Can Dexie syncable be used with an api server vs directly with a database - dexie

I have seen the sample projects on your website for Dexie.Syncable such as sync-server and sync-client and they all seem to write to a datbase directly vs interacting with a web api. I am looking for a little help in where to get started beyond the examples on the website. The api I am trying to write a gateway for is dreamfactory
Also it looks like version 2 beta has had many improvements to Dexie.Syncable

I would recommend to build a new server-project based on either WebSocketSyncServer.js or the github repo of sync-server. However, I cannot give the details on how to call REST APIs instead of working directly towards database or memory. I would suggest using ES2016 async/await since your API calls are asynchronic.
Maybe you could try getting more help on by filing an issue there.


How would I update the title of a YouTube livebroadcast via a Bash script?

I have a YouTube channel that has a number of live broadcasts throughout the week, I am just looking for a way for the Title and Description to be updated via a crontab.
I have see seen the following link.
To be honest I cant make any sense of it.
Any help offered greatly appreciated.
You're in front of a non-trivial API, but that should not discourage you to go ahead with it.
I'd recommend Python as implementation language: go use the Google's APIs Client Library for Python.
Basically, this library is of good quality and (compared to other client libraries) simple to use. It will, for example, insulate you from having to deal explicitly with REST API calls, JSON and the like. Your code will also work under both GNU/Linux and Windows.
You may begin your journey by reading the official getting started docs: Python Quickstart and YouTube Live Streaming API Overview. Then I recommend absorbing these two important documents: Life of a Broadcast and Understanding Broadcasts and Streams.
Then go read, understand and run the following sample program from Google: Of course, you'll have to adapt that code to your use case.
You'll have to exercise patience and perseverance (since I imply that you have no prior experience using the YouTube Data API). Using this API will pay off to you at the end of your (programming) journey.
A special mention: for to be able to call the live streaming APIs you will first need to get acquainted with the things related to the so-called OAuth 2.0 authorization and authentication: Implementing OAuth 2.0 Authentication. There's an official document that you need absorb: OAuth 2.0 for Mobile & Desktop Apps.
A few more references: the live streaming API has an official documentation too. The main site documenting the client library is: Google API Client Library for Python Docs. Its source is public, to be found within the client library's public repo under the directory docs.
Also useful is to see the YouTube Data API's list of all instance methods.

arrowDB - is there a way to move development data to production?

I've built an app using arrowDB for the backend. Is there a simple way to duplicate development data to production?
Seems like an oversight not to be able to do this, have an app going through review process and just realised all our test data won't be accessible
As far as I know, there is no feature like this right now.
You could probably build your own using their REST API. I haven't seen a solution like this built yet but I definitely think it is possible. If I get some free time, I will try to put one together and will post a link here.

Java server with concurrent chunking enabled

I have been playing around with the Java server example:
Its working great with chunking enabled, however I don't believe it supports chunking with the concurrent:enabled feature turned on in the JS client. Is this feature working in the Java server? Is there any plans to get this to work? Additionally, if not, any quick tips as to where to add this feature into the example code? I would be happy to implement this if needed..
Is this feature working in the Java server?
Yes, this is fully functional with any server. The Java example in the server-examples GitHub repository does not have code to handle this for traditional endpoints, but concurrent chunking will work fine without any code changes when uploading to S3 or Azure.
Is there any plans to get this to work?
No plans at the moment to update the traditional endpoint Java server example.
any quick tips as to where to add this feature into the example code?
You can follow the implementation in the Node.js example, along with the concurrent chunking documentation.

How to respond to ajax calls on the server side?

I have been working on a mobile app that sends an ajax call to the server and waits for a response from the server in json format.
I am wondering from the server side, how to respond to an ajax call? Could someone give me an example in code?
I check the server code of my project (written by other members of the team) and could not understand it. I can only see it is written in java and also some keywords such as apache, springframework, etc pop up. I am a total newbie for server side programming and I want to learn more about it. Could someone give me some tips on how to get started with those as well? How does a server work? Is it just like responding to various request? What language could you use to build it and what is Apache? I know this looks like a lot of questions so probably I need to get some basic knowledge first. Any help/tips/suggestions on readings is appreciated.
This is kind of a broad question, as there are a lot of different server-side technologies that can handle server side AJAX requests, but if you want to go the Java route, using Spring Framework makes it very easy.
Spring Framework is a large open-source Enterprise Java framework that has a variety of features which entire books rarely even cover.
(Apache is an open-source project that contains over a hundred different sub-projects, the most popular being a web server.)
Spring does have some specific tools to handle REST calls. Assuming your AJAX is making a REST call (which is what it sounds like), and your project is already using Spring framework, it is fairly straightforward (assuming you already know Java). The Spring framework handles all the hard stuff for you. There are a few different ways to do this using Spring, but check out this link for creating a simple REST service:
Another route would be to look into PHP, which is a server-side scripting language. With PHP, you can handle AJAX requests without the need for an application server (most basic web servers speak PHP). There are plenty of good resources for this, but one of my favorites is
BTW - the TutorialsPoint site is great for Java and Spring as well

Google Visualization API

I want a real and honest opinion what do you think of Google Visualization API?
Is it reliable to use becasue when i was reading the documentation i noticed that there are alot of issues and defects to overcome and can i use it to retrieve data from mysql database.
Thank you.
I am currently evaluating it. As compared to other javascript data visualization frameworks, i think it has a lot going for it:
dynamic loading is built-in
diverse, many things to choose from.
looks really great!
framework mostly takes care of picking whatever implementation fits the current browser
service based, you don't need to download anything in advance
unified data source: just create one data table, and have multiple visalizations draw from that data.
As a disadvantage, I'd like to mention security. I mean, because it's all service based, it is not so transparent what happens when you pass data into these API calls. And as far as I know, the API is free, but not open source, so I can't really check what is going on behind the covers.
I think the Google visualization API really shines if you want to very quickly whip up a visualization gadget for use in a blog or so, and you are not interested in deploying all kinds of plugins and libraries (for eaxmple, with jQuery based frameworks, you need may need to manage multitple javascript libraries that work together to deliver the goods). If on the other hand you are creating an application that you want to sell, you might want to keep more control over what components you are using, and I would probably consider using something like Flot
But like I said, I am only evaluation atm, I am not using this in production.
Works really great for me. Can be customized fairly easily. Haven't seen any scaling issues. No data is exposed so security should not be an issue. - Arunabh Das
One point I want to add here is that, Google Visualization API cannot be downloaded, its not available for offline usage. So application which is going to use it must be always connected to internet, otherwise I think it wont be able to render charts. Due
to this limitation, this API cannot be used in some applications for which internet connection is not available.
I am currently working on a web based application that will have the Google Visualization API added to it and from the perspective of a developer the Google Visualization API is very limited in what you can do with each individual Chart and if I had a choice I would probably look at dojox charting just because of the extra flexibility that the framework gives you.
If you are doing any kind of large web application that will use charting extensively then I would not recommend the Google Visualizations API it does not have enough flexibility for a large web application.
I am using Google Visualization API and I want to stress that they still won't let you download it, which means if their servers are down, your app will be down if you depend on it. I have been using it for about 4 months, and they have crashed once me once so I'd say they pretty reliable and their documentation is really nice.
