I am using an ImageDataGenerator to augment my images. I need to get the y labels from the generator.
Example : I have 10 training images, 7 are label 0 and 3 are label 1. I want to increase training set size to 100.
total_training_images = 100
total_val_images = 50
steps_per_epoch= total_training_images // batch_size,
validation_steps= total_val_images // batch_size)
By my understanding, this trains a model on 100 training images for each epoch, with each image being augmented in some way or the other according to my data generator, and then validates on 50 images.
If I do train_generator.classes, I get an output [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1]. This corresponds to my 7 images of label 0 and 3 images of label 1.
For these new 100 images, how do I get the y-labels?
Does this mean when I am augmenting this to 100 images, my new train_generator labels are the same thing, but repeated 10 times? Essentially np.append(train_generator.classes) 10 times?
I am following this tutorial, if that helps :
The labels generate as one-hot-encoding with the images.Hope this helps !
from keras.preprocessing import image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x,y = train_generator.next()
for i in range(0,3):
image = x[i]
label = y[i]
print (label)
Based on what you're saying about the generator, yes.
It will replicate the same label for each augmented image. (Otherwise the model would not train properly).
One simple way to check what the generator is outputting is to get what it yields:
X,Y = train_generator.next() #or next(train_generator)
Just remember that this will place the generator in a position to yield the second element, not the first anymore. (This would make the fit method start from the second element).
I have a Geodataframe ("mhg") in which the index are months (i.e. "2019-01-01", "2019-02-01", ...), and the GDF have a column that is the geometry of certain regions (i.e. POLYGON(...)), and finally another column that is the population corresponding to that geometry at that month.
sample data (with onyl two months) could be created by:
import geopandas as gpd
data = [['2019-01-01', 'POLYGON(123...)', 1000], ['2019-01-01', 'POLYGON(456...)', 1500], ['2019-01-01', 'POLYGON(789...)', 1400], ['2019-02-01', 'POLYGON(123...)', 1100], ['2019-02-01', 'POLYGON(456...)', 1600], ['2019-02-01', 'POLYGON(789...)', 1300]]
mhg = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data, columns=['month','geometry', 'population'])
I can make a multicolor plot of the users living in each region (all periods) with:
and I can make the same, but filtering by month, using:
I would like to get some kind of ""animation" or animated gif where I can see the temporal evolution of the population, by using this kind of pseudocode:
for all the plots in
then merge all plots into 1 animated gif
But I dont' know how to do it: the number of months can be up to hundreds, I don't how how to make the for loop, and I don't know even how to start...
Any suggestions?
EDIT: I tried the following (following https://linuxtut.com/en/c089c549df4d4a6d815c/):
months = np.sort(np.unique(mhg.month.values))
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib.animation import PillowWriter
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ims = []
def update_fig(month):
if len(ims) > 0:
del ims[0]
geos = mhg['geometry'].values
users = mhg[(mhg.month==month)].population
apl = gpd.plotting.plot_polygon_collection(ax, geos, population, True, cmap='jet')
ax.set_title('month = ' + str(month))
return ims
anim = FuncAnimation(fig, update_fig, interval=1000, repeat_delay=3000, frames=months)
But I got a UserWarning: animation was deleted without rendering anything...
So I am stuck again.
I managed to do it this way:
mhg = mhg.reset_index()
groups = mhg.groupby('month')
for month, grp in groups:
grp.plot(column='users',cmap='jet',legend=True,figsize=(10, 10),norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=mhg.users.min(), vmax=mhg.users.max()))
plt.xlim([-20, 5])
plt.ylim([25, 45])
plt.savefig("plot{month}.png".format(month=month), facecolor='white')
And then I joined all the png's with convert (imagemagick tool):
convert -delay 50 -loop 0 *.png aniamtion.gif
I was trying to find snr for a set of images that I have but my two methodologies of doing so creates two different answers and I'm not sure which is right. I was wondering if one of them is just straight up the wrong way of doing this or if neither way is correct?
I am trying to characterize the snr of a set of images that I'm processing. I have 1 set of data with images and darkfields. From these pieces of data I subtracted the darkfield from the image and got "corrected_images".
So since I know snr is (mean of signal)/(std of noise), in my first methodology I was working with the corrected image and background noise image and I just took the mean of every pixel on the spectrum (from the corrected image) with a value greater than 1 for signal and the general std for the background noise image as my values. the plot for this methodology is in blue.
In my second methodology I used a single uncorrected image and basically considered every pixel above 50 as signal and every pixel below 50 as noise.This gives us the orange values for snr.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Spyder Editor
This is a temporary script file.
from PIL import Image
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
name = r"interpolating_streaks/corrected"
name2 = r"interpolating_streaks/averages"
file = os.listdir(name)
file2 = os.listdir(name2)
signal = []
snr = []
noise = []
for i in file:
corrected_image = Image.open(name+"/"+i) #opens the image
streak= np.array(corrected_image)
dark_image = Image.open(name2+'/d'+wv+'_averaged.tif')
dark = np.array(dark_image)
darkavg = dark[:][:].mean(axis=0)
avg= streak[:][:].mean(axis=0)
for i in avg:
if i >= 1:
noiser = np.std(darkavg)
signalr = np.mean(signal)
signal = []
noise = []
snr = []
for i in file2:
if(i[0] !='d'):
image = Image.open(name2+'/' + i )
im = np.array(image)
im_avg = im[:][:].mean(axis=0)
for i in im_avg:
if i <= 50:
I would expect the snr values to be the same , and I know for my camera the snr has to be below 45 dB (but also I'm pretty sure this methodology for snr doesnt output decibels)
here are my current results
![1]: https://imgur.com/a/Vgecyp1
I'm trying to build a simple image classifier using scikit-learn. I'm hoping to avoid having to resize and convert each image before training.
Given two different images that are different formats and sizes (1.jpg and 2.png), how can I avoid a ValueError while fitting the model?
I have one example where I train using only 1.jpg, which fits successfully.
I have another example where I train using both 1.jpg and 2.png and a ValueError is produced.
This example will fit successfully:
import numpy as np
from sklearn import svm
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
target = [1, 2]
images = np.array([
# target 1
[mpimg.imread('./1.jpg'), mpimg.imread('./1.jpg')],
# target 2
[mpimg.imread('./1.jpg'), mpimg.imread('./1.jpg')],
n_samples = len(images)
data = images.reshape((n_samples, -1))
model = svm.SVC()
model.fit(data, target)
This example will raise a Value error.
Observe the different 2.png image in target 2.
import numpy as np
from sklearn import svm
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
target = [1, 2]
images = np.array([
# target 1
[mpimg.imread('./1.jpg'), mpimg.imread('./1.jpg')],
# target 2
[mpimg.imread('./2.png'), mpimg.imread('./1.jpg')],
n_samples = len(images)
data = images.reshape((n_samples, -1))
model = svm.SVC()
model.fit(data, target)
# ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.
For this, I would really recommend using the tools in Keras that are specifically designed to preprocess images in a highly scalable and efficient way.
from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
1 Determine the target size of your new pictures
h,w = 150,150 # desired height and width
batch_size = 32
N_images = 100 #total number of images
Keras works in batches, so batch_size just determines how many pictures at once will be processed (this does not impact your end result, just the speed).
2 Create your Image Generator
train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(
train_generator = train_datagen.flow_from_directory(
target_size=(h, w),
class_mode = 'binary')
The object that is going to do the image extraction is ImageDataGenerator. It has the method flow_from_directory which I believe might be useful for you here. It will read the content of the folder Pictures_dir and expect your images to be in folders by class (eg: Pictures_dir/class0 and Pictures_dir/class1). The generator, when called, will then create images from these folders and also import their label (in this example, 'class0' and 'class1').
There are plenty of other arguments to this generator, you can check them out in the Keras documentation (especially if you want to do data augmentation).
Note: this will take any image, be it PNG or JPG, as you requested
If you want to get the mapping from class names to label indices, do:
# {'class0': 0, 'class1': 1}
You can check what is going on with
3 Extract all resized images from the Generator
Now you are ready to extract the images from the ImageGenerator:
def extract_images(generator, sample_count):
images = np.zeros(shape=(sample_count, h, w, 3))
labels = np.zeros(shape=(sample_count))
i = 0
for images_batch, labels_batch in generator: # we are looping over batches
images[i*batch_size : (i+1)*batch_size] = images_batch
labels[i*batch_size : (i+1)*batch_size] = labels_batch
i += 1
if i*batch_size >= sample_count:
# we must break after every image has been seen once, because generators yield indifinitely in a loop
return images, labels
images, labels = extract_images(train_generator, N_images)
Now you have your images all at the same size in images, and their corresponding labels in labels, which you can then feed into any scikit-learn classifier of your choice.
Its difficult because of the math operations behind the scene, (the details are out of scope) if you manage do so, lets say you build your own algorithm, still you would not get the desired result.
i had this issue once with faces with different sizes. maybe this piece of code give you starting point.
from PIL import Image
import face_recognition
def face_detected(file_address = None , prefix = 'detect_'):
if file_address is None:
raise FileNotFoundError('File address required')
image = face_recognition.load_image_file(file_address)
face_location = face_recognition.face_locations(image)
if face_location:
face_location = face_location[0]
UP = int(face_location[0] - (face_location[2] - face_location[0]) / 2)
DOWN = int(face_location[2] + (face_location[2] - face_location[0]) / 2)
LEFT = int(face_location[3] - (face_location[3] - face_location[2]) / 2)
RIGHT = int(face_location[1] + (face_location[3] - face_location[2]) / 2)
if UP - DOWN is not LEFT - RIGHT:
height = UP - DOWN
width = LEFT - RIGHT
delta = width - height
LEFT -= int(delta / 2)
RIGHT += int(delta / 2)
pil_image = Image.fromarray(image[UP:DOWN, LEFT:RIGHT, :])
pil_image.thumbnail((50, 50), Image.ANTIALIAS)
pil_image.save(prefix + file_address)
return True
pil_image = Image.fromarray(image)
pil_image.thumbnail((200, 200), Image.ANTIALIAS)
pil_image.save(prefix + file_address)
return False
Note : i wrote this long time ago maybe not a good practice
When I read a colour image in OpenCV, it is showing the dimensions as 256x256x3. But I need to pass it as 3x256x256 array to my neural network. How do I change the array shape, retaining the pixel locations in BGR.
You can simply transpose the array. For an example, my picture is a 10 x 10 picture:
import numpy as np
#my picture
wrong_format = np.arange(300).reshape(10,10,3)
correct_format = wrong_format.T
If it works properly, then correct_format(0,1,1) should be equal to wrong_format(1,1,0). And we can see that it is:
correct_format(0,1,1) == wrong_format(1,1,0)
I have a 3D array, of which the first two dimensions are spatial, so say (x,y). The third dimension contains point-specific information.
print H.shape # --> (200, 480, 640) spatial extents (200,480)
Now, by selecting a certain plane in the third dimension, I can display an image with
imdat = H[:,:,100] # shape (200, 480)
img = ax.imshow(imdat, cmap='jet',vmin=imdat.min(),vmax=imdat.max(), animated=True, aspect='equal')
I want to now rotate the cube, so that I switch from (x,y) to (y,x).
H = np.rot90(H) # could also use H.swapaxes(0,1) or H.transpose((1,0,2))
print H.shape # --> (480, 200, 640)
Now, when I call:
imdat = H[:,:,100] # shape (480,200)
I get weird behavior. The image along the rows displays the data till 200th row, and then it is black until the end of the y-axis (480). The x-axis extends from 0 to 200 and shows the rotated data. Now on, another rotation by 90-degrees, the image displays correctly (just rotated 180 degrees of course)
It seems to me like after rotating the data, the axis limits, (or image extents?) or something is not refreshing correctly. Can somebody help?
PS: to indulge in bad hacking, I also tried to regenerate a new image (by calling ax.imshow) after each rotation, but I still get the same behavior.
Below I include a solution to your problem. The method resetExtent uses the data and the image to explicitly set the extent to the desired values. Hopefully I correctly emulated the intended outcome.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def resetExtent(data,im):
Using the data and axes from an AxesImage, im, force the extent and
axis values to match shape of data.
ax = im.get_axes()
dataShape = data.shape
if im.origin == 'upper':
def main():
fig = plt.gcf()
ax = fig.gca()
H = np.zeros((200,480,10))
# make distinguishing corner of data
H[100:,...] = 1
H[100:,240:,:] = 2
imdat = H[:,:,5]
datShape = imdat.shape
im = ax.imshow(imdat,cmap='jet',vmin=imdat.min(),
# origin='lower'
H = np.rot90(H)
imdat = H[:,:,0]
if __name__ == '__main__':
This script produces two images:
First un-rotated:
Then rotated:
I thought just explicitly calling set_extent would do everything resetExtent does, because it should adjust the axes limits if 'autoscle' is True. But for some unknown reason, calling set_extent alone does not do the job.