While clicking next link in a table region for an oaf page is not fectching the next set of rows? - oracle

My oaf page has a table region, the next link in the table region to fetch the next 10 rows is not working however this same code while I deployed it in our local server was working fine.
Only in this new server I'm facing this problem all other features in the page are working fine.
I have imported the page using xml importer.

Check your datasource; Make sure the query that brings your result has more than 10 rows. This could explain why you cannot use this next page button.
Maybe check server logs?
Maybe enable Javascript for that new site on your IE?
Otherwise, you give so few information about your issue that it's difficult to help.
Let us know if you discover what's wrong.


Oracle APEX project

I am working on a project with Oracle APEX. There is one thing that I am not able to figure out.
When I create a form and add data to it and run my application it keeps the data in itself so when I try to run it again it still has the data from the last user.
How do I change that and stop the form retaining the data?
When you create a branch on the page you can provide the page numbers which cache you want to be cleared with the "clear cache" attribute.
When a page is submitted, make sure it triggers a branche where you set this attribute.
As #Non Plus Ultra said, you can use the Clear Cache attribute of a branch, or you can add a "reset page" Process to run when the page is submitted. Which method you use depends on what navigation paths you wish the page reset to happen.
1)Clear Cache --Go to page --> edit page(top left first option after clicking)-->in edit page at bottom some where you will see Clear.
2) create Branch when page renders set rest page in it.
i would suggest option one

Primefaces Ajax response fail randomly

I am using p:datatable and on clicking of row (Command link) I am displaying a panel. Most of the time it is working fine but in regression testing some time it is getting hanged but request is going to ManageBean fetching all the data.
But it is not rendering the panel. This error has no specific pattern. I have put log in all possible place even in phaselistner lifecycle everything looks good.
I checked in firebug response is also coming. from server
I am using weblogic 10.3.6,primefaces 3.5 and internet explorer 9.x
Try putting in a component in the page where the data table lives. This displays Ajax events and alot more. Then compare the log output for when it succeeds against the output for when it fails. This may point to DOM as was suggested or somewhere else.

Joomla component - how to convert standard php form into joomla component

Currently i have been using an iframe component to display a php page that i have written. the reason i used iframe rather than writing a joomla component in the first place was for 2 reasons, the information that is displayed in that page is from a remote mssql sever and the second was that i didnt really understand how to write one.
Now i have completed the creation of the php page that i display within the iframe, but now i need to be able to have it inherent within the joomla site, for both display reasons and security.
basically its a single page that displays information in a bunch of drop down boxes and then a submit button is clicked and it posts that information to another php page that again queries the mssql server and displays the results based on the post from the previous page.
query.php, posts some variables to results.php and is displayed in a table.
i have the functionality perfect, but i dont understand the documentation i have read so far. is there any simple component i can see the code of so that i can try and work out whats going on?
You might want to look at http://docs.joomla.org/J3.1:Developing_a_MVC_Component/Introduction and follow the process outlined.

Identifying corresponding IE Tab using VBScript

I am trying to write a VBScript for getting hold of a IE Tab which is already opened(After which i will get the Form ID and use it to post AJAX Post request with some data and update the server).
I know a possible method which would work for me , (i.e.) using the Title of every IE Tab i can match with my site name which i would like to get hold of and then get the corresponding IE Instance, but this is a performance issue for me.
So this is what i am planning to do , i can possibly create a local file from my Website with the process ID of my IE tab and any other detail required by the VBScript to grab this Tab among all other opened IE Tabs.
In My VBScript i would run through this file which was updated from my Web-page(Using a Applet since it should create the file in client side) , identify the parameters of the IE tab in which my Web-Page is displayed and then use those details to Get hold of the Corresponding IE Instance.
Please Help me in identifying which parameters i would need to update in my File (like process ID , etc..) so that VBScript would be able to recognize my web-page even without searching through all the open IE Instances.
Any sample example of the VBScript would be very much appreciated..
Thanks a bunch in Advance :)
Tabs of running Internet Explorer instances can be enumerated like this:
For Each ie In CreateObject("Shell.Application").Windows
If ie.document.location = "..." Then
'do stuff
Exit For
End If
Why do you think performance would be an issue with this approach?

get title and url of the previous page on Magento

I'm trying to get title and url of the previous page the customers visited in Magento.
We can get the URL via $ _SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER'] variable but not sure how to get it's title.
Would appreciate any help on this issue or maybe different approaches how to display the previous page (url + title) in Magento
This information isn't sent normally, so you may want to add an observer to the page that saves the last title in the session. The trick will be that this will save the last page from /any/ tab, not necessarily for the referring page. You could save all titles from pages this way, but you'd have to hold onto everything (they could click the link a second time consecutively, etc etc). This may also run into issues with full page caching.
I know this is old but fyi you can JavaScript to the page and use
Since the numbers of web users with JavaScript turned on (~98%) and most site requirements it's safe. You would be able to make all adjustments to the DOM with that. Just one way of getting what you need.
