Bash script find behaviour - bash

for subj in `cat dti_list.txt`; do
echo $subj
find . -type f -iname '*306.nii' -execdir bash -c 'rename.ul "$subj" DTI_MAIN_AP.nii *.nii' \+
I have some trouble with a small bash script, which adds the name instead of replacing when I use the rename.ul function.
Currently, the code adds DTI_MAIN_AP.nii in front of the old name.
My goal is to replace the name from the subj list and using the find to search up any directory with a *306.nii file, and then using execdir to execute the rename.ul function to rename the file from the dti_list.txt.
Any solution, or correction to get the code working, will be appreciated.

If you just want to rename the first file matching *306.nii in each directory to DTI_MAIN_AP.nii, that might look like:
find . -type f -iname '*306.nii' \
-execdir sh -c '[[ -e DTI_MAIN_AP.nii ]] || mv "$1" DTI_MAIN_AP.nii' _ {} +
If instead of matching on *306.nii you want to iterate over names from dti_list.txt, that might instead look like:
while IFS= read -r -d '' filename <&3; do
find . -type f -name "$filename" \
-execdir sh -c '[[ -e DTI_MAIN_AP.nii ]] || mv "$1" DTI_MAIN_AP.nii' _ {} +
done <dti_list.txt
References of note:
BashFAQ #1 (on reading files line-by-line)
Using Find


bash doing different actions for different filetypes, for all files in directory

So I want to change the meta title of all my movies in a directory and its subdirectories
for file in *; do
if [[ $file == *.mkv ]]
mkvpropedit --set "title=$file" "$file";
elif [[ $file == *.mp4 ]]
exiftool "-Title<Filename" *.mp4 -overwrite_original -r
echo "$file wrong filename"
That's my general idea so far, but it doesn't find the files. The commands should work, but the if conditions aren't even enterd. Also just using * doesn't search subdirectories.
With bash >= 4.0:
shopt -s globstar # enable globstar
for file in **; do
case "${file##*.}" in # extract suffix
mkv) echo "do something with $file"
mp4) echo "do something with $file"
*) echo "unknown suffix at $file"
You can use two find commands:
find . -type f -name '*.mkv' -exec mkvpropedit --set "title={}" "{}" \;
find . -type f -name '*.mp4' -exec exiftool "-Title<Filename" "{}" -overwrite_original -r \;
The first find recursively searches the working directory for any files with names that end in .mkv, and then runs the following command (i.e., the command is everything between the -exec and the \;), replacing all {}s with the name of the file.
The second find does essentially the same thing, but for files with names that end in .mp4.
For more info on find, see its Linux man page or the GNU manual.
If you want to get just the filename to set the title, you can use the following:
find . -type f -name '*.mkv' -exec sh -c 'mkvpropedit --set "title=$(basename "$1")" "$1"' sh '{}' \;
basename takes a path as an argument and returns just the last part of the path (i.e., the directory name or filename).
sh -c 'mkvpropedit --set "title=$(basename "$1")" "$1"' sh '{}' runs sh with the command mkvpropedit --set "title=$(basename "$1")" "$1", where the argument ($1) to the command is one of the filenames found by find. (The filename is passed as an argument this way to avoid command injections.)
This script will attempt to edit all relevant files in the specified directory, recursively:
target_dir=${1:?no target dir provided}
cd "$target_dir" || exit 1
# pass the mkv file paths to a shell loop, to strip the leading path
find . -mindepth 1 -type f -iname '*.mkv' \
-exec sh -c '
for i; do
mkvpropedit --set title="$name" "$i"
' _ {} +
# exiftool can target specific extensions, and operate recursively
# use -r. to include hidden sub-directories
exiftool -r -ext mp4 -overwrite_original -Title'<Filename' .
Use like /path/to/myscript /path/to/media-dir.
File name extensions are case insensitive for both commands.
Remember that you can use . to target the current directory. If you want, you could change the script to use the current directory by default, if no argument is given.
I used sh. Writing for bash would be identical.

Bash find execute process with output redirected to a different file per each

I'd like to run the following bash command for every file in a folder (outputting a unique JSON file for each processed .csv), via a Makefile:
csvtojson ./file/path.csv > ./file/path.json
Here's what I've managed, I'm struggling with the stdin/out syntax and arguments:
find ./ -type f -name "*.csv" -exec csvtojson {} > {}.json \;
Help much appreciated!
You're only passing a single argument to csvtojson -- the filename to run.
The > outputfile isn't an argument at all; instead, it's an instruction to the shell that parses and invokes the relevant command to connect the command's stdout to the given filename before actually starting that command.
Thus, above, that redirection is parsed before the find command is run -- because that's the only place a shell is involved at all.
If you want to involve a shell, consider doing so as follows:
find ./ -type f -name "*.csv" \
-exec sh -c 'for arg; do csvtojson "$arg" >"${arg}.json"; done' _ {} +
...or, as follows:
find ./ -type f -name '*.csv' -print0 |
while IFS= read -r -d '' filename; do
csvtojson "$filename" >"$filename.json"
...or, if you want to be able to set shell variables inside the loop and have them persist after its exit, you can use a process substitution to avoid the issues described in BashFAQ #24:
while IFS= read -r -d '' filename; do
if csvtojson "$filename" >"$filename.json"; then
(( ++good ))
(( ++bad ))
done < <(find ./ -type f -name '*.csv' -print0)
echo "Converting CSV files to JSON: ${bad} failures, ${good} successes" >&2
See UsingFind, particularly the Complex Actions section and the section on Actions In Bulk.

Iterating over directory and replacing '+' from a file name to '_' in bash

I have a directory named as assets, which in further has a set of directories.
These folders can have folders like original, cropped, resize. And these folders further will have images. These images are named something like this – 14562345+Image.jpeg. I need to replace all the images/files that have + to _.
for f in ls -a;
if [[ $f == ​+​ ]]
cp "$f" "${f//+/_}"
I was able to do this in the current directory. But I need to iterate this to other many other directories. How can I do that?
You can use this loop using find in a process substitution:
cd user_images
while IFS= read -r -d '' f; do
echo "$f"
mv "$f" "${f//+/_}"
done < <(find . -name '*+*' -type f -print0)
With find -exec:
find user_images -type f \
-exec bash -c '[[ $0 == *+* ]] && mv "$0" "${0//+/_}"' {} \;
Notice that this uses mv and not cp as the question states "rename", but simply replace by cp if you want to keep the original files.
The bash -c is required to be able to manipulate the file names, otherwise we could use {} directly in the -exec action.
The following will run recursively and will rename all files replacing + with a _ :
find . -name '*+*' -type f -execdir bash -c 'for f; do mv "$f" "${f//+/_}"' _ {} +
Notice the use of -execdir :
Like -exec, but the specified command is run from the subdirectory containing the matched file, which is not normally the directory in which you started find -- Quoted from man find.
Which will protect us in case of directory names matching the pattern *+* which you do not want to rename.

Execute bash function from find command

I have defined a function in bash, which checks if two files exists, compare if they are equal and delete one of them.
function remodup {
if [ -f "$F" ] && [ -f "$G" ]
cmp --silent "$F" "$G" && rm "$F" || echo "$G was modified"
Then I want to call this function from a find command:
find $DIR -name "*.mod" -type f -exec remodup {} \;
I have also tried | xargs syntax. Both find and xargs tell that ``remodup` does not exist.
I can move the function into a separate bash script and call the script, but I don't want to copy that function into a path directory (yet), so I would either need to call the function script with an absolute path or allways call the calling script from the same location.
(I probably can use fdupes for this particular task, but I would like to find a way to either
call a function from find command;
call one script from a relative path of another script; or
Use a ${F/.mod/} syntax (or other bash variable manipulation) for files found with a find command.)
You need to export the function first using:
export -f remodup
then use it as:
find $DIR -name "*.mod" -type f -exec bash -c 'remodup "$1"' - {} \;
You could manually loop over find's results.
while IFS= read -rd $'\0' file; do
remodup "$file"
done < <(find "$dir" -name "*.mod" -type f -print0)
-print0 and -d $'\0' use NUL as the delimiter, allowing for newlines in the file names. IFS= ensures spaces as the beginning of file names aren't stripped. -r disables backslash escapes. The sum total of all of these options is to allow as many special characters as possible in file names without mangling.
Given that you aren't using many features of find, you can use a pure bash solution instead to iterate over the desired files.
shopt -s globstar nullglob
for fname in ./"$DIR"/**/*.mod; do
[[ -f $fname ]] || continue
remodup "$f"
To throw in a third option:
find "$dir" -name "*.mod" -type f \
-exec bash -s -c "$(declare -f remodup)"$'\n'' for arg; do remodup "$arg"; done' _ {} +
This passes the function through the argv, as opposed to through the environment, and (by virtue of using {} + rather than {} ;) uses as few shell instances as possible.
I would use John Kugelman's answer as my first choice, and this as my second.

Bash - Rename ".tmp" files recursively

A bunch of Word & Excel documents were being moved on the server when the process terminated before it was complete. As a result, we're left with several perfectly fine files that have a .tmp extension, and we need to rename these files back to the appropriate .xlsx or .docx extension.
Here's my current code to do this in Bash:
for i in "$(find . -type f -name *.tmp)"; do
ft="$(file "$i")"
case "$(file "$i")" in
"$i: Microsoft Word 2007+")
mv "$i" "${i%.tmp}.docx"
"$i: Microsoft Excel 2007+")
mv "$i" "${i%.tmp}.xlsx"
It seems that while this does search recursively, it only does 1 file. If it finds an initial match, it doesn't go on to rename the rest of the files. How can I get this to loop correctly through the directories recursively without it doing just 1 file at a time?
Try find command like this:
while IFS= read -r -d '' i; do
ft="$(file "$i")"
case "$ft" in
"$i: Microsoft Word 2007+")
mv "$i" "${i%.tmp}.docx"
"$i: Microsoft Excel 2007+")
mv "$i" "${i%.tmp}.xlsx"
done < <(find . -type f -name '*.tmp' -print0)
Using <(...) is called process substitution to run find command here
Quote filename pattern in find
Use -print0 to get find output delimited by a null character to allow space/newline characters in file names
Use IFS= and -d '' to read null separated filenames
I too would recommend using find. I would do this in two passes of find:
find . -type f -name \*.tmp \
-exec sh -c 'file "{}" | grep -q "Microsoft Word 2007"' \; \
-exec sh -c 'f="{}"; echo mv "$f" "${f%.tmp}.docx"' \;
find . -type f -name \*.tmp \
-exec sh -c 'file "{}" | grep -q "Microsoft Excel 2007"' \; \
-exec sh -c 'f="{}"; echo mv "$f" "${f%.tmp}.xlsx"' \;
Lines are split for readability.
Each instance of find will search for tmp files, then use -exec to test the output of find. This is similar to how you're doing it within the while loop in your shell script, only it's launched from within find itself. We're using the pipe to grep instead of your case statement.
The second -exec only gets run if the first one returned "true" (i.e. grep -q ... found something), and executes the rename in a tiny shell instance.
I haven't profiled this to see whether it would be faster or slower than a loop in a shell script. Just another way to handle things.
