Spring oauth2 and integration tests - spring-boot

Need a help with integration tests for Oauth2 client.
Client with protected UI and API
Authentication server where all
password validation done and access token retrieved
Integration test:
rest-assured used for end-point testing
before implementing Oauth2 tests worked fine
Ole test example:
.basic(USER_EMAIL,PASSWORD) <-- this not valid any more
how I can make this tests work again?
How res-assured setup should be changed to support oauth2?
Do I need to mock Authentication server or can I inject/mock security context?

The code you were shown is only and only for basic auth and for using the rest assured for OAuth, in general, you have to change that code. From REST Assured github page you can see following two exaples:
#Test public void
oauth2_works_with_preemptive_header_signing() {
final String accessToken = "accessToken";
filter(new Filter() {
public Response filter(FilterableRequestSpecification requestSpec, FilterableResponseSpecification responseSpec, FilterContext ctx) {
assertThat(requestSpec.getHeaders().getValue("Authorization"), equalTo("Bearer "+accessToken));
return new ResponseBuilder().setBody("ok").setStatusCode(200).build();
#Test public void
oauth2_works_with_non_preemptive_header_signing() {
final String accessToken = "accessToken";
filter(new Filter() {
public Response filter(FilterableRequestSpecification requestSpec, FilterableResponseSpecification responseSpec, FilterContext ctx) {
AuthenticationScheme scheme = requestSpec.getAuthenticationScheme();
assertThat(scheme, instanceOf(PreemptiveOAuth2HeaderScheme.class));
assertThat(((PreemptiveOAuth2HeaderScheme) scheme).getAccessToken(), equalTo(accessToken));
return new ResponseBuilder().setBody("ok").setStatusCode(200).build();
and as the other example, you can have a look here.


Keycloak Policy-Enforcement path wildcard issue with Spring

I've currently got some issue when it comes to configure keycloaks policy enforcement/fine graining.
I'm trying to secure a path which has a Wildcard in the middle of the URL.
for example: /test/{UUID}/bla
It works when I secure a path with a wildcard at the end of it like /test/bla/{uuid} but I can't get it to work when there's some variable in the middle of a path.
The Documentation of keycloak says:
Currently a very basic logic for path matching is supported. Examples of valid paths are:
Wildcards: /*
Suffix: /*.html
Sub-paths: /path/*
Path parameters: /resource/{id}
Exact match: /resource
Patterns: /{version}/resource, /api/{version}/resource, /api/{version}/resource/*
I've tried to put {version}, * or {id} but doesnt seem to change anything.
My application.properties:
I'm able to secure test3 with an id but not the other endpoints.
Actually they are secured I just can't get access/policy enforcement to work on them*
On my Keycloak config I've also tried alot of URI varaitions like this.
Would be nice if anyone can help me out :)
I've also tried this post: Fetch resource given partial url path or based on a regex pattern using keycloak rest admin apis but the matchingURI didn't seem to work.
This does not answer your question, but:
do not use Keycloak libs for Spring, it is deprecated.
why use policy enforcer which has at least two major drawbacks compared to JWT decoding and spring-security expressions?
far less efficient: it requires a call from resource-server to Keycloak for each and every request when a JWT access-token can be validated and interpreted by resource-server only (a single call to Keycloak is issued at startup to fetch signing key).
you can't unit-test security rules: a keycloak instance must be up and reachable for policies to be tested in integration tests.
To secure a Spring resource server without Keycloak libs, define spring-security expressions and unit-test it, refer to this article: https://dzone.com/articles/spring-oauth2-resource-servers
Sample (quite advanced) access control rule: #PreAuthorize("is(#username) or isNice() or onBehalfOf(#username).can('greet')")
In action, this gives:
public class GreetingController {
#PreAuthorize("is(#username) or isNice() or onBehalfOf(#username).can('greet')")
public String getGreetingFor(#PathVariable("username") String username, Authentication auth) {
return "Hi %s from %s!".formatted(username, auth.getName());
And matching unit-tests:
authorities = { "AUTHOR" },
claims = #OpenIdClaims(preferredUsername = "Tonton Pirate"),
proxies = { #Proxy(onBehalfOf = "ch4mpy", can = { "greet" }) })
void whenNotNiceWithProxyThenCanGreetFor() throws Exception {
.andExpect(content().string("Hi ch4mpy from Tonton Pirate!"));
authorities = { "AUTHOR", "NICE" },
claims = #OpenIdClaims(preferredUsername = "Tonton Pirate"))
void whenNiceWithoutProxyThenCanGreetFor() throws Exception {
.andExpect(content().string("Hi ch4mpy from Tonton Pirate!"));
authorities = { "AUTHOR" },
claims = #OpenIdClaims(preferredUsername = "Tonton Pirate"),
proxies = { #Proxy(onBehalfOf = "jwacongne", can = { "greet" }) })
void whenNotNiceWithoutRequiredProxyThenForbiddenToGreetFor() throws Exception {
authorities = { "AUTHOR" },
claims = #OpenIdClaims(preferredUsername = "Tonton Pirate"))
void whenHimselfThenCanGreetFor() throws Exception {
mockMvc.perform(get("/greet/Tonton Pirate"))
.andExpect(content().string("Hi Tonton Pirate from Tonton Pirate!"));

Spring Boot Webflux Security - reading Principal in service class when writing tests

I am quite new to the Spring ecosystem in general and Webflux. There are 2 things that I am trying to figure out and cannot find any specifics about.
My Setup:
I am writing a Spring Boot 2 REST API using WebFlux (not using controllers but rather handler functions). The authentication server is a separate service which issues JWT tokens and those get attached to each request as Authentication headers. Here is a simple example of a request method:
public Mono<ServerResponse> all(ServerRequest serverRequest) {
return principal(serverRequest).flatMap(principal ->
Which i use to react to a GET request for a list of all "Projects" that a user has access to.
I afterwards have a service which retrieves the list of projects for this user and i render a json response.
The Problems:
Now in order to filter the projects based on the current user id i need to read it from the request principal. One issue here is that i have plenty service methods which need the current user information and passing it through to the service seems like an overkill. One solution is to read the principal inside the service from:
Object principal = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
Question 1:
Is this a good practice in general when writing functional code (If i do this instead of propagating the principal)? is this a good approach despite the complexity of reading and sending the principal from the request to the service in each method?
Question 2:
Should i instead use the SecurityContextHolder Thread Local to fetch the principal, and if i do that how do i write tests for my service?
If i use the Security Context how do i test my service implementations which are expecting a principal that is of type JWTAuthenticationToken
and i always get null when trying to do something like described here: Unit testing with Spring Security
In the service tests, In tests what i've managed to do so far is to propagate the principal to the service methods and use mockito to mock the principal. This is quite straightforward.
In the Endpoint Tests i am using #WithMockUser to populate the principal when doing requests and i mock out the service layer. This has the downside of the principal type being different.
Here is how my test class for the service layer looks:
class ProjectServiceImplTest extends BaseServiceTest {
ProjectServiceImpl projectService;
ProjectRepository projectRepository;
Principal principal;
Principal principal2;
void setUp() {
// Cleaned for brevity
public void all_returnsOnlyOwnedProjects() {
Flux<Project> saved = projectRepository.saveAll(
new Project(null, "First", "uuid"),
new Project(null, "Second", "uuid2"),
new Project(null, "Third", "uuid3")
Flux<Project> all = projectService.all(principal2);
Flux<Project> composite = saved.thenMany(all);
.consumeNextWith(project -> {
Based on the other answer, i managed to solve this problem in the following way.
I added the following methods to read the id from claims where it normally resides within the JWT token.
public static Mono<String> currentUserId() {
return jwt().map(jwt -> jwt.getClaimAsString(USER_ID_CLAIM_NAME));
public static Mono<Jwt> jwt() {
return ReactiveSecurityContextHolder.getContext()
.map(context -> context.getAuthentication().getPrincipal())
Then i use this within my services wherever needed, and i am not forwarding it through the handler to the service.
The tricky part was always testing. I am able to resolve this using the custom SecurityContextFactory. I created an annotation which i can attach the same way as #WithMockUser, but with some of the claim details i need instead.
#WithSecurityContext(factory = WithMockTokenSecurityContextFactory.class)
public #interface WithMockToken {
String sub() default "uuid";
String email() default "test#test.com";
String name() default "Test User";
Then the Factory:
String token = "....ANY_JWT_TOKEN_GOES_HERE";
public SecurityContext createSecurityContext(WithMockToken tokenAnnotation) {
SecurityContext context = SecurityContextHolder.createEmptyContext();
HashMap<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put("kid", "SOME_ID");
headers.put("typ", "JWT");
headers.put("alg", "RS256");
HashMap<String, Object> claims = new HashMap<>();
claims.put("sub", tokenAnnotation.sub());
claims.put("aud", new ArrayList<>() {{
claims.put("updated_at", "2019-06-24T12:16:17.384Z");
claims.put("nickname", tokenAnnotation.email().substring(0, tokenAnnotation.email().indexOf("#")));
claims.put("name", tokenAnnotation.name());
claims.put("exp", new Date());
claims.put("iat", new Date());
claims.put("email", tokenAnnotation.email());
Jwt jwt = new Jwt(token, Instant.now(), Instant.now().plus(1, ChronoUnit.HOURS), headers,
JwtAuthenticationToken jwtAuthenticationToken = new JwtAuthenticationToken(jwt, AuthorityUtils.NO_AUTHORITIES); // Authorities are needed to pass authentication in the Integration tests
return context;
Then a simple test will look like this:
#WithMockToken(sub = "uuid2")
public void delete_whenNotOwner() {
Mono<Void> deleted = this.projectService.create(projectDTO)
.flatMap(saved -> this.projectService.delete(saved.getId()));
As you are using Webflux you should be using the ReactiveSecurityContextHolder to retrieve the principal like so : Object principal = ReactiveSecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
The use of the non-reactive one will return null as you are seeing.
There is more info related to the topic in this answer - https://stackoverflow.com/a/51350355/197342

CSRF Using Spring Security for Backend to Backend Calls

I was going to implement protective measures against CSRF attack (using Spring Security) on my already built application. However, I am facing the following issues while designing the approach:
Suppose I have two APIs with following endpoints:
Scenario 1: Front End calls /abc along with csrf token. Server checks the csrf token and passes it if found correct. This is working fine.
Scenario 2: Front End calls /xyz along with csrf token. Server checks the csrf token and passes it if found correct. This again is working fine.
Scenario 3: The API /abc calls the API /xyz internally. However, API /xyz is expecting the CSRF token which only comes from front end and hence /xyz is failing due to no csrf token.
Scenario 4: We also have few third party apps (like payment gateway) that consumes our APIs. How will they pass CSRF token to our APIs?
Basically, I want to protect all our APIs from CSRF attack but I am finding it hard to pass the csrf token from BE to BE and from Payment Gateway to BE. Please help me in finalizing the approach that I should follow so that I can easily cover all these 4 scenarios and protect the application from any CSRF attack.
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.requireCsrfProtectionMatcher(new RequestMatcher() {
public boolean matches(HttpServletRequest request) {
final HashSet<String> allowedMethods = new HashSet<String>(
Arrays.asList("GET", "HEAD", "TRACE", "OPTIONS"));
boolean methodCheck = allowedMethods.contains(request.getMethod());
if(methodCheck) {
return false;
return true;
API 1:
public class GetVersion {
#RequestMapping(path="/", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String getVersion() {
return "This is a Get Call";
API 2:
public class PostCall2 {
public String postCall2(#PathVariable("path") String path) {
return "This is path: "+path;
API 3:
public class PostCall1 {
public String postCall1(#PathVariable("path") String path) {
System.out.println("Tring to call /postcall2 from /postcall1");
final String url = "http://localhost:8080/thisisxyz/postcall2";
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
try {
String result = restTemplate.postForObject(url, "", String.class);
System.out.println("Result is: "+result);
System.out.println("Successfully called /postcall2 from /postcall1");
return "This is path: "+path;
catch(HTTPException e) {
return "Failed";
catch(Exception e) {
return "Failed";
API 1 and API 2 are working fine as they are being called directly. However, API 3 is trying to internally call API 2 and it is failing because it cannot provide CSRF Token to API 2. Please help.

Testing a secure spring mvc restful webservice

I have a secure web service that I have been trying to test. The service looks something like this:
#GetMapping(value= {"/v1/getSomeStuff"})
public SomeResp getSomeStuff(final UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken token, #RequestParam(name="searchString", required=true) String request) {
//do some stuff in here
The services are secured using Spring Security and I am trying to write an IT test, that will supply the required UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken. I have tried doing this:
#Sql(scripts = { "/db-scripts/company-script.sql","/db-scripts/user-script.sql" })
public void testGetSomeStuff() {
//test some stuff
getRestTemplate().getForEntity("http://localhost:" + port + "/v1/getSomeStuff?searchString=foo", SomeResp.class);
The Sql scripts are executing correctly and the User Details Service is being called, but the token is not being passed to the service. I understand (now) that #WithUserDetails is for test method security and won't do what I want. My question then is, is there another method for testing secured web services using the various spring test classes?

RestEasy client spring integration: can not auto follow redirects

Problem: I can not get RestEasy to automatically follow redirects
I'm using the RestEasy client framework 2.3.4 to consume RESTful JSON services. I'm using the rest easy client spring integration. If I wasn't using spring RestClientProxyFactoryBean to create my services I would set the auto redirect flag on the client request factory
I have tried setting the follow redirect on my HTTP client and following the debug I can see this value is overridden to false by Rest Easy.
Looking at the source code I need to get access to the client invoker that the spring proxy factory creates but it doesn't expose this.
This is like a very common task, surely I am missing something? Cheers.
You should be able to set a custom client executor on the proxybean factory but that also didn't work e.g
public ClientRequest createRequest(String uriTemplate) {
ClientRequest clientRequest = new ClientRequest(uriTemplate, this);
return clientRequest;
public ClientRequest createRequest(UriBuilder uriBuilder) {
ClientRequest clientRequest = super.createRequest(uriBuilder);
return clientRequest;
proxyFactoryBean.setClientExecutor(new FollowRedirectsClientExecutor());
In end extending and overriding the Http client (in this case HTTP Component) was needed to make this work e.g.
public HttpUriRequest followRedirects(HttpUriRequest request) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Setting allow redirects");
HttpParams p = request.getParams();
HttpClientParams.setRedirecting(p, true);
return request;
public <T> T execute(HttpUriRequest request, ResponseHandler<? extends T> responseHandler) throw
s IOException,
ClientProtocolException { ClientProtocolException {
request = followRedirects(request);
