Chrome bluetooth api connect does not resolve - web-bluetooth

I am trying to follow the following example with no luck.
The promise that is returned by the connect function never resolves. The example appears to imply that if a connection can't be made it should throw an error but this does not occur.


How do I catch the error, DOMException: RTCPeerConnection is gone (did you enter Offline mode?)?

How do I catch the following error?
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: RTCPeerConnection is gone (did you enter Offline mode?)
This error only happens in Mozilla Firefox. I have tried many things and have searched the internet but I can't find a solution that works.
How to replicate:
Open a WebRTC app in Mozilla Firefox
Setup a call,
Once the call is established, disconnect your device from the Internet
Reconnect the device after about 4 seconds
From what I was able to gather, this is a Mozilla bug with how they handle call reconnection when the network is changed or disconnected temporarily. Bear in mind that Chrome handles this well and even if the call terminates, this error doesn't throw.
I found this link quite informative.
I have realized that the error happens upon terminating the call. The network doesn't have to be disconnected for the error to happen.

First Metamask ETH transaction Ropsten faucet failed

I'm following the instructions off the book Mastering Ethereum, ( and I've hit a snag.
I've set up the MetaMask extension and trying to make the first transaction via the Ropsten network. I'm getting the error:
{"error":"[ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC '{\"value\":{\"code\":-32000,\"message\":\"replacement transaction underpriced\"}}'"}
MetaMask is set up on Brave. I've tried with and without VPN.
I got this error as well:
{"error":"[ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC '{\"value\":{\"code\":-32000,\"message\":\"replacement transaction underpriced\"}}'"}
For me, I turned off my adblocker and it worked.
I tried again a few days later and it just worked. It might have been a problem with my VPN after all.

read tcp [addr]->[addr] use of closed network connection

I'm using Google's simplehttp2server go-lang program to run some tests and have encountered a recurring error. Upon executing the TLS handshake I receive the following error:
2019/12/12 12:42:55 http: TLS handshake error from read tcp> use of closed network connection
I have updated my go version to 1.13.5 from 1.12.9 and tried two browsers (brave + chrome) plus curl and receive the same error code each time. It happens over HTTP/2 and HTTP/1.1. I have seem other answers from across the web but am still running into this error (ex1, ex2, ex3, ex4).
Very much appreciate any feedback, advice, or admonishment. Anything to help the migraine this problem is giving me!
edit: screenshot from my curl and running of simplehttp2server
example image from curl and simplehttp2server
This error happens when you have two websockets connected to a singular address using the same port from the same machine. One of the websockets will be able to connect fine but the other wont be able to make the connection.
I was making the same mistake and when I removed the duplicate connection the error resolved.

Azure Servicebus WCF Relay, Address is already in use by an existing listener with different settings

I'm trying to get an Azure Servicebus WCF relay to work following this tutorial:
While following the steps I ran into this exception: System.ServiceModel.AddressAlreadyInUseException
In this case the exception message was "This endpoint requires IsDynamic = False". That I could fix by explicitly setting this property to false.
After this fix still the same AddressAlreadyInUseException
However the message now changed to "Address sb://[namespace][WCF Relay name] is already in use by an existing listener with different settings"
I really can't understand where this error comes from, as it's a newly created WCF Relay endpoint and no other listeners are running. What could be causing this?
Are you creating a WCF Relay explicitly in the portal (or with NamespaceManager.CreateRelay[Async]) for this endpoint? If so, then you need the binding's IsDynamic == false). If you're not pre-creating the endpoint then the binding's IsDynamic must be true.
Are you using NetTcpRelayBinding or some other relay binding?
If you try again after ~30 minutes do you get the same errors?
If you try with a different WCF Relay(endpoint) address do you see the same behavior?
We just had this happen for a really strange reason so am posting here in case it helps anyone else.
Someone configured a tenant with a service path of ./. This made it so the root path was taken and then every tenant that tried to register would get the error "Address sb://[namespace][WCF Relay name] is already in use by an existing listener with different settings". When we turned off the bad endpoint all the other endpoint were able to work again.

Suddenly Can Not Connect to APNS Sandbox Environment with PushSharp

We stopped being able to connect to the about two days ago right in the middle of testing. I checked the certificate and it is valid. I also ran the openssl troubleshooting commands... and it all appeared ok. But we also can NOT doing any testing or work against the sandbox APNS. We are getting the following error about a malformed message response when we try and create the SSLStream connection. I have been scratching my head for a day now... thinking it was something on our end... so would really appreciate a response if others are able to test and connect to the sandbox APNS using PushSharp current version 2.1.2 ??
A call to SSPI failed, see Inner exception" Inner Exception -> "The message received was unexpected or badly formatted."
We were having the same issue using the now deprecated APNS-Sharp library (ancestor to PushSharp). I submitted a pull request for APNS-Sharp that fixes the issue based on my tests.
and for the pull request:
