Route voyager posts index not defined - laravel-5

I just have installed voyager at laravel 5.4 and tables migrated but at the end it shows following error
Route [voyager.posts.index] not defined

As mentioned by #Muhammad Muazzam
1- Run php artisan voyager:install
However, only this didn't work for me, I needed to also
2- Clear php catch: php artisan optimize:clear

Re runing php artisan voyager:install will resolve the issue.


Remove Laravel/Debugbar Routes

How can I remove the debugbar routes?
In my .env file I already included
I also run the ff. commands
php artisan optimize:clear
php artisan config:clear
but nothing.
The debugbar won't show in screen but it has routes when I do php artisan route:list. Please help. Thanks
you cannot!
you can just disable the debugbar as you did. The routes are registered with the package, so the only way to remove them is to remove the package from your project.
Using the php artisan route:list will show you the routes for API and Web.
It's not about debugging true or false. It's about the routes that were used in the application. If debug was true then it will show you the necessary configuration given in the .env file. At the same time, it will also show you the error messages including the variable name method and where the error occurs.

I have removed a route from web.php and this route still working in laravel 5

I am working in laravel 5 an existing project downloaded from cpanel. I want to make some changes but my changes do not have any affect. I, at the end remove the route but route still working. There is no any extra route file binding in routeServiceProvider not required or included in web.php. I am wondering how it could be happened?
I have tried:
php aritsan cache:clear
php artisan config:clear
can somebody please tell me what could be the issue ?
please run the following:
php artisan route:cache
After running this command, your cached routes file will be loaded on every request.
Please, run the following command:
php artisan route:clear

Why am I getting this error with laravel websocket library?

am trying to set up a web sockets server using laravel 5.7 and keep getting this error
Argument 2 passed to
BeyondCode\LaravelWebSockets\Apps\App::__construct() must be of the
type string, null given, called in
on line 63 screenshot missing
....i don't know what to do please help. I'm actually using this guide
Try clearing your cache:
php artisan config:cache
php artisan optimize:clear
After running migration use the following sequence of commands:
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:clear
php artisan config:cache

Lumen php artisan config:cache not found

I'm trying out the PHP micro Framework Lumen (from laravel).
When I set up Lumen and I try to use the php artisan config:cache command like in Laravel, I get this error :
There are no commands defined in the "config" namespace.
So I have problem when I try to deploy the files to server, so I have to change .env file to change the database username and password.
This makes me think config is not available in artisan
How can I add it to artisan ?
Yes, you can not use the php artisan config:cache with your Lumen project, because it is not available out of the box.
You can add it by adding this package (orumad/lumen-config-cache) to your project:
composer require orumad/lumen-config-cache
In lumen you have to add this configuration in bootstrap/app.php file
Then you can access like below:
Lumen no need to config:cache.
You do not need to do anything after change ‍‍.env

Create Controller using artisan - InvalidArgumentException

I am new to laravel.
I have copied command to create controller from a book and I am trying to run that command:
php artisan Usercontroller:make users
I am getting error:
There are no commands defined in the "Usercontroller" namespace.
Did you mean this?
Current working directory is project directory:
There is a typo in commmand,
you should use
php artisan controller:make users
Hope this helps.
Command should be
php artisan controller:make users
