cluster-mode SPARK refuses to run more than two jobs concurrently - hadoop

My Spark cluster refuses to run more than two jobs simultaneously. One of the three will invariable stay stuck in 'ACCEPTED' state.
4 Data Node with spark clients, 24gb ram, 4processors
Cluster Metrics show there should be enough cores
Apps Submitted 3
Apps Pending 1
Apps Running 2
Apps Completed 0
Containers Running 4
Memory Used 8GB
Memory Total 32GB
Memory Reserved 0B
VCores Used 4
VCores Total 8
VCores Reserved 0
Active Nodes 2
Decommissioned Nodes 0
Lost Nodes 0
Unhealthy Nodes 0
Rebooted Nodes 0
On Application Manager you can see the final the only way to run the third app is to kill a running one
application_1504018580976_0002 adm com.x.app1 SPARK default 0 [date] N/A RUNNING UNDEFINED 2 2 5120 25.0 25.0
application_1500031233020_0090 adm com.x.app2 SPARK default 0 [date] N/A RUNNING UNDEFINED 2 2 3072 25.0 25.0
application_1504024737012_0001 adm com.x.app3 SPARK default 0 [date] N/A ACCEPTED UNDEFINED 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
The running apps have 2x containers and 2x allocated vcores, 25% of the queue and 25% of the cluster.
Deployment command for all 3 apps.
--master yarn
--deploy-mode cluster
--driver-cores 1
--driver-memory 512m
--num-executors 1
--executor-cores 1
--executor-memory 1G
--class com..x.appx ../lib/foo.jar
Capacity Scheduler
yarn.scheduler.capacity.default.minimum-user-limit-percent = 100
yarn.scheduler.capacity.maximum-am-resource-percent = 0.2
yarn.scheduler.capacity.maximum-applications = 10000
yarn.scheduler.capacity.node-locality-delay = 40
yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.accessible-node-labels = *
yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.acl_administer_queue = *
yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.capacity = 100
yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.acl_administer_jobs = *
yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.acl_submit_applications = *
yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.capacity = 100
yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.maximum-capacity = 100
yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.state = RUNNING
yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.user-limit-factor = 1
yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.queues = default

Your setting:
yarn.scheduler.capacity.maximum-am-resource-percent = 0.2
total vcores(8) x maximum-am-resource-percent(0.2) = 1.6
1.6 gets rounded up to 2 since partial vcores makes no sense. This means you can only have 2 application masters at a time which is why you can only run 2 jobs at a time.
Solution, bump up yarn.scheduler.capacity.maximum-am-resource-percent to a higher value like 0.5.

followings are parameters to control parallel execution are:
spark.executor.instances -> number of executors
spark.executor.cores -> number of cores per executors
spark.task.cpus -> number of tasks per cpu


Performance Issue in spring boot api rest webservice

In our organization we have started an integration through a web service with api rest but we have a rare performance problem.
We have a virtual machine (VMWare) 4 core/8Gb ram. sufficient remote storage.
Ubuntu server 18.04
openjdk 11.0.7 2020-04-14
JAVA_OPTS='-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xms512m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m'
mysql: See 5.7.30-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (It's running locally but the app connects by host name).
APP: Spring boot 2.1.3 (tomcat & spring data jpa & hikari & hibernate) All parameters by default.
top - 15:09:15 up 2 days, 14:21, 1 user, load average: 0.03, 0.01, 0.00
Tasks: 189 total, 1 running, 100 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 0.3 us, 0.2 sy, 0.0 ni, 99.5 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st
KiB Mem : 8168140 total, 148740 free, 7590936 used, 428464 buff/cache
KiB Swap: 2097148 total, 1352428 free, 744720 used. 332048 avail Mem
2383 app 20 0 41920 3944 3220 R 0.7 0.0 0:00.53 top
2698 app 20 0 5835612 402424 15312 S 0.7 4.9 23:13.92 java
1786 mysql 20 0 2680528 321892 8108 S 0.3 3.9 20:38.32 mysqld
2677 app 20 0 5850152 441440 15824 S 0.3 5.4 28:01.41 java <------
2769 app 20 0 5868308 977.2m 16868 S 0.3 12.3 49:25.72 java
ps -eaf | grep java
app 2677 2676 0 Jul07 ? 00:28:01 java -Dserver.port=4560 -jar app-ws-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar <------
app 2698 2696 0 Jul07 ? 00:23:14 java -Dserver.port=4561 -jar app-ws-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
app 2769 2768 1 Jul07 ? 00:49:26 java -jar app-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
We have 2 webservices, one functional (2677) and the other in testing (2698) and a web app (2768).
We have a problem with the first one. When processing calls the first one takes >30s, causing a timeout in the calling system, but the following calls are processed ok <5s.
The number of calls is minimum, 10 max. per day and never concurrent. Timeout can also occur if several hours pass without calls (>5h).
We have checked the code, we have checked WMware/Ubuntu (suspension options) and we haven't seen anything in the monitoring.
We have been told that it could be JVM and GC problems but I personally don't understand much and I haven't seen anything with the Memory analyzer.
Later on we have implemented in the app itself a dummy call (localhost) every 10 minutes to "warm up the machine" but even so the first call still takes >30s and the rest does not. The dummy call only answers ok.
We don't know what the cause could be and we don't know how to discard options since it is a productive environment and it doesn't admit many changes.

How to optimize the occupied memory using Ruby with Gitlab

run: top
13960 git 20 0 2032080 336220 13304 S 1.0 16.3 0:31.50 ruby
14284 git 20 0 554792 300168 10844 S 0.0 14.5 0:04.27 ruby
14287 git 20 0 546056 291068 10652 S 0.0 14.1 0:03.13 ruby
2705 mysql 20 0 1082876 287544 380 S 0.0 13.9 0:01.70 mysqld
14104 git 20 0 524072 276016 13324 S 0.0 13.4 0:24.69 ruby
14281 git 20 0 524072 267504 4812 S 0.0 13.0 0:00.00 ruby
13978 gitlab-+ 20 0 579824 39872 39280 S 0.0 1.9 0:00.12 postgres
1404 www 20 0 142196 31304 820 S 0.0 1.5 0:00.05 nginx
1405 www 20 0 142196 31304 820 S 0.0 1.5 0:00.05 nginx
1403 www 20 0 142196 30992 508 S 0.0 1.5 0:00.04 nginx
My machine only has 2GB of memory.
Is there a way to optimize the configuration and reduce the memory consumption?
Not really: see GitLab Requirements for memory
You need at least 8GB of addressable memory (RAM + swap) to install and use GitLab!
The operating system and any other running applications will also be using memory so keep in mind that you need at least 4GB available before running GitLab. With less memory GitLab will give strange errors during the reconfigure run and 500 errors during usage.
We recommend having at least 2GB of swap on your server, even if you currently have enough available RAM. Having swap will help reduce the chance of errors occurring if your available memory changes.
We also recommend configuring the kernel’s swappiness setting to a low value like 10 to make the most of your RAM while still having the swap available when needed.

Spark - Container is running beyond physical memory limits

I have a cluster of two worker nodes.
Worker_Node_1 - 64GB RAM
Worker_Node_2 - 32GB RAM
Background Summery :
I am trying to execute spark-submit on yarn-cluster to run Pregel on a Graph to calculate the shortest path distances from one source vertex to all other vertices and print the values on console.
Experment :
For Small graph with 15 vertices execution completes application final status : SUCCEEDED
My code works perfectly and prints shortest distance for 241 vertices graph for single vertex as source vertex but there is a problem.
Problem :
When I dig into the Log file the task gets complete successfully in 4 mins and 26 Secs but still on the terminal it keeps on showing application status as Running and after approx 12 more minutes task execution terminates saying -
Application application_1447669815913_0002 failed 2 times due to AM Container for appattempt_1447669815913_0002_000002 exited with exitCode: -104 For more detailed output, check application tracking page:
Then, click on links to logs of each attempt.
Diagnostics: Container [pid=47384,containerID=container_1447669815913_0002_02_000001] is running beyond physical memory limits. Current usage: 17.9 GB of 17.5 GB physical memory used; 18.7 GB of 36.8 GB virtual memory used. Killing container.
Dump of the process-tree for container_1447669815913_0002_02_000001 :
|- 47387 47384 47384 47384 (java) 100525 13746 20105633792 4682973 /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle-cloudera/bin/java -server -Xmx16384m -Dspark.eventLog.enabled=true -Dspark.eventLog.dir=hdfs:// -Dspark.executor.memory=14g -Dspark.shuffle.service.enabled=false -Dspark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead=2048 -Dspark.yarn.historyServer.address= -Dspark.driver.extraLibraryPath=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.4.7-1.cdh5.4.7.p0.3/lib/hadoop/lib/native -Dspark.shuffle.service.port=7337 -Dspark.yarn.jar=local:/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.4.7-1.cdh5.4.7.p0.3/lib/spark/lib/spark-assembly.jar -Dspark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer -Dspark.authenticate=false -Dspark.master=yarn-cluster -Dspark.executor.extraLibraryPath=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.4.7-1.cdh5.4.7.p0.3/lib/hadoop/lib/native org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.ApplicationMaster --class com.path.PathFinder --jar file:/home/cloudera/Documents/Longest_Path_Data_1/Jars/ShortestPath_Loop-1.0.jar --arg /home/cloudera/workspace/Spark-Integration/LongestWorstPath/configFile --executor-memory 14336m --executor-cores 32 --num-executors 2
|- 47384 47382 47384 47384 (bash) 2 0 17379328 853 /bin/bash -c LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.4.7-1.cdh5.4.7.p0.3/lib/hadoop/lib/native::/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.4.7-1.cdh5.4.7.p0.3/lib/hadoop/lib/native /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle-cloudera/bin/java -server -Xmx16384m '-Dspark.eventLog.enabled=true' '-Dspark.eventLog.dir=hdfs://' '-Dspark.executor.memory=14g' '-Dspark.shuffle.service.enabled=false' '-Dspark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead=2048' '-Dspark.yarn.historyServer.address=' '-Dspark.driver.extraLibraryPath=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.4.7-1.cdh5.4.7.p0.3/lib/hadoop/lib/native' '-Dspark.shuffle.service.port=7337' '-Dspark.yarn.jar=local:/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.4.7-1.cdh5.4.7.p0.3/lib/spark/lib/spark-assembly.jar' '-Dspark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer' '-Dspark.authenticate=false' '' '-Dspark.master=yarn-cluster' '-Dspark.executor.extraLibraryPath=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.4.7-1.cdh5.4.7.p0.3/lib/hadoop/lib/native' '' org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.ApplicationMaster --class 'com.path.PathFinder' --jar file:/home/cloudera/Documents/Longest_Path_Data_1/Jars/ShortestPath_Loop-1.0.jar --arg '/home/cloudera/workspace/Spark-Integration/LongestWorstPath/configFile' --executor-memory 14336m --executor-cores 32 --num-executors 2 1> /var/log/hadoop-yarn/container/application_1447669815913_0002/container_1447669815913_0002_02_000001/stdout 2> /var/log/hadoop-yarn/container/application_1447669815913_0002/container_1447669815913_0002_02_000001/stderr
Container killed on request. Exit code is 143
Container exited with a non-zero exit code 143
Failing this attempt. Failing the application.
Things I tried :
yarn.schedular.maximum-allocation-mb – 32GB = 2048 (Previously it was 1024)
Tried varying --driver-memory upto 24g
Could you please put more color on to how I can configure the Resource Manager so that Large Size Graphs ( > 300K vertices) can also be processed? Thanks.
Just increase default conf of spark.driver.memory from 512m to 2g solve this error in my case.
You may set the memory to higher if it keeps hitting the same error. Then, you can keep reducing it until it hits the same error so that you know the optimum driver memory to use for your job.
The more data you are processing, the more memory is needed by each Spark task. And if your executor is running too many tasks then it can run out of memory. When I had problems processing large amounts of data, it usually was a result of not properly balancing the number of cores per executor. Try to either reduce the number of cores or increase the executor memory.
One easy way to tell that you are having memory issues is to check the Executor tab on the Spark UI. If you see a lot of red bars indicating high garbage collection time, you are probably running out of memory in your executors.
I slove the error in my case to increase conf of spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead Which stand for off-heap memory
When you increase the amount of driver-memory and executor-memory, do not forget this config item
I have similar problem :
Key error info:
exitCode: -104
'PHYSICAL' memory limit
Application application_1577148289818_10686 failed 2 times due to AM Container for appattempt_1577148289818_10686_000002 exited with **exitCode: -104**
Failing this attempt.Diagnostics: [2019-12-26 09:13:54.392]Container [pid=18968,containerID=container_e96_1577148289818_10686_02_000001] is running 132722688B beyond the **'PHYSICAL' memory limit**. Current usage: 1.6 GB of 1.5 GB physical memory used; 4.6 GB of 3.1 GB virtual memory used. Killing container.
Increase both spark.executor.memory and spark.executor.memoryOverhead didn't take effect .
Then I increase spark.driver.memory solved it.
Spark jobs ask for resources from resource manager in a different way from MapReduce jobs. Try to tune the number of executors and mem/vcore allocated to each executor. Follow

Container is running beyond physical memory. Hadoop Streaming python MR

I am running a Python Script which needs a file (genome.fa) as a dependency(reference) to execute. When I run this command :
hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/tools/lib/had oop-streaming-2.5.1.jar -file ./ -file '../Test_BSMAP/genome.fa' - mapper './ -r -g ' -input /TextLab/sravisha_test/SamFiles/test_sam -output ./outfile
I am getting this Error:
15/01/30 10:48:38 INFO mapreduce.Job: map 0% reduce 0%
15/01/30 10:52:01 INFO mapreduce.Job: Task Idattempt_1422600586708_0001_m_000 009_0, Status : FAILED
Container [pid=22533,containerID=container_1422600586708_0001_01_000017] is running beyond physical memory limits. Current usage: 1.1 GB of 1 GB physical memory used; 2.4 GB of 2.1 GB virtual memory used. Killing container.
I am using Cloudera Manager (Free Edition) .These are my config : = 1
ApplicationMaster Java Maximum Heap Size = 825955249 B = 1GB
mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb = 1 GB = = 825955249 B = 1GB
Java Heap Size of JobHistory Server in Bytes = 397 MB
Can Someone tell me why I am getting this error ??
I think your python script is consuming a lot of memory during the reading of your large input file (clue: genome.fa).
Here is my reason (Ref:, Container is running beyond memory limits,
Container’s Memory Usage = JVM Heap Size + JVM Perm Gen + Native Libraries + Memory used by spawned processes
The last variable 'Memory used by spawned processes' (the Python code) might be the culprit.
Try increasing the mem size of these 2 parameters:
Try increasing the maps spawning at the time of execution ... you can increase no. of mappers by decreasing the split size... mapred.max.split.size ...
It will have overheads but will mitigate the problem ....

Ambari dashboard retrieving no statistics

I have a fresh install of Hortonworks Data Platform 2.2 installed on a small cluster (4 machines) but when I login to the Ambari GUI, the majority of dashboard stats boxes (HDFS disk usage, Network usage, Memory usage etc) are not populated with any statistics, instead they show the message:
No data There was no data available. Possible reasons include inaccessible Ganglia service
Clicking on the HDFS service link gives the following summary:
NameNode Started
SNameNode Started
DataNodes 4/4 DataNodes Live
NameNode Uptime Not Running
NameNode Heap n/a / n/a (0.0% used)
DataNodes Status 4 live / 0 dead / 0 decommissioning
Disk Usage (DFS Used) n/a / n/a (0%)
Disk Usage (Non DFS Used) n/a / n/a (0%)
Disk Usage (Remaining) n/a / n/a (0%)
Blocks (total) n/a
Block Errors n/a corrupt / n/a missing / n/a under replicated
Total Files + Directories n/a
Upgrade Status Upgrade not finalized
Safe Mode Status n/a
The Alerts and Health Checks box to the right of the screen is not displaying any information but if I click on the settings icon this opens the Nagios frontend and again, everything looks healthy here!
The install went smoothly (CentOS 6.5) and everything looks good as far as all services are concerned (all started with green tick next to service name). There are some stats displayed on the dashboard: 4/4 datanodes are live, 1/1 Nodemanages live & 1/1 Supervisors are live. I can write files to HDFS so its looks like it's a Ganglia issue?
The Ganglia daemon seems to be working ok:
ps -ef | grep gmond
nobody 1720 1 0 12:54 ? 00:00:44 /usr/sbin/gmond --conf=/etc/ganglia/hdp/HDPHistoryServer/gmond.core.conf --pid-file=/var/run/ganglia/hdp/HDPHistoryServer/
nobody 1753 1 0 12:54 ? 00:00:44 /usr/sbin/gmond --conf=/etc/ganglia/hdp/HDPFlumeServer/gmond.core.conf --pid-file=/var/run/ganglia/hdp/HDPFlumeServer/
nobody 1790 1 0 12:54 ? 00:00:48 /usr/sbin/gmond --conf=/etc/ganglia/hdp/HDPHBaseMaster/gmond.core.conf --pid-file=/var/run/ganglia/hdp/HDPHBaseMaster/
nobody 1821 1 1 12:54 ? 00:00:57 /usr/sbin/gmond --conf=/etc/ganglia/hdp/HDPKafka/gmond.core.conf --pid-file=/var/run/ganglia/hdp/HDPKafka/
nobody 1850 1 0 12:54 ? 00:00:44 /usr/sbin/gmond --conf=/etc/ganglia/hdp/HDPSupervisor/gmond.core.conf --pid-file=/var/run/ganglia/hdp/HDPSupervisor/
nobody 1879 1 0 12:54 ? 00:00:45 /usr/sbin/gmond --conf=/etc/ganglia/hdp/HDPSlaves/gmond.core.conf --pid-file=/var/run/ganglia/hdp/HDPSlaves/
nobody 1909 1 0 12:54 ? 00:00:48 /usr/sbin/gmond --conf=/etc/ganglia/hdp/HDPResourceManager/gmond.core.conf --pid-file=/var/run/ganglia/hdp/HDPResourceManager/
nobody 1938 1 0 12:54 ? 00:00:50 /usr/sbin/gmond --conf=/etc/ganglia/hdp/HDPNameNode/gmond.core.conf --pid-file=/var/run/ganglia/hdp/HDPNameNode/
nobody 1967 1 0 12:54 ? 00:00:47 /usr/sbin/gmond --conf=/etc/ganglia/hdp/HDPNodeManager/gmond.core.conf --pid-file=/var/run/ganglia/hdp/HDPNodeManager/
nobody 1996 1 0 12:54 ? 00:00:44 /usr/sbin/gmond --conf=/etc/ganglia/hdp/HDPNimbus/gmond.core.conf --pid-file=/var/run/ganglia/hdp/HDPNimbus/
nobody 2028 1 1 12:54 ? 00:00:58 /usr/sbin/gmond --conf=/etc/ganglia/hdp/HDPDataNode/gmond.core.conf --pid-file=/var/run/ganglia/hdp/HDPDataNode/
nobody 2057 1 0 12:54 ? 00:00:51 /usr/sbin/gmond --conf=/etc/ganglia/hdp/HDPHBaseRegionServer/gmond.core.conf --pid-file=/var/run/ganglia/hdp/HDPHBaseRegionServer/
I have checked the Ganglia service on each node, the processes are running as expected
ps -ef | grep gmetad
nobody 2807 1 2 12:55 ? 00:01:59 /usr/sbin/gmetad --conf=/etc/ganglia/hdp/gmetad.conf --pid-file=/var/run/ganglia/hdp/
I have tried restarting Ganglia services with no luck, restarted all services but still the same. Does anyone have any ideas how I get the dashboard to work properly? Thank you.
It turns out to be a proxy issue, to access the internet I had to add my proxy details to the file /var/lib/ambari-server/
export AMBARI_JVM_ARGS=$AMBARI_JVM_ARGS' -Xms512m -Xmx2048m -Dhttp.proxyHost=theproxy -Dhttp.proxyPort=80'
When ganglia was trying to access each node in the cluster the request was going via the proxy and never resolving, to overcome the issue I added my nodes to the exclude list (add the flag -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts) like so:
export AMBARI_JVM_ARGS=$AMBARI_JVM_ARGS' -Xms512m -Xmx2048m -Dhttp.proxyHost=theproxy -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts="localhost|node1.dms|node2.dms|node3.dms|etc"'
After adding the exclude list the stats were retrieved as expected!
