Visual Studio 2015 - Error 1123: - visual-studio

I have encountered a bizarre situation in which.....
a Win32 project (originally compiled/run using Visual Studio 2010) has been successfully carried over/updated and successfully compiled under Visual Studio 2015 on the same computer (mentioned just in case that is somehow relevant).
I now need to continue development of the project on a different computer. So I copy the ENTIRE contents of the project folder to an identically named folder on the new computer, with VS 2015 installed. The only difference being that the project folder is now on the D: drive rather than C: as in the original computer.
When I try to compile the program I get:-
fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
I experienced this error in the past with Visual Studio 2010 and fixed the problem as advised in previous articles such as:
Failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
In this case however the puzzle is that, as mentioned above, the project has already successfully compiled on the computer it was copied from AND the new computer appears to have a correct and up to date VS2015 installation (e.g. the issue cannot be due to incorrect version of the CVTRES.EXE file - as was case when the same error was encountered in the past with Visual Studio 2010)
As far as I can tell the configuration settings for both VS2015 installations, on both computers are the same. The only difference as far as I can tell being that on the new computer the project now resides in a different drive/path - although the project folder is indentically named.
Can this really be the source of the problem?

The problem has now been, apparently, solved. I tried the /verbose option but that did not reveal any information or insight of any use.
The computer on which the project had been transferred to had Visual Studio 2010 WITHOUT service pack 1 installed. As an entirely separate exercise I proceeded to install service pack 1 (from a previously saved/archived ISO file). It failed to install. I then uninstalled VS 2010 from the computer.
I then tried again to compile my project using VS2015 - and again it failed, giving the error 1123.
I then performed a FULL re-installation of VS2010. I followed this with an another attempt to install the service pack 1 - which then succeeded.
After all this I then attempted to compile my project in VS2015 - and it succeeded! The connection with the VS2010 may be completely coincidental? But I mention this here for the record in case anyone else encounters a similar circumstance.
The puzzle is how, if at all, can the state of the VS2010 installation influence the ability to compile the project in VS2015. The concern, more importantly, is that my continued ability to work on/compile the project using VS2015 will be dependent on the computer keeping VS2010 w/SP1 installed?!


Could not load UI satellite dll 'FileTracker32UI.dll'

I've run in to an issue where I can't build a freshly created C++/CLI Class Library project in Visual Studio:
Even though I haven't made any changes I get an error when I try to compile:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Could not load UI satellite dll 'FileTracker32UI.dll'. Make
sure it exists in an LCID subdirectory of 'C:\Program Files
(x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\'. TestProject c:\Users\abcde\documents\visual
studio 2015\Projects\TestProject\TestProject\FileTracker 1
I've created C++/CLI Class Library projects in the past on the same computer using Visual Studio 2015 without encountering this problem. Any idea what has gone wrong?
I ran into this strange issue today without making any code change. I suspect it appeared due to overnight windows update.
In my case , I copied the two files FileTracker32UI.dll and FileTracker64UI.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\15.0\FileTracker\3082\
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\3082\
and it worked. My visual studio version is
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015
Version 14.0.25123.00 Update 2
I am hoping the info helps someone.
I had the exactly same problem, after some windows update by my IT.
According to the information (, I renamed the file "FileTrackerUI.dll" to "FileTracker32UI.dll" in the latest LCID folder (latest numbered folder in same location)
Then, it worked at my PC.
Good luck
In my case it was a path issue. Using another directory (shorter path without special characters) solved the problem

Error MSB4057 in Microsoft.Common.targets

I have Visual Studio 2010 SP1.
I wrongly edit and save the file
and now I can't compile anymore.
The error I got is
error MSB4057: The target "_Xsd" does not exist in the project.
I reinstalled Visual Studio 2010, I copied the file from another computer but nothing works and I still have the same error. What can I do?
I search the solution on Internet and i found:
Copy the right target file from another machine to replace the target file.
Uninstall and re-install .Net Framework 4.0 and check if it works.
I tried to restore or install new version of the .NET framework, but other problems occured during installation maybe dued also by hardware problems (i got blue screen sometimes).
I know it isn't a good solution, but at the moment I solved the issue by formatting and reinstalling everything.

The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b) when copying from one project to another

I'm using MS Visual studio 2010 and openCV 2.4.8.
I get the following error when I execute some project.
Suppose I have a solution which contains only 1 project. That was built by me.
And, I have one other solution created by someone else and there are 2 projects in it. Out of the 2 projects created by that person I chose one and I copied the required header files, cpp files, DLLS and everything and put them in my project.
Then I get the above error.
Both the projects works fine when executed separately. Have I made a mistake in copying ? Or else, is there something else behind this ?
to solve this problem you should copy the DLL files from the direction of opencv like C:\opencv\build\x64\vc12\bin to the debug or release file in the project files
The problem is due to 32/64-bit mismatches of various system dlls required by Visual studio. Somehow the dlls it needs got replaced by 64-bit versions that it couldn’t load.
Replacing the dlls mentioned below from a machine that is working, solves the problem:
The Application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application" when starting Visual Studio 2010
I've found another solution of this issue. In VS window you can just change the machine type from default 'Win32' to 64-bit (default 'x64').

Fixing the "MSVCP110D.dll is missing from your computer" issue

I am facing the following (fairly common) problem: I am running my program in Debug mode in VS2010 and/or VS2012, but at startup it crashes, saying:
The programme can't start because MSVCP100D.dll is missing from your
computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
Now I found a number of possible solutions, but none of them work for me:
Compile with /MTd instead of /MDd: actually this does solve the problem, but I am not allowed to: my program is part of a bigger program, and /MD[d] is mandatory.
Install the VS 2010 Redistributable package: This doesn't work because I have VS 2012 installed, so this installer tells me: "A newer version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable has been detected on the machine."
Finding, dragging and dropping a version of MSVCP100D.dll into the correct directory: I am not dropping unknown DLLs into places where they might interfere with other things.
Last resort: reinstalling VS2010/VS2012: possible, but as it would also mean reinstalling lots of other packages and plugins I need, I'd like to avoid this if it's not absolutely necessary.
Are there any other options left?
The Visual Studio REDIST packages never deploy the DEBUG versions of the CRT files. This is by design.
With VS 2012 or later, the easiest way to deploy the DEUBG versions of the CRT is to install the "Remote Debugging Tools" package on your test machines.
For VS 2012, the latest Remote Debugging Tools package is here
For VS 2013, the latest Remote Debugging Tools package is here.
Another option is to just use application local deployment of the DLL (i.e. copy it into your app directory). Again this is only for testing purposes. For actual deployment of your application, you are required to use the non-debug versions of the CRT.
If this error is happening on your development machine, however, then you have other problems because with VS 2012 installed, you should have the VS 2012 DEBUG CRT on that machine.
UPDATE:: Sorry, I would have expected the debug CRT DLLs to be included in the remote debugging tools package along with the remote debugger bits and the Direct3D 11 Debug Device. Alas, it's not. See Preparing a Test Machine To Run a Debug Executable. You have to either use the MSMs in Program Files (x86) directory in \Common Files\Merge Modules or copy the DLL-side-by-side from Program Files (x86) directory in \Microsoft Visual Studio <version>\VC\redist\Debug_NonRedist\. The VS Team probably assumed you would have already been doing that, but I'll suggest to them to roll it into the remote tools package.
I had a similar issue (the project made in VS 2012 but I was running VS2013) and resolved it by:
Open the project (or the solution ) in VS2013(or the newer one)
Open Project menu and select "Retarget the project" option (it was the first option but after applying it, this option vanished).
Rebuild your solution.
I am new to openCV and C++ and had the same problem using openCV 2.4.10 with Visual Studio Express 2013 on a Windows 7, 32-bit platform. If I made a simple program without using OpenCV, the program ran but when I used OpenCV I got the missing DLL error.
This post made things clear:
I guess the problem I had was not with my Visual Studio but my OpenCV. The OpenCV was compiled on a version of visual studio which required MSVCP110.dll. I could have tried another version of OpenCV or compiled OpenCV again using VS2013 but I was short of time. Instead, I found the dll file elsewhere and placed it in my system32 folder (not sure if that's recommended). This fixed the problem. However as #slater mentioned, I won't recommend downloading the dll from external website due to security issues.
This is a debug runtime DLL. If (and ONLY if!) you just want to run the debug build of your own application on a system without Visual Studio installed, then you can find the missing DLLs in
C:\Windows\System32 (for 64-bit builds)
C:\Windows\SysWOW64 (for 32-bit builds)
Just keep copying DLLs until your executable will run.
If this is NOT what you are trying to do, refer to, which is the CORRECT, but less practical answer.
I had the same problem, I found out that the cause is that I used dll compiled with VS2012 in a VS2013 project. JUST downloaded the missing dll and put it in my linker path and wala: the program worked. I downloaded it from
Particulars: My program was working in in release mode but not in the debug mode as it says the MSVCP110D.dll is missing. My code was an opencv image processing program. I put the missing dll in opencv linker path in the VS2013 project options.

How to upgrade the project build in visual studio 2005 to visual studio 2008?

I have one OPC ( OLE for Process control ) server project which is developed into visual studio 2005. I want to run it in visual studio 2008. The coding for the OPC server project is done in VC++. I want to connect my OPC client to this OPC server. When I was opened the OPC server project which was build into visual studio 2005 into visual studio 2008 first time it was asking for conversion wizard. I gone through that wizard & successfully finished that wizard. But when I build ( by right clicking on the project & choosing build solution ) it is giving lots of error near about 64 errors. Most of the errors are like - fetal error C1083:Can not open type library file:'msxml4.dll':No such file or directory, fetal error LINK1181:can not open input file 'rpcndr.lib' , error C2051:case expression not constant. only these 3 types of errors in am getting. All these 3 errors are repeated in Error list & becoming bunch of 64 errors. Please provide me the solution for the above issue. Can you provide me any suusgestion or link or any way through whcih I can resolve the above issue?
In Visual Studio Project go to Project properties dialog to use Linker --> Input Options:
1. Remove rpcndr.lib
2. Make sure for all such configurations add rpcrt4.lib
Reason to do this is that the Windows SDK no longer ships with rpcndr.lib.
Opening in VS 2008 is the only way to upgrade.
But it looks like you need to clean up some of the references... this will be a manual step (likely just need to set a few paths). Start by fixing the first error, it is likely many of the subsequent errors are a consequence of that first error.
Normal practice is to have a copy of referenced libraries (including typelibs) somewhere in your source tree, so you are not dependent on absolute paths into the OS or other application's install folders. (Or the continuing existence of that library).
