I'm recently exploring Go and how goroutines work confuse me.
I tried to port code I had written before into Go using goroutines but got a fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock! error.
What I'm trying to do is use goroutines to process items in a list, then gather the processed values into a new list. But I'm having problems in the "gathering" part.
sampleChan := make(chan sample)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Read from contents list
for i, line := range contents {
// Process each item with a goroutine and send output to sampleChan
go newSample(line, *replicatePtr, *timePtr, sampleChan, &wg)
// Read from sampleChan and put into a slice
var sampleList []sample
for s := range sampleChan {
sampleList = append(sampleList, s)
What's the right way to gather results from goroutines?
I know slices are not threadsafe so I can't have each goroutine just append to the slice.
Your code is almost correct. There's a couple of problems: first, you're waiting for all the workers to finish before collecting the results, and second your for loop terminates when the channel is closed, but the channel is closed only after the for loop terminates.
You can fix the code by asynchronously closing the channel when the workers are finished:
for i, line := range contents {
// Process each item with a goroutine and send output to sampleChan
go newSample(line, *replicatePtr, *timePtr, sampleChan, &wg)
go func() {
for s := range sampleChan {
As a note of style (and following https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/CodeReviewComments#synchronous-functions), it'd be preferable if newSample was a simple, synchronous function that didn't take the waitgroup and channel, and simply generated its result. Then the worker code would look like:
for i, line := range contents {
go func(line string) {
defer wg.Done()
sampleChan <- newSample(line, *replicatePtr, *timePtr)
This keeps your concurrency primitives all together, which apart from simplifiying newSample and making it easier to test, it allows you to see what's going on with the concurrency, and visually check that wg.Done() is always called. And if you want to refactor the code to for example use a fixed number of workers, then your changes will all be local.
There are two problems
Using unbuffered channels: Unbuffered channels block receivers until data is available on the channel and senders until a receiver is available.That caused the error
Not closing the channel before range: As you never close the ch channel, the range loop will never finish.
You have to use a buffered channel and close the channel before range
package main
import (
func double(line int, ch chan int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
ch <- line * 2
func main() {
contents := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
sampleChan := make(chan int,len(contents))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Read from contents list
for _, line := range contents {
go double(line, sampleChan, &wg)
// Read from sampleChan and put into a slice
var sampleList []int
for s := range sampleChan {
sampleList = append(sampleList, s)
Play link : https://play.golang.org/p/k03vt3hd3P
Another approach for better performance would be to run producer and consumer at concurrently
Modified code
package main
import (
func doubleLines(lines []int, wg *sync.WaitGroup, sampleChan chan int) {
defer wg.Done()
defer close(sampleChan)
var w sync.WaitGroup
for _, line := range lines {
go double(&w, line, sampleChan)
func double(wg *sync.WaitGroup, line int, ch chan int) {
defer wg.Done()
ch <- line * 2
func collectResult(wg *sync.WaitGroup, channel chan int, sampleList *[]int) {
defer wg.Done()
for s := range channel {
*sampleList = append(*sampleList, s)
func main() {
contents := []int{0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19}
sampleChan := make(chan int, 1)
var sampleList []int
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go doubleLines(contents, &wg, sampleChan)
go collectResult(&wg, sampleChan, &sampleList)
play link: https://play.golang.org/p/VAe7Qll3iVM
Suppose there are a maximum two elements (worker addresses) on registerChan at any point. Then for some reason, the following code does not call wg.Done() in the last two goroutines.
func schedule(jobName string, mapFiles []string, nReduce int, phase jobPhase, registerChan chan string) {
var ntasks int
var nOther int // number of inputs (for reduce) or outputs (for map)
switch phase {
case mapPhase:
ntasks = len(mapFiles)
nOther = nReduce
case reducePhase:
ntasks = nReduce
nOther = len(mapFiles)
fmt.Printf("Schedule: %v %v tasks (%d I/Os)\n", ntasks, phase, nOther)
const rpcname = "Worker.DoTask"
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for taskNumber := 0; taskNumber < ntasks; taskNumber++ {
file := mapFiles[taskNumber%len(mapFiles)]
taskArgs := DoTaskArgs{jobName, file, phase, taskNumber, nOther}
go func(taskArgs DoTaskArgs) {
workerAddr := <-registerChan
// _ = call(workerAddr, rpcname, taskArgs, nil)
registerChan <- workerAddr
fmt.Printf("Schedule: %v done\n", phase)
If I put wg.Done() before registerChan <- workerAddr it works just fine and I have no idea why. I have also tried deferring wg.Done() but that doesn't seem to work even though I expected it to. I think I have some misunderstanding of how go routines and channels work which is causing my confusion.
Because it stopped here:
workerAddr := <-registerChan
For a buffered channel:
To get this workerAddr := <-registerChan to work: the channel registerChan must have a value; otherwise, the code will stop here waiting for the channel.
I managed to run your code this way (try this):
package main
import (
func main() {
registerChan := make(chan int, 1)
for i := 1; i <= 10; i++ {
go fn(i, registerChan)
registerChan <- 0 // seed
func fn(taskArgs int, registerChan chan int) {
workerAddr := <-registerChan
workerAddr += taskArgs
registerChan <- workerAddr
var wg sync.WaitGroup
This code adds 1 to 10 using a channel and 10 goroutines plus one main goroutine.
I hope this helps.
When you run this statement registerChan <- workerAddr, if the channel capacity is full you cannot add in it and it will block. If you have a pool of, say 10, workerAddr, you could add all of them in a buffered channel of capacity 10 before calling schedule. Do not add after the call, to guarantee that if you take a value from the channel, there is space to add it again after. Using defer at the beginning of your goroutine is good.
I am prototyping a series of go routines for a pipeline that each perform a transformation. The routines are terminating before all the data has passed through.
I have checked Donavan and Kernighan book and Googled for solutions.
Here is my code:
package main
import (
func main() {
a1 := []string{"apple", "apricot"}
chan1 := make(chan string)
chan2 := make(chan string)
chan3 := make(chan string)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go Pipe1(chan2, chan1, &wg)
go Pipe2(chan3, chan2, &wg)
go Pipe3(chan3, &wg)
func (data []string) {
defer wg.Done()
for _, s := range data {
chan1 <- s
go func() {
func Pipe1(out chan<- string, in <-chan string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for s := range in {
out <- s + "s are"
func Pipe2(out chan<- string, in <-chan string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for s := range in {
out <- s + " good for you"
func Pipe3(in <-chan string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for s := range in {
My expected output is:
apples are good for you
apricots are good for you
The results of running main are inconsistent. Sometimes I get both lines. Sometimes I just get the apples. Sometimes nothing is output.
As Adrian already pointed out, your WaitGroup.Add and WaitGroup.Done calls are mismatched. However, in cases like this the "I am done" signal is typically given by closing the output channel. WaitGroups are only necessary if work is shared between several goroutines (i.e. several goroutines consume the same channel), which isn't the case here.
package main
import (
func main() {
a1 := []string{"apple", "apricot"}
chan1 := make(chan string)
chan2 := make(chan string)
chan3 := make(chan string)
go func() {
for _, s := range a1 {
chan1 <- s
go Pipe1(chan2, chan1)
go Pipe2(chan3, chan2)
// This range loop terminates when chan3 is closed, which Pipe2 does after
// chan2 is closed, which Pipe1 does after chan1 is closed, which the
// anonymous goroutine above does after it sent all values.
for s := range chan3 {
func Pipe1(out chan<- string, in <-chan string) {
for s := range in {
out <- s + "s are"
close(out) // let caller know that we're done
func Pipe2(out chan<- string, in <-chan string) {
for s := range in {
out <- s + " good for you"
close(out) // let caller know that we're done
Try it on the playground: https://play.golang.org/p/d2J4APjs_lL
You're calling wg.Wait in a goroutine, so main is allowed to return (and therefore your program exits) before the other routines have finished. This would cause the behavior your see, but taking out of a goroutine alone isn't enough.
You're also misusing the WaitGroup in general; your Add and Done calls don't relate to one another, and you don't have as many Dones as you have Adds, so the WaitGroup will never finish. If you're calling Add in a loop, then every loop iteration must also result in a Done call; as you have it now, you defer wg.Done() before each of your loops, then call Add inside the loop, resulting in one Done and many Adds. This code would need to be significantly revised to work as intended.
I've been trying to solve this simple problem I encountered in Golang concurrency. I've been searching all possible solutions, but found nothing specific to my problem(or I might be missed one). Here's my code:
package main
import (
func producer(ch chan int, d time.Duration, num int) {
for i:=0; i<num; i++ {
ch <- i
func main() {
ch := make(chan int)
go producer(ch, 100*time.Millisecond, 2)
go producer(ch, 200*time.Millisecond, 5)
for {
It prints error:
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
goroutine 1 [chan receive]:
D:/Code/go/src/testconcurrency/main.go:23 +0xca
exit status 2
What is the efficient way to avoid this error?, Thank you.
You have producers which are "short-lived", they only send values on the channel for a finite amount of time, and you have an endless for loop which receives values from the channel endlessly, without a termination condition, and the channel is only closed after this endless loop. Once the producers stop sending values, it's a deadlock.
Channels must be closed by the producer(s), signalling that no more values will be sent on it. Since you have multiple producers without synchronization (producers are not synchronized with each other), in general you can't tell which one will finish first, so you can't designate one to close the channel (and a channel can only be closed once, see Why Go's channel can close twice?; and Closing channel of unknown length).
You have to "coordinate" the producers, and when all have finished their jobs, the coordinator should close the channel.
And the consumer should use a for range on the channel, as the for range construct receives all values from the channel that were sent on it before it was closed, then it terminates automatically.
For the coordination it is recommended to use sync.WaitGroup. Whether you use a global one in this case or a local one and you pass it to producers is up to you. Using a local will make the solution more general and easier to extend. One thing to note is that you must pass a pointer to sync.WaitGroup. Whenever you spin up a new producer, increment the waitgroup using WaitGroup.Add(). When a producer is done, it can signal this using WaitGroup.Done(), preferably using defer (so it runs no matter what, mitigating the deadlock in case of abnormal circumstances). And the controller can wait for all producers to finish using WaitGroup.Wait().
Here's a complete solution:
func producer(ch chan int, d time.Duration, num int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
ch <- i
func main() {
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
ch := make(chan int)
go producer(ch, 100*time.Millisecond, 2, wg)
go producer(ch, 200*time.Millisecond, 5, wg)
go func() {
for v := range ch {
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
See related question: Prevent the main() function from terminating before goroutines finish in Golang
This problem can be solved in an elegant way using two wait groups. By closing channel ch we signal to the consumers that there is no more data.
The solutions scales well with more consumers.
package main
import (
func producer(ch chan<- int, d time.Duration, num int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
ch <- i
func consumer(ch <-chan int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for x := range ch {
func main() {
ch := make(chan int)
producers := &sync.WaitGroup{}
consumers := &sync.WaitGroup{}
go producer(ch, 100*time.Millisecond, 2, producers)
go producer(ch, 200*time.Millisecond, 5, producers)
go consumer(ch, consumers)
The problem is that <-ch is blocking, so if you don't add any new values to the channel it will block forever. One way is to replace it with a switch select which is also blocking but allows to listen on multiple channels. You would also have to add an exit channel. In your example, as soon as the exit channel received two values we can break. The break statement needs a label because we wanna exit from the switch and the for loop.
Another way is to have multiple input channels and close them as soon as they are finished sending. For this, each goroutine needs it's own channel, otherwise we will exit when the first goroutine is finished.
A third option is to create a merge function which merges multiple channels into one. This allows for moving the creation of the channels into the producers, so they are created, filled and closed in one location. The merge function is relatively complex but it's removed from the business logic code and can separately be understood and tested. the main code is then reduced to just:
ch1 := producer(100*time.Millisecond, 2)
ch2 := producer(200*time.Millisecond, 5)
for i := range merge(ch1, ch2) {
merge func is from https://blog.golang.org/pipelines
You need to synchronize all the asynchronous process in your goroutines. Your main thread and the goroutine threads are not synchronous process. Your main thread will never knew when to stop invoking channel from goroutines. Since your main thread loop over the channel, it always invoke the value from channel, and when the goroutines finished and the channel stop sending value, your main thread cannot get anymore value from the channel, hence the condition become deadlock. To avoid this use sync.WaitGroup to synchronize the asynchronous process.
Here's the code:
package main
import (
func producer(ch chan int, d time.Duration, num int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
for i:=0; i<num; i++ {
ch <- i;
defer wg.Done();
func main() {
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
ch := make(chan int);
go producer(ch, 100*time.Millisecond, 2, wg);
go producer(ch, 200*time.Millisecond, 5, wg);
go func() {
// print the outputs
for i:= range ch {
Hope it helps.
Since my solution looks a little similar to already answered, I change it to my original answer before modification to suit OP question.
Here's the code:
package main
import (
// producer produce values tobe sent to consumer
func producer(ch chan int, d time.Duration, num int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done();
for i:=0; i<num; i++ {
ch <- i;
// consumer consume all values from producers
func consumer(ch chan int, out chan int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done();
for i:= range ch {
out <- i
// synchronizer synchronize all goroutines to avoid deadlocks
func synchronizer(ch chan int, out chan int, wgp *sync.WaitGroup, wgc *sync.WaitGroup) {
func main() {
wgp := &sync.WaitGroup{}
wgc := &sync.WaitGroup{}
ch := make(chan int);
out := make(chan int);
go producer(ch, 100*time.Millisecond, 2, wgp);
go producer(ch, 200*time.Millisecond, 5, wgp);
go consumer(ch, out, wgc)
go synchronizer(ch, out, wgp, wgc)
// print the outputs
for i:= range out {
Using consumer goroutine to fan-in all input from multiple goroutines and read all values from the consumer goroutine.
Hope it helps.
Simpler answer- one of the producers needs to close the channel, and the consumer can just range over the channel.
package main
import (
func producer(ch chan int, d time.Duration, num int, closer bool) {
for i:=0; i<num; i++ {
ch <- i
if closer {
func main() {
ch := make(chan int)
go producer(ch, 100*time.Millisecond, 2, false)
go producer(ch, 200*time.Millisecond, 5, true)
for i := range ch {
Of course, unless you have a situation where you know which producer will always finish last, you would not want to do this in real code. Better designs are in the WaitGroup-based patterns in the other answers. But this is the simplest way for this code to avoid deadlock.
Sorry about the noob question but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the concurrency part of go. Basically this program below is a simplified version of a larger one I'm writing, thus I want to keep the structure similar to below.
Basically instead of waiting 4 seconds I want to run addCount(..) concurrent using the unbuffered channel and when all elements in the int_slice has been processed I want to do another operation on them. However this program ends with a "panic: close of closed channel" and if I remove the closing of the channel I'm getting the output I'm expecting but it panics with: "fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock"
How can I implement the concurrency part correctly in this scenario?
Thanks in advance!
package main
import (
func addCount(num int, counter chan<- int) {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
counter <- num * 2
func main() {
counter := make(chan int)
int_slice := []int{2, 4}
for _, item := range int_slice {
go addCount(item, counter)
for item := range counter {
Here are the issues I spotted in the code, and below a working version based on your implementation.
If a goroutine tries to write to an "unbuffered" channel, it will block until someone reads from it. Since you are not reading until they finish writing to the channel, you have a deadlock there.
Closing the channel while they are blocked breaks the deadlock, but gives an error since they now can't write to a closed channel.
Solution involves:
Creating a buffered channel so that they can write without blocking.
Using a sync.WaitGroup so that you wait for the goroutines to finish before closing the channel.
Reading from the channel at the end, when all is done.
See here, with comments:
package main
import (
func addCount(num int, counter chan<- int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
// clear one from the sync group
defer wg.Done()
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
counter <- num * 2
func main() {
int_slice := []int{2, 4}
// make the slice buffered using the slice size, so that they can write without blocking
counter := make(chan int, len(int_slice))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, item := range int_slice {
// add one to the sync group, to mark we should wait for one more
go addCount(item, counter, &wg)
// wait for all goroutines to end
// close the channel so that we not longer expect writes to it
// read remaining values in the channel
for item := range counter {
For the sake of having examples here's a slightly modified version of what #eugenioy submitted. It allows for the use of an unbuffered channel and the reading of values as they come in instead of at the end like a regular for loop.
package main
import (
func addCount(num int, counter chan<- int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
// clear one from the sync group
defer wg.Done()
// not needed, unless you wanted to slow down the output
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
counter <- num * 2
func main() {
// variable names don't have underscores in Go
intSlice := []int{2, 4}
counter := make(chan int)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, item := range intSlice {
// add one to the sync group, to mark we should wait for one more
go addCount(item, counter, &wg)
// by wrapping wait and close in a go routine I can start reading the channel before its done, I also don't need to know the size of the
// slice
go func() {
for item := range counter {
package main
import (
func addCount(num int, counter chan <- int) {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
counter <- num * 2
func main() {
counter := make(chan int)
int_slice := []int{2, 4}
for _, item := range int_slice {
go addCount(item, counter)
I have some issues with the following code:
package main
import (
// This program should go to 11, but sometimes it only prints 1 to 10.
func main() {
ch := make(chan int)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go Print(ch, wg) //
go func(){
for i := 1; i <= 11; i++ {
ch <- i
defer wg.Done()
wg.Wait() //deadlock here
// Print prints all numbers sent on the channel.
// The function returns when the channel is closed.
func Print(ch <-chan int, wg sync.WaitGroup) {
for n := range ch { // reads from channel until it's closed
defer wg.Done()
I get a deadlock at the specified place. I have tried setting wg.Add(1) instead of 2 and it solves my problem. My belief is that I'm not successfully sending the channel as an argument to the Printer function. Is there a way to do that? Otherwise, a solution to my problem is replacing the go Print(ch, wg)line with:
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
and changing the Printer function to:
func Print(ch <-chan int) {
for n := range ch { // reads from channel until it's closed
What is the best solution?
Well, first your actual error is that you're giving the Print method a copy of the sync.WaitGroup, so it doesn't call the Done() method on the one you're Wait()ing on.
Try this instead:
package main
import (
func main() {
ch := make(chan int)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go Print(ch, &wg)
go func() {
for i := 1; i <= 11; i++ {
ch <- i
defer wg.Done()
wg.Wait() //deadlock here
func Print(ch <-chan int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
for n := range ch { // reads from channel until it's closed
defer wg.Done()
Now, changing your Print method to remove the WaitGroup of it is a generally good idea: the method doesn't need to know something is waiting for it to finish its job.
I agree with #Elwinar's solution, that the main problem in your code caused by passing a copy of your Waitgroup to the Print function.
This means the wg.Done() is operated on a copy of wg you defined in the main. Therefore, wg in the main could not get decreased, and thus a deadlock happens when you wg.Wait() in main.
Since you are also asking about the best practice, I could give you some suggestions of my own:
Don't remove defer wg.Done() in Print. Since your goroutine in main is a sender, and print is a receiver, removing wg.Done() in receiver routine will cause an unfinished receiver. This is because only your sender is synced with your main, so after your sender is done, your main is done, but it's possible that the receiver is still working. My point is: don't leave some dangling goroutines around after your main routine is finished. Close them or wait for them.
Remember to do panic recovery everywhere, especially anonymous goroutine. I have seen a lot of golang programmers forgetting to put panic recovery in goroutines, even if they remember to put recover in normal functions. It's critical when you want your code to behave correctly or at least gracefully when something unexpected happened.
Use defer before every critical calls, like sync related calls, at the beginning since you don't know where the code could break. Let's say you removed defer before wg.Done(), and a panic occurrs in your anonymous goroutine in your example. If you don't have panic recover, it will panic. But what happens if you have a panic recover? Everything's fine now? No. You will get deadlock at wg.Wait() since your wg.Done() gets skipped because of panic! However, by using defer, this wg.Done() will be executed at the end, even if panic happened. Also, defer before close is important too, since its result also affects the communication.
So here is the code modified according to the points I mentioned above:
package main
import (
func main() {
ch := make(chan int)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go Print(ch, &wg)
go func() {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
println("panic:" + r.(string))
defer func() {
for i := 1; i <= 11; i++ {
ch <- i
if i == 7 {
println("sender done")
func Print(ch <-chan int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
println("panic:" + r.(string))
defer wg.Done()
for n := range ch {
println("print done")
Hope it helps :)