How to tag table header cells as TH instead of TD in iText7? - itext7

I need to create a PDF/UA compliant document in iText7. The most important requirement is tagging of all content. When tagging is enabled (by calling PdfDocument.SetTagged() method) most elements added to the document get correct tags.
The issue is with tagging of table header cells. According to ISO 32000-1:2008, table header cells must be tagged as TH and table data cells must be tagged as TD ( Table elements, Table 337).
iText allows to distinguish between header cells and regular cells by using Table.AddHeaderCell() and Table.AddCell() methods. This mechanism properly creates THead and TBody tags for the groups of rows. Unfortunately, the cells themselves are always marked as TD.
Here is sample code for generating a table:
//var pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(...)
var doc = new Document(pdfDoc);
var table = new Table(2);
table.AddHeaderCell("Header 0");
table.AddHeaderCell("Header 1");
table.AddCell("Data 0");
table.AddCell("Data 1");
Here is an example of tagging structure we are getting:
<TD> //must be TH!
"Header 0"
"Header 1"
<TD> //TD is correct here
"Data 0"
"Data 1"
Is it possible to have iText generating TH tags when AddHeaderCell() method is used?
I am using iText 7.0.0 for .NET (Community edition)

EDIT: Initial answer was in mistakingly given in the context of pdfHTML and not iText7 proper.
The TH tags getting tagged as TD is a side-effect of the current implementation that treats a TH in the same way as a TD.
For iText7
Set the role of the header-cells to TH before adding them to the table:
For pdfHTML
While it's possible to access the elements after conversion and before adding them to the document, you'll need to traverse the tree of iText element to find and identify tables and their header -cells. It's easier to to overwrite the conversion behavior of tags with a CustomTagWorker. The following code is taken from the accessibility example. For a primer on custom tagworkers, have a look at the configuration blog-post.
Start by creating a custom tagworker that inherits from a TdTagWorker, but overwrites the role right before returning the element-result:
public class TableHeaderTagWorker extends TdTagWorker {
public TableHeaderTagWorker(IElementNode element, ProcessorContext context) {
super(element, context);
public IPropertyContainer getElementResult() {
Cell cell =(Cell) super.getElementResult();
return super.getElementResult();
Create a CustomTagWorkerFactory that maps this TagWorker to the TH-tag
public class AccessibilityTagWorkerFactory extends DefaultTagWorkerFactory {
public ITagWorker getCustomTagWorker(IElementNode tag, ProcessorContext context) {
//This can probably replaced with a regex or string pattern
return new HeaderTagWorker(tag, context,1);
return new HeaderTagWorker(tag, context,2);
return new HeaderTagWorker(tag, context,3);
return new HeaderTagWorker(tag, context,4);
return new HeaderTagWorker(tag, context,5);
return new HeaderTagWorker(tag, context,6);
return new TableHeaderTagWorker(tag,context);
return null;
And set the ConvertorProperties to use this custom factory:
ConverterProperties props = new ConverterProperties();
DefaultTagWorkerFactory tagWorkerFactory = new AccessibilityTagWorkerFactory();
HtmlConverter.convertToPdf(new FileInputStream(src), pdfDoc, props);

Please note that this has changed with iText 7.1. You can no longer call the setRole() function directly, you have to go through the Accessibility Properties. Furthermore, the setRole() function in the Accessibility Properties only accepts a string. So now, it would be:


iText 7 pdhHtml keep table rows together

I am new in iText 7, i am developing a spa project (, c#, and angularjs), where i need to implement a report for existing html page.I found iText 7 (.Net) has a easy way to implement it. Using below code of line, that's return me a byte array and i can easily show in browser as pdf also can download.
var memStream = new MemoryStream();
ConverterProperties converterProperties = new ConverterProperties();
converterProperties.SetFontProvider(fontProvider); converterProperties.SetBaseUri(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);
HtmlConverter.ConvertToPdf(htmlText, memStream, converterProperties);
In my raw html there has some html tables (every table has some particular rows) and i want to keep them in a page (i mean if table rows not fit in a single page then start from next page). I got a solution like below
Paragraph p = new Paragraph("Test");
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2);
for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
table.addCell("key " + i);
table.addCell("value " + i);
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
// Try to keep the table on 1 page
But in my case i cannot implement like that way because content already exist in html tables (in my existing html page).
Advance thanks, if anyone can help me.
This can easily be done using a custom TagWorkerFactory and TableTagWorker class.
Take a look at the code samples below.
The first thing we should do is create a custom TableTagWorker that tells iText to keep the table together. We do this using the code you've mentioned: table.setKeepTogether(true).
class CustomTableTagWorker extends TableTagWorker{
public CustomTableTagWorker(IElementNode element, ProcessorContext context) {
super(element, context);
public void processEnd(IElementNode element, ProcessorContext context) {
super.processEnd(element, context);
((com.itextpdf.layout.element.Table) getElementResult()).setKeepTogether(true);
As you can see the only thing we changed on our custom TableTagWorker is the fact that it has to keep the table together.
The next step would be to create a custom TagWorkerFactory that maps our CustomTableTagWorker to the table tag in HTML. We do this like so:
class CustomTagWorkerFactory extends DefaultTagWorkerFactory{
public ITagWorker getCustomTagWorker(IElementNode tag, ProcessorContext context) {
if ("table")) {
return new CustomTableTagWorker(tag, context); // implements ITagWorker
return super.getCustomTagWorker(tag, context);
All we do here is tell iText that if it finds a table tag it should pass the element to the CustomTableTagWorker, in order to be converted to a PDF object (where setKeepTogether == true).
The last step is registering this CustomTagWorkerFactory on our ConverterProperties.
ConverterProperties converterProperties = new ConverterProperties();
converterProperties.setTagWorkerFactory(new CustomTagWorkerFactory());
HtmlConverter.convertToPdf(HTML, new FileOutputStream(DEST), converterProperties);
Using these code samples I was able to generate an output PDF where tables, if small enough to render on an entire page, will never be split across multiple pages.
I had a similar issue of trying to keep together content within a div. I applied the following css property and this kept everything together. This worked with itext7 pdfhtml.
page-break-inside: avoid;

How to create separate DetailTable on each row in a RadGrid?

I have a telerik radgrid where columns and detail tables are declared like:
Which gives a nested grid like this:
Now, what I want is to be able to specify a detail table (those sub tables) per row, programmatically.
(I cannot be sure that the columns for the nested table that comes up when I expand the line fgvbvb will be the same as the columns when expanding the line xcxcv).
I have tried, without luck in the OnDataBound handler of the radgrid (in which I omitted <DetailTables>) to access the data structure for nested tables like this:
protected void OnRadGridDataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (GridDataItem item in grdActivitiesToCopy.MasterTableView.Items)
var dg = item.ChildItem.NestedTableViews[0];
This will overindex the array NestedTableViews because it is empty. Also, item.ChildItem.NestedTableViews has no setter.
How do I populate each row with a detail table one by one manually?
According to Telerik:
RadGrid does not support mixing declarative grid columns with grid
columns added dynamically at runtime. You should either create all the
columns in the grid programmatically, or else define them all in the
ASPX file. When creating Detail tables, it should be created in the
PageInit event.
Creating a Hierarchical Grid Programmatically:
You should follow these basic steps in order to create hierarchical
RadGrid programmatically in the code-behind (having a data source
control for data content generation):
Create the grid dynamically in the Page_Init handler of the page by
calling its constructor.
Specify the preferred settings for your grid instance through its
Create columns for the grid dynamically. Keep in mind that you have to
first set their properties and then add them to the
MasterTableView/GridTableView collection (discussed in the first
paragraph of this same topic). Thus, their ViewState will be properly
persisted (as LoadViewState is raised after the Init event of the
Set the proper ParentTableRelations for the GridTableViews (along with
their MasterKeyField and DetailKeyField attributes) and DataKeyNames
for the MasterTableView/GridTableViews in the code-behind of the page.
Assign data sources (through the DataSourceID attribute) for each
table in the grid hierarchy.If you do not want to use declarative
relations, generate the data in the NeedDataSource/DetailTableDataBind
handlers of the grid. On DetailTableDataBind you can determine which
data source should be related to the currently bound GridTableView by
checking its Name/DataSourceID property. Here, the Name property must
have a unique value for each detail table (this value has to be
defined previously by the developer) and the DataSourceID is the ID of
the DataSource control responsible for the corresponding detail table
content generation.
Code Sample:
RadGrid RadGrid1 = new RadGrid();
RadGrid1.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource1";
RadGrid1.MasterTableView.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "CustomerID" };
RadGrid1.Skin = "Default";
RadGrid1.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
RadGrid1.PageSize = 15;
RadGrid1.AllowPaging = true;
RadGrid1.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
//Add columns
GridBoundColumn boundColumn;
boundColumn = new GridBoundColumn();
boundColumn.DataField = "CustomerID";
boundColumn.HeaderText = "CustomerID";
boundColumn = new GridBoundColumn();
boundColumn.DataField = "ContactName";
boundColumn.HeaderText = "Contact Name";
//Detail table - Orders (II in hierarchy level)
GridTableView tableViewOrders = new GridTableView(RadGrid1);
tableViewOrders.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource2";
tableViewOrders.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "OrderID" };
GridRelationFields relationFields = new GridRelationFields();
relationFields.MasterKeyField = "CustomerID";
relationFields.DetailKeyField = "CustomerID";
Please refer to this help article for more details:
First of all , because of the life cicle of a asp page. You can't access to a event on a detail table.
If you need to access detail tables , items etc ..
You need to add an method to the PreRender in the MasterTableView like this:
<MasterTableView DataSourceID="myDataSource"
OnPreRender="Unnamed_PreRender" >
The method will recursively iterate through the grid.
The way you do it can change depending on your HieararchyLoadMode.
So this is my way to do it, easiest way exist if you are on Client or Serverbind mode.
Traversing and load mode by the telerik doc .
I'm pretty sure you don't want to :
"populate each row with a detail table one by one manually"
You want to have Multiple table at a Sub Level in your grid and display the rigth one programmatically.
And this is can be done in two easy step:
1/. Create every Detail table in your apsx page.
Please refer to this documentation for more information :
Several tables at a level
2/. Handle the display:
protected void Unnamed_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack) myControler(MASTERGRID.MasterTableView);
private void myControler(GridTableView gridTableView)
GridItem[] nestedViewItems = gridTableView.GetItems(GridItemType.NestedView);
foreach (GridNestedViewItem nestedViewItem in nestedViewItems)
foreach (GridTableView nestedView in nestedViewItem.NestedTableViews)
if (nestedView.Name == "mytable12" && nestedView.Items.Count == 0)
{ HideExpandColumn(nestedView, nestedView.ParentItem["ExpandColumn"]); }
else if (nestedView.Name == "mytable23")
if (nestedView.Items.Count == 0)//
HideExpandColumn(nestedView, nestedView.ParentItem["ExpandColumn"]);
{ }
if (nestedView.HasDetailTables)
{ myControler(nestedView); }
private void HideExpandColumn(GridTableView _GNVI, TableCell _cell)
if (_cell.Controls.Count > 0)
_cell.Controls[0].Visible = false;
_cell.Text = " ";
_GNVI.Visible = false;
You can hide a detail table using :
HideExpandColumn(nestedView, nestedView.ParentItem["ExpandColumn"]);
Or you can hide the parent of the detail table you tested using the detail table that is in param of the controler :
HideExpandColumn(gridTableView, nestedView.ParentItem["ExpandColumn"]);
HideExpandColumn will hide the expand control that stay sometimes even if you hide th detail table.
Bonus: If you need to access to a control in a detail table.
You can use this:
public static class ControlExtensions
public static Control FindIt(this Control control, string id)
if (control == null) return null;
Control ctrl = control.FindControl(id);
if (ctrl == null)
foreach (Control child in control.Controls)
ctrl = FindIt(child, id);
if (ctrl != null) break;
return ctrl;
Calling it in your controler like this :
else if (nestedView.Name == "DetailPV")
if (nestedView.Items.Count == 0)
HideExpandColumn(gridTableView, nestedView.ParentItem["ExpandColumn"]);
RadLabel ctrl = (RadLabel)this.FindIt("RadLabel11");
ctrl.Text += "<b>" + nestedView.Items.Count.ToString() + "</b>";

MVC3 Razor Passing ViewModel to Conroller List<> is null

I have a MVC 3 applicaiton in which I pass a vewmodel from the controller to the view. The vewmodel contains a couple of List<> properties.
public ActionResult MainView()
var model = GetViewModel();
return View("SignificantEventsView", model);
private SignificantEventsViewModel GetViewModel()
var viewModel = new SignificantEventsViewModel();
List<County_Codes> countyCodes = GetCountyCodeList();
List<String> stateNames = countyCodes.OrderBy(o=>o.County_st).Select(o => o.County_st ).Distinct().ToList();
viewModel.selectedState = stateNames.FirstOrDefault();
viewModel.CountyCodesList = countyCodes;
viewModel.StateNames = stateNames;
viewModel.SelectedCounties = new String[]{};
viewModel.SelectedCountyCodes = new String[] { };
viewModel.UnSelectedCounties = new String[] { };
viewModel.UnSelectedCountyCodes = new String[]{};
return viewModel;
The View looks like this:
#model ServicingPortal.ViewModels.SignificantEventsViewModel
ViewBag.Title = "Significant Events";
#using (Html.BeginForm("RefreshCounties", "SignificantEvents", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "significantEventsForm", Model }))
<span class="SpanTextboxEdit">
#Html.Label("states", "States")
<br />
<br />
#Html.DropDownListFor(o => #Model.selectedState
, new SelectList(Model.StateNames)
, new { id = "stateDropDown", onchange = "submit()", name = "test" })
When the StateDropdownList is changed the veiwmodel is passed back to the controller, but the countyCodes list is always null.
I tried adding #Html.HiddenFor(o => #Model.CountyCodesList) in the view, but it still returns null. The only values that don't seem to be null are the primitive types such as String or String[]. Even the List stateNames is null.
I don't want to rebuild the county code list on each post back because there is substantial overhead involved. I have to create the list from all active loans in the database, of which there are thousands.
How can I get a List<> to persist from the view to the controller?
I should explain what I'm trying to acheive here.
I have a dropdown and a multiselect list box. The dropdown contains states and the listbox contains counties filtered by the selected state.
I need to filter the listbox contents when the selected state changes.
It would make sense to perform this task on the client side, but I have not found a good solution.
I will admit my javascript skills are quite limited.
All the solutions I researched one way or another involved filtering the county list on the server side.
I can accomplish this on the server side easy enough, but I thought that since I have already built the list, why not keep it intact instead of going to the backend each time.
The short answer is that you can't really do what you're trying to do. You're kind of trying to solve the wrong problem. You should look at using caching on the server side to prevent going back to the database to construct the county list every time.
I solved this by using TempData. On the postback action I can get the County List from temp data and set the ViewModel CountyCodeList to this value.

How can I full text search response documents and have the parent show in the view/data table

I'm at a bit of an impasse. I am working in Domino with xPages and I am trying to allow full text searching through a view including response documents but including the parent document for any responses that match the query in the view or data table. Currently I'm just using the search term in a view datasource, and then using that datasource in a view control, but any workable solution would be welcome. There may be additional search criteria on the parent document.
Any ideas?
you can't directly use the view as data source, so you won't use the view control. You can use the data table or (probably better, since it gives you full layout control) the repeat control.
Run the search against the view in code:
var v = database.getView("yourView")
//var result = database.FTSearch(...)
var result = v.FTSearchSorted(...) // or FTSearch
var datasource = [];
var parent;
for (var doc in result) {
addResult(doc, datasource);
if (doc.isResponseDoc()) {
parent = doc.getParentDocument();
addResult(parent, datasource);
// Careful here - if the parent is part of the resultset on its own
try {
} catch (e) {
// We suffer silently
return datasource;
function addResult(doc, datasource) {
var oneResult = {};
//Adjust that to your needs
oneResult.subject = doc.getItemValueString("Subject");
oneResult.unid = doc.getUniversalId();
See the FTSearchSorted documentation. I typed the code off my head, so there might be little syntax snafus, ut you get the idea Don't return documents or Notes objects to the XPage and use recycle() wisely.

How do I delete records from a child collection in LINQ to SQL?

I have two tables in my database connected by foreign keys: Page (PageId, other data) and PageTag (PageId, Tag). I've used LINQ to generate classes for these tables, with the page as the parent and the Tag as the child collection (one to many relationship). Is there any way to mark PageTag records for deletion from the database from within the Page class?
Quick Clearification:
I want the child objects to be deleted when the parent DataContext calls SubmitChanges(), not before. I want TagString to behave exactly like any of the other properties of the Page object.
I would like to enable code like the following:
Page page = mDataContext.Pages.Where(page => page.pageId = 1);
page.TagString = "new set of tags";
//Changes have not been written to the database at this point.
//All changes should now be saved to the database.
Here is my situation in detail:
In order to make working with the collection of tags easier, I've added a property to the Page object that treats the Tag collection as a string:
public string TagString {
get {
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
foreach (PageTag tag in PageTags) {
output.Append(tag.Tag + " ");
if (output.Length > 0) {
output.Remove(output.Length - 1, 1);
return output.ToString();
set {
string[] tags = value.Split(' ');
foreach (string tag in tags) {
PageTag pageTag = new PageTag();
pageTag.Tag = tag;
Basically, the idea is that when a string of tags is sent to this property, the current tags of the object are deleted and a new set is generated in their place.
The problem I'm encountering is that this line:
Doesn't actually delete the old tags from the database when changes are submitted.
Looking around, the "proper" way to delete things seems to be to call the DeleteOnSubmit method of the data context class. But I don't appear to have access to the DataContext class from within the Page class.
Does anyone know of a way to mark the child elements for deletion from the database from within the Page class?
After some more research, I believe I've managed to find a solution. Marking an object for deletion when it's removed from a collection is controlled by the DeleteOnNull parameter of the Association attribute.
This parameter is set to true when the relationship between two tables is marked with OnDelete Cascade.
Unfortunately, there is no way to set this attribute from within the designer, and no way to set it from within the partial class in the *DataContext.cs file. The only way to set it without enabling cascading deletes is to manually edit the *DataContext.designer.cs file.
In my case, this meant finding the Page association, and adding the DeleteOnNull property:
[Association(Name="Page_PageTag", Storage="_Page", ThisKey="PageId", OtherKey="iPageId", IsForeignKey=true)]
public Page Page
And adding the DeleteOnNull attribute:
[Association(Name="Page_PageTag", Storage="_Page", ThisKey="PageId", OtherKey="iPageId", IsForeignKey=true, DeleteOnNull = true)]
public Page Page
Note that the attribute needed to be added to the Page property of the PageTag class, not the other way around.
See also:
Beth Massi -- LINQ to SQL and One-To-Many Relationships
Dave Brace -- LINQ to SQL: DeleteOnNull
Sorry, my bad. That won't work.
It really looks like you need to be doing this in your repository, rather than in your Page class. There, you have access to your original data context.
There is a way to "attach" the original data context, but by the time you do that, it has become quite the code smell.
Do you have a relationship, in your Linq to SQL entity diagram, linking the Page and PageTags tables? If you don't, that is why you can't see the PageTags class from the Page class.
If the foreign key in the PageTags database table is set to Allow Nulls, Linq to SQL will not create the link when you drag the tables into the designer, even if you created a relationship on the SQL Server.
This is one of those areas where OR mapping can get kind of hairy. Providing this TagString property makes things a bit more convenient, but in the long run it obfuscates what is really happening when someone utilizes the TagString property. By hiding the fact that your performing data modification, someone can very easily come along and set the TagString without using your Page entity within the scope of a DataContext, which could lead to some difficult to find bugs.
A better solution would be to add a Tags property on the Page class with the L2S model designer, and require that the PageTags be edited directly on the Tags property, within the scope of a DataContext. Make the TagString property read only, so it can be genreated (and still provide some convenience), but eliminate the confusion and difficulty around setting that property. This kind of change clarifies intent, and makes it obvious what is happening and what is required by consumers of the Page object to make it happen.
Since Tags is a property of your Page object, as long as it is attached to a DataContext, any changes to that collection will properly trigger deletions or insertions in the database in response to Remove or Add calls.
Apparently you have to loop thru your PageTag records, calling DeleteOnSubmit for each one. Linq to SQL should create an aggregate query to delete all of the records at once when you call SubmitChanges, so overhead should be minimal.
foreach (PageTag tag in PageTags)
Add a DataContext member to your PageTag partial class.
partial class PageTag
DataClassesDataContext myDataContext = new DataClassesDataContext();
public string TagString {
Larger code sample posted at Robert Harvey's request:
DataContext.cs file:
namespace MyProject.Library.Model
using Tome.Library.Parsing;
using System.Text;
partial class Page
//Part of Robert Harvey's proposed solution.
MyDataContext mDataContext = new TomeDataContext();
public string TagString {
get {
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
foreach (PageTag tag in PageTags) {
output.Append(tag.Tag + " ");
if (output.Length > 0) {
output.Remove(output.Length - 1, 1);
return output.ToString();
set {
string[] tags = value.Split(' ');
//Original code, fails to mark for deletion.
//Robert Harvey's suggestion, thorws exception "Cannot remove an entity that has not been attached."
foreach (PageTag tag in PageTags) {
foreach (string tag in tags) {
PageTag PageTag = new PageTag();
PageTag.Tag = tag;
private bool mIsNew;
public bool IsNew {
get {
return mIsNew;
partial void OnCreated() {
mIsNew = true;
partial void OnLoaded() {
mIsNew = false;
Repository Methods:
public void Save() {
public Page GetPage(string pageName) {
Page page =
(from p in mDataContext.Pages
where p.FileName == pageName
select p).SingleOrDefault();
return page;
public ActionResult Edit(string pageName, FormCollection formValues) {
Page updatedPage = mRepository.GetPage(pageName);
//TagString is a Form value, and is set via UpdateModel.
UpdateModel(updatedPage, formValues.ToValueProvider());
updatedPage.FileName = pageName;
//At this point NO changes should have been written to the database.
//All changes should NOW be saved to the database.
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Pages", new { PageName = pageName });
