Where does if look for files in BASH - bash

I'm wondering how to control where my if statements find files.
The code if [ -e filename ] should find a file, but where is it looking?
I have the following code I'm having trouble with:
#create a new file
echo "Enter the customer data"
read -p "Email:" cemail
read -p "Name:" cname
read -p "Apt:" capt
read -p "Monthly Rent:" crent
read -p "Rent Due Date:" cdatedue
echo "$cemail"
#if its already a file then error
if [ -e "$cemail" ]
echo "Error: customer already exists"
exit 1
echo "ok"
when I type in a filename that does exist it still isn't finding it. Our programs are in the
:~/courses/cs3423/2017Fa/Proj1 folder and the files we are searching against are in the
:~/courses/cs3423/2017Fa/Proj1/Data folder. And this is how the program has to be set up as well. How can I manipulate the if to function correctly, or do I need to use something else? Thanks.


How to get a list of subdirectories from a file and then create those subdirectories in a directory?

When a user inputs a name, there should be a new directory that gets created under that name.
In addition to that, the script needs to consult a file structure1.txt which is found in /etc/scriptbuilder/str1.
In this file, it will list two subdirectories (one on each line), the script is then supposed to create these two subdirectories in the new directory the user just made and named.
So how can the script then create each of the subdirectories that are listed in this text file?
I'm completely lost on that part.
This is my code so far:
echo "Enter the project name "
read name
echo $name
if [ ! -d $name ] then
mkdir $name
echo "The project name you entered already exists"
cp /etc/scriptbuilder/str1/structure1.txt /$name
#I know this is wrong
because this would just copy the file over to the new directory but not actually
make the two subdirectories that are on the file onto the new directory
The bash command that you are looking for is read.
Also the syntax for your if [ ! -d "$name" ] should have a semicolon.
The else would typically have an exit 1 (or some such value).
Typical bash code gets input from the command line, but what you want is fine.
For testing purposes, I inserted a ~ (tilde), which references your home directory.
The script should look something like:
read -p "Enter the project name " name
echo "$name"
if [ ! -d ~/"$name" ]; then
mkdir ~/"$name"
echo "The project name you entered already exists"
exit 1
while read -r line; do
mkdir ~/"$name/$line"
done < "$filename"
You can clean up the formatting.

How do I combine an "if" and a "while loop" statement together?

New to shell scripting and I want to test to see if the variables I created are valid directories and if not send the user into a while loop to enter the directory and only allow exit when a valid directory is entered.
So far this is what my script looks like:
mkdir /#HOME/$source_dir
mkdir /#HOME$dest_dir
if [ -d "$source_dir" ]
echo "$source_dir is a valid directory"
while [[ ! -d "$source_dir" ]]
echo "Please enter a valid directory"
read source_dir
Is there any way to combine these into a single statement?
The while code will never execute if the directory is valid. Therefore just move the echo "$source_dir is a valid directory" after the loop:
mkdir "$HOME/$source_dir"
mkdir "$HOME/$dest_dir"
until [[ -d "$source_dir" ]]
read -p "Please enter a valid directory" source_dir
echo "$source_dir is a valid directory"
a few code typos were fixed, e.g. /#HOME$dest_dir should be "$HOME/$dest_dir".
any while ! can be shortened to until.
The above code lacks a few things:
It tries create a new dir, then if that fails, has the user enter an already existing directory. It might be better to let the user create a new directory, but only if it doesn't already exist.
It would be better to check if $dest_dir exists.
Here's a more thorough approach using a shell function:
untilmkdir ()
until mkdir "$d" ; do
read -p "Please enter a valid directory: " d
[ -d "$d" ] && break
echo "$d is a valid directory" 1>&2
echo "$d"
source_dir=$(untilmkdir "$HOME/$1")
dest_dir=$(untilmkdir "$HOME/$2")
The prompts in untilmkdir are printed to stderr.
The name of whatever directory untilmkdir creates is printed to stdout.
Having untilmkdir print to both stderr and stdout allows storing the successfully created name to a variable.

Bash - Read response to copy files or directory

I'm trying to write a shell script to copy a file based on user response. An example of what I am trying to do:
echo "What is the name of the user?: "
cp /home/$RESPONSE/file.txt /home/$RESPONSE/backup/file_backup.txt
However, my copy command doesn't seem to be accepting the read variable correctly.
What am I doing wrong?
I figured out the issue. I had some commands in between and then had a second read RESPONSE command that was not required. In other words, as an example, I had this:
echo "What is the name of the user?: "
rsync -a /home/$RESPONSE /backup
cp /home/$RESPONSE/file.txt /home/$RESPONSE/backup/file_backup.txt
Also,#GeorgeVasiliou had it right, I needed to also include it in quotes. So what works is:
echo "What is the name of the user?: "
read response
rsync -a "/home/$response/" /backup
cp "/home/$response/file.txt" "/home/$response/backup/file_backup.txt"
The following code achieves what you want. It also checks to see if the user exists, and if the user has created a /backup/ folder before attempting to save the file (if user doesn't exist, then /home/user/... should also not exist and the script would fail).
echo "What is the name of the user?: "
read response
checkuser1="$(getent passwd | cut -d: -f1 | grep -si "$response")"
if [ -z "$checkuser1" ]; then echo "No user with this name has been located!"; exit; fi
if [ ! -d /home/"$response"/backup/ ]; then echo "This user has not created the /home/"$response"/backup/ folder yet!"; exit; fi
cp /home/"$response"/file.txt /home/"$response"/backup/file_backup.txt
Edit: the code above was edited to add a few improvements.

Bash script - Nested If Statement for If File Doesn't Exist

I'm trying to compile a script that will read user input, and check if the file after the y/n statement. Then it will make files executable. I think the problem with my script is conditional ordering but check it out yourself:
cd $target
read -p "This will make the command executable. Are you sure? (y/n)" CONT
if [ "$CONT" == "y" ];
chmod +x $1
echo "File $1 is now executable."
if [ "$(ls -A /home/user/bin/)" ];
echo "File not found."
echo "Terminating..."
As I said, I need the script to scan for the file after the y/n statement is printed. The script works fine how it is but still gives the "file is now executable" even if the argument file doesn't exist (but just gives the standard system "cannot find file" message after the echo'd text).
Your script is mostly correct, you just need to check if the file exists first. Also, it's not the best practice to use cd in shell scripts and not needed here.
So re-writing it
if [[ ! -f $target ]]; then
echo "File not found."
read -p "This will make the command executable. Are you sure? (y/n) " CONT
if [[ $CONT == "y" ]]; then
chmod +x "$target"
echo "File $1 is now executable."
echo "Terminating..."
To get an understanding:
Your script will take one argument (a name of a file).
You ask if you want to make that file executable.
If the answer is 'yes', you make the file executable.
Otherwise, you don't.
You want to verify that the file exists too?
I'm trying to understand your logic. What does this:
if [ "$(ls -A /home/user/bin/)" ];
suppose to do. The [ ... ] syntax is a test. And, it has to be one of the valid tests you see here. For example, There's a test:
-e file: True if file exists.
That mean, I can see if your file is under /home/user/bin:
if [ -e "$target/$file" ] # The "-e" test for existence
echo "Hey! $file exists in the $target directory. I can make it executable."
echo "Sorry, $file is not in the $target directory. Can't touch it."
Your $(ls -A /home/user/bin/) will produce a file listing. It's not a valid test like -e unless it just so happens that the first file in your listing is something like -e or -d.
Try to clarify what you want to do. I think this is something more along the lines you want:
#! /bin/bash
if [ -z "$1" ] # Did the user give you a parameter
echo "No file name given"
exit 2
# File given, see if it exists in $target directory
if [ ! -e "$target/$1" ]
echo "File '$target/$1' does not exist."
exit 2
# File was given and exists in the $target directory
read -p"Do you want $target/$1 to be executable? (y/n)" continue
if [ "y" = "$continue" ]
chmod +x "$target/$1"
Note how I'm using the testing, and if the testing fails, I simply exit the program. This way, I don't have to keep embedding if/then statements in if/then statements.

Bash: If statement nested in for loop

I am writing a simple script to check if an entered directory path exists. This is what I have
echo "Please specify complete directory path"
read file_path
for file in $file_path; do
if [[ -d "$file" ]]; then
echo "$file is a directory"
echo "$file is not a directory, please try again."
What I need is if it is not a directory to go back and ask for the file path again.
How about this?
echo "Please specify complete directory path"
while read file; do
if [[ -d "$file" ]]; then
echo "$file is a directory"
echo "$file is not a directory, please try again."
No need to split the path into its parts, testing the entire path with -d will tell you whether or not it is a directory. You need to put the entire test into a while loop until the user gets it right:
set -e
while [ ! -d "$file_path" ]
echo "Please specify complete directory path"
read file_path
if [ ! -d "$file_path" ]
echo "$file_path is not a directory, please try again."
I can use it like this
$ sh /tmp/test.sh
Please specify complete directory path
foobar is not a directory, please try again.
Please specify complete directory path
