Compression method for file transfers in Android - windows

I am developing an android app, where I require to upload image/video files really quick. What could be the best approach to do the same? I am using windows azure media server.

I researched and went through the entire documentation on Azure yet couldn't find the right solution for the below problems. So, I am elaborating the list of issues and scenarios for your understanding.
Just to add top-up on this issue. Following are the scenarios.
We are uploading the video through app. - Need help is optimising the upload transfer rate by using viable compression.
As of now it is taking approximately 1-2 mins to complete the upload.
Post uploading the Video we crop the video using FFmpeg codecs in our application on VM and then move the video file to Blob Storage.
Followed by that we use the Azure Media SDK to make an asset to encode the cropped video for adaptive streaming and we also create the Progressive Download file for downloading the video which is cropped and has stiched images with it.
Cropped and Unstichhed video is played in the app which is of max length 32 seconds.
This still shows the buffering on the 4G network which is questionable?
Downloadable file which has images stiched with it comes out with noise in the bottom of the video. (Attached image for ref.) Ref. Image. Look at the right botton pixelation.


Downloading embedded video

I have tried to download an embedded video from a website using DownloadHelper extension in google chrome,but the downloaded video shows blank screen for entire 3 hour duration of the video. Tried other video downloaders too same problem,even when screen recording it shows the same thing ,What do you all think might be the problem and possible fix?
screenshot of video

Whether to download a zip of png images and maintain locally (or) download each png image on demand

Our Xamarin forms app supports both Android and IOS. This app uses a lot of png images on each and every screen.
We are looking for a better approach to deal with it. Whether to download a zip of png images and maintain them locally (or) download each png image on demand and cache it. It's ok if the application takes bit more time at the time of login. Could you please suggest.

Enable VideoJS to play .mov

I have set up a wordpress theme called Video Board, the site I am building allows users to upload their videos for comments. Uploading a video from a mobile device is critical, the theme supports mp4 which covers android users, however it does not support .mov. Has anyone come across a way to play .mov in videojs?
The server has ffmpeg installed, however the last plugin I tried needed its own upload page which worked however videos were not captured in the themes latest uploads/popular posts etc.
I know a conversion would be the proper way to do it, but at this point I would even be happy working out a way that when users upload videos through the theme upload page, it doesn't actually convert but just changes the file extension(renames) it to .mp4, as that is all I have been doing to fill out some content.
I am open to all suggestions,
There are tech plugins for video.js, but these will require browser plugins. You're far better off converting the mov files after upload to standard formats, e.g. h264/acc MP4

Faster image upload on mobile

So, for my wordpress mobile site, there is a button to upload an image (either from camera or phone gallery).
However since the size of mobile images are well over 3 MB, it takes too long to upload them.
Is there a way to reduce the image size before the upload even happens? or to speed up the uploading process.
Thank you guys!
Yes, you have some solutions:
Compress image before send; open image in your graphic editor and save as JPEG or PNG with lower quality; file will be <3MB
Upgrade your home internet - upload parameter is important here
Upgrade your server plan - maybe you can have better network connection.
You can't make it faster by changing the code or something.

Is it possible to grab a snapshot from a previously recorded video on Windows Phone 7?

I'd like to know if it's possible to grab snapshots from previously recorded videos. Those videos are recorded in the app itself.
By the way, I'd like to grab the snapshot from a video file saved in IsolatedStorage without having to play the video.
Is it possible? If so, how can I do it?
I am not aware of an official platform feature to do this. However, if the video file is within your app's isolated storage, you might be able to:
Send the video to a server to do the processing
Add codecs/C# code to your app to process the raw MPEG4 frames.
Try using WriteableBitmap to capture a specific frame when using the media element. Since most media is handled in hardware, however, it is possible that the frame will be blank.
I solved the problem by creating the thumbnail while recording the video (captureSource.CaptureImageAsync()). To do that, I used the same instance of the CaptureSource I'm using to record the video.
