Return Status of first command before Pipe in ksh - shell

The following Command-line gives Exit Status for tee command. How do I get the return value of make in the following command-line
$ make -f Makefile_64bit 2>&1 | tee -a logfile
$ echo $?


execute a string in a bash script containing multiple redirects

I am trying to write a bash script which simply acts as an emulator. It takes input from the user and executes the command while forwarding the command along with the result onto a file. I am unable to handle inputs which have either a | or a > in them.
The only option I could find was segregating the commands based on the | into an array and run them individually. However, this does not allow > redirects.
Thanking in advance.
$cmd is a command taken as input from the user
I used the command
$cmd 2>&1 | tee -a $flname
but this does not work if there is a | or a > in $cmd
/bin/bash -c "$cmd 2>&1 | tee -a $flname" does not run/store the command either
Try this:
read -r -p "Insert command to execute"$'\n' cmd
echo "Executing '$cmd'"
/bin/bash -c "$cmd"
# or eval "$cmd"
Example of execution:
$ ./
Insert command to execute
printf '1\n2\n3\n4\n' | grep '1\|3'
Executing 'printf '1\n2\n3\n4\n' | grep '1\|3''

How to get return status of a command in subshell into the main shell?

I want to retrieve the return status of a command which is being executed in a subshell.
I am running the below script from Unix Box A which has a passwordless SSH access to Box B whose IP is mentioned in the script as ip_addr.
I want to get the return status of command which is ran in subshell in my current environment.
That is if the below command fails:
echo "cmd" | system_program> 2>> /dev/null
then echo $? should print non-zero value and I should be able to use that value to decide further action.
Snippet of my script is: :
status=$(ssh -q -T $ip_addr << EOF
rm /tmp/program.log; echo "cmd" | system_program> 2>> /dev/null; echo $?
You don't need the here-doc, or the echo. Try:
ssh -q -T $ip_addr 'rm /tmp/program.log; echo "cmd" | system_program> 2>> /dev/null'
Or if you want to use here-doc set errexit:
status=$(ssh -q -T $ip_addr << EOF
set -o errexit
rm /tmp/program.log; echo "cmd" | system_program> 2>> /dev/null

How to redirect output to file and STDOUT and exit on error

I can exit a program on error like so
ls /fake/folder || exit 1
I can redirect the output to a file and STDOUT like so
ls /usr/bin | tee foo.txt
But I can't do
ls /fake/folder | tee foo.txt || exit 1
because I get the output of tee and not ls
How do I redirect the output to both a file and STDOUT and exit on error
This is exactly what the pipefail runtime option is meant for:
# Make a pipeline successful only if **all** components are successful
set -o pipefail
ls /fake/folder | tee foo.txt || exit 1
If you want to be explicit about precedence, by the way, consider:
set -o pipefail
{ ls /fake/folder | tee foo.txt; } || exit 1 # same thing, but maybe more clear
...or, if you want to avoid making runtime configuration changes, you can use PIPESTATUS to check the exit status of any individual element of the most recent pipeline:
ls /fake/folder | tee foo.txt
(( ${PIPESTATUS[0]} == 0 )) || exit
If you don't want to take any of the approaches above, but are willing to use ksh extensions adopted by bash, putting it in a process substitution rather than a pipeline will prevent tee from impacting exit status:
ls /fake/folder > >(tee foo.txt) || exit 1

bash get exitcode of su script execution

I have a shell script when need to run as a particular user. So I call that script as below,
su - testuser -c "/root/ | tee -a /var/log/check_package.log"
So after this when I check the last execution exitcode it returns always 0 only even if that script fails.
I tried something below also which didn't help,
su - testuser -c "/root/ | tee -a /var/log/check_package.log && echo $? || echo $?"
Is there way to get the exitcode of command whatever running through su.
The problem here is not su, but tee: By default, the shell exits with the exit status of the last pipeline component; in your code, that component is not, but instead is tee.
If your /bin/sh is provided by bash (as opposed to ash, dash, or another POSIX-baseline shell), use set -o pipefail to cause the entirely pipeline to fail if any component of it does:
su - testuser -c "set -o pipefail; /root/ | tee -a /var/log/check_package.log"
Alternately, you can do the tee out-of-band with redirection to a process substitution (though this requires your current user to have permission to write to check_package.log):
su - testuser -c "/root/" > >(tee -a /var/log/check_package.log
Both su and sudo exit with the exit status of the command they execute (if authentication succeeded):
$ sudo false; echo $?
$ su -c false; echo $?
Your problem is that the command pipeline that su runs is a pipeline. The exit status of your pipeline is that of the tee command (which succeeds), but what you really want is that of the first command in the pipeline.
If your shell is bash, you have a couple of options:
set -o pipefail before your pipeline, which will make it return the rightmost failure value of all the commands if any of them fail
Examine the specific member of the PIPESTATUS array variable - this can give you the exit status of the first command whether or not tee succeeds.
$ sudo bash -c "false | tee -a /dev/null"; echo $?
$ sudo bash -c "set -o pipefail; false | tee -a /dev/null"; echo $?
$ sudo bash -c 'false | tee -a /dev/null; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}'; echo $?
You will get similar results using su -c, if your system shell (in /bin/sh) is Bash. If not, then you'd need to explicitly invoke bash, at which point sudo is clearly simpler.
I was facing a similar issue today, in case the topic is still open here my solution, otherwise just ignore it...
I wrote a bash script (let's say which looks more or less like this:
<all functions listed in the main script which do what I want...>
### MAIN SCRIPT ### calls the functions defined in the section above
main_script() {
log_message "START" 0
log_message "END" 0
main_script |tee -a ${var_log} # executes script and writes info into log file
var_sta=${PIPESTATUS[0]} # captures status of pipeline
exit ${var_sta} # exits with value of status
It works when you call the script directly or in sudo mode

Pipe command output, but keep the error code [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Pipe output and capture exit status in Bash
(16 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
How do I get the correct return code from a unix command line application after I've piped it through another command that succeeded?
In detail, here's the situation :
$ tar -cEvhf - -I ${sh_tar_inputlist} | gzip -5 -c > ${sh_tar_file} -- when only the tar command fails $?=0
$ echo $?
And, what I'd like to see is:
$ tar -cEvhf - -I ${sh_tar_inputlist} 2>${sh_tar_error_file} | gzip -5 -c > ${sh_tar_file}
$ echo $?
Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
Use ${PIPESTATUS[0]} to get the exit status of the first command in the pipe.
For details, see
See also for other approaches if your shell does not support $PIPESTATUS.
Look at $PIPESTATUS which is an array variable holding exit statuses. So ${PIPESTATUS[0]} holds the exit status of the first command in the pipe, ${PIPESTATUS[1]} the exit status of the second command, and so on.
For example:
$ tar -cEvhf - -I ${sh_tar_inputlist} | gzip -5 -c > ${sh_tar_file}
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[0]}
To print out all statuses use:
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[#]}
Here is a general solution using only POSIX shell and no temporary files:
Starting from the pipeline:
foo | bar | baz
exec 4>&1
error_statuses=`((foo || echo "0:$?" >&3) |
(bar || echo "1:$?" >&3) |
(baz || echo "2:$?" >&3)) 3>&1 >&4`
exec 4>&-
$error_statuses contains the status codes of any failed processes, in random order, with indexes to tell which command emitted each status.
# if "bar" failed, output its status:
echo $error_statuses | grep '1:' | cut -d: -f2
# test if all commands succeeded:
test -z "$error_statuses"
# test if the last command succeeded:
echo $error_statuses | grep '2:' >/dev/null
As others have pointed out, some modern shells provide PIPESTATUS to get this info. In classic sh, it's a bit more difficult, and you need to use a fifo:
trap 'rm -rf $TMPDIR' 0
TMPDIR=$( mktemp -d )
mkfifo ${FIFO=$TMPDIR/fifo}
cmd1 > $FIFO &
cmd2 < $FIFO
wait $!
echo The return value of cmd1 is $?
(Well, you don't need to use a fifo. You can have the commands early in the pipe echo a status variable and eval that in the main shell, redirecting file descriptors all over the place and basically bending over backwards to check things, but using a fifo is much, much easier.)
