Webpack mix, Vue - output files on cdn subdomain - laravel

I am struggling with webpack. I want to have the compiled files in public-cdn folder. However, the following code creates files in several different locations. Including E:\cdn. Chunks, app.js, css files - everything in different location.
main folder: www/Project
laravel public: www/Project/public
cdn folder: www/Project/public-cdn
output : {
path : '/public-cdn/',
publicPath : 'http://cdn.ywg.localhost/',
chunkFilename : 'js/[name].js'
mix.sass('resources/assets/sass/styles.scss', '../public-cdn/css')
.options({processCssUrls: false
mix.sass('resources/assets/sass/invoice.scss', '../public-cdn/css')
.options({processCssUrls: false
mix.js('resources/assets/js/frontApps.js', '../public-cdn/js')
I tried experimenting with Path and PublicPath parameters. PublicPath doesn't seem to work at all.

After some more experimenting, I think I found a solution. The issue might be caused by laravel mix which set's the "public" folder.
I added:
and it seems to be working well now.


vue.config.js to (laravel) webpack.mix.js

I started using Vue using the Vue CLI template. In that template you create a file called 'vue.config.js' to define some settings. More to find here: https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/css.html#css-modules
I had a settings for an global css/sass file so all my components could access the variables (the file only contains vars).
module.exports = {
// So we can use the template syntages in vue components (correct me if am wrong)
runtimeCompiler: true,
// CSS settings
css: {
loaderOptions: {
sass: {
// Load in global SASS file that we can use in any vue component and any sass file
data: `
#import "#/assets/css/variables.scss";
Now I am working on another project. This time I use laravel and vue in one app. Laravel makes Vue works with webpack and webpack.mix.js.
Now here is where I get stuck. I can't create a config so the global css file with the variables can be recognises in the vue "one file components" I can't find any solution on the internet or my own experience to make this work.
Anyone experience with this?
Laravel mix has a shortcut to "indicate a file to include in every component styles" (look for globalVueStyles in the option available). So simply add the code below to the webpack.mix.js file at project root.
globalVueStyles: `resources/assets/css/variables.scss`
And install the dependency sass-resources-loader
npm install --save-dev sass-resources-loader
It works only as relative path. Also, the docs say that this option only works when extractVueStyles is enabled, however it was not needed for me.
To have more control over "vue-loader" you can use the undocumented function mix.override
mix.override(webpackConfig => {
// iterate and modify webpackConfig.module.rules array

Laravel-mix Webpack Public Path

So I am using Laravel-Mix and have set up code splitting in Webpack. I am using a dynamic import for my Vue components like this.
Vue.component('UserMenu', () => import('./components/UserMenu.vue'));
Since I am also using Babel, I have the syntax-dynamic-import plugin loading from my .babelrc file in the project root.
This is all working fine, and Webpack is properly splitting the code on build. However, the problem is, it is putting the chunks in the public root rather than in public/js
If in my webpack.mix.js I do...
mix.js('resources/assets/js/app.js', 'public/js');
...then the mix properly places the built file in the /js directory.
But in order to chunk the files, if in webpack.mix.js I do...
entry: {
app: './resources/assets/js/app.js',
output: {
filename: '[name].js',
publicPath: 'public/js',
...all the chunks get put in the public root no matter what I assign to the publicPath property.
Any idea what am I missing here?
Try to set public path using mix.setPublicPath('public/build') method.
just change the chunk path in webpack.mix.js under your laravel root folder,
output: {
chunkFilename: 'js/chunks/[name].js',
also note that the laravel way of changing main js location is using mix.js function
mix.js('resources/assets/js/app.js', 'public/js/main')

Laravel-Mix font path issues

I'm trying to use a theme which I bought from themeforest with Laravel
I have already use mix.copy to move my fonts from node_modules to my public dir, this works fine./
However when I include the following lines in my webpack.mix file,
mix.less('node_modules/elite-theme/eliteadmin-dark/less/style.less', 'public/css', './');
I get the following errors
Any idea what I am doing wrong here?
Never mind seems like this is doing the trick
processCssUrls: false
Set to false to take urls as they are

Laravel 5.4 - Bootstrap glyphicons don't work after sass integration

Well, I just installed fresh Laravel 5.4. Then installed npm and decided first time to use webpack instead of gulp.js. As you know, Laravel default provides sass Bootstrap integration. Used this command to generate my css from sass.
npm run dev
Bootstrap, Jquery worked perfect, but Glyphicons weren't displayed. Checking my public/css/app.css I saw, that Glyphicons font-face path are not suitable.
src: url(/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot?f4769f9bdb7466be65088239c12046d1);
If I, manually use ../fonts instead of /fonts it will work. I tried to figure out and edit the default path. In _variables.css I set:
$icon-font-path = "../fonts" - but npm gives error.
By default it is: "~bootstrap-sass/assets/fonts/bootstrap/"
Copied fonts folder inside puclic/css folder, didn't work.
Added options to the webpack.mix.js file:
options({processCssUrls: false})
and in _variables.css again set:
$icon-font-path = "../fonts"
Run npm-run-dev and it worked, glyphicons were displayed. But, I don't want to set false for processCssUrls. Because, in this case I will not able to minimize css files using command: npm run production.
Also, I followed this question, but couldn't find any answer, all solutions didn't work.
glyphicons not showing with sass bootstrap integration
Finally, found the solution. In webpack.config.js set:
publicPath: '../'
instead of Mix.resourceRoot
test: /\.(woff2?|ttf|eot|svg|otf)$/,
loader: 'file-loader',
options: {
name: 'fonts/[name].[ext]?[hash]',
publicPath: Mix.resourceRoot

Laravel 5 - Elixir - Less compilation error

I've been trying to compile two less files using Laravel's elixir.
In my gulpfile.js 'm doing :
elixir(function(mix) {
After running gulp, 'm only able to generate app.css and app.css.map in my 'public/css/' directory.
But i am not able to find the soul.css and soul.css.map. When i open a page with soul.css linked, the styles are being applied but the soul.css file cannot be found.
Any fix ?
After Laravel 5.1 has been released you need to set the output path for files otherwise they will get combined by default.
elixir(function(mix) {
mix.less('app.less', 'public/css/app.css')
.less('soul.less', 'public/css/soul.css');
