How to run program using OpenMesh - openmesh

I have read through most of OpenMesh's documentation, and am lost in how to run a simple program using OpenMesh. I followed the tutorial for making a basic cube and building the project: but nowhere do they mention how to RUN the program. The tutorial says to put the file that makes the cube in a particular folder: and I did this. It clearly compiled the code when I built it with cmake and make. After that I am lost.

Assuming you used the CMakeLists.txt as given in the page you linked as-is, the linker should create a file MyOwnProject within the directory where you executed cmake and then make. That's your executable. To run your program, execute that file, either by double-clicking it within a file manager (Explorer, if you are on Windows) or by typing ./MyOwnProject on a Linux command line.


building boost with emscripten on windows

I am trying to build boost using emscripten on windows. In particular, I am trying to use the emscripten toolset as suggested in However, this produces the following error for me:
C:\dev\emsdk\python\3.9.2-1_64bit\python.exe: can't open file 'c:\dev\boost_1_76_0\': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Somewhere in the toolchain boost tries to invoke using python, but fails by passing the wrong module path (there is no in c:\dev\boost_1_76_0\).
I made sure path environment variables are setup correctly by executing emsdk_env.bat. Running emcc.bat (which internally runs manually, executes the compiler as expected.
I inserted some debug printouts in emcc.bat and from that I gather that the boost toolchain is not using that file. It seems it tries to use python and directly. This seems to be where things break down.
Any help or hint is greatly appreciated.
Problem was related to this: What is the reason for batch file path referenced with %~dp0 sometimes changes on changing directory?
I solved the problem by hacking emcc.bat to use hardcoded path to the file.

nmake or makefile cannot find directory

Hello I'm trying to build intel's tbb (threaded building blocks) from source. I have downloaded and extracted the source. I point visual studio's command prompt to the directory of extraction, where there is a makefile. I have edited the tbb_root variable inside the make file to point at the extracted directory, but when I tried running it I get
Makefile(28) : fatal error U1052: file '$(tbb_root)/build/'
not found Stop.
Lines 27 and 28 of the make file are as follows (all previous lines are comments/whitespace)
include $(tbb_root)/build/
I have verified that c:/tbb_extract/tbb42_20140122oss/build/ exists, so why does this fellow not make!
You need to use GNU make in order to build TBB from sources; nmake is not supported, and never was.
I'm not very familiar with nmake but according to the documentation it doesn't use include to include files. Try using !INCLUDE instead.
The answer was simple one - the file seems to of been assembled a kind of half GNU half VS-style makefile. It was a cannibalisation and I don't think it was ever tested.

Using Google's ProtoBuf (and a .proto file) to create a Python API Library

I have the .proto file used in the open-source Android API (, and am having some trouble compiling the file to generate the .py.
I'm trying to follow the instructions here, , and am on the steps that are under the header "Compiling Your Protocol Buffers".
I've downloaded the compiler, protoc.exe. The readme says "To install, simply place this binary somewhere in your PATH," which I'm not understanding. I'm messed around with it for a while now, but can't think of how to proceed.
I'm quite the novice programmer, so please tell me if something isn't clear, or if I'm having some sort of fundamental misunderstanding... about anything. I'm on Windows 7 by the way.
if protoc.exe is not in the same directory you're calling it from, you need to add it to your PATH environment variable to be accessible from the calling directory when you're in the shell. open up a command shell and execute:
set PATH=%PATH%c:\directory\to\proto\executable;
then change directories over to where your source code is and execute the compilation line as instructed from the google page.
I had the same problem because it is not written that clear in the README.txt. What they mean is to:
1. take the protoc.exe and put it in the same folder with the other files of your project.
2. open the cmd to that directory and run: protoc --cpp_out=. myfile.proto
=> This will create the 2 new files in the folder with the files of your project, and then you can add them normally to your program.
This helped me:
This is for c++, but I guess it will be something similar for python; I guess you just have to change the command you are using in the cmd :)

Cmake: How to hold off finding libraries?

I have a Cmake project where I use static libraries from another project (which uses its own unique build system).
I have a bash script set up which compiles the libraries.
The problem arises when a new user checkouts both project. The new user cannot do cmake until the libaries are properly compiled in the other project, and the cmake command find_libarary cant find them.
I made the bash script part of cmake by using the command add_custom_target. But the issue is that it only execute if you do a "make".
Is there a way I can make CMake execute a command while its generating a build system. Or a better way would be to have it ignore the find command until the actual make?
Why not LINK_DIRECTORIES(xxx) to the library folder and don't use find_library at all.
Sure, execute_process() function.

Generate a makefile to include in the deliverable

I have a problem.
I am currently working on a linux application (let's call it BigApp in this scenario). This application needs to be customizable via shared objects(so) and ini/text files.
The prerequisites for creating such shared objects are:
Generating a C file in a custom location (done from code)
an additional h file from the source repository of BigApp (done via makefile)
an executable shell script in the application bin folder (done), which sets up some parameters, calls the internal c file generator described above at number 1, and calls some kind of build script described below.
"the" build script which should compile the h file and the generated C file into a shared object.
The problem I have here is that once BigApp is installed, step 3 (compiling a new shared object) should be done by anyone with some basic linux-like skills. Also, the build script at number 4 should somehow use the same settings which were used when compiling and installing BigApp.
BigApp uses automake (, files for root and subfolders).
I assume I need a template to generate a particular makefile for the shared object when running configure on the BigApp, but I have no idea how to do this while avoiding it being run when I "make" the BigApp.
I could use any kind of suggestions or references to a tutorial.
Thank you!
EDIT: at the time, the build script for the shared library/object is a small shell script which simply calls gcc two times, but with no particular platform settings, and no relation to the BigApp makefiles.
It's been a while since you posted this question but what you should do is turn your current makefile for your shared libraries into a (or even write a using Automake) that gets completed by your configure script (created using Autoconf) for BigApp. You should study the GNU Build system manuals.
