Using RxJS Observable.from with an object that implements the observable interface - rxjs

Based on the docs for RxJS's Observable.from(), it sounds like you should be able to pass it an object that implements the observable interface. However, the following
const observable = {
subscribe(observer) {
const subscription = someAsyncProcess(res =>;
return {
unsubscribe() {
next(res) {
throws the error
Uncaught TypeError: object is not observable
Is my observable implementation incorrect? Or am I misunderstanding from?
Note: this is more of an academic question about the Observable interface--I realize Observable.create() would work in the above situation.

You can "trick" RxJS into thinking that the object you're passing it is a real Observable by implementing a "symbol function" (I don't know what is the proper name for this). However, you probably never need to do this in practise and it's better to use Observable.create.
const Rx = require('rxjs/Rx');
const Symbol_observable = Rx.Symbol.observable;
const Observable = Rx.Observable;
const observable = {
[Symbol_observable]: function() {
return this;
subscribe: function(observer) {
// const subscription = someAsyncProcess(res =>;;
return {
unsubscribe() {
next(res) {
console.log('Next:', res);
This prints:
Next: 42

You can use Observable.from if it is an array of events or Observable.of if it is a simple object. It doesn't have to be implementing any interface. The code below is printing a in the console.
Rx.Observable.from("a").subscribe(data=> console.log(data));


Tauri: Convert listen(eventName, handler) to an Observable to be handled in Angular

If you're using JS, the documentation works well. But in case of angular I would prefer to handle observables instead of promises. The problem is that this kind of promise has a handler. I tried many approaches listed below but nothing seems to work.
from(listen("click", v => v))
let x = async() => listen("click", v => v)
Does anyone know how to convert this kind of event to an Observable?
The response is always this:
function () {
var self = this,
args = arguments;
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var gen = fn.apply(self, args);
function _next(value) {
asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value);
function _throw(err) {
asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err);
You would have to create an Observable yourself with new Observable.
const obs$ = new Observable((subscriber) => {
const unlisten = listen("click", v =>
return async () => {
(await unlisten)()
Inside the callback, we listen to the events and pass each event to
We also want to call unlisten when the Observable is unsubscribed to clean up the event listener. We can do that by returning the unlisten. The function returned by the callback will be called when the Observable is unsubscribed.
Thanks to #Tobias S., I was able to create those 2 functions and reuse them in all my services.
import {from, map, Observable, ObservableInput, ObservedValueOf} from "rxjs";
import {emit, listen, Event} from "#tauri-apps/api/event";
export function tauriListen(listenerName: string): Observable<any> {
return new Observable<any>((subscriber) => {
// return from(listen(listenerName, v =>
const unlisten = listen(listenerName, v =>
return async () => {
(await unlisten)()
map((response: Event<any>) => response.payload)
export function tauriEmit(emitterName: string, payload: any) {
return from(emit(emitterName, payload));

Re-execute async RxJS stream after delay

I'm using RxJS 6 to lazily step through iterable objects using code similar to example running below. This is working well but I'm having trouble solving my final use case.
Full code here
import { EMPTY, defer, from, of } from "rxjs";
import { delay, expand, mergeMap, repeat } from "rxjs/operators";
function stepIterator (iterator) {
return defer(() => of(
mergeMap(result => result.done ? EMPTY : of(result.value))
function iterateValues ({ params }) {
const { values, delay: delayMilliseconds } = params;
const isIterable = typeof values[Symbol.iterator] === "function";
// Iterable values which are emitted over time are handled manually. Otherwise
// the values are provided to Rx for resolution.
if (isIterable && delayMilliseconds > 0) {
const iterator = values[Symbol.iterator]();
// The first value is emitted immediately, the rest are emitted after time.
return stepIterator(iterator).pipe(
expand(v => stepIterator(iterator).pipe(delay(delayMilliseconds)))
} else {
return from(values);
const options = {
params: {
// Any iterable object is walked manually. Otherwise delegate to `from()`.
values: ["Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb"],
// Delay _between_ values.
delay: 350,
// Delay before the stream restarts _after the last value_.
runAgainAfter: 1000,
// Is not repeating?!
v => {
() => {
I'd like to add in another option which will re-execute the stream, an indefinite number of times, after a delay (runAgainAfter). I'm having trouble composing this in cleanly without factoring the result.done case deeper. So far I've been unable to compose the run-again behavior around iterateValues.
What's the best approach to accomplish the use case?
Edit 1: repeat just hit me in the face. Perhaps it means to be friendly.
Edit 2: No, repeat isn't repeating but the observable is completing. Thanks for any help. I'm confused.
For posterity here is the full code sample for a revised edition is repeat-able and uses a consistent delay between items.
import { concat, EMPTY, defer, from, interval, of, throwError } from "rxjs";
import { delay, expand, mergeMap, repeat } from "rxjs/operators";
function stepIterator(iterator) {
return defer(() => of(
mergeMap(result => (result.done ? EMPTY : of(result.value)))
function iterateValues({ params }) {
const { values, delay: delayMilliseconds, times = 1 } = params;
const isIterable =
values != null && typeof values[Symbol.iterator] === "function";
if (!isIterable) {
return throwError(new Error(`\`${values}\` is not iterable`));
// Iterable values which are emitted over time are handled manually. Otherwise
// the values are provided to Rx for resolution.
const observable =
delayMilliseconds > 0
? defer(() => of(values[Symbol.iterator]())).pipe(
mergeMap(iterator =>
expand(v => stepIterator(iterator).pipe(delay(delayMilliseconds)))
: from(values);
return observable.pipe(repeat(times));
I'm gonna be honest, but there could be better solution for sure. In my solution, I ended up encapsulating delay logic in a custom runAgainAfter operator. Making it an independent part, that doesn't affect your code logic directly.
Full working code is here
And the code of runAgainAfter if anybody needs it:
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
export const runAgainAfter = delay => observable => {
return new Observable(observer => {
let timeout;
let subscription;
const subscribe = () => {
return observable.subscribe({
next(value) {;
error(err) {
complete() {
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
subscription = subscribe();
}, delay);
subscription = subscribe();
return () => {
Hope it helps <3

How to create an RxJS Observable such that it returns a value when call back function completes

I need to create an RxJS Observable such that it returns a value when call back function completes.
Below is the code, I have tried.
I want to return 'resources' to be returned in the caller subscribing to loadMarkerImages function
loadMarkerImages(markerNameAndImageUrlMap) {
let loader = new PIXI.loaders.Loader();
for (let markerKey in markerNameAndImageUrlMap) {
let imageUrl = markerNameAndImageUrlMap[markerKey];
loader.add(markerKey, imageUrl);
return defer(() => {
loader.load((loader, resources) => {
return of(resources);
See the documentation for how to create an observable:
return new Observable(subscriber => {
let loader = new PIXI.loaders.Loader();
for (let markerKey in markerNameAndImageUrlMap) {
let imageUrl = markerNameAndImageUrlMap[markerKey];
loader.add(markerKey, imageUrl);
loader.load((loader, resources) => {;
Make sure to also handle the error case if the loader.load() call can fail, though. Otherwise the returned observable will never emit, never complete, and never error.

rxjs, How can I merge multiple subjects in to one Observable, but process them with different method

I have three subject. like this:
const s1$ = new Subject()
const s2$ = new Subject()
const s3$ = new Subject()
these three subjects call next() emit same value: const fruit = {id: 1, name: apple};
and, I have three methods to handle the logic one to one correspondence of the subjects call next(fruit) method.
method1() {
//called when s1$.next(fruit)
method2() {
//called when s2$.next(fruit)
method3() {
//called when s3$.next(fruit)
I want to implement this:
// here maybe not Observable.merge, it's just a thinking.
.subscribe(val => {
//val could be s1$ emit, s2$ emit or s3$ emit
//but the val is same, the fruit.
//do some map like s1->method1, s2->method2, s3->method3, so I can omit if...else statement.
const method = this.method1 | this.method2 | this.method3.
How can I implement this, thanks.
Use map operator to add a distinguish sources.
export class AppComponent {
s1(val) {
console.log('s1', val);
s2(val) {
console.log('s2', val);
constructor() {
const s1= new Subject();
const s2= new Subject();
const m1=> ({val, source:'s1'}));
const m2 => ({val, source:'s2'}));
Observable.merge(m1, m2)
.subscribe(({val, source}) => {
If there are no priority order (given that no matter which Subject emits, you want to have the method called), I would suggest the following:
// here maybe not Observable.merge, it's just a thinking.
s1$.map((val) => ({fn: (arg) => this.method1(arg), val})),
s2$.map((val) => ({fn: (arg) => this.method2(arg), val})),
s3$.map((val) => ({fn: (arg) => this.method3(arg), val}))
.subscribe({fn, val}=> {
You can also execute them at the map operator. But well, it depends what you are trying to achieve here

Create an Rx.Subject using Subject.create that allows onNext without subscription

When creating an Rx.Subject using Subject.create(observer, observable), the Subject is so lazy. When I try to use subject.onNext without having a subscription, it doesn't pass messages on. If I subject.subscribe() first, I can use onNext immediately after.
Let's say I have an Observer, created like so:
function createObserver(socket) {
return Observer.create(msg => {
}, err => {
}, () => {
Then, I create an Observable that accepts messages:
function createObservable(socket) {
return Observable.fromEvent(socket, 'message')
.map(msg => {
// Trim out unnecessary data for subscribers
delete msg.blobs;
// Deep freeze the message
return msg;
The subject is created using these two functions.
observer = createObserver(socket);
observable = createObservable(socket);
subject = Subject.create(observer, observable);
With this setup, I'm not able to subject.onNext immediately (even if I don't care about subscribing). Is this by design? What's a good workaround?
These are actually TCP sockets, which is why I haven't relied on the super slick websocket subjects.
The basic solution, caching nexts before subscription with ReplaySubject:
I think all you wanted to do is use a ReplaySubject as your observer.
const { Observable, Subject, ReplaySubject } = Rx;
const replay = new ReplaySubject();
const observable = Observable.create(observer => {
const mySubject = Subject.create(replay, observable);
mySubject.subscribe(x => console.log(x));
Results in:
A socket implementation (example, don't use)
... but if you're looking at doing a Socket implementation, it gets a lot more complicated. Here is a working socket implementation, but I don't recommend you use it. Rather, I'd suggest that you use one of the community supported implementations either in rxjs-dom (if you're an RxJS 4 or lower) or as part of RxJS 5, both of which I've helped work on.
function createSocketSubject(url) {
let replay = new ReplaySubject();
let socket;
const observable = Observable.create(observer => {
socket = new WebSocket(url);
socket.onmessage = (e) => {
socket.onerror = (e) => {
socket.onclose = (e) => {
if (e.wasClean) {
} else {
let sub;
socket.onopen = () => {
sub = replay.subscribe(x => socket.send(x));
return () => {
socket && socket.readyState === 1 && socket.close();
sub && sub.dispose();
return Subject.create(replay, observable);
const socket = createSocketSubject('ws://');
socket.subscribe(x => console.log('response: ' +;
Here's the obligatory JsBin
