Hide root node and edges in D3 v4 Tree Diagram - d3.js

For the following Fiddle I'd like to hide the root node. Any help is appreciated, to view the code please view the fiddle.
I imagine I would do something like the following but I'm unsure of how/where to implement it:
if (d.depth > 0) {
...node is drawn
Image below:

Not drawing it is not "drawing it with zero opacity" or "hidden display". It's actually not appending the element.
Therefore, the simplest option is removing it from the data array. Just filter out the first node:
nodes = nodes.filter(function(d){
return d.depth != 0;
As 0 is falsy, this is the same of:
nodes = nodes.filter(function(d){
return d.depth;
And also filter out all links from it:
links = links.filter(function(d){
return d.depth != 1;
Here is your updated fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/wa21csbc/
Also, since those elements are not painted anymore, you can move the dataviz to the left, thus occupying the empty SVG space. That space is there because we're filtering out the first node after d3.tree() calculated the positions.


Adjusting small multiples sparklines

I have an heatmap that show some data and a sparkline for each line of the heatmap.
If the user click on a row label, then the data are ordered in decreasing order, so each rect is placed in the right position.
Viceversa, if the user click on a column label.
Each react is placed in the right way but I'm not able to place the sparkline.
Here the code.
When the user click on a row label, also the path inside the svg containing the sparkline should be updated.
And then, when the user click on a column label, the svg containing the sparkline should be placed in the correct line.
To place the svg in the right place, I try to use the x and y attributes of svg. They are updated but the svg doesn't change its position. Why?
Here is a piece of code related to that:
var t = svg.transition().duration(1000);
var values = [];
var sorted;
sorted = d3.range(numRegions).sort(function(a, b) {
if(sortOrder) {
return values[b] - values[a];
else {
return values[a] - values[b];
.attr('y', function(d, k) {
return sorted.indexOf(k) * cellSize;
Also, I don't know how to change the path of every sparkline svg. I could take the data and order them manually, but this is only good for the row on which the user has clicked and not for all the others.
How can I do?
The vertical and horizontal re-positioning/redrawing of those sparklines require different approaches:
Vertical adjustment
For this solution I'm using selection.sort, which:
Returns a new selection that contains a copy of each group in this selection sorted according to the compare function. After sorting, re-inserts elements to match the resulting order.
So, first, we set our selection:
var sortedSVG = d3.selectAll(".data-svg")
Then, since selection.sort deals with data, we bind the datum, which is the index of the SVG regarding your sorted array:
return sorted.indexOf(+this.dataset.r)
Finally, we compare them in ascending order:
return d3.ascending(a,b)
Have in mind that the change is immediate, not a slow and nice transition. This is because the elements are re-positioned in the DOM, and the new structure is painted immediately. For having a slow transition, you'll have to deal with HTML and CSS inside the container div (which may be worth a new specific question).
Horizontal adjustment
The issue here is getting all the relevant data from the selection:
var sel = d3.selectAll('rect[data-r=\'' + k + '\']')
.each(function() {
pos: +d3.select(this).attr('data-c')});
And sorting it according to data-c. After that, we map the result to a simple array:
var result = arr.sort(function(a,b){
return sorted.indexOf(a.pos) - sorted.indexOf(b.pos)
return d.value
Here is the updated Plunker: http://next.plnkr.co/edit/85fIXWxmX0l42cHx or http://plnkr.co/edit/85fIXWxmX0l42cHx
PS: You'll need to re-position the circles as well.

how to get silbling elements in sunburst

I am new to d3.js, I am creating a visualization based on surburst. Can somebody let me know how I can get siblings elements external element in d3.js.
The main part of building the hierarchy from your data will be done by d3. Check the spec for partition.nodes(root) on how this information is put into the nodes. Basically, d3 will populate each node with a reference to its parent and its children providing all that is needed to navigate the hierarchy.
As a starting point you may have a look at this sunburst diagram. When hovering over an arc, this arc as well as its ancestors up to the root node are highlighted. The selection of nodes up the hierarchy which are to be highlighted takes place in a single function:
// Given a node in a partition layout, return an array of all of its ancestor
// nodes, highest first, but excluding the root.
function getAncestors(node) {
var path = [];
var current = node;
while (current.parent) {
current = current.parent;
return path;
An even simpler version of this function will select the node and its siblings instead of the ancestors:
function getAncestors(node) {
return node.parent.children;
I adapted the above example to a plunk demonstrating how this may help solve your problem. In this plunk the hovered node and its siblings will get highlighted.

How to create slow simultaneous transitions of multiple attributes in force directed graphs?

In a previous post called "D3: How to create slow transition of Circles for nodes in Force Directed Graphs FDG?", I got a great answer for how to transition a single element (e.g. the radius for "just circles") in D3.
My followup question is now about how to transition "multiple D3 attributes" at the same time...
As a reminder, I'm using D3 generated Radio Buttons to toggle the size of Nodes in a FDG Layout (on mouse click) from a default size to a scaled magnitude. You can find the Radio Buttons in the upper left hand of the Node Cluster Diagram (http://nounz.if4it.com/Nouns/Applications/A__Application_1.NodeCluster.html)
The code that toggles the node circles between a default number and a scaled magnitude (now using transitions) looks as follows...
var densityControlClick = function() {
var thisObject = d3.select(this);
var typeValue = thisObject.attr("density_type");
var oppositeTypeValue = (function() {
if(typeValue=="On") {
return "Off";
} else {
return "On";
var densityBulletSelector = "." + "densityControlBullet-" + typeValue;
var selectedBullet = d3.selectAll(densityBulletSelector);
selectedBullet.style("fill", "Black")
var oppositeDensityBulletSelector = "." + "densityControlBullet-" + oppositeTypeValue;
var selectedOppositeBullet = d3.selectAll(oppositeDensityBulletSelector);
selectedOppositeBullet.style("fill", "White")
if(typeValue=="On") {
var selectedNodeCircles = d3.selectAll("#NODE");
selectedNodeCircles.transition().duration(500).attr("r", function(d){ return rRange(d.rSize); });
else {
var selectedNodeCircles = d3.selectAll("#NODE"); selectedNodeCircles.transition().duration(500).attr("r", function(d) { if (d.id==focalNodeID) { return centerNodeSize; } else { return defaultNodeSize; } } );
Everything works great and you can see the slower node transitions when you select the radio buttons. However, I'd now like to learn how to transition multiple elements, such as the the radius and the edge lengths simultaneously, along with the theory behind doing so, in order to show off D3's dynamic nature.
My question is: Given that I already can successfully transition the radius of circles, how would I also transition other elements like the edge lengths based on attributes like "alpha", "friction", etc., and... what's the theory behind transitioning multiple elements (in other words, what does the code mean, in English)? The D3 API doesn't appear to clearly get into the theory behind transitioning multiple attributes, simultaneously.
So transitioning multiple attributes is the simple part of this question. Just like a regular selection you can set multiple attributes at a time on your transition:
.attr("r", function(d){ return rRange(d.rSize); })
.attr("stroke", 'red');
This will transition your radius and your line colour. The transition is a property of the DOM element (in this case the circle) and it will transition as many DOM attributes as you like. The thing to remember is that there is only only one transition object on each DOM element. So if you create another you will overwrite the old one.
// This will NOT work
circles.transition().duration(1000).attr('r', 50);
// The radius transition will be overridden by the fill
// transition and so will not complete
circles.transition().duration(1000).attr('fill', 'red');
This can actually be quite useful because you don't have to worry about interrupting animations that are in progress and figure out how far along they are and then starting a new animation - this will generally be handled automatically.
In your case you want to transition edge lengths in your graph. These are determined by the positional attributes of the nodes. Judging by your finished product, these attributes are already being animated because you are updating the DOM on every iteration of the layout algorithm (not through transitions) probably in the tick() callback.
So you could use transitions inside your tick callback, which might look odd and may be a hassle to keep in synch with the radius transitions (you will have to set both attributes in the transition). But it might be just what you need.
Alternatively, if you can wait, don't update the DOM in the tick callback. Let the layout complete - it runs a lot faster when it is not rendering on each tick - and once it is complete you can animate the radius and x and y attributes to their final positions. Of course this means you'll want good starting positions.

Is it possible to create pie charts with object consistency?

the pie chart update example on the bl.ocks site doesn't update the elements 'in place':
function change() {
path = path.data(pie(dataset[this.value])); // update the data
// set the start and end angles to Math.PI * 2 so we can transition
// anticlockwise to the actual values later
.attr("fill", function (d, i) {
return color(i);
.attr("d", arc(enterAntiClockwise))
.each(function (d) {
this._current = {
data: d.data,
value: d.value,
startAngle: enterAntiClockwise.startAngle,
endAngle: enterAntiClockwise.endAngle
}); // store the initial values
.attrTween('d', arcTweenOut)
.remove() // now remove the exiting arcs
path.transition().duration(750).attrTween("d", arcTween); // redraw the arcs
Instead, it just treats the new array of value as brand new data and resizes the chart accordingly.
I've created a fiddle demonstrating the issue very simply:
If you press 'add', it add a random int to the array: this works as intended.
If you press 'remove', the only element getting transitioned out is always the last element to have entered the pie. In short, it behaves like a LIFO stack.
The expected behaviour is for the relevant pie arc to get transitioned out instead.
Is it possible to apply object consistency to pies? I've also tried adding a key function (not demonstrated on the fiddle) but that just breaks (oddly enough it works fine with my stacked graphs).
Thank you.
The easiest solution to this problem is to set missing values to zero, rather than removing them entirely, as in Part III of the Pie Chart Update series of examples. Then you get object constancy for free: you have the same number of elements, in the same order, across updates.
Alternatively, if you want a data join as in Part IV, you have to tell D3 where the entering arcs should enter from, and where the exiting arcs should exit to. A reasonable strategy is to find the closest neighboring arc from the opposite data: for a given entering arc, find the closest neighboring arc in the old data (pre-transition); likewise for a given exiting arc, find the closest neighboring arc in the new data (post-transition).
To continue the example, say you’re showing sales of apples in different regions, and want to switch to show oranges. You could use the following key function to maintain object constancy:
function key(d) {
return d.data.region;
(This assumes you’re using d3.layout.pie, which wraps your original data and exposes it as d.data.)
Now say when you transition to oranges, you have the following old data and new data:
var data0 = path.data(), // retrieve the old data
data1 = pie(region.values); // compute the new data
For each entering arc at index i (where d is data1[i]), you can step sequentially through preceding data in data1, and see if you can find a match in data0:
var m = data0.length;
while (--i >= 0) {
var k = key(data1[i]);
for (var j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
if (key(data0[j]) === k) return data0[j]; // a match!
If you find a match, your entering arcs can start from the matching arc’s end angle. If you don’t find a preceding match, you can then look for a following matching arc instead. If there are no matches, then there’s no overlap between the two datasets, so you might enter the arcs from angle 0°, or do a crossfade. You can likewise apply this technique to exiting arcs.
Putting it all together, here’s Part V:
Ok, found the solution.
The trick was to pass the key this way:
path = path.data(pie(dataset), function (d) {return d.data}); // this is good
as opposed to not passing it, or passing it the wrong way:
path = path.data(pie(dataset, function (d) {return d.data})); // this is bad
And here's an updated fiddle with a working transition on the right arc! :)

D3: Highlight connected/adjacent nodes [duplicate]

I am working on a force directed graph in D3. I want to highlight the mouseover'd node, its links, and its child nodes by setting all of the other nodes and links to a lower opacity.
In this example, http://jsfiddle.net/xReHA/, I am able to fade out all of the links and nodes then fade in the connected links, but, so far, I haven't been able to elegantly fade in the connected nodes that are children of the currently mouseover'd node.
This is the key function from the code:
function fade(opacity) {
return function(d, i) {
//fade all elements
svg.selectAll("circle, line").style("opacity", opacity);
var associated_links = svg.selectAll("line").filter(function(d) {
return d.source.index == i || d.target.index == i;
}).each(function(dLink, iLink) {
//unfade links and nodes connected to the current node
d3.select(this).style("opacity", 1);
//THE FOLLOWING CAUSES: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'setProperty' of undefined
d3.select(dLink.source).style("opacity", 1);
d3.select(dLink.target).style("opacity", 1);
I am getting a Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'setProperty' of undefined error when I try to set the opacity on an element I loaded from the source.target. I suspect this is not the right way to load that node as a d3 object, but I can't find another way to load it without iterating over all of the nodes again to find the ones that match the link's target or source. To keep the performance reasonable, I don't want to iterate over all the nodes more than necessary.
I took the example of fading the links from https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4062006:
However, that doesn't show how to alter the connected child nodes.
Any good suggestions on how to solve or improve this will be furiously upvoted :)
The error is because you are selecting the data objects (d.source and d.target) rather than the DOM elements associated with those data objects.
You've got the line highlighting working, but I would probably combine your code into a single iteration, like this:
link.style("opacity", function(o) {
return o.source === d || o.target === d ? 1 : opacity;
Highlighting the neighboring nodes is harder because what you need to know the neighbors for each node. This information isn't that easy to determine with your current data structures, since all you have as an array of nodes and an array of links. Forget the DOM for a second, and ask yourself how you would determine whether two nodes a and b are neighbors?
function neighboring(a, b) {
// ???
An expensive way to do that is to iterate over all of the links and see if there is a link that connects a and b:
function neighboring(a, b) {
return links.some(function(d) {
return (d.source === a && d.target === b)
|| (d.source === b && d.target === a);
(This assumes that links are undirected. If you only want to highlight forward-connected neighbors, then eliminate the second half of the OR.)
A more efficient way of computing this, if you have to do it frequently, is to have a map or a matrix which allows constant-time lookup to test whether a and b are neighbors. For example:
var linkedByIndex = {};
links.forEach(function(d) {
linkedByIndex[d.source.index + "," + d.target.index] = 1;
Now you can say:
function neighboring(a, b) {
return linkedByIndex[a.index + "," + b.index];
And thus, you can now iterate over the nodes and update their opacity correctly:
node.style("opacity", function(o) {
return neighboring(d, o) ? 1 : opacity;
(You may also want to special-case the mouseovered link itself, either by setting a self-link for every node in linkedByIndex, or by testing for d directly when computing the style, or by using a !important css :hover style.)
The last thing I would change in your code is to use fill-opacity and stroke-opacity rather than opacity, because these offer much better performance.
