How do I disable Firefox gestures? - firefox

I hate Firefox gestures, I just want to click, but if my move shake during click it happens a mess!
How do I disable firefox gestures?

You need to change the configuration, which you can do by typing about:config in the address bar and press the "Enter", just like you type the url of a website to open a website. If you see a warning just confirm.
Filter the available settings to the gesture-related settings by typing browser.gesture in the search bat at the top of the page.
Doubleclick on the relevant settings, and delete their contents if you want to disable them.
Close the about:config-tab once you're done.


its there a way to use eslint disable in the settings json?

Im using in some files /* eslint disable */ but i think this may be unecessary, there's a way i can use in all files using settings.json?
enter image description here
Your Options for Disabling an Extension in VS-Code
To disable the extension open up the extension menu in the **Activity-Bar. Locate the extension you wish to disable, and then click the gear to the right of that extension. When you click the gear button, a menu will open, it will have several options — 2 of the options in the middle of the menu will offer you to disable the extension:
The first option disables the extension globally.
The second option will be to disable the extension for your current workspace.
Afterwards you need to restart your browser.
One more option
To disable all of your installed extensions, use the Disable All Installed Extensions command. To do this hit F1 to open the quick menu, it should drop open from the top of your screen. Once open type "Disable All Installed Extensions" into the Command Palette and select the Disable All Installed Extensions option once it appears.
Below is a screen shot I cropped to demonstrate disabling an extension:
SIDE-NOTE: A disabled extension will need to be enabled, when the user decides to use it. If you don not plan on using the extension in the foreseeable future, you should just remove the extension rather than permanently disabling the extension.

How to prevent Firefox reloading tabs (even one clicked on)

Seriously, is there any way to tell Firefox NOT to reload tabs after start?
I know I can check "Don't load tabs until selected" in Options window, but this only stops reloading tabs automatically and will still reload tab I click on - I do NOT want that!
I want to reload every tab myself.
The reason is that sometimes I have multiple tabs with Adminers' SQL command textarea which gets cleared on reload. You surely get how happy I am everytime I have to remind the commands.
I tried googling for any extensions or about:config options but nothing do what I want. Am I the only one wanting this?
I submitted the bug here
I don't think it's possible to disable loading of clicked tabs. But, you can try for instance Work Offline addon that allows you easily switching Firefox to offline mode. Firefox loads clicked tab from its cache in offline mode and it could preserve your textareas.
I know I'm late to the party, but I just had this issue myself and perhaps this answer will help other users. I went into about:config and searched for the setting browser.sessionstore.max_resumed_crashes and changed that from default 1 to 0.
Go to Firefox' about:config (via the address bar), click "accept the risk", then type accessibility.blockautorefresh in the search bar and toggle that setting to true.
Edit: restart of FF is necessary.

Force Firefox to reuse existing tab for modified HTML file

If Firefox is already displaying a local HTML file on my PC in a tab (address = "file:///...") and I modify the file using my favorite external editor, sending the file to FF to display the edits results in FF opening a new tab with a fresh instance of the original file, rather than searching to see if the file is already open it it and reusing that tab.
Sure, after editing the file I could reopen Firefox, navigate along the tab bar to the existing tab for that file and click Refresh. But IMO FF should be capable of doing this for me. In my work, by the time I need to refresh FF, the tab currently open is not likely to be that of the file I am editing, so I continually need to return to the original page to refresh it.
My efforts to work around this include:
1)In about:config, *setting* from 3 to 1.
2)Running Firefox and passing it either the filename or the URL to the filename (as -url parameter).
3)Looking for a suitable add-on.
I am not fond of either Firebug or Aurora and prefer my own editor (EditPlus), which with I am far more comfortable, to edit web pages. However, its inbuilt browser does not display properly on my screen, so I need to view results of edits in Firefox.
Can anyone suggest a solution to this problem? I've searched here without success. The best solution would be another about:config setting. Thanks in advance.
(added) After all, in EditPlus, if I send it a file (in document-centric mode) which it has already opened, it simply changes focus to the existing tab. Why can't FF do this?
Thanks for suggesting the "Restore Open_External" add-on.
I tried it but it doesn't help me here. What it does is:
" (Integer). This option specifies how Firefox opens links launched externally, e.g. e-mail or Microsoft Word. 3 options are available;
1. Selecting this option launches the link in a new tab in the most recently active Firefox window. This would be recommended if you don’t wish launching such links to affect your most recently active webpage and you aren’t concerned about the links content.
2. Selecting this option launches a new Firefox window to view the link. This would perhaps be the safest option to select (In that if you launch something questionable you may be able to end the process without affecting other windows).
3. Selecting this option (default) launches the link in the most recently active Firefox window/tab. This would be recommended if you aren’t concerned about launching links is the most recently active window/tab (You can always use the back button to view the previous page if you need)."
TechSpot - Firefox 2 Tweak Guide
I'm sure many find this useful. Option 1 would have been fine for my purposes if it didn't insist on opening a duplicate tab. This add-on does nothing to prevent duplicate tabs being opened. So I began hunting for some add-on that might PREVENT a new tab being created in response to an external app sending a file to Firefox. Tab Mix Plus is supposed to do this, but I got lost somewhere in the maze of options. Then there is Prevent Duplicate Tabs, which creates a whitelist of all pages where duplicates are not permitted. This is far from automatic and seems pretty lame to me, as is Duplicate Tab Closer which doesn't prevent a duplicate tab from being created; instead, you have to press Ctrl+Alt+D to remove existing duplicate tabs - equally lame. deduplicate-tabs is similar, but offers a button to remove duplicate tabs.
Maybe I'm missing the point, but I can't see why anyone would want duplicate tabs of the same page, one a later version than the other. In fact, FF ought to be able to automatically refresh a tab when one reselects this, without having to resort to the "refresh" button. But that's just my rant.
If anyone reading this can think of a better way to integrate FF with an external app that modifies a web page, I'll be most grateful.
Install that addon:
Go to addon preferences and set:
'in the current tab of current window'
Next time you open a new url from an external program it opens in the same tab.
You can also install the
duplicate tabs closer firefox addon which, as the name suggests, allows you to automatically close duplicate tabs
You can configure it to:
Close the older tabs and keep the new tab
Select the new tab
Try this addon.
I'm using it for development mode in Gatsby and Create React App.

How to revoke given permission in Chrome and Firefox?

One of the new APIs made available to developers is Geolocation API. As it's been defined in Specification, any browser should take the express permission of the user when revealing his/her geographic position to the surfed website. However, it's also been said that user can revoke that given permission at any time. I searched almost everywhere in Chrome and Firefox and I didn't find any place to revoke given permissions. Does anyone know how should I do that? (This is also the case in Contacts API)
chrome://settings/content has a section that allows you to revoke location permissions.
For Firefox: Right-click the page, "View Page Info", there go to the "Permissions" tab. The entry you are interested in is "Share Location".
Edit (2016-05-12): In current Firefox versions you can also click the info icon next to the location bar. This will show you all the special permissions you've granted the current page and will allow changing them.
This approach works in Chrome as well, there you click the document icon next to the site name. Difference is that Chrome will show you a list of all permissions, not just the ones you've granted already.
In Android Chromium (default Android browser; usually called "Browser" or "Internet") you must go to Settings > Privacy > Remove private date, check Location access and click OK.
In Android Chrome open Menu (HW button or top-right button) and go to Settings > Advanced > Content settings > Website settings and uncheck Location access under each website you want to reset the settings.
For Android Firefox go to the page with location access and long press the URL bar (it have to be highlighted while you press it). In popup menu choose Edit site settings, check the Share location and click Clear.
And in Android Opera you must delete all web data (Menu > Settings > Clear Browsing data > Clear Cookies and Data).
In Chrome you can just click the document that is to the left of the URL in the address bar and change all your different privacy settings, including geo tag, from there.
In Chrome, the most straight-forward way to manage location settings for a site is to:
Enter the site
Click the crosshair symbol (position indicator, ⌖) that is second on the right:
In Chrome, on the address bar there will be a padlock or a info button. Click on it and it will open a popup with option of drop down next to Location. If location service is already given permission then Block option will be available to revoke it.

Is there a way in Safari to default a new tab's focus to the search box?

In the safari browser is there a tweak you can make so that when a new tab is created the main focus point jumps to the search box in the browser or at least to the address bar instead of focusing to the home page?
You can modify Safari like this:
Settings -> General -> New tabs open with: Empty page
This will make the cursor start in the address bar. Which in turn can be used to query a search engine or to directly enter an URL.
If you want the tab to become active immediately then you may want to do:
Settings -> Tabs -> Check: "When a new tab or window opens, make it active"
The default on my system was that the cursor was in the search box within the home page. The home page was: and "open new tabs with" was "Homepage"
Glims can do this: "Sets the focus on the search field when opening a new window"
I doubt it. That would be up to the browser.
