JSF Submit Form to CommandButton using Ajax - ajax

I want do that same what in showcase but without refreshing page. Like: setting value in inputtext and click on button to view result, but if i have <p:ajax event="blur" />or <p:ajax/> then i must click two times on the button
<p:inputText id="data" value="#{buttonView.data}">
<p:commandButton value="Ajax Submit" id="ajax" actionListener="#{buttonView.buttonAction}" />
Maybe something like use outpupanel and update that panel in commandbutton?

If you are to use the <p:commandButton /> then the form will be submitted. In this case use update attribute of <p:commandButton /> to update the target component.
If you want to update another component as soon as you type then use <p:ajax event="keyup" update="your_target_component_id" /> to update your target component. (YOur event can be keyup, keypress, change, blur, etc.)

I don't understand why are you mixing the concept of using p:ajax with the functionality of the p:commandButton.
Basically, usage of p:ajax is intended to partially process the
field(s) value and update the component(s) of the form even without
submitting it.
You have Countries and States drop-downs (pre-populated) on a screen (let's say registration) with some other fields, but if user changes the country, you need to refill the States drop-down and update on the screen asynchronously. There you need to use the p:ajax.
On the other hand, p:commandButton is intended to submit the form
(not to update the components initially). However, it also supports
the updating of the components using update attribute.
Now, reconsider the above example with similar drop-downs (but disabled with fixed values). Now you know that your screen has nothing to be updated and you just have to tackle with validation (if any) and submit the form (update if required).
As far as you are concerned with using the p:ajax on the p:inputText for some asynchronously updates on the screen and p:commandButton to finally submit the form, that totally depends on your requriement.

Instead p:ajax try f:ajax. You can use < f:ajax event="change" render="#this"/>
once the value gets change, same will reflect in backing bean.


PrimeFaces inputText ajax event=valueChange fires AFTER commandButton clicked

Using JSF and PrimeFaces 6.1 I have an inputText field as such:
<p:inputText value="#{backingBean.stringField}">
<p:ajax event="valueChange" update="#form" />
and within the same form is a commandButton:
<p:commandButton id="btnDoThatThing"
When I
make a change to the inputText field,
then click somewhere OTHER THAN the command button
click the command button
everything works exactly as expected. BUT if I:
make a change to the inputText field,
immediately the command button
The button is NOT fired since the first click of the commandButton is triggering the valueChange event to happen in the inputText field.
If I click it a second time the button action finally happens.
Now, if i change the p:ajax event="valueChange" to p:ajax event="keyup" the first click of the commandButton work as expected, but unfortunately the keyup event on a inputField is pretty hacky and you lose functionality within the field (copy/paste text, text selection, 'fast' typing' etc)
Any thoughts on how to initiate the change event in the inputText field, AND fire the commandButton action when the user clicks the button immediately from typing in the inputText field?
First your valueChange is triggered. This updates the form including the button. Not 100% sure if this is browser dependent, but in Chromium (Linux), the click on the previously rendered button (before it has been updated) is not executed.
I could get it working when I changed the update expression into a selector. My expression updates the elements I needed to be updated excluding the button(s). In my case:
<p:ajax update="#(form :input:not(button))" />
Note that the change event is default for inputs, so I've removed event="valueChange".
Of course you do not need to use a selector. You can also just update a component (like a panel) which does not contain the button:
<p:ajax update="yourPanel" />
Also, ajax="true" is default for a p:commandButton, so you can remove that.
In my case, I solved the same problem removing the following statement from my page (Primefaces 11.0):
<p:ajaxStatus onstart="PF('statusDialog').show()" onsuccess="PF('statusDialog').hide()"/>
Somehow the onstart event overrides the click event and only one event is processed: change.

What does ajax do to JSF inputtext?

I have an input textbox that accept a name, process the name in reverse order, and then output it to another textbox. Whenever I input the value and click anywhere on the page (means lost focus from textbox), the output textbox will get update automatically.
When I open up the source code I found something like code below, may I know what does the ajax thing do to the inputtext component?
<h:inputText id="name" value="#{helloBean.name}">
<f:ajax render="printMyName"/>
<h:outputText id="printMyName" value="#{helloBean.reverseName}"/>
Taken from Learning JSF2: Ajax in JSF – using f:ajax tag
Sending an Ajax request
JSF comes with one tag to send an Ajax request, the tag is called
f:ajax. This tag is actually a client side behavior. Being a behavior
implies it’s never just used by itself on a page, it is always added
as a child tag (behavior) to another UI component (or can even wrap
several components). Let’s use a small echo application to demonstrate
usage of this tag.
<h:inputText value="#{bean.text}" >
<f:ajax event="keyup" render="text"/>
<h:outputText id="text" value="#{bean.text}" />
Code snippet above takes care of firing an Ajax request based on onkeyup event. Notice the actual event name is keyup. This takes care of firing an Ajax request. Next we need to figure out how to do partial view rendering.
Attribute Description event:
String on which event Ajax request will be
fired. If not specified, a default behavior based on parent component
will be applied. The default event is action for ActionSource (ie:
button) components and valueChange for EditableValueHolder components
(ie: input). action and valueChange are actual String values that can
be applied applied event attribute.

How to execute another <h:form> using <f:ajax>?

I've noticed that this doesn't work for me and I'm wondering if it's just not possible:
<h:form id="one" prependid="false" >
<f:ajax execute=":two">
<h:form id="two" prependid="false">
... content ...
Whenever I click the button above ,I can see that the values on form two are not executed as expected.
Is this the normal JSF behavior?
To 'trick' it, I usually insert a hidden button in form two and trigger it using JavaScript code when the button in form one is clicked. But that's a 'trick' and makes me work extra when I'm not sure I have to.
I should mention the rendering another form is possible.
Could the prependid attribute be causing problems?
Thanks in Advance!
UPDATE Adding more information that might be relevant - adding the prependid="false" to the forms as it is used in the actual code.
No, that's not possible with <f:ajax>. It just submits the parent form. The execute merely tells JSF which components it has to process based on the submitted data, not which request parameters the client side have to send. The button has really to go in the form where it belongs.

JSF 2.0 - Ajax and Rendered Components

I'm experiencing some problems when using the "rendered" attribute with ajax behavior. I'll paste the code so I think it will be a lot more clear:
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{registrarVentaController.esCobroChequeString}">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Efectivo" itemValue="false"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Cheque" itemValue="true"/>
<f:ajax execute="#this" render="#form"/>
<h:panelGroup id="panelMonto">
<h:inputText value="#{registrarVentaController.monto}" rendered="#{registrarVentaController.banCobroCheque}"/>
<h:inputText value="#{registrarVentaController.monto}" rendered="#{not registrarVentaController.banCobroCheque}"/>
My "#{registrarVentaController}" is just a View Scoped JSF Managed Bean with appropiate setters/getters.
This way it works, I mean, when user selects option "Efectivo", panelGroup "panelMonto" will get updated and we'll see the first inputText, and conversely when user selects option "Cheque" user will see the second inputText.
For this approach I used "f:ajax" component where I updated the whole #form to get this behavior work and I just want to update panelGroup "panelMonto" (using render="panelMonto" It doesn't work at all (I even try with full scope resolution :formName:panelMonto with no result).
I just want to have rendered work with ajax="idComponent" or similar behavior to show certain parts according what user have selected.
Best Regards!
Note (One solution)
I managed to get a solution (taking as an input
JSF rendered is not working
and a bit of myself). I've just moved to a new form the part that I'm
interested in filtering according what user selected. This way I still
use #form ajax's render and it will just render this new form (not the
whole form as I was using!) Neverthless I'm still wondering if there
is a solution to not used #form and just the component/s ID.
what if you check with
still not working?
this should work only with
render="panelMonto" //because is in the same form
Can you add more code?
Also can you check with your browser (in chrome: right click, inspect element, network) to see if there is any activity?? perhaps is rendering the same thing because of you...

How to skip validation when a specific button is clicked?

I have a form with a validator on one field. I have two h:commandButtons: Ok and Cancel. When I input wrong data and click Cancel, I get a validation message. What must I do that validator don't run when I click cancel?
In case you aren't using ajax, or are still on JSF 1.x, and you really need to invoke a business action in cancel() method (i.e. just reloading the page is insufficient), then your best bet is to add immediate="true" to the button. This way all input fields which don't have immediate="true" will be skipped in processing.
<h:commandButton value="Cancel" action="#{bean.cancel}" immediate="true" />
On JSF 2.x, much better is to submit the form by <f:ajax>, which by default only processes #this instead of #form.
<h:commandButton value="Cancel" action="#{bean.cancel}">
<f:ajax />
If you want to navigate to another page here, add ?faces-redirect=true to the outcome in the cancel() method.
Or, if you actually don't need to invoke any business action at all, then just use <h:button> wherein you directly specify the (implicit) navigation case outcome.
<h:button value="Cancel" outcome="previouspage" />
This will basically reload the page by a GET request. The <h:button> doesn't exist in JSF 1.x, but you can also just use plain HTML+JS for that.
See also:
Why was "immediate" attribute added to the EditableValueHolders?
How to navigate in JSF? How to make URL reflect current page (and not previous one)
How to let validation depend on the pressed button?
