WildFly error while adding user - cmd

I am trying to add a Management User using the add-user.bat. My JAVA-HOME is set to the current JDK. The error I'm getting is this:
Keep in mind, I'm not the most Tech savvy person ever, so even simple suggestions might work

To fix an "Access is Denied" error you should be able to either:
A) Run the command prompt as administrator, then do those steps again, or
B) Edit the file permissions of mgmt-users.properties in the standalone
configuration folder, so that your user (or everyone) can edit the file.


NEAR dev-deploy fails with Error: Can not sign transactions no matching key pair found

Using a freshly created create-near-app I am trying to dev-deploy and getting this error:
Starting deployment. Account id: dev-1635099366550-3101206, node: https://rpc.testnet.near.org, helper: https://helper.testnet.near.org, file: out/main.wasm
An error occured
Error: Can not sign transactions for account dev-1635099366550-3101206 on network testnet, no matching key pair found in InMemorySigner(MergeKeyStore(UnencryptedFileSystemKeyStore(/Users/<username>/.near-credentials), UnencryptedFileSystemKeyStore(/Users/<username>/Documents/Projects/new_test_app/neardev))).
I'm unsure what's causing it or what needs to be done to resolve it. I've checked the /Users/<username>/.near-credentials credentials directory and there is a .json file containing credentials. I tried near clean & rebuilding, ensured I had done near login even tried with sudo thinking it might be a permissions error.
I don't have a reason for the "why" behind this happening, but eventually I tried deleting the dev-1635099366550-3101206.json file in /Users/<username>/.near-credentials (the first dev account it created) and then re-ran near dev-deploy.
This created a new dev account and seemed to work fine. Re-running near dev-deploy after that also seemed to work fine, redeploying the contract to the same account.
I got the same problem and I tried to open the web on another web browser, the problem disappeared.
I clean the browser local storage and import the wallet again, everything works fine.
Use NEAR connected account interface instead.
You can read more at here : https://near.github.io/near-api-js/classes/walletaccount.connectedwalletaccount.html

Seeing blank display when running Shopizer application

I have been able to successfully download, compile, and run Shopizer. Unfortunately, when I attempt to display the home page, I get a blank page. By "blank" I mean that there is nothing on the page, not even undisplayable HTML!
I also attempt to log in as the admin. When I point my browser to the admin page (http://localhost:800/admin) I get the login page but when I enter the username and password (admin and password) the Shopizer throws an exception.
I am running this application in Eclipse, so was able to debug the code. I am finding that the exception from the admin login is caused by a failure of the application to read the username from the database. It attempts to get information from the database when you log in, but the query for information on the admin user returns null and that causes an exception to be thrown.
Apparently, it is getting nothing from the database. I am running this using the default H2 database configuration, and from what I have understood reading some of the information on their forum, the H2 database is run as an embedded database in this application. I also understand that on first running the database is initialized and test data is put in. I have also looked at the database file, it has data in it.
Yet for some reason, Shopizer fails to get user info about the admin user. I suspect that some of the other blank pages I am getting are caused at least partially by a failure to read product and other information, as well.
Does anyone know what is causing this failure to read the database? Has anyone else seen this behavior before? Is there something that needs to be done to enable access (Shopizer's documentation is somewhat incomplete so who knows what else might need to be done to make it work)? Or is there something that needs to be done to make it able to read the database?
Are you able to run the app from the command line first
cd shopizer
./mvnw clean install
./mvnw spring-boot:run
When running from eclipse once you have imported shopizer root project make sure the H2 file resides under sm-shop
Have you tried to configure mysql ?
Yes the schema is created and updated during startup

SQL71501 error building dacpac

I have looked up various answers on here and none has helped me thus far.
I am rebuilding a database project and it is complaining about one particular script:
CREATE USER [doro] FOR LOGIN [doro];
Now there are other scripts under the security folder which are exactly the same with different logins - which it does not complain about.
With this particular user the error is:
SQL71501: User [doro] has an unresolved reference to Login [doro].
I tried following some suggestions and using the "Add New" option to add the login but this made several other errors appear in relation to that login.
I have the master database reference.
Any suggestions appreciated.
Also, does a rebuild sync the dacpac with the original source database or do you have to manually do a compare and update?

Php Utime faile error for Joomla (purity III) template

I installed the Purity-III template for Joomla (3.3.0) on my local machine and I get error message from time to time like in the picture below. 'From time to time' because when I refresh the page with the error message the error is gone (Before installing the temmplate I never got those error messages).
Any idea why this is happening and how to prevent?
(ps: I checked that that the access rights for files and folders are set in the proper way)
It's quite possible that you do not have ownership of the file that is trying to be "touched". This is something that your server administration/hosting provider will have to sort out unless you're comfortable with SSH commands.
Also ensure that all folder are set to chmod 755 and files are 644. To ensure this is the case, you can install an Joomla extension called Admin Tools which allows you to perform a bulk permission change.

Team Explorer Everywhere - Domain user could not be validated

I am using Team Explorer Everywhere command line tool on a mac. I've setup a connection to the TFS and i got my files. Checked them out for editing and i see on another machine they are indeed checked out. Now when i try to check them back in i run
sudo tf checkin MiniOrka.iOS -recursive -comment:Testing -login:myUsernam#myDomain,myPW
But all i get is:
Exception in thread "main" com.microsoft.tfs.core.ws.runtime.exceptions.SOAPFault: >RebuildCallersViews: Connecting Domain User could not be validated. ---> >RebuildCallersViews: Connecting Domain User could not be validated. ---> >RebuildCallersViews: Connecting Domain User could not be validated.
at com.microsoft.tfs.core.ws.runtime.client.SOAP12Service.examineResponseDOMForFault(SOAP12Service.java:127)
at com.microsoft.tfs.core.ws.runtime.client.SOAPService.examineBodyForFault(SOAPService.java:826)
at com.microsoft.tfs.core.ws.runtime.client.SOAPService.executeSOAPRequest(SOAPService.java:454)
at ms.tfs.workitemtracking.clientservices._03._ClientService2Soap12Service.getMetadataEx2(_ClientService2Soap12Service.java:745)
at com.microsoft.tfs.core.clients.workitem.internal.metadata.Metadata.update(Metadata.java:515)
at com.microsoft.tfs.core.clients.workitem.internal.metadata.Metadata.update(Metadata.java:482)
at com.microsoft.tfs.core.clients.workitem.internal.WITContext.(WITContext.java:97)
at com.microsoft.tfs.core.clients.workitem.WorkItemClient.getContext(WorkItemClient.java:359)
at com.microsoft.tfs.core.clients.workitem.WorkItemClient.query(WorkItemClient.java:521)
at com.microsoft.tfs.client.clc.vc.commands.CommandCheckin.checkWorkItems(CommandCheckin.java:354)
at com.microsoft.tfs.client.clc.vc.commands.CommandCheckin.run(CommandCheckin.java:181)
at com.microsoft.tfs.client.clc.Application.run(Application.java:294)
at com.microsoft.tfs.client.clc.Application.run(Application.java:144)
at com.microsoft.tfs.client.clc.vc.Main.main(Main.java:33)
And my files remain checked out. I am a member of the Contributor group (they can add, modify and delete items within the team project).
Anyone know how to fix this?
Try using -login:myUsernam#myDomain and entering the password at the prompt that follows.
