Spinner alert Ionic - user-interface

I want show an alert with a spinner in subTitle like:
I tryed, without success:
title: 'Verificando',
subTitle: '<ion-spinner name="dots"></ion-spinner> foo bar'
Any ideas ?

Unfortunately AlertController from Ionic 2 doesn't offer a way by default to embed HTML code inside the title/subtitle attribute. Will this alert be used only when you are loading something?
On that case I suggest that you use the LoadingController component, with LoadingController it's possible to insert html embedded code as the content attribute.
For instance, on this case I have created a custom CSS animation on class .sp .sp-slices that I'm inserting on the LoadingController variable named loadingCtrl:
this.loading = this.loadingCtrl.create({
spinner: 'hide',
content: '<div class="sp sp-slices"></div>'
Using this should give you flexibility enough to adjust the LoadingController component to look exactly like what you need.
Ionic 2 also offers other LoadingController designs that are much closer to the native default look for Android iOS and Windows Phone. It's worthy taking a look at their API documentation:


What's the difference between application.start() and application.run()

I'm getting this message in my NativeScript JavaScript app:
application.start() is deprecated; use application.run() instead
If I simply replace
application.start({ moduleName: "views/main-page" });
application.run({ moduleName: "views/main-page" });
elements on my main view are missing. It looks like there's more I need to do, but my searches so far haven't yielded results.
I understand the rationale from https://docs.nativescript.org/core-concepts/application-lifecycle#application-run, it just looks like more is needed. Any ideas?
application.start() was used prior to {N} v4.x, it used to create a Frame and host your Page within that. It was not possible to have more than one Frame in your application at those times.
Since v4.x, we have application.run() that allows you to set any View as root for your application and you are now allowed to use any number of Frames in your application.
If you are using application.run({ moduleName: "views/main-page" }); then main-page should have a Frame at root level or any View except Page.
Checkout the v4.0 release blog for more info.

ReactJS, React-Router Getting previous path

I am trying to make a single page application in which I have 3 components : Index, BluePage and GreenPage
I'm trying to use React and React router to switch through them. The layout is as follows:
This view is supposed to be like a sliding page and can be better visualized like this following diagram:
In order to do these transitions, I am currently using ReactCSSTransitionGroup and CSS classes, however it is becoming difficult as the direction the page must animate depends on the page that was being viewed before.
For example, if the BluePage was in view, and the user pressed the "back", button, the Index should move into view from the right.
On the other hand, if GreenPage was originally in view, the Index should move into view from the left.
The Question
How can I use React Router to send the existing path to the next component, so I can animate the components properly?
Should I continue to use ReactCSSTransitionGroup or should I handle animations in the componentWillMount and componentWillUnmount callbacks?
If so, how does adding CSS classes to objects after initial rendering work?
I apologize if these questions seem somewhat novice - I am still a beginner to ReactJS. Thanks for all the help!
If any clarification is necessary, let me know.
I would recommend you to check react-swipeable-views.
In this component, you just need to add all of your views (components) as children of the SwipeableView component. The currently active view is defined by index prop of the SwipeableView. You switch the view with buttons, you simply need to create a state in the main component (App, for example) and update this state in onClick handler. It would look like this:
class MainComponent extends Component {
state = {
index: 0,
onBlueButtonClick() {
this.setState({ index: 1 });
render() {
return (
<div onClick={() => this.onBlueButtonClick()}>Click me!<div />
<SwipeableView index={this.state.index}>
<BlueView />
<GreenView />
<RedView />
<SwipeableView />
Hope it helps! ;)
EDIT: I have added a button in the example to explain how to use this component when there is no swipe effect. This is a React component and not a React Native, so it was made to work on a website, therefore without a swipe. I use it in one of my projects. Here's a GIF of it.
What I would suggest you is tu use swiper.js. Why?
performant (desktop, mobile)
no jquery needed
huge api, with very usefull features for your use case
change slide programmatically: swiper.slideTo(2) or swiper.nextSlide())
Hash/History Navigation: sync between hash and slides
you can disable touch gestures
npm install swiper --save
const Swiper = require('swiper');
import Swiper from 'swiper';
see demos with example

The view area of ckEditor sometimes shows empty at the start

I am using the following directive to create a ckEditor view. There are other lines to the directive to save the data but these are not included as saving always works for me.
app.directive('ckEditor', [function () {
return {
require: '?ngModel',
link: function ($scope, elm, attr, ngModel) {
var ck = ck = CKEDITOR.replace(elm[0]);
ngModel.$render = function (value) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
}; }
The window appears but almost always the first time around it is empty. Then after clicking the [SOURCE] button to show the source and clicking it again the window is populated with data.
I'm very sure that the ck.setData works as I tried a ck.getData and then logged the output to the console. However it seems like ck.setData does not make the data visible at the start.
Is there some way to force the view window contents to appear?
You can call render on the model at any time and it will simply do whatever you've told it to do. In your case, calling ngModel.$render() will grab the $modelValue and pass it to ck.setData(). Angular will automatically call $render whenever it needs to during its digest cycle (i.e. whenever it notices that the model has been updated). However, I have noticed that there are times when Angular doesn't update properly, especially in instances where the $modelValue is set prior to the directive being compiled.
So, you can simply call ngModel.$render() when your modal object is set. The only problem with that is you have to have access to the ngModel object to do that, which you don't have in your controller. My suggestion would be to do the following:
In your controller:
$scope.editRow = function (row, entityType) {
$scope.modal.data = row;
$scope.modal.visible = true;
// trigger event after $scope.modal is set
$scope.$emit('modalObjectSet', $scope.modal); //passing $scope.modal is optional
In your directive:
ngModel.$render = function (value) {
scope.$on('modalObjectSet', function(e, modalData){
// force a call to render
Its not a particularly clean solution, but it should allow you to call $render whenever you need to. I hope that helps.
UPDATE: (after your update)
I wasn't aware that your controllers were nested. This can get really icky in Angular, but I'll try to provide a few possible solutions (given that I'm not able to see all your code and project layout). Scope events (as noted here) are specific to the nesting of the scope and only emit events to child scopes. Because of that, I would suggest trying one of the three following solutions (listed in order of my personal preference):
1) Reorganize your code to have a cleaner layout (less nesting of controllers) so that your scopes are direct decendants (rather than sibling controllers).
2) I'm going to assume that 1) wasn't possible. Next I would try to use the $scope.$broadcast() function. The specs for that are listed here as well. The difference between $emit and $broadcast is that $emit only sends event to child $scopes, while $broadcast will send events to both parent and child scopes.
3) Forget using $scope events in angular and just use generic javascript events (using a framework such as jQuery or even just roll your own as in the example here)
There's a fairly simple answer to the question. I checked the DOM and found out the data was getting loaded in fact all of the time. However it was not displaying in the Chrome browser. So the problem is more of a display issue with ckEditor. Strange solution seems to be to do a resize of the ckEditor window which then makes the text visible.
This is a strange issue with ckeditor when your ckeditor is hidden by default. Trying to show the editor has a 30% chance of the editor being uneditable and the editor data is cleared. If you are trying to hide/show your editor, use a css trick like position:absolute;left-9999px; to hide the editor and just return it back by css. This way, the ckeditor is not being removed in the DOM but is just positioned elsewhere.
Use this java script code that is very simple and effective.Note editor1 is my textarea id
$(function () {
CKEDITOR.timestamp= new Date();
Second way In controller ,when your query is fetch data from database then use th
is code after .success(function().
I know, that this thread is dead for a year, but I got the same problem and I found another (still ugly) solution to this problem:
instance.setData(html, function(){

How to "bookmark" page or content fetched using AJAX?

How to "bookmark" page or content fetched using AJAX?
It looks like it can be easy if we just add the details to the "anchor", and then, use the routing or even in PHP code or Ruby on Rails's route.rb, to catch that part, and then show the content or page accordingly? (show the whole page or partial content)
Then it can be very simple? It looks like that's how facebook does it. What are other good ways to do it?
Update: There is now the HTML5 History API (pushState, popState) which deprecates the HTML4 hashchange functionality. History.js provides cross-browser compatibility and an optional hashchange fallback for HTML4 browsers.
To store the history of a page, the most popular and full featured/supported way is using hashchanges. This means that say you go from yoursite/page.html#page1 to yoursite/page.html#page2 you can track that change, and because we are using hashes it can be picked up by bookmarks and back and forward buttons.
You can find a great way to bind to hash changes using the jQuery History project
There is also a full featured AJAX extension for it, allowing you to easily integrate Ajax requests to your states/hashes to transform your website into a full featured Web 2.0 Application:
They both provide great documentation on their demo pages to explain what is happening and what is going on.
Here is an example of using jQuery History (as taken from the demo site):
// Bind a handler for ALL hash/state changes
// Update the current element to indicate which state we are now on
$current.text('Our current state is: ['+state+']');
// Update the page"s title with our current state on the end
document.title = document_title + ' | ' + state;
// Bind a handler for state: apricots
// Update Menu
// Show apricots tab, hide the other tabs
And an example of jQuery Ajaxy (as taken from the demo site):
'page': {
selector: '.ajaxy-page',
matches: /^\/pages\/?/,
request: function(){
// Log what is happening
window.console.debug('$.Ajaxy.configure.Controllers.page.request', [this,arguments]);
// Adjust Menu
// Hide Content
// Return true
return true;
response: function(){
// Prepare
var Ajaxy = $.Ajaxy; var data = this.State.Response.data; var state = this.state;
// Log what is happening
window.console.debug('$.Ajaxy.configure.Controllers.page.response', [this,arguments], data, state);
// Adjust Menu
// Show Content
var Action = this;
// Return true
return true;
And if you ever want to get the querystring params (so yoursite/page.html#page1?a.b=1&a.c=2) you can just use:
var params = state.queryStringToJSON(); // would give you back {a:{b:1,c:2}}
So check out those demo links to see them in action, and for all installation and usage details.
If you use jquery, you can do that in a simple manner. just use ajaxify plugin. it can manage bookmarking of ajax pages and many other things.
Check this, something may help you:
How to change URL from javascript: http://doet.habrahabr.ru/blog/15736/
How to pack the app state into url: http://habrahabr.ru/blogs/javascript/92505/
An approach description: http://habrahabr.ru/blogs/webstandards/92300/
Note: all articles are in Russian, so either Google Translate them, or just review the code and guess the details.
Take a look to the Single Page Interface Manifesto
I tried many packages. The jQuery History plugin seems to be most complete:

Best approach for using AJAX loaders?

I've implemented a few poor solutions for bringing up an AJAX loader before dynamically updating a content DIV, but none seem to be "universal", and I find each time I do it I'm reworking it. If I have a DIV with content that updates depending on what a user clicks on the page, and I want to display the loader over this content DIV, what is the best approach? I've seen some developers have the loader always on the page, and they just display it block or none, and I've seen others append it to the DIV. What about when you also have multiple areas that can update? I'm thinking something repeatable that I can call with a function, maybe passing a few parameters.
Some JavaScript libraries allow listening to opening and closing requests. Check out Prototype's request Responder http://www.prototypejs.org/api/ajax/responders.
You would do something like this:
onCreate: function() {
onComplete: function() {
if (Ajax.activeRequestCount < 1) $('loader').hide();
As for visual representation of loading, you may want to identify the different parts of your page which may require separate loading graphics and subclass the Request object, each time indicating the type of request.
Is it a field being saved? new FieldUpdateRequest(field)
Is it the page being loaded? new Request();
Is a container being updated? new PartialRequest(div);
Then capture each subclasses type and show or hide a different loader graphic.
There is unfortunately no quick solution, hal. You could build a generic script for appending loader graphics to containers, that should save you some repetition. If you do, mind posting it here :)?
You could use a JQuery progress bar or something similar in a different library.
