how rand() works in awk - shell

I am trying to sample the 2nd column of a csv file (any number of samples is fine) using awk and rand(). But, I noticed that I always end up with the same number of samples
cat toy.txt | awk -F',' 'rand()<0.2 {print $2}' | wc -l
I explored and it seems rand() is not working as I expected. For example, a in the following seems to always be 1,
cat toy.txt | awk -F',' 'a=rand() a<0.2 {print a}'

From the documentation:
CAUTION: In most awk implementations, including gawk, rand() starts generating numbers from the same starting number, or seed, each time you run awk. Thus, a program generates the same results each time you run it. The numbers are random within one awk run but predictable from run to run. This is convenient for debugging, but if you want a program to do different things each time it is used, you must change the seed to a value that is different in each run. To do this, use srand().

So, to apply what's been pointed out in the man page, and duplicated all over this forum and elsewhere on the Internet, I like to use:
awk -v rseed=$RANDOM 'BEGIN{srand(rseed);}{print rand()" "$0}'
The rseed variable is optional, but included here, because sometimes it helps me to have a deterministic/repeatable random series for simulations when other variables can change, etc.


Efficient search pattern in large CSV file

I recently asked how to use awk to filter and output based on a searched pattern. I received some very useful answers being the one by user #anubhava the one that I found more straightforward and elegant. For the sake of clarity I am going to repeat some information of the original question.
I have a large CSV file (around 5GB) I need to identify 30 categories (in the action_type column) and create a separate file with only the rows matching each category.
My input file dataset.csv is something like this:
action,action_type, Result
I am using the following to get the results I want (again, this is thanks to #anubhava).
awk -F, 'NR > 1{fn = $2 "_dataset.csv"; print >> fn; close(fn)}' file
This works as expected. But I have found it quite slow. It has been running for 14 hours now and, based on the size of the output files compared to the original file, it is not at even 20% of the whole process.
I am running this on a Windows 10 with an AMD Ryzen PRO 3500 200MHz, 4 Cores, 8 Logical Processors with 16GB Memory and an SDD drive. I am using GNU Awk 5.1.0, API: 3.0 (GNU MPFR 4.1.0, GNU MP 6.2.0). My CPU is currently at 30% and Memory at 51%. I am running awk inside a Cygwin64 Terminal.
I would love to hear some suggestions on how to improve the speed. As far as I can see it is not a capacity problem. Could it be the fact that this is running inside Cygwin? Is there an alternative solution? I was thinking about Silver Searcher but could not quite workout how to do the same thing awk is doing for me.
As always, I appreciate any advice.
with sorting:
awk -F, 'NR > 1{if(!seen[$2]++ && fn) close(fn); if(fn = $2 "_dataset.csv"; print >> fn}' < (sort -t, -nk2 dataset.csv)
or with gawk (unlimited number of opened fd-s)
gawk -F, 'NR > 1{fn = $2 "_dataset.csv"; print >> fn;}' dataset.csv
This is the right way to do it using any awk:
$ tail -n +2 file | sort -t, -k2,2n |
awk -F, '$2!=p{close(out); out=$2"_dataset.csv"; p=$2} {print > out}'
The reason I say this is the right approach is it doesn't rely on the 2nd field of the header line coming before the data values when sorted, doesn't require awk to test NR > 1 for every line of input, doesn't need an array to store $2s or any other values, and only keeps 1 output file open at a time (the more files open at once the slower any awk will run, especially gawk once you get past the limit of open files supported by other awks as gawk then has to start opening/closing the files in the background as needed). It also doesn't require you to empty existing output files before you run it, it will do that automatically, and it only does string concatenation to create the output file once per output file, not once per line.
Just like the currently accepted answer, the sort above could reorder the input lines that have the same $2 value - add -s if that's undesirable and you have GNU sort, with other sorts you need to replace the tail with a different awk command and add another sort arg.

Is there a way to take an input that behaves like a file in bash?

I have a task where I'm given an input of the format:
A CS 22 M
B ECE 23 M
C CS 23 F
D CS 22 F
as the user input from the command line. From this, we have to perform tasks like determine the number of male and female students, determine which department has the most students, etc. I have done this using awk with the input as a file. Is there any way to do this with a user input instead of a file?
Example of a command I used for a file (where the content in the file is in the same format):
numberofmales=$(awk -F ' ' '{print $4}' file.txt | grep M | wc -l) #list number of males
Not Reproducible
It works fine for me, so your problem can't be reproduced with either GNU or BSD awk under Bash 5.0.18(1). With your posted code and file sample:
$ numberofmales=$(awk -F ' ' '{print $4}' file.txt | grep M | wc -l)
$ echo $numberofmales
Check to make sure you don't have problems in your input file, or elsewhere in your code.
Also, note that if you call awk without a file argument or input from a pipe, it tries to collect data from standard input. It may not actually be hanging; it's probably just waiting on end-of-file, which you can trigger with CTRL+D.
Recommended Improvements
Even if your code works, it can be improved. Consider the following, which skips the unnecessary field-separator definition and performs all the actions of your pipeline within awk.
awk 'tolower($4)=="m" {count++}; END {print count}' file.txt
echo "$males"
Fewer moving parts are often easier to debug, and can often be more performant on large datasets. However, your mileage may vary.
User Input
If you want to use user input rather than a file, you can use standard input to collect your data, and then pass it as a quoted argument to a function. For example:
count_males () {
awk 'tolower($4)=="m" {count++}; END {print count}' <<< "$*"
echo "Enter data (CTRL-D when done):"
data=$(cat -)
# If at command prompt, wait until EOF above before
# pasting this line. Won't matter in scripts.
males=$(count_males "$data")
The result is now stored in males, and you can echo "$males" or make use of the variable in whatever other way you like.
Bash indeed does not care whether a file handle is connected to standard input or to a file, and neither does Awk.
However, if you want to pass the same input to multiple Awk instances, it really does make sense to store it in a temporary file.
A better overall solution is to write a better Awk script so you only need to read the input once.
awk 'NF > 1 { ++a[$4] } END { for (g in a) print g, a[g] }'
The NF > 1 condition is to skip the silly first line. Probably don't put that information there in the first place and let Awk figure out how many lines there are; it's probably better at counting than you are anyway.

Awk muliplication gives me a different value than the normal multiplication of 2 numbers [duplicate]

I have a pipe delimited feed file which has several fields. Since I only need a few, I thought of using awk to capture them for my testing purposes. However, I noticed that printf changes the value if I use "%d". It works fine if I use "%s".
Feed File Sample:
[jaypal:~/Temp] cat temp
302610004125074|19769904399993903|30|15|2012-01-13 17:20:02.346000|2012-01-13 17:20:03.307000|E072AE4B|587244|316|13|GSM|1|SUCC|0|1|255|2|2|0|213|2|0|6|0|0|0|0|0|10|16473840051|30|302610|235|250|0|7|0|0|0|0|0|10|54320058002|906|722310|2|0||0|BELL MOBILITY CELLULAR, INC|BELL MOBILITY CELLULAR, INC|Bell Mobility|AMX ARGENTINA SA.|Claro aka CTI Movil|CAN|ARG|
I am interested in capturing the second column which is 19769904399993903.
Here are my tests:
[jaypal:~/Temp] awk -F"|" '{printf ("%d\n",$2)}' temp
19769904399993904 # Value is changed
However, the following two tests works fine -
[jaypal:~/Temp] awk -F"|" '{printf ("%s\n",$2)}' temp
19769904399993903 # Value remains same
[jaypal:~/Temp] awk -F"|" '{print $2}' temp
19769904399993903 # Value remains same
So is this a limit of "%d" of not able to handle long integers. If thats the case why would it add one to the number instead of may be truncating it?
I have tried this with BSD and GNU versions of awk.
Version Info:
[jaypal:~/Temp] gawk --version
GNU Awk 4.0.0
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991-2011 Free Software Foundation.
[jaypal:~/Temp] awk --version
awk version 20070501
Starting with GNU awk 4.1 you can use --bignum or -M
$ awk 'BEGIN {print 19769904399993903}'
$ awk --bignum 'BEGIN {print 19769904399993903}'
ยง Command-Line Options
I believe the underlying numeric format in this case is an IEEE double. So the changed value is a result of floating point precision errors. If it is actually necessary to treat the large values as numerics and to maintain accurate precision, it might be better to use something like Perl, Ruby, or Python which have the capabilities (maybe via extensions) to handle arbitrary-precision arithmetic.
UPDATE: Recent versions of GNU awk support arbitrary precision arithmetic. See the GNU awk manual for more info.
XMLgawk supports arbitrary precision arithmetic on floating-point numbers.
So, if installing xgawk is an option:
zsh-4.3.11[drado]% awk --version |head -1; xgawk --version | head -1
GNU Awk 4.0.0
Extensible GNU Awk 3.1.6 (build 20080101) with dynamic loading, and with statically-linked extensions
zsh-4.3.11[drado]% awk 'BEGIN {
print x^4 - 4 * y^4 - 4 * y^2
zsh-4.3.11[drado]% xgawk -lmpfr 'BEGIN {
print mpfr_sub(mpfr_sub(mpfr_pow(x, 4), mpfr_mul(4, mpfr_pow(y, 4))), 4 * y^2)
This answer was partially answered by #Mark Wilkins and #Dennis Williamson already but I found out the largest 64-bit integer that can be handled without losing precision is 2^53.
Eg awk's reference page
(sorry if my answer is too old. Figured I'd still share for the next person before they spend too much time on this like I did)
You're running into Awk's Floating Point Representation Issues. I don't think you can find a work-around within awk framework to perform arithmetic on huge numbers accurately.
Only possible (and crude) way I can think of is to break the huge number into smaller chunk, perform your math and join them again or better yet use Perl/PHP/TCL/bsh etc scripting languages that are more powerful than awk.
Using nawk on Solaris 11, I convert the number to a string by adding (concatenate) a null to the end, and then use %15s as the format string:
printf("%15s\n", bignum "")
another caveat about the precision :
the errors pile up with extra operations ::
echo 19769904399993903 | mawk2 '{ CONVFMT = "%.2000g";
OFMT = "%.20g";
} {
print +$0;
print $0/1.0
print $0^1.0;
print exp(-log($0))^-1;
print exp(1*log($0))
print sqrt(exp(exp(log(20)-log(10))*log($0)))
print (exp(exp(log(6)-log(3))*log($0)))^2^-1
19769904399993628 <<<โ€”โ€” -275
19769904399993768 <<<โ€”- -135
The first few only off by less than 10.
last 2 equations have triple digit deltas.
For any of the versions that require calling helper math functions, simply getting the -M bignum flag is insufficient. One must also set the PREC variable.
For this exmaple, setting PREC=64 and OFMT="%.17g" should suffice.
Beware of setting OFMT too high, relative to PREC, otherwise you'll see oddities like this :
gawk -M -v PREC=256 -e '{ CONVFMT="%.2000g"; OFMT="%.80g";... } '
since 80 significant digits require precision of at least 265.75, so basically 266-bits, but gawk is fast enough that you can probably safely pre-set it at PREC=4096/8192 instead of having to worry about it everytime

Performant way of displaying the number of unique column entries in a set of files?

I'm attempting to pipe a large amount of files in to a sequence of commands which displays the number of unique entries in a given column of said files. I'm inexperienced with the shell, but after a short while I was able to come up with this:
awk '{print $5 }' | sort | uniq | wc - l
This sequence of commands works fine for a small amount of files, but takes an unacceptable amount of time to execute on my target set. Is there a set of commands that can accomplish this more efficiently?
You can count unique occurrences of values in the fifth field in a single pass with awk:
awk '{if (!seen[$5]++) ++ctr} END {print ctr}'
This creates an array of the values in the fifth field and increments the ctr variable if the value has never seen before. The END rule prints the value of the counter.
With GNU awk, you can alternatively just check the length of the associative array in the end:
awk '{seen[$5]++} END {print length(seen)}'
Benjamin has supplied the good oil, but depending on just how much data is to be stored in the array, it may pay to pass the data to wc anyway:
awk '!_[$5]++' file | wc -l
the sortest and fastest (i could) using awk but not far from previous version of #BenjaminW. I think a bit faster (difference could only be interesting on very huge file) because of test made earlier in the process
awk '!E[$5]++{c++}END{print c}' YourFile
works with all awk version
GNU datamash has a count function for columns:
datamash -W count 5

how can I supply bash variables as fields for print in awk

I currently am trying to use awk to rearrange a .csv file that is similar to the following:
and the output would be:
(or any other order, just using this as an example)
and when it comes time to rearrange the csv file, I have been trying to use the following:
awk -v a=$first -v b=$second -v c=$third -v d=$fourth -v e=$fifth -F '^|,|$' '{print $a,$b,$c,$d,$e}' somefile.csv
with the intent of awk/print interpreting the $a,$b,$c,etc as field numbers, so it would come out to the following:
{print $2,$5,$1,$3,$4}
and print out the fields of the csv file in that order, but unfortunately I have not been able to get this to work correctly yet. I've tried several different methods, this seeming like the most promising, but unfortunately have not been able to get any solution to work correctly yet. Having said that, I was wondering if anyone could possibly give any suggestions or point out my flaw as I am stumped at this point in time, any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
Use simple numbers:
awk -v a=$first -v b=$second -v c=$third -v d=$fourth -v e=$fifth -F '^|,|$' \
'{print $a, $b, $c, $d, $e}' somefile.csv
Another way with a shorter example:
awk -F '^|,|$' "{print $aa,$bb,$cc}" somefile.csv
You already got the answer to your specific question but have you considered just specifying the order as a string instead of each individual field? For example:
order="2 5 1 3 4"
awk -v order="$order" '
BEGIN{ FS=OFS=","; n=split(order,a," ") }
{ for (i=1;i<n;i++) printf "%s%s",$(a[i]),OFS; print $(a[i]) }
' somefile.csv
That way if you want to add/delete fields or change the order you just trivially rearrange the numbers in the first line instead of having to mess with a bunch of hard-coded variables, etc.
Note that I changed your FS as there was no need for it to be that complicated. Also, you don't need the shell variable, "order",you could just populate the awk variable of the same name explicitly, I just started with the shell variable since you had started with shell variables so maybe you have a reason.
