their z axes.
But I would like to be able to move my camera, change its target, etc., and still have the cloud planes look right.
What I need to do is rotate the planes so that as the camera moves and changes target, the cloud planes stay perpendicular to the camera's axis. And I need to do this without changing the planes' rotation around their own z-axis, because otherwise that would break the cloudlike appearance.
I've tried cloudplane.lookAt(camera.position) but of course that doesn't work. It aims all of the planes at the camera, instead of making them all perpendicular to the camera axis. It also sets the object's z-axis, so the clouds don't evolve.
Any advice is appreciated. (I'm new to three.js, so if I have some of the terminology wrong, I apologize for that.)
Setting the cloudplane's rotation.x and rotation.y to match the camera's rotation.x and rotation.y seems to get me pretty close, but it doesn't quite get there - its still possible to orbit the camera to a position where the clouds are all invisible because they're all parallel to the camera.

How to change pivot point for rotation on TrackballControls but keep camera.lookAt position same?

I need to be able to change rotation pivot without changing camera lookAt on THREE.TrackballControls no mater what I tried I could not succeed. Please give me a direction to solve this problem. What I am actually trying to achieve is Revit like mouse controls.
I was able to solve this problem by creating 2 3D objects named orbit and target, then add target and camera into orbit as child objects... camera always looks at target.position, mousemove on x axis rotates the orbit object around Z axis (hence target and camera rotates around the orbit) and mousemove on y axis rotates the camera arm (camera.position vector) around cameraSideways direction.

Unity3d Transform View Frustum

How do I transform a Unity3d camera's view frustum so that I can pass in a Plane and have the camera's near clipping plane become that plane? The plane might not be perpendicular to the looking direction. I am not familiar with the Matrix4x4.
I am not interested in a solution involving applying a material with a custom shader to every object in my scene.
Thanks for any help!

How to see the underside of a plane in threejs?

Using a basic THREE.PlaneGeometry and Orbit and Pan controls.. for some reason when I look at the underside of the plane, the plane vanishes from the scene. Is there some way that I could look at the underside of the PlaneGeometry?
